what can she realistically do in a fight on a cosmic scale
What can she realistically do in a fight on a cosmic scale
Call for help
Make some sandwiches
Have Hulk buttfuck her pussy for morale
flash her tits and ass to distract the enemy.
die, apparently
She can deal with lesser threats better than normal humans while superhumans deal with big ones.
"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."
>buttfuck her pussy
>buttfuck her pussy
Based Feige
Not a whole lot. That’s why killing her off beforehand was a smart choice.
sit on my face
You never fucked a pussy in the ass?
She seems so cool 2bh. Opposite of Cheese Thef
Conspire with her Juden brethren to force all of her enemies to job to her on screen.
Jump off a cliff
Survive, infiltrate, assassinate. Same as she's ever done.
Why doesn't she just go into porn.
She already makes 12 year old's cement their pants in movie theatres.
What's with Favreau's gay pose there?
Scarjo will never smother me with her delicious ass
Dicks... and then lose.
Word for word the post I was going to make
Yo dis skank bitch ever show her titties off or her pusys zone? If so post pleSe thnks from pens
>buttfuck her pussy
Funniest thing I read on Yea Forums today