How is Yea Forums even coping?

How is Yea Forums even coping?

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what the fuck kind of y-axis is that?


pointless comparison considering this is the only movie where it opened in China at the same time as everywhere else

where is avatar?

based furious lost only to overhyped capeshit-assembly. beating all other capeshit, star wars, harry potter and more.

>1.2 billion with all of Sunday left to go

Oh FUCK lads

It's not a 2-dimensional plot you absolute brainlet.

I'm loving every minute of this movie's success.

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how dumb are you?

why should i give a fuck about some kikes who make money retard and their monkeys who clap ? i bet OP look like pic related

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is this true

48th. It was just endlessly popular in shithole countries that hate America and like gimmicks so it stayed in theaters forever.

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Who gives a shit how much the disney stockholders are making?
Why do people argue about this as if somehow that money is coming to you?

>global opening, not even infinity war got one
>5 day opening in China (taking the 2 days out it opened to less than Infinity War)
great job at tricking people by going fast, Disney, but you're not gonna win the marathon

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Where's avatard?

>it was endlessly popular in countries that suffered from COLONIZATION
Yeah, no shit retard.

it never had big opening. the main strenght was having similar week gross for like half a year

Avatar opened at 240 million global but made 11x its opening

What, that normalniggers have shit taste? I knew that already

when Avatar opened that low the media was incessantly mocking it, never forget

so wait, all of these articles are conveniently leaving out the fact endgame was the first film to have a global opening?

it wasn't the first

Fuck off spic


>1.2 billion
It's just capeshit. I don't understand. I really don't.

Glad society has realized cape kino is the best movies of all time. We are all onions boys now.

What was the point of this thread? I dont think there was a single sane soul on this board who didnt think Endgame was going to make money by the truckload.

marketing has been perfected thanks to social media


I already saw it twice on opening night, and I'm going to see it again later today. The movie itself is spectacular, but it's the experience that brings me back. This is a cultural phenomenon.

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Yea Forums BTFO yet again

The theatre experience makes it too, the fucking gasping at Cap lifting Thors hammer

oh shut up, you faggot

>Capeshit, Trap, niggerism
How can you sleep at nights

As a marvel chad I’m quite pleased to have this future ammunition to use against dcucks

>About how i met your grandad

Is it just me, or are all superhero movies middle-of-the-road, 7/10 average movies? Not shit, but not really worth watching more than once. Maybe it's the jaded boomer in me but I can't see people reminiscing about these movies 20 years from now.

God you fags are gonna go nuts with this aren't you
>Joker debuts with $120m opening weekend on $50m budget

Imagine the day it BTFOs Avatar, the sheer butthurt will make /pol/s' 2012 meltdown look like child's play

If 7/10 is middle of the road for you, you must have really low standards and are probably a pleb yourself

No you're absolutely correct, looking back on the MCU movies there are like 5 that I really remember

As it should be, bitch-ass

>muh china
This movie made more money in the USA alone than China. I don't even like capeshit, but this is pathetic.

Only GotG are 7/10
Everything else is unwatchable plebshit that everyone is gonna feel embarrassed for watching 10 years from now
This is what happens when you fight against bullying
Fags take over

Every single article I've read has mentioned that

Oh you read EVERY article? Fucking cunt, I bet you did.

I have not watched a single one of those.

how is this higher rated than infinity war?

Unironically the most epic thing I ever witnessed in a movie theater. The whole place went nuts.

the movie is a dissapointment after watching infinity war. they used fucking time travel instead of being creative with how they told their story. how about thanos failing to destroy the stones and then the stones scattered throughout the universe instead, and then thanos would end up spending the movie trying to prevent the avengers from gathering them again to undo thanos' actions during IW. would have been way better than lets go to a different universe to steal their stones before thanos gets them in that timeline.

>were in the age of soi
feel good tbqh

>MCU won't be ongoing in 50 years

I figured it would beat endgame, but that's ridiculous.

thanks that explains it