What are the prerequisites for pulling it off?

What are the prerequisites for pulling it off?

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Be handsome, be fit, have masculine mannerisms, drive a nice car

Good posture and frame.

Just bee yourself

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Be Ryan Gosling.

being below 15 years of age

Having grade A tits and a sumptuous and sultry smile

your hands must be a little dirty

i dont even think goose could pull this jacket off if he wore it outside of a movie set

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How the fuck is Carey Mulligan good-looking enough to be the object of desire of both Ryan Gosling and Leo DiCaprio? Plainest looking bitch I ever seen. Fuck the Hollywood kikes for pushing this bullshit that every woman deserves only the top 0.1% of men.

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You can't. It will look cringe af no matter what you look like. You will be immediately identified as a Winding Refn fanboi and all the pussy that encounters your presence will recoil and immediately dry up. Pic related.

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Goose seems legit autistic which might hinder him. Leo has no such excuse.

Right skin tone is an absolute must for such a color. This doesn't just mean being "white", you have to be the right shade of tanned golden white for it to complement the shiny silver, not to clash with it. A pale Irish dude would look ridiculous in it. Some specific asians (thai for example) could pull it off too.
Then the fit, it has to be absolute right. Sleeve starting just on the peak of the end of the shoulder, waist being tight but not airproof tight.
And ofcourse the material should be the right one and not cheap plastic replica garbage that just looks like a shiny trash bag on you.

So are mine

Be at a Halloween or costume party

leaving your parent's pierogi shop to sell heroin

I've got a better question

What is the scorpion jacket of 2019?

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Scorpion jacket. It's vintage now.


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unironically be some Asian clubber