>protagonist is a virgin male in his late 20s who has never been in a romantic relationship
Do you find it difficult to relate to absurdly unrealistic characters like this?
>protagonist is a virgin male in his late 20s who has never been in a romantic relationship
Do you find it difficult to relate to absurdly unrealistic characters like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Leave the house and have sex
okay I'm out, how do I acquire sex
fuck off you're a loser. not special. stop whining no one cares. find a hobby. read books. no one cares
Go up to the nearest woman and politely ask for sex. Be prepared to run away if things don't go well.
Prostitutes or escorts.
No really, if you just want sex that's how you do it.
There are even hotels that you can rent a room with bath and towels to take the escort you just acquired.
I know that there are probably other things that keep you a virgin but technically that's all there is to it.
Now that you are armed with the knowledge I just gave you and since you are young still I suggest you follow my advice and get it over with.
Good luck.
this, it's just a numbers game
"have sex" isn't really the solution for lonely incels though is it? it's more like "have a loving relationship with a woman"
The thing is that you can't "just get a prostitute" if you're a late kissless virgin
>look up for an appropriate hooker online
>call/message the hooker and set up the time and place of meeting
>look up for an appropriate hotel online
>go call up for a hotel room and pay up/reserve a room for that certain date
>day comes, go buy condoms and then drive to that hotel, go inside and wait for the hooker to come
>when she comes have some meaningless dumb small talk before you get to the room
>get into your room, get undressed and try to have sex for the first time in your life with basically a complete stranger while never even kissed a girl
>when it's over you get dressed, pay the hooker and then go home
Would bail out on step two already my famalam
>since you are young still
I'm 28
Small steps. Rome wasn't built in a day. If you just remove the virginity which just keeps you down then you can confidently talk to women and actually make a meaningful connection. Your ancestors went to prostitutes, there is nothing morally wrong with it. Just stop watching porn, stop masturbatung and wasting your testosterone, visit a prostitute or rent an escort if you have to and things will work out.
>I'm 28
you failed. Simple as that. It's nature at this point. You lost to better males.
I find it hard to relate to anyone who's not asexual.
t. asexual
>The thing is that you can't "just get a prostitute" if you're a late kissless virgin
True in a way but 28 is still young. Just take a bath, comb your hair, brush your teeth and I assure you that you will be her most enjoyable customer for the whole week.
I'm a 40 year old virgin and for me it's truly late but no-one gave me this advice your age. So listen to my advice and don't waste it. Good luck friend.
haha yes finally, take that "Have sex" posters!
Not really. Sex gives normie men confidence, that's why the vast majority seem to first have meaningless sex and then have a """""meaningful""""" relationship (though of course love isn't real).
>Prostitutes or escorts.
Doesn't count
Yes it does, penis in vagina is sex.
Just save up like 5 grand and get one of those top notch bitches that are basically porn stars. You should still wear a condom just in case
Very low IQ thread
I've already decided I'm going to off myself. Just waiting for getting a job in a remote place.
The chaddest chads in my school lost their virginity to escorts.
the whole point of sex means that a woman is letting you her reproductive part, that is, she sees you as a male who is strong enough to take care of her and her progeny. therefore, it doesn't count.
>meaningless dumb small talk with the hooker
Not true, she just wants to get it over with.
Tell her
>I'm user
>I'm a virgin
>Have a little patience and give me some guidance
And she will help you.
They are better than any woman therapist.
So if I fuck a sawed off vagina from a corpse of a pig I will have sex?
>Just waiting
Bullshit dude. There's nothing stopping you from doing it right now if you were serious.
It was very normal to lose your virginity to an escort before the second world war, especially in Europe but also in the US where male fraternities would travel into town and rent a prostitute for each guy to lose his v-card to.
Yes it does. It's just you that thinks is something different. It's just in virgin's mind and once they do it they will think clear.
sleep >>>>>>>>>>>>> sex
People have always been so degenerate...
No, that's fucked up but paying for sex is literally the most ancient use of money there is. Nothing wrong with it and actually beneficial.
Im fat as fuck and manage to get laid
Try harder you gaylords
It's just a false sense of morality enforced by liberal media and feminism that says that pay for sex bad, porn good.
Just pay an escort.
I barely can't sleep well anymore and i'm not even wagie
In the old times, the local noble would just buy some peasant's cute virgin daughter and gift her as a mistress to his son. The sons of the peasants just fucked prostitutes at the local brothel.
The world has always worked like this.
>t. pic related
If you had a job you would be tired and you would have a nice quiet sleep.
Just pick a job, any job, many benefits.
I don't know why I can't wrap my head around how normal this is. I can't find a way to respect men who paid for sex, and that includes my father. I'm a virgin but I'd rather be a virgin than paying for sex (though tbf I don't remember ever wanting to have sex).
>the fag is the most degenerate
lmao who woulda have thunk
And you don't even have to go that far.
In world war 2 most young men of 17 had sex in brothels either during training or in conquered land.
Our age and society is the only one who has vilified prostitution.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with prostitution.
whoever told people that being fat as a guy is huge detriment to getting girls is full of shit.
the only thing that matters is being tall, if you're tall and fat. you're good to go
honestly you can even have 3rd degree burns or be deformed in the face, as long as you're not short you're in the clear.
>I'm a virgin but I'd rather be a virgin than paying for sex
You are either
>a hypocrite
>a coward
If you masturbate or watch porn you must cease at once and pay for sex.
I say it in the nicest way possible for your own good.
>tfw 6'2 KHHV
I want to violently fucking smash face of anybody that says that height is all that means
You won't be happy once you get a relationship, it's games all the way down. Just relax and take the clownpill.
Why? I don't want to have sex. If I DID have sex, it would be ONLY to please people like you who demand that everyone has sex.
I'm not posting this awful meme. I'm trying to help and give my opinion. I try to not be negative.
Rape is actually the most ancient sex option
Redpilled as fuck. Nothing is going to make you happy, not sex, not relationships.
True and it isn't as bad as they make it out to be as long as you don't permanently hurt or in any way damage the woman. I honestly think that all this talk that "rape is bad" (and it actually is bad) has hurt young men the most that think that even asking her out for a coffee is some kind of rape. The truth is that in sex the man has to take control because he is literally forcing his cock into her vagina but this is not rape because the vagina is designed for that and women enjoy it. If she's really not into it just stop but by then most women would like it. Just cuddle with her afterwards and it will never be rape, guaranteed. Sleep with her and bring her coffee and breakfast in bed in the morning and you will be best boyfriend.
just smoke weed bro
I honestly think that it doesn't work on me.
you need to smoke that Barry O
Funny thing about this is that I'm in a situation where I want to have a meaningful relationship with some girl, but at the same time I don't want the baggage that comes with it. Take her out, listen to her problems, go out with her, etc. I'm extremely introverted and I want to be alone most of the time even though deep down I really want a relationship The prospect just seems so annoying.
False premises enforced on you by media tv and movies. Just talk to her and take it from there. Things work out in the end. Also trust your instincts. If they tell you that something is wrong with her trust them and don't over-rationalize or over-analyze things.
What meme? I'm not OP
the only thing I regret about my teens and 20s is not learning how to drive
I always question my self over it because I like going places and hate public transport
The "have sex" meme
I can't afford a car and I'm 26
Public transport is pretty nice because there are so many young pretty girls in the bus. Just imagine how many casual conversations you could have before the smartphone era. Smartphones in general are one of the worst things that happened in 21st century and responsible for most bad things in modern society.
Think I'll probably do the get a hooker meme if I don't get laid by my next birthday. 26 v here.
Most women are people beneath the tits. Just talk about shit and share some of your shit too. You can have fun even before you fuck her.
Based and boomerpilled
I guess cost factors into it, it was 3k for insurance when I looked
parents put my brother on theirs to get his down after a few years, know for a fact they would never do that for me
I think it will have gone down since i'm older, just have a weird mental block about doing it at 30
actually smart phones made the bus and metro better than driving
even better with 4g internet
city parking is more than a return ticket and you can just surf the net and listen to music
cars are good for more rural places
Before the smartphone era everyone had those small MP3 players. Before that everybody had walkmans. So you need to go before that timeframe, somewhere in the 70s.
*blocks your path*
everyone was always a shy coping incel confirmed
The lady in the lower left corner is holding something that is looking like a pebbled shaped iPod with click wheel buttons and a small screen.
What's going on?
The young looking chad without a hat or a paper that is staring at the booty of the standing lady with the newspaper.
Time traveler?
Looks like an incel to me.
A magnifying glass?
go back to /r9k/ you disgusting freaks
Protip: Every single board on this site is just /r9k/ + a hobby/interest.
You can make a kissless virgin thread on any board you want and you'll get +200 replies almost everytime.
You would be aware of this if you weren't such a flaming tourist newfaggot
Lookism is the new Yea Forums or /pol/
Lookism owns this site
this tbbqh, i wouldn't bother posting on imageboards if i were a well-adjusted, well-socialized person with friends and girlfriends aplenty, this is who we are now
dont fall for this retarded fucking meme
you'll live with yourself better as a virgin than as a fucking retard who fucked some whore
t.i did that
me on the left
Don't take no for an answer.
Makes it surprisingly easy.
>unrealistic character
you're not clever. we all see it. one more divide and conquer bot. 4 chan is awash in them. sage
>everyone mostly reading about the same world events which could result in conversations about said events vs one person scrolling through their social media feed, one person reading a news article, one person watching a youtube video, etc. etc. with nothing unified to talk about
You can talk about capeshit to 99% of people.
What are some movies that actually realistically portray this scenario?
The Man Who Sleeps
10 timer til Paradis (in his late 30s though)
I'd rather not.
I prefer talking to old men and women who have opinions that are uncorrupted by social media and are actually worth a damn instead of talking to squeaky voiced bois while they scroll their insta or twitter feed to find another ewhore to worship or another thing to get offended at.
I don't think I'm going crazy but in the bus every time there are groups of
but Yea Forums is always have a better thread for khv and social outcast than /r9k/ so why would someone bother to go there?
>I prefer talking to old men and women who have opinions that are uncorrupted by social media
What is now social media was then government news and media. Everyone was served the same exact thing.
>waiting for the whore in the lobby
ty user
Why is this board so obsessed with sex? Stop watching porn and read the Bible faggots
just stop masturbating, go to a pub and get drunk
don't forget to act like The Driver, it's the most based one
Virgin Mountain too. The guy is in his 40s tho
>go to a pub and get drunk
I have done this many times, don't see how it can result in a romantic relationship
This. it actually works
I have an idea. Virgins ITT just have sex with each other lmao
>Orthodox Easter Sunday
>visit grandparents for Easter
>gran fell down the stairs, suffered no injuries, but has fallen into depression
>she’s whispering “come take me mommy” while grandpa is demanding we bring in Doctor, when he kicked them off a few days ago and now they’ve blocked us
>mom and dad are screaming and calling me names for not giving them a solution
>eat some ice cream and some lamb
>parents call me fat
>they proceed to go on their daily depressive rant about how everyone else is happy
>the whole neighborhood is full of shitty “local” Easter/Celebration songs being blasted
>go visit other gran at the crazy clinic
>she’s shat herself
>she asks me how many friends I’ve got
>say enough
>”then they must be at least 40”
>”say have you fucked anyone”
>mfw I’m a friendless KHV
>on the ride home parents chastise me for being a downer and tell me to be happy I’m not retarded
This is literally every holiday. My folks haven’t bought clothes in over 5 years, and never had any “outing” clothes so even Church is a hassle. It’s just full of screaming and fighting about grandparents shitting themselves. It’s been that way since I was 5. Heck, that’s my earliest memory. At least then I had some friends and was a good student. But Uni broke me... I’m not giving up or anything, I just... Sometimes I want everything to stop.
Just buy a whore and save yourself 2 hours of work. You can technically fall in love with whores too so it's not even bad
Normies break up because of bad sex, the whole loving relationship thing is an absolute meme. You either have kids or you dont
>meaningless dumb small talk
I'm 100% certain the whore would prefer to not do that, just introduce yourself and then fuck her with no further words spoken.
>earliest memory is parents arguing about grandparents shitting themselves
fucking kek user
I just hired a whore last night. She said she was only 3 weeks into doing that. We had unprotected sex. The best part was when she was putting her underwear on and I sniffed her ass
And I thought my life was sad
friendly reminder that it doesn't counts if you have sex with a whore
But all women are whores user
This, and all women who have sex before marriage are whores.
>the only thing I regret about my teens and 20s is not learning how to drive
It's not like you cant now. Takes like a month or so to be so competent at it that you can drive places and zone out to the point you have no memory of driving there
We're all virgins in this clownworld
Public transport was always the same. People didn't talk and most of them were reading the newspaper.
why do you want a girlfriend? women are literal cancer tier monkey people
To be precise, my mom and dad were screaming about my dad’s brother, who fucked off and never gave a damn about their parents. In turn my dad had to take care of them, his retarded sister and her retarded kids since her husband died from alcoholism. So, every week they’d scream “we wanna go to the doctor” and my dad would stop from work and take them. Then he’d be grouchy, and my mom would get angry that he’d do all the heavy lifting while his brother loved the high life. That was an every day occurrence. Things calmed down after his dad died, but now all other grandparents are in worse state. So now, whenever my folks call me (which is 6 or so times per day) it’s usually to complain about the grandfolks and they want an answer.
Eh, I’ve gotten used to it. The problem is that my dad is a patriotic communist and my mom is a control-freak who married a man 15 years her senior and dropped her studies. She’s also a “devout Christian” who fasts for 200 days/year but sees nothing wrong with fucking around, and tells me I should get used to the idea that I’ll marry a woman who’s taken at least 5 dicks. So an everyday topic for me is discussing the curvature of my dick with them...
>say I’ve noticed that my eye might point to the right a bit
Thankfully it was just my mind playing tricks.
>”oy, it’ll go well with your left-pointing dick” my dad says
>I answer that it points upwards
>my mom chimes and says “that’ll be a problem finding a woman”
Most of the time I just want them dead, to be free, but then I’m reminded they pay for Uni, and that they’re in pretty bad shape health wise, and I get sad for being such an awful human being.
who here /khhv/?
also who here /volcel/?
Thoughts on my gf?
>>my mom chimes and says “that’ll be a problem finding a woman”
your mom sounds retarded, no offense
>Oh my GAWD, he LITERALLY asked me out!!!
>He LITERALLY tried to ask me out. I almost BURST OUT LAUGHING in his face.
>Oh my GAWD, that's so AWK-WERD!!
>And he tried to be really assertive like one of those Pick Up Artist Incel guys. He didn't even ask me, he just said *mock deep awkward overly serious guy voice* "Hey Jessica. You're coming with me to the beach this Saturday!"
>patriotic communist father
>devout orthodox mother
Sucks to be soviet user.
cute gypsy
better than anything Yea Forums has
Its all about getting one, not having one. Its a milestone of maturity, especially for a man
Just be yourself lol
She kinda is. My dad had a niece and they spent a lot of time together before I was born. Gossiping and stuff. And ever since I was a kid and dad was away, I was raised by her as a substitute for my cousin. So I spent my days gossiping, calling people names behind their backs and such. My dad never cared to teach me how to act, he mostly dismissed everything I did and just pointed at various people doing various things and asked me why I can’t do it.
I’m Greek... My dad’s the kind that one minute hates gyppos, but gets mad if you say anything bad about niggers. But he fucked up his life through the Party, while supporting it, but also being a Patriot and a Christian. Who doesn’t believe in Jesus. He’s a weird man... And I’m very confused.
This SHOULD work, tbqh
god damn. your life is an ottessa moshfegh short story on steroids
Eh, it’s not that bad. What I hate the most is that they fart and burp all the time because they have shitty stomachs. God’s honest truth, I really related to Don Draper when I first saw the show, because all I want to do is just run away. If I ever have kids, I wouldn’t want them to know their grandparents, but that’d be a shitty thing to do. I just... I don’t know user. My entire life I’ve been living with two dysfunctional people who never listened to me, kept fucking up and then blamed me for not solving their problems. It’s a tough spot.
Fapped to the naughty stuff again.
sex with passion/love sounds like a dream, but I guess I'm stuck with having meaningless sex with random sluts because they like me.
I am bragging a little bit, because outside of that, I'm a loser that lives with my parents, have a low paying job, never had a GF, only 1 real friend, and he kind get annoying.
This. If a man hadn't had sex by the time he was in his mid-20s, why wouldn't he just get an escort?
I did that once and she found out I was a loser after I fucked her really good, i left her at a bus stop and I said sorry about your bad luck I have nothing else to offer. Still feel like a loser and i've had that situation happen more than once over and over and it doesn't help anything, still feel like a loser. Sex isn't a cure-all for incels....they'll still never find true love when a girl depends on you to exist as a proper human being.
It's not about sex, it's about loneliness and lack of emotional and physical affection.
you know they do that cause they are ultimately insecurity-ridden creatures, they need to put others down cause thats the only way they can make themselves look good
is also why women say shit like "Too short" or make fun of dick sizes, i guarantee the "too short" girl is ugly and the one making fun of someone's dick size got dumped or otherwise depreciated by little dick guy
Movies for this feel?
>spent hours today watching Youtube videos of romantic couples doing accent challenges and stuff
>tfw couldn't help myself smiling
Most people are biologically programmed to want companionship with the opposite sex. Sorry not everyone falls for your meme-tier nihilism.