Polish translation of the title is revealed to be "Resurrection of Skywalker"

>Polish translation of the title is revealed to be "Resurrection of Skywalker".
>A few hours after it was published, the title is purged from all Disney websites and channels.

What did they mean by this? Did they accidentally spoil something?

Attached: Gwiezdne_wojny_Skywalker_Odrodzenie_polski_tytuł_1.jpg (925x520, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>star gay

Who cares

>The rumor is that Matt Smith isn’t Palpatine reborn or rejuvenated but a dark side acolyte.
>However, during The Rise of Skywalker, Smith’s character is willfully possessed by the spirit of Emperor Palpatine.
>During the final act of the film Rey and Kylo team up to fight the Palpatine possessed Matt Smith.
>The two-on-one duel is pretty intense for the duo.
>Eventually Kylo Ren kills Palpatine’s host body
>Palpatine’s spirit then jumps into Kylo Ren’s body.
>Kylo Ren is strong enough to not lose total control of his mental faculties.
>Kylo Ren struggles to take control of his body but subdues himself and his weapon while beckoning Rey to kill him.
>Kylo does the right thing and becomes Ben Solo again as he sacrifices himself to kill Palpatine.
>Rey having never toyed with the dark side like Kylo Ren and the acolyte did means Palpatine doesn't have a body evil enough to inhabit.

Most likely just Poles being embarrassed with their shitty, absolutely illogical translations taking it down and planning to change it to something less cringy. Trust me I know better, Poland used to have most retarded, nonsensical title translations you can imagine. We called Die Hard series "Glass Trap". I'm not even kidding.

>friend is a star wars nerd
>ask him if he saw the trailer
>tell him about palpatine being back
>he looks at me as if I said I want to rape a baby
>he thought that laugh was snoke's
Is my friend literally retarded?

More like Skywalker Rebirth than Resurrection. Those translated titles are always so butchered that it's not even funny anymore.

Blackhawk Down = Helicopter in Fire

>Czarnyjastrząb w dół
ahh, much better

>We called Die Hard series "Glass Trap". I'm not even kidding.
To be honest the building could be a big trap made of glass. However, it doesn't make sense with sequels.
Here it was called "Piège de cristal" which translates into "Crystal Trap"


Apparently the creators think most of the fans are, that or too young to even know who Palpatine was, because, during the reveal, they had the guy, in the full costume, walk out on the stage as the laugh ended.

>>Rey having never toyed with the dark side like Kylo Ren and the acolyte did means Palpatine doesn't have a body evil enough to inhabit.
This sounds bad.

That makes me believe it more because if I read TLJ's leaks before the actual movie they'd have sounded bad too.

Terminator - Electronic Murderer
Fight Club - Underground Circle
Million Dollar Baby - At All Cost

I mean I guess some of them make sense in the context of the movie but in reality it's just dumb, national pride of Poles translating everything down to names of characters in books like Lord of the Rings to make them sound more Polish. It got better in last decade ie: newer LOTR reprints keep original names intended by the author.

Didn't you hear, he's a "star wars nerd".

>translating brand, model and code names
>literal translation ignoring, or oblivious, as to what military lingo means by "down"

nice to see we have some of the PL translation teams browsing Yea Forums, be sure to ask your boss to let you watch the movie before he asks the team to translate the title, prepare subs and dialogues for the same 4 people to read as "dubbing", it'd really help

The issue is: Many English words, lingo, sayings or puns just cannot translate to Polish and many other languages and vice versa. That's why you shouldn't even attempt it, leave it as it is.

That isn't how leaks work.

That was my point. In case it wasn't clear, the post I replied to did just that.

That said, translating jokes, rhymes, puns and so on, is a necessary evil, because if you have to have it translated, especially if it's going to then be dubbed, you can't really get away with anime tier TL notes every 10 seconds explaining to you why you'd laugh or breathe loudly at this line of dialogue if you knew the language.

With that in mind, I've seen this approached in one of 3 ways.
Either it's all localised and only loosely sticks to original, but at least sounds fine and can actually be funny, this is usually done for kids movies or the likes of Shrek.
Then, there are movies that have normal parts dubbed, but for songs it just goes subbed cause they didn't have the budget to even try and match the original performance.
Lastly, there are those that are just full on 100% literal translations and those are just laughably bad, because generally nothing makes much sense and all the jokes and references fall flat and feel as if someone was reading from a google translated script.

How do leaks work then, retard? What's your fucking point?

That first option with example of Shrek is what I'd call closest thing to perfect translation. It sticks close to source in terms of context and mood of the scene but often changes jokes etc. to ones that are closer in touch with foreign audience (Best example being the Polish line about dry bread for horse in Shrek 2, which was way better than generic "a talking horse" from original - it's a nice reference to old black & white tv series called "wojna domowa" - which again is hard to translate since it's a pun playing on double entendre of polish word "civic")

Idź się pieprzyć Skywalker

It's hard to translate it The Rise of Skywalker to Polish because it's a hard language.

Literally it would mean Powstanie Skywalker which would literally mean Creation of the Skywalker or The Uprising of the Skywalker.

If you go with
>Odrodzenie Skywalker
It means a women
If you say
>Odrodzenie Skywalkera
It means a guy
>Odrodzenie Skywalkerow
It means bunch of Skywalkers

So it would spoil the whole thing. Personally I'd go with Odrodzenie Rodu Skywalker which means The Rise of House Skywalker. I know it sounds goofy but at least you won't spoil anything.

>Skywalker odrodzenie
But that's a gramatical error?
If it was "Skywalker: Odrodzenie" it would be correct, but "Skywalker Odrodzenie" is ooga-booga-tier Polish

You touch your mother with those fingers?

Yeah, guess that Shrek dub is a pretty high bar to clear. From decent casting to rewriting parts of the movie to reference PL events, people and culture instead of what the original had. Wonder if/how they got the permission from the rights holders to do that instead of what most other titles do.

I don't recall many other titles doing it this way either, so it can't be a standard and, despite the "great success" on the PL market, I don't see anyone following their example.

Couple days ago I watched Infinity Wars with polish dubbing. That Cringe. Thor sounded like a grandpa.

>>Odrodzenie Skywalker
>It means a women
>If you say
>>Odrodzenie Skywalkera
>It means a guy
>>Odrodzenie Skywalkerow
>It means bunch of Skywalkers
so "a" turns it into man, and 'ow' is plural?

Yes, the main issue is that it doesn't even sound Polish.

pretty sure it's fake, sounds machine-translated

well... sometimes. it ain't that easy pal

>watching capeshit dubbed

I only made that mistake once, picking a dubbed screening of one of the SW movies from the previous trilogy, since that was the only one that still had tickets available. When I heard Obi Wan speak with the pure unadulterated voice of INSPECTOR FUCKING GADGET, I gave up on dubs forever.

"Odrodzenie Skywalker" isn't even a proper form, literally sounds like something slapped in a translator. I find it hard to believe that it would be the actual title, considering that it's wrong grammatically.

but for example Walesa
would plural be like Walesow?

One of the plural forms, yes. If you wanted to say "house belonging to Wałęsa family" you would say "dom należący do Wałęsów", but if you wanted to say "Wałęsa family is coming for dinner" you would have to say "Wałęsowie przyjdą na obiad". We have like three billion different forms, truth be told I don't even know our grammar rules, I just memorized the entire language and what to say when I was a kid.


It's very contextual. The way some words end depends on the grammatical gender of the subject you are referring to and the context in which you are referring to that subject.

Attached: it's that easy.png (504x484, 76K)

Attached: giphy.gif (445x250, 2.41M)

You know, i have always hated the Finnish translation of Star Wars. "Tähtien Sota". It translates to "War of the stars". The proper translation would the "Tähti Sodat"

Tähti Spurdo

Sounds retarded and probably true

This sounds really bad, I hope it's not true.

sounds fucking awful, so it's probably what they'll go with

It's more like "Skywalker: Resurgence". It means that translators are chosen based on their connections not talent.

That's more or less it I'm glad that confirmed communist mole subservient to the mafia is finally useful even if it's just to teach Polish.

>Blackhawk Down = Helicopter in Fire
well,that clearly goes to the point.

yeah like the "resurrection" of jesus where everyone started shilling for him after he died. The whole story is about them broadcasting the Skywalker saga across all the galaxies, far far away.

> in full costume
If Palpatine is wearing cargo pants and a button up in the new film I will be very disappointed

>this whole post

Attached: Maz.png (500x500, 139K)

it's Star Wars, they will just CGI the clothes on later

I already know German and English, what should be the next language on my list?


Yes. And they are accidentally cleaning up Rian Johnson's accident

The idea sounds neat but I wouldn't want to lay a single molecule of my body in a country with arabic as the official language for all the riches in the world.

If that's really fucking it that's just gay and fucking dumb

>blackhawk spadł
tak lepiej?

Cantonese. Cantonese will outnumber Mandarin in our lifetime.

Sounds better than the earlier leak

Attached: 1556470593192.png (1287x487, 792K)

have you ever seen star wars PT dubbed in polish?

>not Skywalker's Elevator


ręply tó this póst if yór vówęls hąvę tąils

how about Upadły Jastrząb?

It could be literally translated into "Skywalker's boner" however.


Around 2001 not many Poles immedaitely knew what a blackhawk was. There were worse translations.

>They have to spend the first hour of their finale undoing the last movie
Will American's clap for this unironically?

I feel like it will need to be videotaped so we can show it to later generations of marketing.

We booed the trailer at Endgame, Rian may have actually killed it

French, if you're a reader, tons of amazing French literature and poetry out there.

Rise can equal resurrection especially given the source material. New testament = Jesus' resurrection, just like this can mean Luke's resurrection.

Mark Hamill has been trolling and unnecessarily vocal about his displeasure in the past few weeks.. Either he's telling the absolute truth and he hasn't made his peace with it yet, or he's doing a total misdirection and Luke has a really good role somewhere in Episode 9.

I remember reading back in December that Mark filmed for 2 or more months.. That's alot of cameo work.

>Star Wars
No thanks

maybe will find out eventually when it makes it's way to HBO or something
i have no pressure to watch it at the release, still havent seen solo

Attached: skywalker.jpg (595x400, 114K)

Awesome, thus begins the booing era.

Still gotta pay to get in sadly.