Select the better critic

select the better critic

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I have no idea who either of these faggots are so I'll pick user reviews

Both aren’t great

But Jahns atleast seems to be honest and passionate with his opinions

Stuckman seems full of himself and tries to act smart

>virgin stuck"man" vs Chad Jahns

Jeremy has a hot wife and seems pretty honest/laid back, whereas Cuckman has a dumb rating system, pretends to know what he's talking about, isn't funny/is a charisma vacuum, and has a gay tattoo sleeve on his arm.


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Stuckmeme is utterly insufferable. Jahns is a dork, but is OK. He accepts that his reviews are strictly his opinions and that others can hold their own opinions as well.

It's unironically Jahns. He has a point of view but can also recognize the merit of things that don't appeal to him.

Love Jeremy Jahns' intro


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>hot wife
Yikes, is the burgercuck meme true?

murder both

>Yikes, is the burgercuck meme true?
I don't understand what you're saying.

Jahns is insufferably pleb and Stuckmann is basically dogfucker-lite. I refuse to watch either of them.

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Tell that to Zod's snapped neck

Some of Stuckmann's analysis videos > Jeremy Jahns > Most of Stuckmann's reviews and other videos

this is so dumb that it could be implemented to everything.

Jahns is a good normie, he makes short videos talking about what he liked and what he didn't. Seems like a normal guy you could have a conversation with. Stuckman on the other hand makes those pointless, lengthy tirades like he's some sort of certified critic, and it's just embarrassing to listen to.

Some of the things made by Muslims > Things made by Christians > Most things made by Muslims

"hotwife" is a wife which continuously cheats on her husband

I should clarify; Stuckmann's entire shtick is what dogfucker does except more vapid and less autistic. Stuckmann's regular reviews are basically heavily padded quickies and his analysis reviews are basically YMS reviews.

Jahns. Stuckmann is youtuber autism. Jahns is just a normie

Jahns because he usually keeps it brief. I'd pick him over any of those faggots like Mauler who can't keep their reviews below an hour

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Obviously Stuckmann. He's a sperg, but Jahns is a complete retard.

You know, Jahns is a turbo normie but he's probably a likeable guy irl. Peeved Pablo is a turbo normie and a huge asshole. I have no idea why people watch him.


Some of my shits>everytime I've ever peed> most of my shits

Angry Joe actually does better film reviews than both of them

what's his name again?

Furious Pablo

i didnt know that lord long man bad used /tv, hi jack you absolute retard

It's a good time. No alcohol required.


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Ever since the Alita review (or Atilla according to joe) they got really pretentious and started being overly critical just for the sake of looking smart/cultured

>Getting something you saw in a movie permanently branded on your skin

These people shouldn't breed

Myself, unironically.

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enraged enrique

>Cowboy Bebop

Is he, dare I say it, our guy?