Reek will have this woman as a wife

>Reek will have this woman as a wife.
What about you, Yea Forums?

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I have myself

i would love to see her in a facial abuse vid.

She's just as pretty as he is

good for you user
I hope you're happy just the way you are

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>meme tattoos
fucking brits

Is this the Brine of Tart woman I've been hearing so much about?

She became an auto-disregard the moment she squeezed that first drop of ink under her skin

gave me a chuckle

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>anglo "women"

Heard she has a band on the side, any good?

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Reek has no dick though..



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did they? irl i mean

Are you retarded? The love is 100% siblingly. Reek can't handle her, and putting them together would be stupid and shortsighted. She needs to consummate her marriage with Tyrion. They're the only ones with brains/mentalities to rival one another.

>be a tall woman
>wear heels

everyone knows she's gonna make out with Tyrion in the next episode

they're both very cute


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Actually I'll be having her as my wife, thanks.

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The perks of being a 5'6" manlet

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She looks like an anal queen

>sansa/tyrion fans still exist

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she has really pretty eyes and hair color but the rest of her features are so fucking weird, like a boxy reptile

cute picture desu

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