>Stop taking 10 minutes showers
>Nah, corporations have nothing to do with this, it's your fault
Stop taking 10 minutes showers
Other urls found in this thread:
I take 20min showers though.
Wait, I thought it was cool now to lick the boots of billionaires here?
who are you quoting?
>10 minute showers?
>2 hour long baths with running water, i'm in no rush
>not taking a hot bath with essence oils and lay there for 1 hour having an ice cold beer
The other seacows don't seem to give a fuck. Why should I?
Just stop buying stuff you don't need.
Only right wingers do that shit.
I don't really know about "seacows", but when it comes to animals essential to the ecosystem you're a part of, then there's good reasons to care.
Find the lie, fatso. You suck corporate dick to own the libs.
>It's based and KEKPILLED that billionaires get to cheat the system! Eat that libtard!
How are walruses essential?
Don't you have Disney movies to shill, left wing hypocrite?
bro wtf you don't bootlick the billionaires? kinda cringe dude. yeh i know jews run the system and call myself based but they need tax cuts bro. so cringe
>left wingers for massive corporations
read a book. any leftist than isn''t a burger would behead any disney exec
>How are walruses essential?
>I don't know about "seacow"
>This poor animal should have special privileges over these other animals because I say so even though there were and will always be dominant species who extinct the weak, and also humans aren't animals OK
>the shamelessly taking hour long showers every day
>bro just ignore basic ecology and repeat right wing talking points
Are you going to answer the question or just meme?
So you got your self baited, whats the next step in your master plan?
did he die?
i don't think its my fault that animals are retarded
I never said that they were is what I'm implying. I was just saying that the guy should care in cases were the animals carry out a role in the ecosystem, something that I have no clue whether sea cows do or not.
oh so that right wing news um uh yeah
>not raping in the shower
How did that goofy motherfucker even get up there?
Bruh do you actually have an account for the telegraph? I cant read it behind a paywall. One instance of netflix being garbage doesn't change verifiable facts that rich jews who own massive corporations are ruining this earth.
This is some next level false flag.
Stupid walrus btfo.
wtf I love eco fascists now
natural selection
if you're on the side of capitalists you deserve death
sure I don't side with commies either
>but when it comes to animals essential to the ecosystem you're a part of, then there's good reasons to care.
Then how about you stop chasing them off the cliff, I guess? Inb4 "global warming made them do it"
>an animal falls off a cliff
Walruses and Kardashians (can't tell which is in that vid) are shit-tier
If you're gonna then fall like a boss!
50... 40... 30... 20... RETARD RETARD RETARD
Wanting everything and everyone to be owned by the state really isn't boot licking i agree.
Obama was the best President Wall Street ever had
Reminder that places like China and India are the worst polluters and Westerners turning off their lights and banning plastic straws will make fuck all difference
>if you disagree with me you're a Trump supporting zionist
I should sue you for slander, for I will NEVER support Israel.
I take nearly 30 minute ones sometimes. Super hot as well.
Also, if climate change were as damning as (((they))) make it out to be, there'd be a crazy push for nuclear power, but as it stands, they're happier with petty carbon taxes, electric cars, and windmills. Also they don't go after the biggest offenders like India and China, so with that in mind, it's pretty clear to me that they whole thing is being blown out of proportion.
US is the worst per capita.
t. Soros boot licker
How the fuck did that lil' nigga survive that fall?
Reminder that billionaires shouldn't exist by natural law.
>use shower 1 min
>stop it
>gel in sponge
>scratch body
>put the water again for 2 min
>im more clean than 90% people of Yea Forums
why is no one talking about the species that are flourishing from climate change? All those species' ranges that are increasing.
So what exactly are all those pesky Americans in favor of globalization, open borders, SJW/PC policies, authoritarian nanny state etc?
>>im more clean than 90% people of Yea Forums
wow such a high bar to clear
>doesn't brush teeth in the shower
what are you doing
low body weight
I take 30 minute showers every day or however long it takes to run out of hot water. Usually just read or shitpost on my phone while standing in there
I don't see the point in saving the planet for the brown and black people leftists want to replace me with.
>doesn't shave in shower
>doesn't blow nose in shower
>doesn't take a shower just to clean asshole after shitting
>Usually just read or shitpost on my phone while standing in there
a water-resistant case is all that stands in my way from doing this
>retarted walrus decides to climb up mountain and falls
>this is YOUR fault by the way
I truly do not give a shit. The consumer shall not have to use lower quality products/services just because some green party voting hippie will get sad.
this, lefists are based and hate jews
how did it even get up there
get toothpaste on your dick
i tried that. the numbing cold feel was underwhelming
wish you would step back from that ledge my friend...
it took a crane
What does a walrus climbing up a cliff and being too stupid to not fall 50m have to do with climate change?
Was it expecting to find an iceberg up there to float away on or what
Liberals aren't leftists. Why do Americans have such a warped understanding of politics
Wanting everything to be owned by the upper class isn't licking boots though?
Actually I was talking out of my ass and did some research. It depends what you mean by "pollution".
CO2 emisions (5 years ago)
worst offenders apparently a bunch of arab countires
Plastic polltuion mostly from China, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand
Anyway my point still stands that Westerners don't need to do shit except force these other shitholes to sort themselves out
my area tried making people separate recyclables into 3 bins and no one is doing it, so in less than a month the recycling place wont take 25% of stuff now and it goes to the landfill instead. they're recycling less material with the new rules than they were before. it all comes down to convenience, i am not maintaining 4 bins for what is all garbage to me.
It climbed up the snow before global warming started
ha did that fucker commit suicide?
In america "liberal" means, "loves individual rights and freedom as long as its fashionable and likes authoritarianism as long as it doesn't affect them or any fashionable minority groups". In europe it means "Loves freedom even when its not fashionable".
My workplace has 6 different bins. I literally can't keep up with this retarded shit anymore. I remember when we had organics (food), cardboard, and garbage. That system made sense to me.
>there'd be a crazy push for nuclear power
Why does every leftist policy end up being "punish the middle class while the rich and poor get away without doing Jack shit"
If you're middle class, remember that you only owe your loyalty to the middle class. Fuck the poor fuck the rich.
>Remember goy: spending your tax money on "green" incentives will totally offset 1 billion chinese household and industry emissions
Reminder that all 'scarcity' is market manipulation to raise prices.
>Russian scientists, geo-physicists, and chemists, beginning in the 50s, in Moscow State University and various geological institutes, developed a methodology to understand how hydrocarbons are actually formed - and, they looked at Western geology, rather, they studied all the scientific papers from the West, and began laughing at lack of any scientific explanation for the genesis of oil and gas. The idea that it came from fossil fuels is ludicrous, if you think about it- how many dinosaurs would congregate in Saudi Arabia to create the oil that's been produced in Saudi Arabia in one giant field alone since 1948? You would need, they calculated,to create a dinosaur cube, dead dinosaurs, assuming they transformed, pound for pound 100 percent into oil, the cube would be 19 miles wide, 19 miles high (broad), and 19 miles deep, only for that one giant field in Saudi Arabia. Why didn't dinosaurs roam in other parts of Earth as intensely as that? Well, algae doesn't explain it either, nor do dead leaves or grass... so, They began looking for other explanations... and came up with a hypothesis which since has been proven, rigorously, in repeated experiments in the labratory, that oil originates in the deep core of the earth, a giant oven that's constantly burning, creating methane gas that, through high temperature and pressure, is forced through the mantle of the Earth, in tiny cracks and fissures, migration channels, up towards the surface, where it's trapped in air pockets or pockets in rock, until it can be found... and, they developed a radical way of just where to look for oil and gas, and, the problem is, after the end of the Cold War, Western oil companies in the United States had no interest in having this technology known to the world because countries like China, who are controlled through their dependancy on western oil would suddenly become energy independent.
>The political failure to properly address the climate crisis makes me doubt the science and not the political competence. It's not like status quo dependent big money backing dirty industries, climate sceptic reactionary (populist and populist-ish) parties, "green" parties with a typical nuclear energy paranoia, parties that understand but for various immoral reasons don't care about the future and more would affect the political response to research. Why go to the source for understanding when you can view it through a super fucking muddy political filter?
>Essential to anything
I laughed but also nearly cried watching this. I hope he was alright.
>that petrel just waiting for his chance to turn this rape into a murder
Westerners benefit from industrialization and then find alternative energies after making the planet toxic, bitch when anybody else does it, westerns still have higher pollution per capita.
Actually, only retarded American right wingers do. Europeans have no problem with a strong state. Americans have that ridiculous muh gubment paranoia.
appropriate picture for your stupid response
>when you realize the Chernobyl disaster did actually destroy the planet by reducing confidence in nuclear power to such a degree that aside from france the world is still inexplicably dependent on coal
all because of a few retarded and probably drunk ruskies
>implying the democrats aren't the flip side of the same coin
It's all company puppets. Our government has been corporate owned for almost a century. Only fucking idiots think there's any difference between the two.
NO i already looked into that and posted it here per capita, results show that its some arab countries that are th worst. By volume per country, china produces most Co2 followed by USA, India , Russia
And three mile island, and Fukishima. When they fuck up it's big. It doesn't happen often because it isn't widely used. If it was used more it would happen more and it's a big fucking deal when it does.
Is it not alarming that everytime a company or government do something bad they proceed to shift the blame unto its populous almost like they're diverting from the fact that they're responsible for said issues?
>comrade we should aboort ze test something is wrong
>herrro yesssss put generator on bottom of plant it very good there
retards ruining it for the rest of it
What is the appeal of cold water showers exactly?
I always feel cold as fuck in the morning and need at least a little warmness in my comfy shower, my skin dries out in either temp anyways.
its almost impossible to fuck up now with how advanced monitoring is, the only thing you have to do is not build them in a location that has natural disasters
>If it was used more it would happen more
maybe not where fucking earthquakes and tsunamis happen
how the fuck did it even end up there lmao
>not pissing in the shower and shitting at work to keep the toilet clean
Answer this, global warming cultists
I jerk off in the shower all the time by just holding my tablet out the door. I have a shaving cream fetish though. Not shaving itself just the way it feels on my penor.
now this is kino
>not the superior shrimpfest
>someone posts evidence against your claim
>ignore it and continue to spew your rhetoric
The best solution is a cull of humanity, everybody knows it but only one man had the ball to do something about it
Just the one ball?
Product of a deeply demoralized society?
>retarded shill cant argue
the woman you're talking to has a mental condition if it's not apparent by her opinion
Just stop giving aid to Africa. Its only made the situation infinitely worse.
howd that fucking dude get up there anyway?
>only one man had the ball to do something about it
>the ball
I see what you did there
It's easier when everything can be blamed on a (((they))) working in the shadows who'd have the power to do anything but things are difficult because they make it so to further their senseless agenda. The comfort of that anger and contempt for something illusive is much easier than to feel that same anger for our collective failure as a society and the fear of our inability to succeed with that which should be possible.
The world is full of men who won't endure fear. It is natural.
He's okay, right?
i think when birds are young their bones are mostly cartilage so dont actually break, plus they weigh next to nothing so the impact forces arent actually that high.
>10 minute shower is long
Because those species are disrupting ecosystems and they’re already everywhere.
How would you react if every parrot and bird in a jungle was replaced by a dull brown sparrow?
it might be almost impossible but it's also inevitable
It's just a psy op to condition western countries to accept a reduced standard of living after the next big economic collapse.
hot fucking take anons: just build a fucking fence so they don't fall off and a ramp to make it easier to get up.
Exactly that. Theyre used to let their heavy body fall into the water, but with the ice shrinking theyre forced to go on land where there can be tall cliffs
licking boots only happens when you defend the actions of the government, commie shill.
If evolution is true why didn't it grow wings
a fence along a jagged cliff edge? thats going to stop animals weighing a tonne? a near-vertical ramp made of what?
why don't they develop their brains and build an escalator?
Unless you reverse-osmosis your shower water, you're actually absorbing a shitton of metals from tap-water if you take overly-long showers. Cleanliness is still important but you are probably doing it wrong like most people.
>Eurostan being used in a positive example
fine a wall made of stone. Just so long as they can't tumble over the edge it'll be reyt. Also yeah just dynamite a fucking ramp - it's not as vertical as you are claiming
>if climate change were as damning as (((they))) make it out to be
I can't tell if people are legitimately retarded now or if trolling is still a thing
China is reducing its pollution levels at record speed. What are Burgers doing?
>Also, if climate change were as damning as (((they))) make it out to be
Reminder that this is the kind of person who denies climate change.
the producers put it up there to get some dramatic footage in their propaganda movie
>Amerimutt in charge of telling libs and lefties apart
Unironically what the fuck do you faggots learn in high school if it isn't basic things like this.
>believes China
>yes white man we clean now
>so you stop having baby now
>fortune cookie say world happy now
Why you think your mama's breath always smells so minty fresh?
>if you keep fucking up our environment, we gonna have to come to you and fuck your women mammalbois
If you have record high pollution then of course you need to have a record high at reducing it
>believes America
Remember when Iraq had WMAs? Oh wait that didn't happen, you lied to us
>white women
Every black guy eventually either abandons them or beat them. You think its going to be any different for sea animals?
>Remember when Iraq had WMAs?
You mean WMDs? Yes. I'm old enough to remember when they actual used them against Iran and the Kurds. I bet Michael Moore forgot to tell you that part.
good luck getting 4(50) million people to give up their fatfuck mobiles
they get fresh pussy and fresh fish every day, why would they leave?
>America: "We need to do something about climate Change!!"
>believes America
are you doing this on purpose?
user seals are mammalbois
Yeah, from 1962 to 1991. Remember when you tried to convince the world that Iraq still had them in 2003? Why did you lie to us, Mutt?
seals are mammals you retard
The UK and BP were more than happy to believe the lie.
>America: "We need to do something about climate Change!!"
America is saying the opposite.
I agree, modern day Americans are too fat and retarded to do anything of consequence.
(((They))) want to make money
Nuclear power doesnt make as much money as oil or gas
you fucking brainlet
>you fucking brainlet
wew lad
cold showers are kino for all times other than cold mornings
Why is this agenda being pushed only in western countries with the highest standards of environmental regulation and lowest native birthrates?
Reminder that long hot showers are incredibly unhealthy for your skin and hair, dumbasses
>MIGA tards and ancaps are the only right wingers in the US
t. Reddit
>showering more than once a week
Fuck off prissy
unironically how does the USA pollute so much,
even other 1st worlders who pollute a shit ton are like 1/3 per capita compared to the USA, is it all just freedom trucks and 24 wing steak combo deals?
I was trying to use words he would understand
Because we should ourselves to higher standards than Africa, China etc. since we are stronger, richer, smarter and overall better than them. Just because China is a poisonous hellhole doesn't mean that we have to ruin our countries like that too.
The US is not the majority of the pollution problem. If the US went entirely clean and produced no waste or pollution, magically, we'd still be at 86% pollution and nothing would change.
>look mom I posted the "lemmings jumping off cliffs" propaganda again
>not showering cold
Weak söy fags
We're the only ones getting lectured about it from higher up. As if we're the problem.
Cold showers are for poor people and prison inmates
Well someone has to do something so it's gotta be us since the Chinese are selfish little shits.
Read UN Agenda 21 and it's pretty obvious what's happening and why
>getting lectured
>we're the problem
You make it sound as if environmental protection isn't in your best interest. Do you want your homeland to look like China?
>Its aim is achieving global sustainable development. One major objective of the Agenda 21 initiative is that every local government should draw its own local Agenda 21.
Sounds great, what's supposed to be the problem here?
A tower all to myself in a ghost town sounds comfy.
It's better for your skin and wakes you up.
im not smart enough to know if climate change is real and i dont really care. ill shit up this entire planet if it makes people piss and moan about it. suck it you homos
Getting drafted into a resource war doesn't, however.
Well, if you're paying for things that contribute to carbon emissions and pollution, are you not at least part of the problem?
He's refering to the conspiracy theory that claims elites wants to reduce population size by controlling it
This. I sometimes like to take my time shaving or the water hits the perfect temp, pushing it past 30min.
1 person died from cancer after Fukushima, nobody died from TMI, and nuclear is used all over the world.
Sweden, the European country with THE lowest carbon emissions is ~45% nuclear. For some reason, no one will tell you that, even as every left-leaning politician is brow-beating everyone about how great Sweden is.
Sweden also has a population of.... 10 million.
>every left leaning politician is anti-nuclear
Lol please
well I drink plenty of water to balance it out.
doesn't work when you don't understand them yourself
I take hour long showers. Its relaxing.
Also cold water makes your hair T H I C C
Most european countries have quite good individual rights though.
>1 person died from cancer after Fukushima
yea the oceans fiiiiine.
So? Why should we not follow the example of a country that has achieved a goal that is supposedly more important than anything else? Because there's only 10 million people there?
Never said that, but nice job trying to put words in my mouth.
nigga high as shit
How the fuck do you bear cold ones though?
I wish this were true. We desperately need to stop non-white populations from growing. white populations have stopped growing already so any measures of "population control" could only be aimed at non-whites. bring it on.
Right, you said every left leaning politician is in love with Sweden, which is even more retarded. How many left leaning politicians do you know outside Bernie Sanders and Che Guevara?
Say what you want about China but 1 Child Rule worked.
It's literally impossible to be left wing and not a bootlicker unless you're planning on wearing the boots
>Why do Americans want to be the best country on Earth
It's like you're retarded or something
become bear
Don't stand directly under it the whole time
>let the water hit you
>turn off
>soap up
>rinse off
>out in 3 minutes
>commies are bootlickers
Where did you go to school, user?
By not being a cuckold. You can start warm and make the water colder, you just adjust. Plus, if you take a cold shower, stepping out of the shower into the colder air doesn't feel like shit.
no, it didn't. it produced an overflow of men when the exact opposite is needed. we need to have fewer boys to make up for our lack of major wars.
I have literally never seen anyone timestamp a pic of themselves on /pol/
this kills the climate alarmist (and everyone else too)
>By not being a cuckold
or you know just take a hot shower without caring like a man
>Despite caesium isotopic concentrations in the waters off of Japan being 10 to 1000 times above the normal concentrations prior to the accident, radiation risks are below what is generally considered harmful to marine animals and human consumers.
Yes. You got me. When I said every left-leaning politician, I LITERALLY mean every single one of them, because of course I look up ALL of their opinions. Context, man. The point was that you don't hear about the Swedish energy sector in mainstream media, but you do about their welfare program. Because welfare gets votes and nuclear largely doesn't.
yeah those revolutionaries who want the upper classes to relinquish their privilege are the real bootlickers. People starve while Donald trump shits his pants on a golf course because his daddy gave him a million dollars. Us right wingers who are content with the status quo, corporations and endless tours in the middle east are the real freedom fighters.
yeah except the now huge surplus of lonely horny men
>"Due to warming temperatures, what was once a passion-locked mating ritual that lasted hours has now been reduced to just a mere second of intimate contact. If temperatures continue to rise as they have, scientists estimate that by 2023, the male leopard may not be able to succeed in mating at all due to premature warming of the testes. The future of these majestic animals is uncertain if humans don't take drastic steps in stopping climate change"
David Attenborough spells it out for you in plain words. Imagine still being a denier while continuing to live you excessive, damaging, modern lifestyle.
They use to chill on sea ice, easy to get on and off. But the sea ice in the summer up north is going away so they chill on rocky islands instead where theres often not enough room. Some climb up to high places to get a decent spot, but die coming back down. It's all because of the lack of sea ice.
How do you be a communist without licking boots? You don't even get to choose, because if you do you're not a communist anymore. You're under the boot of the state at all times, even your own home doesn't belong to you.
>the president everyone hates who says the opposite of everything mainstream
m8 ur buggin retarded
that walrus is dead as hell. Big fat animals like that cannot survive falls. And it happens with regularity now
>theres often not enough room
What the fuck do you call pic related then? Literally all of the island is empty but the walruses are just too stupid to swim around to an empty spot
when americans think their liberal party is left wing
Donald Trump is not right wing you dumbass. Even if he was, that has nothing to do with the left wing basing it's ideology on licking boots.
What Hollywood celebs on Twitter are saying doesn't matter, you idiot. The policies being enacted by the government do.
liberalism is inherently leftwing as it as an universalist egalitarian ideology
It's still the reason for it happening you brainlet. He didn't say walruses weren't dumbasses
why do we give a fuck about other animals
let em all die and we'll handle exterminating the other fuckers whose predators died. Boom less pollution
oh no they will have to relocate the leopards
oh the humanity
stop fucking crying retard
even if u stopped the industry how are u gonna stop the accelerating naturally occurring greenhouse gasses at this point?
u cant
stop holding onto hope and figure out a solution or shut the fuck up
there's going to be a lot more fucking die offs than just muh cute leopards as well
Because out politics are warped, obviously
they deserve extinction
why would that decrease pollution
>hollywood celebs
no, the mainstream media who acts as our unquestionable moral compass
What hollywood celebrity presidents say on Twitter doesn't matter you idiot
Ever heard of ecosystems?
So why does the doc leave this detail out? At the time of the walruses falling off a cliff due to "overcrowding" like Attenborough narrates, the island was actually empty.
How can people take super hot showers? When water is above plus 30 Celsius it becomes uncomfortable
> Live a comfy life with airplanes and shit
> Live like a primitive so panthers or whatever can fuck
Oh man, tough decision. Cant we just lock them up in climate controlled zoos?
theres no way to relocate them. Hell, its an achievement when those trail cams even glimpse one. They are crazy hard to find and are very rare.
>no, the mainstream media who acts as our unquestionable moral compass
And how many policies has the mainstream media enacted lately?
>What hollywood celebrity presidents say on Twitter doesn't matter you idiot
Correct, but his actions as a President do, you retard.
Do you think anyone outside America gives a rat shit about your media's opinion on climate change?
Research it, it would work
exactly, we're advanced enough that we can handle fucking off those animals and managing it ourselves. It's settled science
>How can people take super hot showers?
the pain distracts me from all the other pain
this is the most retarded thread I've read this week
You asshole, by their own over optimistic predictions China is going to continue to INCREASE their carbon emissions into the 2030s.
Their idea of "green" energy is building a new coal plant that emits 10% less carbon than an old coal plant. It's still a fucking coal plant.
then theyre fucking gonners m8
like the sabretooth tiger and the tasmanian tiger and countless other creatures known and unknown before them
dont cry about it theres nothing that can be done about it
i cant tell if you're being intentionally obtuse, here's a Pepe to display my feelings about you.
You're really arguing semantics or are you baiting me hard?
holy shit, the amount of seething this comment caused
Even if donald trump isn't a right winger in your mind (he is). It's still right wingers that support him, it's right wingers that support income inequality and lowering the min wage and no socialized healthcare, right wingers consistently vote against their economic interests, You're liberal party is right wing too, Right wing authroitarianism to be exact. It's funny when right wing authoritarians are there to call you the bootlicker because like it has to be stalinism that's all you commies want! The left wing ideology is based off of helping you fellow people and not letting the upper classes hoard wealth for themselves that they inherited. Rightwingers basically advocate for a neo upper class to live off their labour and have a better life than they ever will because of environmental factors out of their control. Right wingers want to lower the min wage so they can make their boss more money but then they are like no YOU are the bootlickers. It's pathetic how they vote against their own economic interests and the interests of the oligarchy. Hey we need income equality because the rich help us it trickles down, let's ignore how america doesn't even have the highest standards of living despite their massive capital, it's just meaningless numbers in a guys bank account dictating how your society works, it's sad really. Really sad, how a damaged right wing bootlicker can fail to see this, I assume every right winger who fails to see this is probably a privvie and got 300k from daddy for graduating the college he paid for. Having a silver spoon up your ass matters more than any form of meritocracy, you may have missed the part where I was talking about Trumps million dollar loan from daddy and why he rules us now, because he was born into privilege and you weren't and no amount of labour hard work or enterprise will change that, social mobility just doesn't happen in most cases,.
Imagine having such a huge ego that you think you get to decide how "interesting" and "boring" other animals are
Why would I want to take a hot shower when cold showers at 10x more manly and are objectively better for you?
This isn't semantics, idiot. The Trump administration has a pretty clear stance regarding the environment. Yet you act like America is a paragon of climate awareness because of what mainstream media says. Ever heard of "Actions speak louder than words"?
>So why does the doc leave this detail out
What would mentioning it add? This sort of thing didn't happen when there was more ice for them to rest on, the fact that the walruses are being retarded about the island doesn't change that.
What did every environmentalist ever mean by this?
because hot showers feel good
a man doesn't need to compromise
/televish and kino/
fuck the earth fuck niggers and fuck every faggot on this board
>In recent years, climate change has spelled disaster for chinstrap penguins. Filmed for the very first time by our team is shocking proof of the affect humans have on the climate. Normally, these penguins have only one natural predator, the leopard seal. On land they rarely have to defend themselves and their chicks against predation. But with the melting of large swaths of sea ice, the natural range of the giant petrel has artificially grown to overlap that of the penguin, thanks to man-made climate change. The penguins have no defense against the petrels.
>Devastatingly, its mate can only watch as the penguin is pulled apart mercilessly. It's unable to comprehend the petrels as predators because it has only evolved to view leopard seals as major predators. Not shown here but captured off camera, the penguin's mate at one point took part in feeding alongside the petrels. This unusual cannibalistic behavior is thought to be caused by starvation in part to its ever-dwindling prey, krill. Climate change has reduced the once abundant krill to small isolated pockets which barely sustain penguin populations. Penguins bond and mate for life.
>The chinstrap penguin is primarily threatened by climate change.
You guys must have been living in a cave.
Todays leftism is super pro-corpo.
>For thousands of years walruses crowded on shoreline
>Duurrrr why these walruses not use rest of island
Fucking retard
so much so that (((we))) even passed article 13. You have so many rights that the only right we miss is to be able to the governments what we want.
>its ok because the chinks do it
You're not a Westerner, are you?
okay i see now. u were arguing something i wasnt. yeah trump doesnt like the enviro conspiracy theories and stuff, agreed
and your last sentence is true and also true that america is a paragon of climate awareness
>India and China dump more plastic waste into the ocean in a day than your family could produce in a lifetime even if you tried
>its ok because the chinks do it
No. What I'm saying is that apparently steady or slightly decreasing carbon levels are a travesty when Americans do it, but fucking doubling your emissions makes you an environmental leader when chinks do it. Explain that shit.
>dude hot showers are bad for, like your skin and hair and stuff
And you call yourself manly?
Hmm then why did America
>sell Grand Canyon to Arnold and Ford
>gut EPA
>permits for offshore and national park drilling
>cutting regulations so corps can throw trash in the water
>wanting minorities to change their ways
Racist much? It's their culture.
I agree nuclear is far safer than people think and it would solve a lot of issues. But the issue with nuclear right now is the financial cost. Building a new nuclear plant would cost well over billions of dollars. That's not economical at all compared to the current non-renewable resources we use. Unless you can convince the government to subsidize nuclear like they do with other sources of energy, nuclear won't take off anytime soon. And that's likely never going to happen consider the lobbying these guys have
true that
Who the fuck calls China an environmental leader? Have you seen a Chinese city?
I run a car repair shop and to reduce costs for the old engine oil disposal I dump it into the river and into the woods.
They learn the national anthem and how to respect jews.
who the fuck only takes a 10 minute shower
I don't see how this contradicts anything about climate change. Also sauce please
>enviro conspiracy theories and stuff
Scientific facts don't care about your feelings :^)
No one calls China that you incel
Have sex.
Its literally all China and Indias fault tho
Are you sure about this? I mean i would think you would make a killing supplying power even if its nuclear. Ig the question is how much their overhead would be in comparison to O&G companies.
That whole thing is cringey as fuck. They managed to tear-jerk about seals not being able to hide from polar bears and polar bears not being able to sneak up on seals in the same sentence.
>global warming real
>whites are the only group that seems to actually care
>still get shit on 24/7
fuck it, just let it burn
Zoomer hands typed this.
America has a larger environmental pollution footprint, per capita, than either India or China.
that still doesnt make America not a leader in the climate debate
Also the negatives of those aren't really bad. EPA like most government agencies are bloated. Trying to scare people by saying its gutted is a classic mainstream 0 argument while trying to frame it without knowing about it
Also you're lying a little
but alas, you're still retarded and will never change an opinion no worries m8
I'm not one to deny or even really care about climate change, but this kind of alarmist talk only makes me want to dismiss anything else they might have to say.
Yeah dude fuck our geocultural heritage lmao :)
Do Americans really think that only China causes pollution?
>Who the fuck calls China an environmental leader?
The UN
Think Progress
The Guardian
The Washington Post
National Geographic
>you left wingers are the real bootlickers you want poor people to not starve while donald trump shits his pants on a golf course
how do you misunderstand his point so badly? This is classic liberal arguing, ignore the point and switch to something he didn't intend to argue
Eurocucks because their government told them to. California is also talking about levying fines to citizens who take a shower and do a load of laundry on the same day (I'm not joking, look it up). Of course, the millions of illegal aliens can use up all the water they please though.
So you're a commie?
The US has higher carbon emission per capita than both of them
>geocultural heritage
imagine typing this
Providing for the energy needs of a population in excess of 300 million people is quite different from doing so for 10 million. It's like the people that want to emulate the Swedish governmental and economic policies have no clue about scale.
India too
>oubling your emissions makes you an environmental leader when chinks do it.
Is what he wrote.
But yeah yeah anyone who disagrees with you is a liberal.
And India
>the government told me that people are starving. Give the government your money so they can feed them, bootlicker!
Imagine being a Zoomer expecting to have his opinion valued.
Have you ever even studied the history of Communism?
what is this newspeak for?
poolution hehe
you moved the goalposts of his argument.
His folly was using that specific phrase to describe China, your folly is to completely ignore his clearly understandable point. And you continue to do it because you're a liberal and most likely a woman because that's the base of this kind of arguing.
It really is eye opening to see California about to collapse into some sort of Mad Max style water wars because they literally drank all the fucking water in the aquifers. I'll have you know when you guys flee your shithole en masse I will kill you on sight.
Imagine having 0 arguments
Classic shill strategy, when cornered start to meme
*dabs on you with 30 minute shower*
So then how did Sweden build all those reactors? How was Germany so well supplied with nuclear before the recent anti-nuke craze? What about France?
It's not about scale, it's about which technology works and which doesn't. Explain why supplying a large country with nuclear is harder because of scale if you disagree.
Stop arguing semantics either way, I lay out all the sources here Environmentalists and general leftie fuck sticks circle jerk about how great China is, but I guess those guys don't count
>using geocultural heritage as an argument
Cant. Kids are not ecofriendly.
You do realize that the government has more money and more resources and more actual power than all of your boogeyman corporations combined, right? Your "point" is incoherent.
>my argument is geocultural heritage
>heh, got em again boys
His point was China being hailed as environmental paragon despite them doubling their emissions. Which would be hypocritical.
I asked who these people hailing China as climate hero are. He gave me an answer, and that was that.
Then you barged in and started pissing all over the discussion like the deranged little Zoomer mongrel that you are.
I hope they all die since they did it to themselves
>have a dozen or so massive desalination plant projects started in the mid 00s to permanently solve the water issue in California
>eco terrorists and their lefty allies get them shut down for 'muh environment'
Nothing will ever make them happy, they just want humanity to go extinct.
Isn't like 90% of California's infrastructure privately owned?
>dude fuck pride lmao
I didn't expect a Zoomer to have any kind of self-worth.
See and
>explain why more people have greater needs
but you moved goalposts and care about geocultural heritage and are now acting like you werent behaving retardedly
so you see, ive won this argument
Lol this is your brain on right wing politics. Unable to even fucking read.
I didn't argue in favor of chinks anywhere ITT you fucking retard.
>I win! I win!
Am I arguing with a teenager? Are you posting this shit from your smartphone?
Woah, not one but TWO replies written by the same person with the same untruth
Guess that makes it right
And if the American government sent armed troops there to take the land, what would the boogeyman private landowner's recourse be? Who actual has more power to crush dissent. Communists literally follow a fundamentally, incoherently flawed ideology. Its sad that it still survives in any way, shape or form.
The average American is responsible for 19.8 tonnes per person, and the average Chinese citizen clocks in at 4.6 tonnes.
>hey I don't agree with our leader, maybe we could form our own political party and let people democratically vote for who gets to be in power
>get thrown into a gulag for counterrevolutionary plots and dies in Siberia
Wow so powerful
Folks keep using the per capita argument, so I just want to say that only applies on paper, and the real, physical effect is that those countries still are the largest polluters. This is not to say pollution is good in any case, but you are purposefully obfuscating the reality that is: China and India are responsible for more global pollution than the United States.
Thats the point. Even if they are too stupid to spread out and use all the low level space on the island, they are still used to chill on ice platform that where rarely too high for them to fall back into water. You cant do nothing but witness how they act in a different environment. Of course they will act stupidly, they are animals, but you cant deny their lives arent disturbed. Calling them stupid doesnt explain at all why they lives like they do. Thats the problem with you deniers, even if you can see a glimmer of proof that climate change is happening, inthe end youll blame the stupidity of animals or worse be proud to cause all this extinction
Do you know what an electrical substation is? You can buy a .22 and take down the power for hundreds of thousands of people.
Wow, Soviet Russia turned into a dictatorship. How old are you? You don't have history class yet, is that it?
Carbon emissions and pollution are not the same thing. All countries must do their part but it really would help if Indians would stop treating their holy rivers like combined toilets and trashcans.
Arguing about a meaningless statistic that you invented to prove some point is in itself meaningless. You could argue about heavy industry dumping in China vs America, dumping toxic metals and sludge that ruin the land for decades and can provably give people birth defects and cancer from living around it but then China would be the loser in every single instance since America fixed that issue decades ago and it would go against your view that America is the villain and all white people should die.
i didnt say you argued in favor of chinks, just that your posts are being moved.
Once again, this argument is in favor of me, the winner
Now let's do some math with your fun numbers you came up with.
Oh, still proven wrong
if only there was a third option
NO you daft fucking imbecile. The position is that the Chinese and the Indians are the largest polluters, not that the US doesn't pollute. The issue is that the US is called upon and blamed the most, whereas the largest actual polluting nations are rarely chastised.
More people have greater needs but also pay more taxes. Nobody ever suggested the US should use the same number of reactors to supply its populace with power as Sweden did.
The average American is responsible for more technological advancements than the average Chinaman as well. What's your point? Why are you using a computer right now? Do you know how much pollution you are contributing right now while those forward-thinking chinks are cooking stray dogs?
liberals in america are right wing
>retard doesn't know what per capita means
>still thinks that the usa isn't a factor in regards to pollution that that only china is
God damn you really are stupid.
>this massive tangent about Trump because I said left wingers are bootlickers
Left wing = more government intervention
Right = less government intervention
Neither has anything to do directly with corperations, that's a stand alone issue independant from left/right wing politics. Being left wing is about licking boots,l. That's the whole point of being left wing, you lick boots so you don't have to do any work. You can help your fellow people while still owning your own house, it's called being a human being. You don't need a government to enforce kindness.
>that you invented
I'm not even defending China FYI. I have no love for them. But the per capita statistic is a fact.
>all white people should die
And there it is. You care about this discussion only as a pretense to cry about victim complex. Why are all Zoomers such insecure suicidal little shits?
Can some right winger bootlickers respond to this one? Thanks.
Idiots ITT are unironically saying that it's only China and India, you deluded fucker.
>prove point by pointing to own unproven sentence
>is proud
It's sad enough you did it once but now its proven it was actually your own reply you highlighted. This is lunacy
>literally taking the statement that I actually believe you personally invented "Carbon Footprint" at face value
So you're genuinely autistic then?
>literally every single leftist state established in modern history becomes a Stalinist dictatorship like the USSR or something even worse (Democratic Kampuchea, Maoist China, etc.)
>this is definitely just a coincidence, not a sign that my ideology is fundamentally authoritarian and repressive
The average person does shit all for pollution, it's all the ships, planes, and power plants.
>Right = less government intervention
If only that was true. Trump is increasing the budget, friend.
this is your brain on tranny hormones
Math is not fun
>the usa isn't a factor in regards to pollution that that only china is
Who in the world would say this?
>goalpost moving
Ah i see, okay this makes sense now
I didn't have to move goalposts anywhere because the preservation of geocultural heritage and the beauty of my homeland was my argument from my very first post ITT.
>But I win! Me, the winner! OK? I win!
You're starting to sound really insecure here, Zoomy.
For one, think of the scale-up of infrastructure, water, cost to build, cost to maintain, public support, etc. That alone, minus any other considerations, makes it a huge, heaping, hell of a lot more difficult. The size of the country, the population, the logistics, and the trained, skilled, educated personnel requirements. Is that really something you don't comprehend?
Obviously. That's why liberals invent feelbad statistics like "carbon footprint" to try and pin the blame and get your tax money and control over your life.
Trump isn't right wing. I already said that.
He's painfully underage in case you haven't noticed.
>the preservation of geocultural heritage
My argument is that it wasn't an argument, especially when phrased in the juvenile way you put it.
Once again woman, my brain overpowers yours and ive won
I know how to cut the federal budget in half. Axe Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security. Problem solved.
The only people who deserve that assistance are minors and the incapable. Everyone else can either pay their own way or fuck off and die.
Based as fuck. Reading a book in a near-scorching tub while having the tap trinkle cold water on your legs is megacomfy.
What else did you mean then, you fucking autist?
Those planes don't just fly around for shits and giggles though.
>it's not an argument because I say so
Why are Zoomers so autistic?
So? 350 million people can build more power plants than 10 million.
Oh, ok, my bad.
Lol, so everyone is an American? Nobody is saying that it's only India and China, by the way. They're saying that those two countries are the largest polluters of all. You must either be ESL or stupid, maybe both.
I mean that you're arguing about a nebulous statistic that has no meaning unless you swallow an unprovable future-based argument centered on "climate change".
Meanwhile there are provable, demonstrable issues with dumping cadmium and mercury in rivers and unprotected landfills that can and should be addressed that you would rather not focus on.