Any movies that ends with the protagonist leaving it all and finding true happiness?
Any movies that ends with the protagonist leaving it all and finding true happiness?
Not even movies have that much of a unique premise
That newish Matt Damon flick that came out a few years ago. Downsizing I think it was called.
Wait what?
He’s a homo now?
who is that cutie on the left?
Why did you ever doubt it? There is no one in tech today that isn't a queer leftist pedophile.
Im glad mootykins is happy, he did what we all can't and actually leave this place.
wait what
go watch his 2010 TED talk, he's super effeminate, it's pretty obvious
They look cute. Good for him.
He's always been a faggot.
Didn't this whole cuckolding thing come about because Moot like went to Europe with some girl but didn't get any? Does this mean we can finally be free of people going on and fucking on about cuckolding?
No bi.
>Joins Google on a 3 year contract
>Heads a department in memes and their use in advertising
>They quickly find out he was just responsible for the platform, not the memes
>Quietly demoted to a smaller department while Google waits out his contract
>Walks around campus all day, gets coffee for more important people, shoots the shit with people much younger than him who think he's a bit weird
>Contract expires in March 2019
>Goes off the radar completely, even more than before
Poor moot.
Oldboy (the american version)
LotR, Frodo and Bilbo both leave to go to the elf place
wait is moot not okay? I thought he has a silicon valley bigwig now?
he also flopped a startup iirc
I had heard they only hired him so they could virtue signal as if they had tamed the internet hate machine which he had nothing to do with.
What do you think?
He's flopped 3 ventures (member Canvas?), a startup, and failed to monetise Yea Forums in any meaningful way. Is WT Snacks fairing any better?
>They quickly find out he was just responsible for the platform, not the memes
Yeah why won't they hire us
>Poor moot.
I thought after listing all of that, you would conclude with something like "based". Which it is.
I hate faggots but they look cute.
god I need a cute bf right now
relax, it's just a meme
He's not actually gay is he
user pls
wtf redditman is gay?
i don't think you can hire a person or team to make memes. This place is more of a filter for successful memes than a gathering place for people who make successful memes.
The nearest comparable job is comedy writer, and they produce bland forgettable crap much more than they produce great ideas.
Who’s his boyfriend? Pretty cute desu
he likes lolis too much for a faggot
>i don't think you can hire a person or team to make memes.
Except nowadays that is an actual job, grandpa.
>failed to monetise Yea Forums in any meaningful way
To be fair, Hiroshima is struggling with this too. Hence the whole "divide the boards" thing.
The guy that created this shithole is a complete faggot? well, color me suprised...
I saw his linkedin recently and it seems that he's still working for Google but now in their Japan office.
Was that Otakon? I remember beeing in line for the panel, but it being full and seeing moot walk by and enter the room. Also based Cardcaptor Will.
>Yeah why won't they hire us
Yea Forums hasn't had an original thought in years. Almost every single new meme nowadays is a pepe or wojak variation.
would definitely be a tranny had he been born like 5 years later
Why did he abandon us bros?
>that pit stain
meximoot best moot
God abandon's us all, eventually.
You're probably wondering who's on the bottom and who's on top.
Anyone else sense Yea Forums is returning to the old days? Whispers of more people using a filter, the zoomers are getting bored, the CIA is arresting all stormfront.
>Anyone else sense Yea Forums is returning to the old days?
Not even close.
Clown world // honkler is a good sign that we're coming full circle, back to the absurdism of the early days. All the /pol/ shit made Yea Forums take itself too seriously.
How are filters and no trolling or racism the old days? Were you even here before Yea Forums?
we used to laugh at people getting offended by shit
now we are all getting offended by everything
everything has to be political
we are never going back
Nothing’s changed the amount of shills and redditors has stayed constant if not grown. It’s like every thread I see some stupid post trying to garner upvotes
Yeah but when we said nigger back then it was in an endearing way, not because we needed attention. Such saucy little rascals we were.
Where's my walker?
the racism was largely ironic and comical, not actually going out and shooting up synagogues. thank aint Yea Forums.
/pol/ is the closest board culturally to the early days
>/b then
>Yea Forums now
Not at all.
Probably. People who think we were all being "le ironic satire" weren't here before 2010.
The honkler is from /pol/ though.
Exactly. The pendulum is swinging back towards absurdism for the sake of absurdism.
This is how you can tell someone found Yea Forums when they were still underage.
Wow. Can't believe you redditors have nice things to say about luggage lad faggot. Pretty good indicator you haven't been around long.
Fuck off faggot. Yea Forums is much funnier than it used to be with the gay ass do you leik mudkipz le duckroll BOXY XD shit. Literally prefer 10000 edits of pepe and wojak to that shit, but of course I'm not 16 anymore.
Some of the stuff we still put up with is because of him.
>No sound webms.
>Captchas with cooling off periods
>Gold accounts
Thanks faggot.
>went to the Japan
>became the gay
Moot finally became the anime little girl he always wanted to be.
That was only Yea Forums to be fair, and it's still like that.
frogposting killed this site. moot did the right thing.
It’s been on a huge upswing in the last few days. Endgame spamming is annoying though.
over literal retard
>the guy who started a Thai ladyboy appreciation website isn't a total flamer
>That CIA outfit on the left
What could it mean?
>lotta loyalty for a volunteer janitor
Want my filter?
Good Will Hunting
Go away
>op is always a faggot
>the guy who made this site where op can be a faggot and was the very first op is actually a faggot
>be surprised
What is it like being you?
No, moot would have done the right thing if he never revived /new/. But he did. He's to blame for the current state of things.
epic kino in your pic brother
>implying implications
Moots husbandu looks like Tom Cruise lol
Imagine moots bf fucking him in the ass and shouting "THIS IS FOR CREATING Yea Forums!"
sounds pretty nice actually