>"I'm happy to be at the forefront of the normalization of this type of content [...] representation matters [...] diverse storytelling matters, the female experience matters [...] it's taken us too long to say these words [regarding gay superhero] [...] we gotta move faster"
Brie Larson Variety video interview
Other urls found in this thread:
Disney's gonna shut her up eventually before she costs them billions in revenue.
>costs them billions in revenue
Why are /pol/cels this willingly delusional? The majority of movie goers are liberal. Do you think pic related can fit in theater seats?
>Brie Larson is an accelerationist
Yeah because the last jedi did so well when they tried this post modern bullshit. Also begone eurotrash
>mediocre white woman gets the part
>omg im so preogreessive more diversity
>comic book movie fans aren't fat
Why not give up her role to a black lesbian? Would make headlines especially the weekend of Endgame's release.
People (and even Africans) don't wanna see a bunch of blacks shucking and jivin. It works here and there but once your movie looks like an la jail cell people won't show up. It's all subconscious but it's there. Hence why we only see one offs like fresh Prince, black panther, all in the family
The avengers were already pretty diverse
You have the white guys, the black guys, some brown guy, the women, the aliens, a furry.
What else can you add?
Can't wait for the nu-Marvel Cinematic Universe. I guess Spiderman far from home will do semi well but after that it's gonna be downhill.
Superhero fatigue is setting in. Endgame was like the final movie in these series people went to see, just to fullfil the 10+ years of it.
Action movies might once again overtake it as the most prominent genre. John Wick does really good, so did the latest Mission Impossible.
In summary, Brie Larson will completly ruin MCU, you can tell from all the interviews with fellow cast members that they all hate her.
Only the abnormal needs normalized.
The Last Jedi is #11 highest grossing film of all time.
>pOsT moDern bullshit
Lmao dont you have some Jordan Peterson to watch
>fly over states
>2 theaters
>4 row screens, 50 seats max
>cities aka where liberals live
>20 theaters
>27 rows, 1000 seats
Yeah, no one gives a fuck about losing your rural tard-dollars Cletus.
Star Wars added a fat person in the main cast in Last Jedi.
>white woman spearheading a diversity campaign when white women are the safest casting choice after straight white man
>I'm happy to be at the forefront of the normalization of this type of content
Brie Larson is a white middle-class anglo, she's the exact opposite of diverse. If you cast her as the female lead in a movie literally 100 years ago nobody would have batted an eye.
Will they?
the fattest demographic is black women
The Last Jedi is the 11th highest-grossing film of all time. It's highest peak was 9th place. Black Panther is the currently 9th.
Is that accounting for inflation? I don't have any strong opinion on Disney Wars one way or another, but sometimes these "highest-grossing movies of all time" lists can be really misleading if they ignore inflation.
>Implying it didn't have the entire star wars franchise propping it up before it came out
>Ignoring the massive and quick fallout it had after release
>2x #1 Billion Dollar Box Office movies in the same year
The character Monica Rambeau should have been used for Captain Marvel. She was the original female Captain Marvel in the Marvel comics continuity and is more interesting in every way. That character was not used because she is black, and no one is going to have a black woman be the lead of a blockbuster action movie. It's surreal that anyone is talking about Brie Larson like she is progressive in any way for stealing a job from a black woman.
Scarlett Johansson is a jew. Brie Larson is white. Actually if you think about it she's the first white female lead superhero. Truly breaking down barriers.
>this scares the dirty autist
How can you call multiple hugely successful media one-offs? That's an oxymoron.
>too many straight males
>no gay character
>no trans character
>no gender fluid character
Yikes. No thanks
Middle/upper-class white women are the de facto leaders of the progressive movement, so they're immune to that kind of criticism. You could cast Annasophia Robb as Static Shock and Elle Fanning as Storm and nobody would care.
What do you think? You thought these people even comprehend such a simple notion as inflation?
>what is inflation
Those films sold about half as many tickets as Gone With the Wind.
Disney/Marvel know they need to inject this crap ever so slowly and methodically, they know what they're doing and that's why this dumb shiksa is not in charge.
Also, yikes. Trannies ITT seem overdue for their dilations.
>post Brie Larson
>guaranteed replies
Will this ever change from this day forward? Or has she just BTFO of Yea Forums too hard?
I genuinely don't know. I don't really keep a close eye on those lists, I just know that the last time I checked a few years ago the Harry Potter movies and Star Wars prequels all dominated the top 10.
Try about a third
She cute
>hey remember all the shit the comics did that drove down sales like making Sam Wilson Captain America and making Carol Danvers relevant? Well we're gonna do that too!
can't wait for the Kamala Khan movie and Gogurt Hulk
>a 30 year old childless fighter pilot turned galactic superhero
>the female experience
More incel tears have been shed over her than anything. It's incredible.
Not only do you have to account for inflation but also the fact that it's a Star Wars movie. And TLJ shook fans so hard that they didn't even show up to the next one (Solo) which bombed. A Star Wars movie actually BOMBED. That was previously an unthinkable scenario. That's how badly TLJ fucked up.
>Hasn't had to work for any of her abilities
>Everything handed to her
>Powers acquired through random chance
>No weaknesses
>No arc what so ever
Yeah it's a Mary Sue allright
>I'm happy to be at the forefront of the normalization of this type of content
Are you? Did you shill for Black Panther? No, you shilled your own movie. Did you suggest that Falcon take up Cap's shield? Nope. All you did was get hired to play the character that has ALWAYS been Marvel's go-to feminist icon. And honestly, what's with the state of the MCU now? Two of the white dudes you complained about are don't with the franchise and supplanted by two black men. Tessa Thompson is now in a position to be a regular. Half the Guardians of the Galaxy are female. Are you upset that Spider-Man hasn't been replaced by Miles Morales yet? Should Doctor Strange have been killed off permanently to make room for a fucking Wong solo movie? Should Hulk retire and be replaced by Amadeus Cho in what was probably Marvel's only attempt at diversifying a hero that didn't make my eyes roll back into my head? How much faster can you fucking go? It's never fucking enough.
>liberals aren't fat
Hahahahahaha no no wait *breathes in* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I really don't get why she triggers this kind of response. She's incredibly bland and non-offensive, which is probably why she was picked to begin with. The last major female superhero was literally an Israeli soldier and she didn't trigger this type of reaction.
She’s a white woman using left wing politics to further her career. If she actually cared she would have stepped down as Captain Marvel and given it to a dark skin woman or a dark skin trans-woman.
Accounting for inflation, it is number 42. Still higher than Return of the Jedi, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.
nigga what
>brie is a based accelerationist
TLJ made 800 millions less than TFA, and if the trend continues they are fucked: what people don't understand about major companies its pretty simple- they want constant grow, because greed it's bottomless
go home Reaper. You're drunk, this is Yea Forums not Yea Forums
Gal Gadot is /ourkike/. Brie is a dirty shiksa bitch and should die.
Yeah because CM flopped so hard right TheQuartering?
70% of adult Americans are overweight or obese. Politics doesn't really matter here, the majority of movie goers are overweight or obese. Although for what it's worth, the thinnest racial/ethnic groups in the US are asians/non-hispanic whites, who are also the most conservative. The most obese racial/ethnic groups are non-hispanic blacks/hispanics of all races, who are also the most liberal.
I know I'm probably just responding to bait but I think it's worth mentioning. The general image of fat americans is always white people when they're much thinner on average than we are.
Have you ever even set foot in a major city? There are like no fat people anywhere. Meanwhile go to small town Pennsylvania and look around, it's like you're in an Elephant preserve.
why are you so obsessed with that guy?
Not domestically, idiot. Disney's gonna lose that sweet Chinese $$$. They don't want that.
I am literally in awe of the amount of complete and total bullshit in this post
She's a privileged white female. She's part of the problem. She really needs to pass the torch to a POC.
This. Preferably a disabled gay black tranny.
>The majority of movie goers are liberal.
so you actually accept this nutjob as a representation of the average liberal?
Jesus Christ.
I found her acting to be tv-level.
She either looks smug or overemotes anything she needs to convey.
It's not bad, just outclassed on the big screen by anyone she interacts with.
Also in her own movie we got to know next to nothing about her except that she got given powers and she flies around and punches things.
>Yeah because CM flopped so hard right
Did CM really flop? Nobody really expected him to be able to hack it in legit pro fighting, and he got his ass kicked, but you have to give him credit for really making an effort at it.
>Have you ever even set foot in a major city? There are like no fat people anywhere.
>She's a privileged white female.
This is the big (deliberate?) blind spot of the progressive movement. Straight, middle-class, christian (by descent if not in practice) whites are privileged....unless they're women. Then everything else goes out the window. It's really weird to look at.
>Have you ever even set foot in a major city? There are like no fat people anywhere.
The most obese parts of the US are the major cities.
Except the exact opposite is true. I assume you're talking about Philly since you're talking about PA. Philly is one of the fattest cities in the country. Literally fat niggers everywhere you look. You need to lay off the bong, libshitter.
It really is the female experience.
>The most obese parts of the US are major cities.
*citation needed
He's either a foreigner or he's trolling.
White women are much more privileged then white men. I don’t like white men but I can recognise their hard work and contributes to science etc. while white women have done nothing but opress POC and benefit from that oppression.
She's actually a decent actress - watch Short Term 12 or Room to see her at her best. She's just incredibly miscast here.
People in cities actually walk, so their baseline level of physical fitness is across the board higher than rural folks.
>47% of latino adults are are obese
>46% of black adults are obese
>37% of white adults are obese
Now that's fucking disgusting across the board, I'm certainly not going to bat for whites or anything here, but if you look at this data, then look at the demographics of major US cities, the cities are all far-less white than the rural areas. The latino and black populations are heavily concentrated in the major cities. From this, it's not hard to figure out that the obesity rate is higher in the cities.
>I'm happy to be at the forefront of the normalization of this type of content
wow, she really is the next Brie Larson
Well he has to be trolling with posts like this
Objectively and verifiably false.
You sound rural yourself, bud.
Case in point. She is terrible at the irreverent quippy smart-alec thing that they're going for
I don't care if it's bait or genuine stupidity, this shit is fucking hilarious
wake up dude it's not 1990 anymore
if anything she's practically conservative
How mad do you think Scarlet Johansson is at Brie Larsson? Imagine doing almost 10 years of these movies only for this younger cunt showing up and making all this noise about feminism and inclusivity.
...Fresh Price of Bel-Air is a fucking TV show with multiple seasons you literal retard.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, so why the fuck are you talking?
nonsense, women don't get mad at each other
>Imagine doing almost 10 years of these movies only for this younger cunt
Wait, Larson is younger than Johansson? She looks way older. I thought Johansson was 32 and Larson was around 38.
She is the literal embodiment of a NPC
This is from just last year:
>Adults living in non-metropolitan (rural) counties are still more likely to be obese than adults in metro (urban) counties, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report in today’sMMWR.
>The findings, based on 2016 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) data, are consistent with previous findings published in 2012 using 2005-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data.
Imagine being this retarded.
Brie isn't even thirty yet
Why do white people care so much about representation? I never heard any of my fellow Mexicans ever talk about wanting representation? It's cool but at the end of the day it doesnt really matter. Also in the reverse I dont understand why some of you get so assblasted when brown people are cast in things
I liked her in Scott Pilgrim when she was playing a bitch and I didn't know that was her actual personality
I'm so glad that Brie Larson is personally normalizing female characters in movies.
Wow, that's amazing. The obesity divide between urban and rural whites must be amazing.
Even more amazing.
That must be why her movie broke $1 billion
Then why doesn't she let a minority woman take her place? I swear to God that white women are the worst kind of women and I say that as a white man.
>>Hasn't had to work for any of her abilities
>>Everything handed to her
>>Powers acquired through random chance
>>No weaknesses
>>No arc what so ever
The continuing adventures of Captain Whitegirl
She is greasy and ugly
This woman has a legitimate mental illness.
It helped that it came out in March when no other competition was in theaters and being the last one released before Endgame
It's amazing what happens when a corporation buys tickets to their own movie.
I really hate actors/actresses who try to make shoehorn their ideas and pressure directors. Write the script or fuck off.
I liked Endgame and Captain Marvel but this girl power shit is annoying when it's shoved in without any reason.
Yes, it is called leftism. it is quite prevalent in rich white bitches.
I'm still not convinced why diversity even fucking matters. Ive only heard it does but never given a reason
>mental illness
nah, just literal brain damage
This but ssh, don't tell them.
because whites are evil and have no culture of their own so we need to balance things out with good brown people with vibrant cultures
>t. land whale
Is this the incel cope thread? Just got here
It never mattered before 2010 and blacks and women still got tons of roles and everyone liked it.
Just like they shut up Kathleen Kennedy right?
The problem is that Hollywood doesnt' seem that good at writing good stories much less woman led ones. Especially capeshit ones.
Its just suits running the numbers so they'll probably shit out movies that pander to broad social media movements.
Because every all black cast between those are basically art films
Bitch you don't count as fucking diversity. You're a blonde haired white woman lmao.
What's with white women thinking they're some oppressed minority recently?
the brainlet yuropoor strikes again
Larson is the poster child against home schooling.
That cunt didn't even say that it was going to flop.
You are fucking retard. Kys
The home schooling is the clear indicator of why she was so insufferable in the interviews with the other Avengers
Everyone learns how to act around people in school
Yeah it was great when Renner threw shade at her because of this shit.
Did you just admit to being an incel?
hahaha what the FUCK is this
Making media about the struggles of being gay or the prejudice of being black in a racist society is certainly not wrong as taking responsibility for social issues implyies adressing and showing the problematic. But here is the thing, that´s not what SJW media is doing. Let me give you an example. There is a character on The Dark Tower called Susannah Dean, she is a black female crippled gunslinger extracted from segregated America and one of the most badasses characters of the book, not female characters, but characters in general. She earns her spot, believe you me. Now, in the book she is afraid of the main character because he is white. That fact is pivotal for how their relationship unfolds for a whole book. Offcourse instead of adressing this issue the movie chooses to make Roland black and completly eliminate this conflict. Which is to say they choose shallow representation over actually adressing an issue in a mature way.
Samewise when a female character is given powers for no reason (not even a macguffin or plot device reason) that doesn´t actually favors the idea of strong female characters. What makes a character strong? memorable? important? Is it the powers? No. It´s the journey, it´s overcoming adversity. It´s surviving a conflict and being transformed by it. It´s character development. The best female characters ever are the ones that had to grow up to come on top. Women like Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley, Nikita...
What about characters that start poweful or skilled? Then they have to grow up dramatically like Buffy. It´s not enough to be given the powers like Ms Marvel here, Wonder Woman or Rey. Personality and individuality matter not only to make the political point but to make a good movie. Specially if your target audience are little girls that need heroes you owe to them to make good ones.
Disney just does what makes money, they are capitalizing on left wing tards now, in a couple of years when they suck them dry and leftism isn't as strong they will cater to right wingers or whatever then you'll see posts here like :wow Disney is based kino now
They don't care it's all about shekels
She's mad that her scenes got cut from Endgame.
Her movie was liberal circlejerking, toxic feminity, and virtue signalling combined with the anticipation of Endgame, with most fans assuming that Captain Marvel is a transition film between IW and EG. So of course it made a billion if you combined those two factors.
She knows she can say whatever the fuck she wants for SJW points without repercussion because China will never allow Disney to follow through.
Europe has always had a very vibrant culture. I'm fine with europe remaining a white continent the same way Im fine with movies having attractive white people
>Americans treat entertainment like political rallies where everyone needs "representation"
lmao, your country is declining at such a laughable rate
So basically she is getting cut from being CM and they are replacing her with a Muslim girl and she will direct the next movie so Disney can get brownie points.
Alright got it, bye Brie don't come back.
>being able to detect threats is problematic
We should use this on women so they don't fear for their lives when a TSA agent asks for her number
I can't wait til she gets replaced by a nigger.
I can't stand how self-absorbed and entitled she is.
what the fuck is wrong with america ffs
>doesnt realize White people set what is considered cool around the globe
White women will lead us to a brighter future praise the white woman!
She's not even trying to have fans like her now. I don't care how much any movie makes, Kevin Feige will be fucking hating it that she's not liked at all.
It's also the fault of the shitty indie movie directors and writers of her solo film, they didn't give her a conflict or interesting personality at all
But broke nigga our gdp is getting higher every year what are you talking about?
Now that Disney has Wolver- I mean the X-Men back, diversity and feminism is going to slow to a dead crawl. Captain Marvel won't be the face of the Marvel Movies, it's going to be Wolverine, no, not Wolverine, I meant the X-Men. The X-Men will be leading the Marvel Movies.
Yea Forums constantly complaining about Captain Marvel, forgets that Disney now has the rights for more Wolverine movies. Why don't you start clamoring for more Wolverine movies?
literally bobody fucking cares.
i wanna see that thing's feminine penis
Why would we want a bunch of brain dead leftists writing wolverine?
>we want the sonic audience
Liberal Progressives were always writing Wolverine, he's the representative of the LGBT crowd. Don't you remember all those Wolver- I mean X-Men movies?
accelerating to what? There are plenty of shitskins, so stealing their $1 a day for a marvel flick is necessary.
I agree. Accelerate that fucker right into the ground HAHAHAHAHAHA
>Yeah because the last jedi did so well when they tried this post modern bullshit
Friendly reminder that while the movie sucks, TLJ's change in box office income from TFA is almost exactly the same percentage as the change between TPM and AoTC, which is also very near the same as the change between ANH and ESB.
I don't like the bullshit they push either but you just come across as desperate to find proof that it's hurting them badly when nu-wars' main trilogy is following basically the same trajectory as the previous two trilogies. We'll see how the change is from TLJ to IX, but until then there's no indication that what you're talking about hurt TLJ's sales at all.
Toys R Us went bankrupt
>move faster
its fucking over you whore
who is going to give a Fuck about the MCU after Endgame?
Wolverine is fucking Canadian
How much money did you spend on her movie? How much money for the gas for your car or for the public transit bus to the movie theater, the money for the ticket, the food at the concession stand, etc? All so you can complain about her on Yea Forums while helping her movie make a billion dollars.
So is Captain America.
lel the MCU is done she can have it.
Iron Man is dead and Cap is gone
that loses them like 60% of interest right off the bat
and going forwards its gonna be that flatass bitch in the lead
Shes jewish
Something as shitty as Star Trek discovery where they had to revive a gay black guy for some reason.
They'll just make more Wolve- I mean X-Men movies, they'll be making billions again with each new Marvel movie that features Wolverine, even if it has a 30 second cameo.
As long as Brie isnt in it. Normies dont even like her. There were laughs when she got decked by Thanos. She was a non facter in Endgame and I didnt see her movie but she didnt exude a lot of charisma.
Anyway, the whole Avengers thing is done. Thanos is gone. Disney has xmen to play with. There will be no gay shit on screen because of the chinese.
>representation matters
why do Amerisharts think this? I could never get around that idea and it blows my mind to this day.
The Chinese don't care if the characters are gay or not, they'll watch a Marvel movie even if it has LGBT characters.
>capeshit viewers are attrac-
Shh goy don't look into it.
I mean gay shit like kisses and shit.
Tell us again how ((insiders))) totally told you CM underperformed while not actually giving specifics on what it was "supposed" to earn again
Kek, the top 10 are all movies with no minorities
But there are muslims in Star Wars.
Literally Sand People.
money gets big and smol
more people = more movie goers
>time in theaters
back in the day a movie would be in theaters for months
Honestly people bought tickets for an endgame related post credits scene.
no one will believe me but this is my dog
they could put a crash test dummy in the role and you retards would still go see the movie 8 times each
god damn it why I am attracted to skinny insane blonde women ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I don't watch capeshit but my 17 yr old went last night to see Endgame and hated it. Came home bitching about "muh stronk women" and niggers.
fuck off literal boomer
Do people really think that people who frequent /pol/ dont get laid?
They unironically don't.
(I'm not leftist before you suggest that)
Yeah Im sure a lot of them are angry nerds but I go there and Im a normie with a gf.
>I'm a normie
Well that explains everything, but don't assume /pol/'s core demographic are normies.
But they are normies, for the most part.
If they're normies than they're not proper /pol/.
Oh god someone fire her. She’s so fucking arrogant, why doesn’t she be a politician if these causes are so important to her?
The majority of Marvel’s movie goers are normal families you deluded twat. Most parents do not want their kids to see Cap tonguing Iron Man. She’s in the wrong franchise if that’s what she is bothered about.
And in Spider-Man Peter and that blonde girl are the only white people at their school, and the racists at Marvel have erased their white love interests.
Yeah that’s why we get erased for black Valkyrie and MJ.
Movies from over 50 years ago had a completely different release schedule than modern movies. You can pick whatever bs metric you want to come up with your own personal rank of "highest grossing films of all time".
>Disney aren't the ones pushing the globohomo agenda
She should watch herself. She doesn’t have the advantage of being sandwiched between two of the biggest movies of all time now.
adjusted for inflation but not for being unable to be watched in 75% of the world because they had no technology or were behind a iron curtain
Endgame and Ant-Man 2?
I want hot guys. Fuck you Brie, that is my female experience. Feminism has gone too far.
Frankly my dear I don't give a damn
Based Brie
Holy shit.
>diverse storytelling
>population goes up
>globalism increases
>blockbusters see bigger revenues
Let them keep going.
I don't have to watch that bullshit.
only weak women, blacks and faggots care about diversity
latinos only have Luis in MCU, and we don't say anything, because our lives are not so pathetic to live through a fictional movie
capeshit BTFO
Its funny how far society has fallen. One of the most powerful questions you can ask, and a question that makes children stand out in intelligence compared to their peers is:
Ask these people this question and watch them unravel.
Why doesn’t she quit and offer her role to a minority?
Why shouldn’t she be replaced with a woman of color?
it will never include spics, because it would have to address real economical problems, like exploitation, minimal wages, social security etc
it's bullshit. it's literally a millionaire woman telling people what language they should use, and playing a victim of oppression
>it's bullshit. it's literally a millionaire woman telling people what language they should use, and playing a victim of oppression
on the defensive, leveraging guilt on behalf of others for your own personal gain with minimal direct benefit to others
I also enjoy bad faith arguments based on what minority I can juggle and blame liberals with.
How is having a woman in a movie "diverse"? There's literally women in every movie made fucking ever. This dumbass bitch thinks she's a trailblazer or some shit.
I do user
And I'll also add there's plenty of movies with fags in the too. Priscilla: Queen of the Desert comes to mind.
when will they learn?
this is why democrats will never win another election
Sure Brie. Let's replace you first then.
Ooohh, right, you don't mean anything that effects you.
Post a pic of the dog with a piece of paper that says “dindu nuffin” and the time and date
You know exactly what I mean, and I’ll go ahead stop you before the inevitable “But Ant-Man didn’t make as much”, and just say that Ant-Man didn’t get near the marketing push that Captain Marvel did. Disney’s not desperate to push Ant-Man off as the next face of the MCU.
She alreqdy has an oscar and a billion dollar movie before turning 30. How far can she go
Democrats didn't learn their lesson. The message of Trump isn't to fight "nazis" harder by going more insufferably woke, it's that insane wokism is inevitably creating Trump. The answer for any left leaners is unequivocally to do away with political correctness and wokism, period, but they can't and wont because they think it's a device that affords them moral authority and leverage, but really it weighs too heavily on the camel's back and can only fail.
Oh well. I din't want more Trump, but I certainly won't throw my hat in with the woke cunts either. Just have to sit back and hope they all wear each other out.
no, it made just over the average capeshit usually makes. made just over 500 million I believe
you would think people working on a farm all day wouldn't be obese
Imagine being this oblivious. Women are so stupid, it's unbelievable.
>it's that insane wokism is inevitably creating Trump.
It's the insane wokeism that's creating more and more reactionaries, who are very willing to kill. The question is, how long until someone goes for triple digits
>Thinking fats that live off gibs would vote for anything but more gibs.
I go to school at a pretty popular American State University. There are plenty of spics around here who complain about diversity.
>ten thousand?? the Romans killed fifty thousand Jews?!?! how the fuck is the Romans killing 3 million Jews not taught in every high school?!?!?!
So two movies in the '30, when you had fewer theather and screenings, made over 3 billion, nearly a century later we have multiplex with 5 movies a day and no one has surpass them...dayum
spics will own the country in 20 years. they are not worried.
too bad there's no more white countries they can escape to.
The crazy thing is that my own views would be centrist by the standards of 2013 just after Obama got reelected, but by today's I'm a right wing fanatic. I only finished school in 2014, what the hell happened? Trump is a retard, but apparently if I don't support race and gender as extremely if not the most important qualities in selecting a candidate, whether for a job or a political decision, think reparations to black people is a bad idea, and don't support therapists giving a 6 year old boy who likes dresses huge doses of hormones, I'm hard right.
Sound of Music cinematic universe when? They could do spin offs with each kid.
That must be why her unicorn store movie and that hindi shitfest were failures
people like marvel, not brie
nice try though :)
The fattest person I know is a huge lib.
>I'm a right wing fanatic. I only finished school in 2014, what the hell happened?
Yea Forums
>a true scottish man
newfag, /pol/ has a lot of boomers, married people and mediocre guys with mediocre jobs and mediocre gfs for the most part
normies are not the only ones who get laid
lurk moar
How much does Disney regret casting her
>a stampede kills 10k
Lol fucking Jews and their whacky tales
There have been women in leading roles since WAY before her, how is the public even buying this shit? There have been "diverse" leads for decades.
You're comparing it to an era where no one had tvs or internet and everyone went to the cinema pretty much every other day just to watch looney tunes.
They also screened theatrically for almost 10 years with Gone with the Wind's initial runs from 39 to 42 being at 70% box office recipts, 30% was the norm, at double the normal ticket price of that era. It's no comparison
The first movie ever made in 1888 had 2 women in it. The opression is real!
somebody dropped a purse and they all stopped to grab coins
the studio booked out cinemas all over the world to ensure only captain marvel was playing for one week, people had no other choice. also buying their own tickets. there's no organic captain marvel fanbase.
since when did shills come here to try turn this place liberal and anti-white?
> (You)
>I also enjoy bad faith arguments based on what minority I can co-opt and bilk gullible liberals with.
I was about to jerk off but then I saw someone upload Endgame on Spankbang so I watched that instead
That's how I'm resisting this cunt
quantity =/= quality
also post-modernism fucking sucks ass
t. a tankie
It vastly under-performed based on both its resources and expectations, according to Disney's internal documents and their investors.
Cope more.
This, there was absolutely zero clapping in my theater when she blew up the ship (whereas basically every other camera shot in that fight had obligatory clapping), the girls were far more interested in squee-ing over captain america taking the hammer or crying at Tony’s death Who the hell does captain marvel even appeal to outside of misandrists?
>The majority of movie goers are liberal.
Yeah, remember how Liberals never invented and then started pushing "Fat Acceptance" as an actual part of Social Justice?
Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.
Yes, I think /pol/ doesn't get laid
>There are people STILL arguing that Brie Larson and her backers at Disney aren't frtohing anti-white SJW's pushing an agenda.
"Y-Y-You're just paranoid, incel! T-They only care about money! You're the political extremist, not them!"
Even Disney knows only a man can finish the job
I remember my Gay, Brazilian Latin American history prof telling my class about Brazilian girls dying their hair blonde “because they want to be white”
People just sat there with their mouths open lol
>representation matters
>diverse storytelling matters
I love how NPC's endlessly repeat this mantra but never actually explain their reasoning behind it.
WHY does "representation" matter?
WHY does """"diversity"""" matter?
And why are whites expected to be able to sympathize with non-white characters, but non-whites aren't expected to be able to sympathize with white characters?
These things are literally never addressed. It's not logic or reason; It's literally just blind faith and dogma.
Man you're such a faggot
shouldn't they be dying their skin if the want to be white?
>*loses what should have been the easiest fucking election in the history of the world despite having literally every possible advantage*
What did Leftists mean by this? And why can't they learn a fucking lesson?
Texas is going blue 2028 coper
Progressivism is a religion and that is why they do not learn. Progressives are so utterly convinced they are "on the right side of history" that they cannot fathom that their beliefs might be wrong and this is why they double down instead of adjusting.
Non-whites literally already do that if they can afford it. Even in America.
The amount of cognitive-dissonance generated by minorities constantly virtue-signaled hatred for whites conflicting with their blatant worship of whites and constant appropriation of white culture is fucking staggering.
cute doggo fren
>since when did shills come here to try turn this place liberal and anti-white?
How fucking long have you been here? Since at least 2011.
GamerGate and the 2016 Election also created massive influxes of it, despite not starting it.
Superman does good, John Wick did well.
>hey bub, are you being problematic towards that gay fella? i'm askin you nicely to cut that out
>I fought in every major war for the past 100 years, including women's rights and the baltimore riots
>I didn't win because of my regenerative abilities, I won because of my white male privilege and I have to acknowledge that
Yeah no thanks
havent been here in years but it wasn't anything like this in 2016 even. up until 2011 this place was comfy as fuck and still kinda comfy even until 2016
now it's overtly pozzed with clearly paid anti-white shills
I've seen several pieces of OC I have created and starting using on various Yea Forums boards enter natural organically-produced circulation and spread.
It's an image board. People post images, people that see those images and like them save them and then likely repost them in the future. It's how it works. It's nothing remarkable or unique.
epic brown futa superhero when
>appropriation of white culture
um sweetie, she's representing all women
>Fresh Prince of Bel Air
>One off
It's one of the most popular sitcoms of all time and it's reruns are still airing. Drop the pol shit for one minute, please, I beg of you. It's making you retarded.
how is capeshit in space supposed to be post modern. Are you an idiot. Why are you on the tv and film board if you don't know what post modernism is.
>implying it's not true
90% to 99% of the daily lives of someone living in any Western nation is defined by technology or culture invented by white people.
I doubt even women like this twat
It's almost like she's triggering people on purpose. Is this also the plan of the great Mouse?
Brie didn't used to be such a stupid hyperpolitical shithead before.
>Israeli soldier and she didn't trigger this type of reaction.
she definitely triggered a reaction
As long as they don't start having gay romance scene quotas in all the movies they make I'm alright with this.
>She's incredibly bland
Yes and that's why she panders with #wokeness to compensate.
>She's incredibly bland and non-offensive
>people go in with a "we'll give this another chance" attitude because R1 wasn't a complete dumpster fire so there was a low-lying standard
>TLJ is a total shitshow
>Disney now has the money, but people are so spooked with Star Wars that Solo bombs
>approaching IX (don't even remember what the fucking name is because I've gotten to that point)
I will guarantee that IX is not going to be breaking any blockbuster records other than if Disney sinks their gloved mouse hands into the money jar and throws it at their own movie to inflate its worth of success.
wow so progressive
But the flashback montages showed that her life was almost full of failures. Or at least it was in the movie.
wrong. delusional retards everywhere god damn
Based and redpilled
>That must be why her movie broke $1 billion
>be Disney
>in talks with Fox for decades about acquisition
>Captain Marvel due for release in a few months
>get close to striking a deal to acquire Fox
>deal will mostly be paid in shares in Disney stock
>deal will finalize after Captain Marvel release
>can't have Captain Marvel bomb, which would reduce Disney's stock value
>movie is projected to not do too well, especially in China
>can't bomb
>send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest movie ever
>Captain Marvel becomes 6th most profitable release in movie history
>but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
>Fox thinks these numbers are legit, finalizes the deal
>movie tanks in China
>Disney shares drop slightly
>Fox gets fucked over
>The Mouse gets away with it?
It's not just the Disney/Fox merger, they also had to top WB/DC's Wonder Woman which did 821 mill worldwide. Anything less than a billion would have been seen as a failure and would have made the Fox boyout more expensive.
Plus you have to take into account that Feminazi's and their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot virtue signaling lapdogs are easy marks who will white knight someone (Anita Sarkeesian) or something (Captain Marvel) using their own money like the suckers they are and all because Daddy (The Patriarchy) didn't love them and hand life to them on a silver platter!!!FACT!!!
This might be her being a butt-hurt cunt over the Russos getting their way and getting the "Carol lite" cut of Endgame into theaters.
Someone claiming to work for Disney said yesterday that Brie's bullshit pissed enough people off internally, that Feige lost the power struggle between him and the Russos and the edit of Endgame which cuts Carol's role down to nothing and replaced her beating up Thanos with alt footage of Wanda doing it instead, was the version chosen to be released in theaters. And that she's continuing to be a cunt in public, since Disney forced her to sign a non-disclosure agreement relating to their decision that could get her fired if she goes public about how her actions made Disney fear that she would harm the box office take of the finale
Brie Larson is ensuring that capeshit can no longer be considered kino! Literally bringing ruin to it!
>that scene where Hawkeye is down over Black Widow
>Cap comes over
>"She was a slut"
>the two have a hearty chuckle
Really livened up the picture for me desu.
Brie is still seething from the fact her movies before the Avengers weren't well received.
They got caught buying up entire theaters opening weekend to juke the box office total to let them crow, numbers that collapsed big time the following week. They got caught doing it, plus conspiring with online movie ratings sites, and spent so much money buying Rotten Tomatos and company off, they didn't have enough money to buy off journalists/reviewers to give it glowing 5 star reviews.
>Someone claiming to work for Disney said yesterday
>someone high up in disney posts on Yea Forums
seems legit
>getting the "Carol lite" cut of Endgame into theaters
Ok now this is based
When will identity politics finally fucking die?
>weren't well received
She got a fucking Oscars for Room. I think its more like her method acting fucked her up in the head too much that she absorbed Carol's bullshittery.
Based Juan Punch Man
they’re immune to the criticism, but not because of a position in any hierarchy. it’s because all women are perfect angels and pretty princesses who can do no wrong, women never learn from their mistakes because white knight men never let them accept the criticism and use it to grow, they fall on their swords for the chicks cuz they think it’ll get them laid.
in conclusion, both genders suck. women more though, because they’re also emotional cunts and manipulators.
>we need to make things more diverse
>by making everyone brown
>says the blonde white woman
I say we start by killing off Capt. Marvel and replacing her with a sister.
Doesn’t even matter at this point, you can clearly see in end game that her screen time is so short plus her acting is still looks like a robot.
She is right. Let's start with Capt Marvel. Make her a black lesbian chick that uses Brie Larson as her sex slave.
are they not going to be making more movies with the character? or does she die?
that looks nice. Also there's a need for fucking charisma. The broken robot is not funny or likeable.
Oscars are soccer trophies. She wants an Emmy.
No you're missing the point. White women specifically are at the top of hierarchy because every race wants to bang them. White women are the ultimate status symbol for men (especially non-white men) and because they are the most desirable to men of all races other women want to be like them. There is a reason Beyoncé straightens her hair and dyes it blonde. White women are the public face of the Progressive movement because they can unite the hordes of thirsty non-white males under the common cause of trying to lay Becky.
i will never tire of Yea Forums's weird-ass vendetta against brie larson
is it because she was in that room movie and she thinks her shit doesn't stink? because I don't recall her being a fucking cunt before that.