Honestly, i used to love the Simpsons a lot but now it's just plain terrible

Honestly, i used to love the Simpsons a lot but now it's just plain terrible.

Attached: homer shake.jpg (550x309, 34K)

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Attached: sneed.gif (375x304, 897K)

Honestly, i used to love sucking and fucking a lot but now it's just plain terrible. Seeding and feeding is so much better IMHO

Cry about it bitch, I still watch it and there's nothing you can do or say to stop me.

Attached: v_a_p_o_r_w_a_v_e_icon_by_queenofrandomness108_dc695j9-400t.jpg (400x400, 41K)

Honestly, i used to love Sneed a lot but now it's just plain feed and seed.



Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

Attached: Breakfast Boys.jpg (640x960, 97K)

Imo senpai desu onions

I used to believe it was well written and could produce genuine laughs not just dumb chuckles

Honestly, i formerly lovrd the Simpsons a lot but now it just plain sucks.

my favourite simpsons was the time homer tried to jump the gorg

Attached: 1481173603767.jpg (480x360, 13K)

This image is like sex for the eye



So you're saying it was FORMERLY good?

It was good through season 7-8 max

Was he ok?

>but now

20 years is calling OP

this except sneason 11 ep 5 max

remember animals in nature don't actually die, only pets do

This. When you're watching a nature documentary, the director yells cut once the shot looks good and then the lions stop pretending to eat the zebra.
The penguin was just pretending to run to the mountains, also.

mmmm me also jump gorg

I agree season eleven episode five is very good. And don’t call me max.

Moeposter, I'm proud of you. You're finally getting new material.