Why didn't they just travel to the future?

Why didn't they just travel to the future?

Attached: UCF-Today-Endgame-Ironman.jpg (1200x800, 240K)

and do what?

Skip the whole fight. Or borrow the stones.

From where? They weren't in the future because Thanos destroyed them.

no retard, the future where they already collected the stones

jesus christ. have sex

the future doesn't exist

There was no future where they had the stones because they hadn’t gone back in time and got the stones yet. They also had no idea if they would succeed and only enough pym particles for one trip and return (before they stole more)

The time travel logic in this movie is a fucking mess.

No u

It's not so much that it's a mess, but that it trivializes everything. Time travel as a plot device is almost always a fail. Sometimes they do something clever with it, but, largely, if it isn't relevant to the theme of the work, it's just lazy.

It’s fine up until it isn’t. The way they described how it works got me excited because it was the most logical way to do it outside of everything being a self-fulfilling loop. But then they made old cap stay around, which broke everything.

old cap just lived out his life in an alternate timeline before coming back at the end. The Peggy of this universe still died an old grandma that was never with Steve

That clearly isn’t the implication though. It’s just the only fan-theory that can make any sense. If it’s what they intended then he would’ve returned through the time machine as an old man instead of just sitting nearby

Do you think Steve let black people live in his neighborhood?

Exactly. He doesn’t come back at the machine so he’s been waiting somewhere

Why didn't Steve Rodgers stop 9/11? They're already changing the world, why stop with Thanos?

Steve Rodgers could have stopped Waco, Ruby Ridge, and the OKC bombing, but instead he just stood in his living room for 70 years dancing to big band music.

Captain America did 9/11

he came back to the past machine at the Avengers compound and then snuck out and waited for a bit until the forest scene

Hail Hydra

Yeah it was retarded, especially as how Hulk made such a big deal about how going back to the past doesn't alter the current future. Would have been better if cap didn't come back at all, it just seemed tacked on so he could pass the shield over the Blacktain Nigmerica

>time travel
>kill certain characters only to bring back alternate versions of them sans character development
>create plot holes in writing out characters that carried franchise
If the MCU maintains momentum I'll be genuinely surprised.

Why hasn't anyone complained about the green chick who is supposed to live in the past now living in the present?

OP is a complete fucking brainlet holy shit

The only illogical thing about it is old cap showing up out of nowhere but that could easily be explained by saying that cap is not from the main universe.

Why didn't they just use time travel to go back to right before Thanos destroyed the stones, kill him, then use them to bring everyone back?

Because he'd rather titfuck Peggy for 40 years, and honestly, I don't blame him, he deserves it.

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Because then Thanos would have all the stones on hand and there's a chance he could just snap and kill them all again. Pulling off their time heist and avoiding any confrontation with a past Thanos was the safest option in theory, and it only went south because Nebula didn't go into Airplane Mode.