Minority felons good!
Old white civilians bad!
Minority felons good!
Old white civilians bad!
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Fuck off, that scene was actually good.
No it wasn't.
Hello R*ddit
>"Give it to me, and I will do what you should have did ten minutes ago...to say the N word."
Does that brand on his neck mean anything in the DC universe or is it just random?
What was so bad about it specifically?
old white civilian couldn't even bring himself to do it. few on either boat could have done it. realistically, I think anyone on either boat would have in real life though
Neither of the people on the boat could ultimately go through with it though so I'm not sure what your point is
he's the villain in Next Friday though
It hurt their white male fee fees
Criminals are selfish, they would have blown that shit up in 2 seconds.
Imagine the smell
The point is that in real life that nigg- person of color would have instantly blew up the other boat once he got the detonator
>white person can't fathom a black guy doing something good
Its your fault you're full of hate
have sex
get raped by a feral pack of niggers, racist.
wouldn't it be
>56 percenters bad
>Christians good
because he immediately goes into a prayer circle after that
or are you too busy tabbing out of cuck porn for your post ironic blacked raw reviews
This was much more nuanced than that and you know it but I’m not going to bother spoonfeeding this lazy bait
You sound pretty racist, I’d bet you’d pull the trigger just to kill some African-Americans
Except the white civilians also decide to do the same thing. It's almost like you just complain to complain.
how the fuck did he know that throwing it in the water wouldn't trigger it?
false-flagging tranny detected
of course old white civilian boomers are bad
Race wars notwithstanding, there is no way one doesn’t blow the other up as soon as Joker explains the rules.
>hurr durr you pull the trigger then
Done. Because there’s at least one guy on the other boat who’s thinking the same thing. Fuck them, I want to go home tonight.
Doesn’t matter anyway, both detonators were linked to both bombs.
There's a reason snowflakes are white
Maybe he was well acquainted with explosive devices
Deebo is a good dude
bold of you to assume that.
That's a snarky comicbook guy tier nitpick. Detonators surely can't be that sensitive, they're used in activating live explosives and such after all, you know, with people on the line.
The scene was supposed to be a moral dilemma but each character involved come across as pragmatic rather than "criminal/civilian/all bleed red" emotional, the movie was going for.
When a guy called "The Joker" tells you he's loaded your boat and another boat full of explosives, then hands you a detonator claiming, "It's to blow up the other guys, it really, really is!" would you believe him?
so well acquainted that he knew all the specs and how it's built? a casual glance on it's exterior would reveal a potential failsafe?
>Detonators surely can't be that sensitive
they sure as fuck can. he also fucking hit the window with it and NOBODY had a single reaction
have sex
based Jews
how is your day? my guess is that it could be better considering you're spending time posting this
also, I know you're white
Lemme rake in them (you)'s
Fish in a barrel
Even Dahmer felt bad about the shit he did.
this is epic what a powerful scene!
The whites and minorities didn't activate either bomb, jackass
what can you do with (You)s? I can't do anything with the ones you're giving me
fish in a barrel, I guess
>Doesn’t matter anyway, both detonators were linked to both bombs.
Why does everyone keep saying this besides
>hurr the joker is evil and bombing people is evil so he must have been lying to bomb more people
There's no reason to blow up both boats, it just makes this kind of thing less likely to work in the future and changes him from someone exposing society's hypocrisy to someone punishing assholes. It'd be much funnier to see how the rest of society reacts to others being put into this kind of situation where traditional morality broke down. And it would be funniest of all to do the same thing to anyone who was self righteous about it.
the scene was shit because it's not much of a social experiment when a single person could decide the outcome
What's with that shit about Nolan's movies having anything do with the Bush administration or the NSA?
>all the loser 4channers ITT who think it’s cool and hip to be racist
Funny to see them get blown out on their own territory. Remember Yea Forums incels, this is a Reddit board now! Have sex.
I don't think the detonators were linked to both boats. I think if I recall correctly that the they were in fact that each of the boats had the detonator to blow up the other boat. When they didn't blow each other up though, Joker was going to in fact blow both of them up with the detonator he had.
I think that's how it went.
>1/3 of all black males end up in prison
>Nigger was prob in there for rape, murder or assault
>All of a sudden cares about a bunch of nobodies
This is powerful. Maybe there's hope after hundreds of years, they CAN be integrated into modern society!
>implying any black man would resist the urge to kill a boat full of white children
It took me 30 posts to realize that yall were talking about the dark knight and not green mile
If he was legitimately exploring society's hypocrisy, he wouldn't have bitched out by pulling a third detonator to kill everyone when neither boat agreed to kill each other.
The Joker claims the only way to live life is without rules, then gets pissy when people don't play by his rules. Guaranteed the detonators were linked to their own respective boats as some kind of sick joke about exercising moral authority through mass murder.
Boring unnecessary scene that momentarily derails the already lengthy movie for a shitty side quest.
Congratulation on dumbing-down that scene like the complete brainlet that you are.
Muh honorable criminal heart of gold shit is just the fucking worst trope ever. He could have been the whitest fucking guy ever and this scene would still be bullshit, white middle class people be thinking criminals who rob and kill people are the nicest fuckers on earth because one too many hollywood movies.
Except it wasn't.
The point of the scene (as Batman explains) was to demonstrate to the Joker that people aren't animals kept in-check by societal norms, but societal norms are born from peoples' civility.
This phenomenon is honestly a big reason white women get raped & knocked up by niggers and shit. Against all their natural instincts, they literally think "we're all the same", put themselves into bad situations then everyone wonders why they get BTFO.
Society is hypocritical and he had been demonstrating that the entire movie. This wasn't a social experiment, it was a demonstration. If your demonstration doesn't work because people ignore the setup you punish them and set up another one.
>muh rules
Plenty of his demonstrations had rules. You're ignoring what he meant in an attempt to find some kind of gotcha.
>Guaranteed the detonators were linked to their own respective boats as some kind of sick joke about exercising moral authority through mass murder.
That's a retarded joke with no punchline beyond
>they thought pushing the button would make them not blow up but then it did make them blow up haha
I'm pretty sure people just like to say the detonators were rigged to make it the "correct" choice not to use them. Real world people are similarly unwilling to acknowledge the fact that living by their rules is not always rational and have to declare the situation was set up so that the rationality of their rules is maintained. In the movie making people confront this fact would have been the joke.
>Old white civilians bad
The old white guy didn't have it in him to press the button, grats on being retarded
The nigger.
Imagine being such a seething shitskin you need to come on four Chan to project your anger onto whitey
All these replies really show just how sad discord trannies are