Attached: screenshot-www.forbes.com-2019.04.28-11-21-56.jpg (639x638, 120K)

It's not going to even come close to Avatar because the weekday numbers are going to be low as fuck and foreign plebs made TWO BILLION for Avatar

If this was out in December then MAYBE it could reach it with the high weekday numbers.

Infinity war had 257 million weekend last year which was the record
this is 100 million more
yet Yea Forums kept saying there is no way it will increase because "capeshit audience is finite"
shows what they know

Are you aware Endgame has already made back 39% of Avatar's total gross?

why didn’t Thanos just create a bigger audience? oh wait, he did

They are right. It doesn't matter that there's bigger opening because it just means that more people saw it earlier than later. It doesn't magically spawn more capeshitters. Assuming that 95% of people interested in MCU saw Infinity War, then there's very little to improve.

Attached: laughtiri.webm (1280x720, 665K)


whatever he says the opposite is true. Where would Endgame get the extra 800 million more than Infinity War? Its not like MCU suddenly got a bunch of new people to watch a sequel.

>not 100%

It's almost like a lot of people watched the last movie on home video and then they wanted to watch the new one in theaters.
Where have I heard that one before?

Attached: screenshot-www.boxofficemojo.com-2019.04.28-11-34-58.jpg (680x52, 18K)

>22 movies
>suddenly 800 million dollars worth of people watch Infinity War on netflix

Bad example. People didn't know about Austin, you should compare 2nd movie with 3rd (Goldmember?), when it was already established brand. Infinity War was pretty much hyped that I don't belive anyone who follows MCU decided to skip it. 90% of audience that will see Endgame, mostly like saw Infinity War in cinema too.

>avatards and marvelmales squabbling over scraps

This movie will never even scrape the true FOAT, Gone with the Wind.

>People didn't know about Austin
Idiot, the first Austin Powers was the biggest home video release of 1997.

Avatar and Titanic had legs and stayed in theatres for months. Avengers was a hype explosion that will fall off much quicker.

This can't be fucking happening, bros
It was supposed to flop!

Didn't know about it before release. Of course once they saw it, they knew what to expect.

Austin Powels is a good example. Now for MCU you can multiply it by 10.
1st movie is your Ironman - it made 500M something.
2nd movie is just like Infinity War - 2B, 4x more than 1st movie.
3rd movie is your Endgame. More than 2nd but not that much.

Attached: austin.png (736x377, 23K)

>Goldmember made only 7 million more than The Spy Who Shagged Me
>Meanwhile, Endgame has already made back half of Infinity War's gross IN THE FIRST WEEKEND

Why do you say stuff just to get replies?

Compare opening weekends. Goldmember had much bigger opening than Spy Who Shagged. This is the same case here. Frontloader.

goldmember was a fucking shit movie that got shit reviews. endgame is a fucking kinomaster with millions of people on twitter making fanfics and what ifs situations about the movie.

Still to get avatar you would need extra 800M. Infinity War had mega-hype and build up for 10 years. Endgame is basically a sequel to that. There's no way to pull extra 1B over previous movie.
Find me example of a movie series where another sequel made 150% of previous film.

Capeshit doesn't have legs because people know it will just come out om Netflix in a few months. No one is going back to see movie multiple times, it had a strong start but more likley it won't even beat Titanic

Fuck zoomers that didn’t live to see Avatar hold theaters hostage for months

Attached: 66D89841-8E79-41A3-9828-5F74582CECAD.jpg (1242x1539, 1.06M)

>it will just come out om Netflix in a few months

And here’s how long Infinity War lasted

Attached: 3800D5A3-F220-4BCF-A347-AD4841E1F300.jpg (1242x917, 616K)

If Endgame has the same legs as IW it will make about 920 million domestically, which is significantly higher than Avatar.
Of course it will be more frontloaded. But even just 2.3x legs gets it to over 800 million. Hell Civil War had the worst legs of any MCU movie and even with those it will beat Avatar's domestic. That's how big the opening is

How to bankrupt the country, and make the inflation of your currency be three times worse than Venezuela: Just hire most people from Yea Forums.
1.3 bil
1.1 bil
made more than a half of what Infinity war made in it's entire run
less than 400mil
made 400 mil
it underperformed for a Star Wars movie, but it was far from a flop
Mind you, the quality of these movies is not important to see how a good portion of Yea Forums gets constantly btfo.

>capeshitters vs Jimfags
Just what this board needs


These are both the McDonalds of movies but the MCU really crystallizes it in a new pure form. They are literally terrible movies but people only see them because everyone else is seeing them. McDonalds is pure garbage but people eat it for similar reasons. It's like we live in a world of people just following each other like mindless zombies led by the deep state. It's becoming more and more obvious to me that although a democracy-like system is probably the best, democracy itself is doomed to fail. The values of the individual produce single mothers, public school brainwashing, McDonalds and Capeshit, not strong families, true education, health and dynamic aesthetic, artistic and intellectual pursuits. It's like living in the West today is like growing up in a McDonalds restaurant. Instead of breastmilk we suck vanilla shakes from clown titties

Holy shit, Goldmember. Friends and I laughed like hyenas in that theater.

based kikes
fuck cameroniggers

Keep in mind this is the same board that said Captain Marvel would flop, that no one would watch it after the first weekend and that it wouldn't make a billion (said at 910 million).

Once the Endgame craze is over, we'll have threads about Far From Home being the first Marvel flop.

There has to be a limit right? what are they going to do open more movie theaters