Do you HONESTLY believe that Marvel can make a good Fantastic 4 movie?
Reed Richards is a dick
Fire Man
Rock Man
Invisible Woman
Can it be done well?
Do you HONESTLY believe that Marvel can make a good Fantastic 4 movie?
Reed Richards is a dick
Fire Man
Rock Man
Invisible Woman
Can it be done well?
It’s a capeshit movie, it will be done in exactly the same manner that the other ones were
They'll just completely change the comic characters like they did with nearly everyone else in the entire MCU
This. Reed will be Rick Moranis from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. A well meaning but absent minded dad who is also a genius.
Who the fuck cares about Fantastic 4, they ate even lamer than the Avengers.
Only Marvel movies I wanna see from now on are X-Men flicks, they are their only good superheroes
they should do a Spider-Man thing and just have them already existing. Don't need another fucking origin story
Fantastic Four is the most boring mainstream comic team of all time.
they will clearly choose an actress
>without hips
>without ass
Yeah, someone who does not look good in a tight suit
as Brie Larson
Yes we will have many more miscats coming
Fantastic Four is one of the best things that marvel comics did
the roy thomas and john buscema arc is spectacular
and the john byrne arc is a masterpiece of science fiction in comics
this is the real marvel comics
who only knows marvel comics after disney try to read the classics
Yeah, if you are boomer born in the 40s. Same with Superman.
The only fun capeshit heroes are Batman, Spiderman and the X-Men
>MCU : zero good movies
>can they make a good fantastic four
Probably not
based FF fans
Will Denny's at least give Ben a bacon free meal this time?
I'd make the movie a mix of space and Earth, start it out in space and make the final act them returning to Earth and fighting the Avengers until everyone calms down.
Not all kikes keep kosher
Well of course the logical route is to have them be astronauts that got sent on an experimental mission a long time ago and are just now returning
They've made tons of roads for that to be possible
The question is how do you approach DOOM
Byrne was a hack.
It's hard. FF had a slow start. It also requires to take in alot to accept all the science/cosmic/autism from Dr Doom.
With all the people meming John Krasinski as Reed Richards I'd say yeah, they could pull this off. I can see someone like John Krasinski playing him and it literally mapping perfectly to the MCU like peanut butter and jelly. Human Torch is pretty boring I admit, Korg proves that they can make a "funny rock man", and invisibility is actually a superpower they could do a lot of stuff with that could be really interesting. As for DOOM, just make him act like a mix of Kylo Ren, Thanos and Vader and make his outfit really cool looking. It could be done. A lot of people thought they could never pull off Thanos and they did.
Dr. Doom WHEN
this appears like bait but if you think about it Peter Parker is nothing like the actual Peter Parker
he is just spider man, it's different
Stretch powers are unfilmable in live action
That's not the only problem with Reed Richards
he's also a huge asshole, and not very likable
and he has stupid stretchy powers that are hard to film in a cool way or even present as cool
his sidekicks are lame and C-tier x-men
>Can it be done well?
Comic Doom is entirely too based for them to even try to put in the MCU.
Read more comics
No, I'm not autistic
Then don't spew off dumb shit you know nothing about
Shut the F*CK up, dweeb
>The question is how do you approach DOOM
People like Dr. Strange now after Infinity War so make DOOM out to be the evil version of Strange and Tony Stark, magic + technology. Just don't make him an American CEO tech mogul like the past FF movies did and people will be interested.
Just emphasize his science and tech knowledge and his inventions, not his actual powers. Stark was a huge asshole in his very first movie and people liked him then. If they cast the right actor for Reed people will like him too
Just do in the vein of the 2006 animated series and it will do well.
Stark was an asshole with a heart of gold
Reed is an asshole with a heart of shit
No u
That would be kino