Why are there so few movies where the male is the shorter in the relationship?

Why are there so few movies where the male is the shorter in the relationship?

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>B-b-but they only like you if you're a 6'2" ghoul

>high heels at 5'11

Based tinder fabricating false hope to capitalize on soi cucks
>just buy the tinder gold bro

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so I noticed this while browsing reddit from my shitter, nearly all the highly upvoted posts on relationship advice and shit like that is a guy who's younger than his wife or otherwise somehow strictly inferior to her like in the case of this image

makes you wonder about the """men""" posting there

are there even any?

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Yes, because Yea Forums is known for being a repository of perfect alpha male specimens.

Oh wait no...

Hes clearly gay

Yea Forums is the most alpha on average of any discussion forum on the internet
Go browse other forums and you won't even question this

>we can make the perfect sized child
>5' 7.5"
oh honey


Good for him.

>Yea Forums is the most alpha on average of any discussion forum on the internet
Prove it.

Why is she wearing heels? lel

Go browse /r/Fitness progress threads, then go to /fit/ Current Body thread

She is going to be taller than him with or without heels, might as well.

>Go browse /r/Fitness progress threads, then go to /fit/ Current Body thread
Not an argument. /fit/ might have more swolebodies but they have a pathetic surplus of "I lifted for 4 years why cant I get a gf" threads and posts. Try being a little less homosex with your evidence.

Okay, go browse ANY thread on ANY other forum, then browse Yea Forums

Tall women don't give a shit about height. It's the short ones that do because they see having a tall man by their side as a status symbol.

I'm 6'5" and my sisters are both 6'

Way more alpha than limp wristed noodle armed squishy brained s*yim redditors

>implying the fuggos and rejects on reddit are getting laid

They're so ugly they wouldn't even fuck each other

Most boards on Yea Forums are inundated with "wah wah tfw no gf" or ironic-post-ironic tranny worship (see /g/ and their "tee hee check out my ~*programming socks*~" meme or /fit/'s "hahaha dude bro you gotta put a buttplug in when you do squats, it's called a squat plug bro" meme)

Imagine them having sex. What positions are ideal when she's taller?

I didnt imply r*dditors are getting laid; dont victimize yourself. All im implying is that ironic-non-ironic tranny worship and "wah wah tfw no gf" posting is the antithesis of "alpha".

Death by snoo snoo!

You gotta act like a chad if you're gonna have a taller girlfriend, so it seems like your girl is a tag along trophy. It's the only way.

Look how awkward his body language is and that big boy smile.

That's why there's no movies, nobody wants to associate with these self concious mini mes.

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>Why are there so few movies where the male is the shorter in the relationship?
Any Tom Cruise film.

Iron man 3

Does he have spiky hair or is that a decoration on the wall?








dunno, looks like a gap in the market

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Reddit is way more creepy than Yea Forums

How is being younger than your partner make you "strictly inferior" in any way shape or form? If anything: it's the other way around.

most tall bitches I know are paranoid and HAVE to find a guy taller than them, even if it's only an inch or two

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>implying the fags on /fit/ even want girls
Those no gf threads are just homo recruitment threads.

Yes you did, also nobody cares about your strawman argument you mouth breathing retard

You're moving the goalposts. Were not talking about "creepy" and i'm still not defending r*ddit. Tranny worship is not alpha.

Youth is the only valuable asset in the world. People want money so they can have more free time. Would you rather be 20 y.o with 5 million bucks, or 95 y.o with 20 billion?

Exactly. Being gay isnt alpha.

Not an argument. I win.

It's a Jughead hat

Being in a relationship with someone older than you makes you inferior because you couldn't get a relationship with a younger version.

>implying dominating another man isn't the most alpha thing a man can do

How to get tall gf?

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The “>tfw no gf” is a meme on /fit/ you absolute autist

There might be something to this, I'm only 5'9 and I dated a chick who was 6. She said she'd never dated a guy who was taller than her

why make a perfect size child when you ARE a perfect size child? he's such a cutie wutie with this chubby cheeks and widdle arms and legs, coochie coo little baby!

>I-I'm n-not defending r-reddit ;_; s-see I even added "*" ;_;
>pushes tumblr reddit discord tranny propaganda

Really makes you think, kill yourself

It hurts bros. 5'11'' and the tall women I've seen are built like roman sculptures but female

As much as it's a meme anywhere else on Yea Forums. Going to the gym won't magically pop a girl into your lap. You still have to talk to one.

You're right, your starwmanning isn't an argument, now go slit your wrists loser

It's still gay.

That's what de/g/enerates said about the "programming socks and programming hormones" thing too. Not an argument.

Not an argument, projection artist. I'm the one pointing out all the unironic tranny enabling/worship on here.

>autist can’t tell the difference between ironic banter and sincere cuckery

God I wish that was me.

Baseless seething teenbro. Please learn how to read.

>tfw 5'8"
>got shot down when I asked out the tallest girl on the uni basketball team down (6'3" from Spain)
At least I tried, probably would've helped if I hadn't spaghetti'd towards the end. Got with the other Spanish player who was 5'11" for a bit though.

Just talk to them like a normal human being and don't address their height at all. This puts them in shock as most strangers recognize them for their height alone.

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Strawmanning isnt an argument, your fellow seething tranny teenbro said so. Who are you quoting?

Why do incel redditors try to give relationship advice when everyone knows they're disgusting permavirgin rejects? Fuck off


Imagine having the nerve to say this when you probably look like this.

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manlet kino coming through. I went in thinking it was your typical dark Scandinavian crime thriller and got pleasantly surprised at the dark comedy.

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>muh trannies ;_;

This is how you know this faggot is not from Yea Forums

>gets BTFO so hard he has to autistically seethe over a misspelled word


>saying you have to talk to a girl to get a girlfriend is relationship advice
>why no gf even tho im ripped

What is up with all the fucking redditposting lately? And why are you niggers engaging with these threads? Go back to your fucking shithole

Kill yourselves

R*dditspacing and more tranny enabling. Nice projection, discord tranny.

Imagine defending these mutts

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Seething trannyloving teenbro seethes when he got so emotional that he cant spell and gets called out on it. Stop pretending youre from around here

>J-just t-talk to her ;_;

Why are you pretending you know anything about courting females, incel? Only female you talk to is your whore mother you basement dwelling subhuman mutant



Don't bring hapas and Castizos into this

A lot of the fucks in the those pics are like pure Irish

Own up to your uglies

>he knows what "reddit spacing" looks like
>M-maybe if I add a * they won't know I'm from reddit xD

You have to go back

My gf does that too. She's also 5'11" and it makes her as tall as me. Kinda hot actually, better than kissing a 5'3" girl for sure.

she's also built like an amazon and almost my weight...

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>this level of projection
Yes, user, you must talk to girls in order to court one.

>still seething this hard over a fucking typo

What a sad, joyless, pathetic existence you have.

>le talk to le girls xD

They would spit in your mutant reject face you hideous faggot redditor, get some self-awareness

At least they're not incels.

I hope your ego doesn't get torn asunder when I tell you girls actually approach me to talk.
>still have to talk to them though to get laid

All redditors are fugly, it's kind of impressive actually.

This is so unsexy. I would feel like I was with a child if my man was shorter than me.

Stop larping, fag

Yeah, that one landwhale redditor popped out a nigger. That's so much better

Take your pills, pal. Only girl that talks to you outside of your schizophrenic hallucinations is your whore mother.


You should deal with your mommy issues, user.

Because nobody finds that realistic, though it is. That's all.

Just a trope. Same reason why no ugly humans are cast as the main characters unless ugliness is the topic.

If a woman is taller, as a character, it'll be important to the plot.

>give award


>You gotta act like a chad
This is why incels fail.

Hey, if you clean yourself up, lift a little, maybe you won't be... this.

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Truly thinking's man fetish
Why WOULDN'T you want a tall gf? It basically means "I'm so great my height didn't matter"

Have sex

yeah I fucked her though

Too bad you'll always be a fugly reject redditor, no amount of self-improvement can fix that

>the left can't meme, lul

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>this is what incel actually think

Sure mouth breathing mutant, just be yourself and you'll be a Chad in not time!


Are you saying because they don't act like chads or because they try to act like chads when it doesn't suit them?

Aren't you the retard who managed to out himself samefagging? Why would you even keep that trip?

They can't. Oh wait, are these pictures from reddit you're posting supposed to be your "memes"? Oh no no no no, now go donate your paycheck to Hernie Panders, he can still win!

the little jew's parents bought him a whore, how sweet

Do your sisters like being tall? My sister is tall for her age and doesn't like it.

>perfect sized child
let's hope it's not a boy

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Incels. Mystery solved.

Only the Russians like Bernie as a way to attack Hillary.

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Fuck off back to resetera you will never be a real woman

>tfw all men in my mom's family are upwards of 6ft
>she marries a manlet and I come out 5'8
>tfw even my female cousins are taller than me
Life is suffering.

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You clearly didn't understand what I was driving at. I repeat: that is why you incels fail.

At least this one has a functional brain.

Incels "trying to act like Chad" when "Chad" isn't real, that can only end in absolute disaster. Incels, since they can't accept flaws in themselves, will blame women for it. As they always do.

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Most of my cousins look like models and I come out looking like a 56%

Me on the right

Why aren't you sucking on your mommy gfs boobies?

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>women are never to blame

Imagine caring about height. My best friend is a head taller than me (and I'm taller than you), and I was never bothered by it. In fact, my friend feels more out of place than I do, and I have never seen anyone act like he was more important because he was taller. Fucking kek.

Study Italian men. They're short but based.

It truly is like that. To make matters worse, I had people repeatedly tell me I had "chad potential, but just not enough to get there" growing up. Not nice to hear that as an insecure teenager. Guess what side of the family had the people who actually "made it"? The taller.

There's quite a step between "it's always women's fault" and "women are never to blame". Also a huge difference between seeing everything as your fault for failing some sort of social exam and just realising that you are not compatible with everybody and neither is everyone out there a match for you.

>incels can only think of rejection as failure
>incels can't see that rejection can be their failure, or simply that there's no attraction
>incels want sex at all cost and consider nothing else
I hate autists.

>neet faggots calling other neet faggots virgin incels

You hate yourself then, autist

Oh my fucking god there was this massively tall woman at this sales conference last week, I swear she must have been 6'5 even without the heels she was wearing, tall and skinny with a great ass, revealing skirt and black pantyhose, I have a fiancee but holy FUCK I wanted to rail the shit out of her, lick her thighs and choke her scrawny neck and slap her tits.

Thanks for reading. Goodbye.

It's just that in my case the taller side of the family has the better genes, and even though I've always got along with them much better than with the trash side of the family, the trash is still present in my blood. It's about more than height, although that is a component.

>no u

Please do realise that "taller, better" is a meme. Women do generally like tall men, but stop giving this preference some kind of crazy weight. If you click with a woman, your height won't matter like that. People aren't autistically picking an RPG character based on stats.

>picking an RPG character based on stats
but that's literally what women do, at least the attractive ones that anyone wants and cares about

Am I the only one who thinks he looks like the old man from Up when he was young?

im 175cm can i make it

>but that's literally what women do,
No, incel that's literally what YOU do, and you project onto women your own behaviour because you don't understand others.

That's not short. You're taller than the vast majority of women.

>tfw the woman of my life is as tall as me, 180, and she's married to a man who's 160
>tfw I see these fucking threads
>people so out of touch with reality

>People aren't autistically picking an RPG character based on stats
Oh some people are, a lot are on here right now.

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>lankcel vs chadlet

I want a tall gf so bad bros

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>things that never happened
it's ok little guy,one day you'll find someone.

There doesn't seem like there is 7 inches in difference between them

Just insecurity of the 6'11'' folks who can't get a gf, go for it bro even if you're just 5 feet.

>just b urself xDD

westeros' new power couple

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But if they're blaming women they're not acting like a proper chad.

You can always spot the "Yes I'm going to be more confident! :)" incel "confidence" compared to the actual, natural "I already know how to treat women and how to take a photo, I've got more important things going on in my life" confidence.

>browsing reddit from my shitter

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There are three kinds of tall guys. The 1% 6'2'' guy who lifts and gets all the top tier attractive women. The 99% 6'2'' lanklet who's built like a stick who gets all the short average looking women. The niche 6'2'' who is above average and above average women. This is what I've observed at my state's best in sports and majority white university. I'm 5'11.75'' if that matters. There are many tall girls here it seems compared to other places I've lived.

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im 175cm in Norway and I'm gonna say no for myself atleast.

Being younger is even better

>mfw not that tall but hordes of Mexicans making me seem taller in comparison

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Lifting only helps you get slags. Style alone can get tall guys top tier women.


do guys who are 160 even exist, i don't think ive ever seen a male of that height that wasn't an 8 year old.

I'm 175cm in Scandinavia and I'm pretty much always the shortest guy at the grocery store etc

where you from?there's no way you're a viKANG

>browsing reddit
well at least you're honest

5'6-5'10 is the best height range for the domination of social situations.
This is because of the "subtle alpha" aesthetics the shorter man always gives off. The shorter man will always dominate through his "style", his "sleekness" and most usually through his intellectual power. Taller men can not pull this off, so they have to dominate in a much "in your face" and "raw" way.


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>I'm 175cm in Scandinavia and I'm pretty much always the shortest guy at the grocery store etc
I'm 176, would I fit in in Scandinavia or would I be the shortest guy too?

you'd probably feel pretty short, i'm 178 and definitely below average here

It's genuinely disturbing that every single day there's at least two manlet threads. Where are the nigger threads? Where are the women threads? Oh yeah, clipped by the jannies.


You're a NEET living alone fucking his hand.

>Got with the other Spanish player who was 5'11" for a bit though.
lol, no you didn't.

I'm 5'8 and going to end it soon. The worst part is women get deeply offended that it even bothers me. I fucking hate society and the world. Girls have everything going for them.

pretty much every thread here that revolves around manletdom, it's really wierd there's a new one every day.
You actually have no idea what you're fucking talking about, lol.

what i find weird is that is that suddenly the word manlet is everywhere, go back to a random year 2011 or 2013 and no one talked about manlets, did short guys not exist back then or something, what triggered the obsession?

It's a cope: easier to blame your problems on something you can't control

>what triggered the obsession?
the internet and social media have driven vanity to new heights never before seen. Do you ever look at instagram or modelling subreddits ( I know fuck off)? It's a SEA of gorgeous women, I would imagine before 1950 the ratio of gorgeous women was like 1/20, now it seems like 1/5. People have never been more vain as right now. Also the technology to be fit in the right spots, every girl has an ass now.

>actually good film rec in this trainwreck of a thread

You sound like a woman, to be frank. At least someone with a lack of real empathy.

I dated a girl who was taller than me. She didn't have an issue with it until her friends kept mentioning my height. Women aren't the problem. It's other women who are the problem.

>something you can't control
>literally the one key to getting 90% of women wet
kek, just BE YOURSELF!

Holy shit, I think I had the same experience. One time I dated a girl who was my height and she was awesome.. until her friends started hanging out with us. They actually HATED me and I had never fucking met them. Every conversation was a battle and I lost pretty much every one. I wasn't ready for hostilities from my gf's group. They tore me apart mentally. We were 15 so maybe that's just being underage but, it fucking sucked and shocked me deeply. I'm 5'8 btw.

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>immediate no u response
Holy shit that user really hit close to home huh

Women subscribe to the doctrines of Nazi germany. If there was a button to kill every guy under 5'11 on the planet Women would push it without hesitation

unironically this one
i seen nacho vidal do it

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I mean, you're not wrong, but they'd also hit the button to insta kill every small dicked bitch. So we're all in the same boat really.

As a man you don't want a woman older than you, and as a woman you don't want a man younger than you. A younger woman provides all the things an older woman provides better than she does, while in men an older man provides everything a younger man provides better than he does.
There's some cutoff point at which the guy's age becomes a detriment as well (I'd say at 30+ even a guy is getting too old to be optimal for kids since you want the father around not just for his own kids but his grandkids as well), but even the marginal downsides associated with that don't compare to the downsides of older women.

I guess if you don't want kids it doesn't really matter, but at that stage, honestly, what's even the point at all?

Your fault for valuing the opinions of women. If you treat them like the little kids they are and don't give a fuck about what they think they will eventually stop trying.

>Your fault for valuing the opinions of women.
I never really did, or gave any indication I did. I told most of them to fuck off most of the time actually, just made things worse. One of them ended up being a crack whore so, fuck em.

You wouldn't tell a little kid to fuck off because he's beneath you. You can destroy him at any time. That's how you have to treat women.

Women want to be either be dominant or be dominated there literally are no other options, it's like binary with them. + when they are dominant they literally don't give one single fuck about you and when you dominate them they worship you like you are Jesus. The "women just want equality" thing is laughable to anyone with experience with women. If you try egalitarian approach with them they automatically enter domination mode and start walking all over you, cheating on you, treating you like a bitch. It's sad because a lot of guys just want an equal relationship with women but they literally will not allow it, so you literally must assume a dominant attitude towards them. I doubt manlets just can pull this off unless they have a tremendous cock or are swimming in money/fame.

Did any of you faggots read that thread? This was a first tinder date. There is zero chance he is getting a second one. She did this as a novelty thing, so she can laugh about it with her friends. The manlet also posted his tinder profile, he does not mention his height in bio lmao. So he is essentially a catfisher

Not now because the legal system is stacked against men. Before it didn't matter if you were a manlet, you were still a man compared to a fucking woman. Nowadays a woman knows that the state has the biggest swinging dick around and will always back her up no matter what she does, so they don't care for anything anymore.

this is my favorite Television & Film I hope everyone doesn't die in the finale

The '90s-born queers came of age and realised the value of being tall

Why does it bother you that a mongolian basket weaving forum is the most alpha discussion board on the web?

>I would imagine before 1950 the ratio of gorgeous women was like 1/20, now it seems like 1/5.
seems being the operative word here. go out in the real world and you'll find it's closer to 1/150

>People aren't autistically picking an RPG character based on stats
>he doesn't want to be a 6'4 druid with a voice like Thrall

poor elon

I want a dutch gf so bad ;_;

stop posting shoops

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>If you click with a woman, your height won't matter like that.
yes, for a few months or a year. then the animal voice in the back of her head that guides most of what she does tells her to dump you. it just wasn't working out, for reasons.

now google reddit meetup

Loool there is not a fucking chance she will stay with that guy. He’s like a cute little pet to her.

>tfw no taller busty gf

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what the fuck are you even talking about u enormous nerd


Steve Arnott smashes tall pussy all the time in Line of Duty.

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>tfw get amazon gf
>tfw find out your stronger then het anyway
It isn't fair bros

>has never seen a pair of heeled boots in his life

This is unironically true. 172 cm here.

>she's on 10 inch high heels
He's a manlet but come the fuck on.


She'd be the same height without heels.

damn that's a huge bitch


I'm 163 and in Mexico nowadays is weird to see young guys as short as me atleast 168.

But I've seen a few shorter people than me hell one guy was 156 and was already a 19 yo

I feel so bad for being short but I had a bad development growing up..

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Women are cruel about height based on instinct alone.

Is that her son?

Who was in the wrong here?

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That's my situation. I'm only 5'10 but compared to most people here where I live, I'm taller than 90% of the population. Mexicans and asians are short as fuck. The further north I travel however is when everyone is taller or I'm average with everyone

>even the dog is fat

All of them work just about the same with some fiddling and some careful positioning. Helps if you're good at Tetris.

>conspicuously, another older female/younger male couple

just nerd things. you wouldn't understand.

The dude. Not for being short, but for marrying a whore.

You'd think this level of basic incompatibility would be weeded out by 4 years of dating, but I guess she was out getting fucked every night.

The average height here is around 180-182 so yeah you’ll be a bit short.

Not based, but redpilled.

you sure showed him user!

>Be 6'1
>Always say I'm 5'10 for jokes
>Shitwhistle at work was hitting on one of the girls, asks her for her preferences
>Dude is quite literally 5'8 or 5'9 and wears shoes with thick soles to cope
>Says she wants a guy who was over 6 feet
>As I'm walking by, he says "Well, I'm 6'1"
>I cut in and say "no you're not. I'm only 5'10"
>She laughs and says "that means you're like 5'6"
>Dude gets so red and just leaves, comes to my desk and calls me a faggot
>Just laugh even more

I wish I was scandinavian so bad

>and then everyone clapped

>inferior cause he's shorter

If anything this shows that he has something to him because he managed to get a girl a whole head taller than him, and we all know what picky bitches women are when it comes to height.

Bravo user! Very good show!

They still gave gim heels.


>in College
>be 5'5"
>Dating a 6'4" German girl
I fucking love Amazons


How old is your sisters? Don't women stop growing at like 13 or something?

god damn imagine what this must be like

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elon is tall as fuck

cavernous vaginas

>5'6 nineteen year old gf dumps me
>is fucking a 5'7 guy the next week

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a lot of subreddits are filled with women. for example, check out any of the ones dealing with reality shows and the comments are horribly catty about everything.

Dem legs

I've dated a 6'3" woman and I'm a manlet. It will change your life forever.


They'd have to use a cane early in life.

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tell us more

LOL hes is definitely not 5'9, even if those heels are 3 inches there is no way she can tower him like that, he's coping even with that chick next to him.

Snu snu

absolutely fucking based

How is this relevant at all to the thread you frog posing manlet?

that one in the middle is so smug
and the one on the left, she looks so disdainful

5'5 italian ravioli here, lost my virginity to a girl that was 6'2

stay mad lanklets

Best I've done is date a 176cm woman with me being 177cm. I had to wear boots to look like the man in the relationship.

I'm 6'1 and know a qt girl who is 6'7

should I go for it bros

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Well I'm not unattractive, I'm pretty smart and have conversation skills, plus I'm friendly and non-threatening, and I have the balls to actually talk to women, all women.
It also doesn't hurt that I have an 8" penis (thanks dad for the genetics, I think he was even longer).
You just have to ignore that you're short and ignore that she's tall. Aka don't ask her if she plays basketball or ask how's the weather up there.
Remember that women live for cock, thats why they're desperate enough to date black dudes who will most likely murder them later.

My present GF is 5'9" I'm 5'5".

Cheers, there is hope for the manlet, just quit acting like one. Angry short guy syndrome makes for dry pussies.

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I just figured I'd at least get replaced with someone supposedly superior, Yea Forums makes the mentality seem pretty clear cut

based and medpilled

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The girl with doggo is cute tbqh

t. cuck

ive never seen a triumverte this sacred, even in the /fa/ meetup pics

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is it just me or it's always the womanlets who care about height the most?

>I had to wear boots to look like the man in the relationship.
whats wrong with being even heights?

>a man having sex with women is a cuck

She really isn't. She's the best looking one in the picture, sure, but she isn't all that attractive.
The others being so fucking disgusting makes her look better than she actually does, just isolate her face and judge for yourself.

his self esteem

>Best I've done is date a 176cm woman with me being 177cm. I had to wear boots to look like the man in the relationship.

Never wear cuban heels or lifts, because at the end of the day you still have to take your shoes off, reminding her how you are lying to the world.

> feminine posture
> not fat
> feeds her dog well
> not doing retard face when everyone else does
> kind of genuine smile
she is ugly though

They both look so uncomfortable with what they're doing

Christ I'm 5 ft 6 and I'm afraid to date a girl at 5 ft 7 fearing this is what the photos would look like. Nope sticking with 5 ft 6 and under.

based kino indeed

by have sex do you mean go to a bar or a club and pay $100 for two drinks and then try to use that shitty buzz to talk to a girl who's on her phone with a nasally voice and then tell her she's smart and beautiful and listen to her responses without laughing or crying and you have to maintain that engagement all the way till 2am when she might maybe stop talking to her friends and she might consider your advances and you might get her number and then you will have to pull out some more extra cash from the ATM (+$10 service charge) in order to buy her a drink or a cab home. And then you will have to maintain contact with her for like a week and then take her out to an expensive dinner and then continue to listen to her and pretend like you care about what she has to say and then you have to take her to your place or her place and you will have to have sex with her where you can't just cum in the first minute you will have to kiss her and rub her and maybe kiss her vagina a bunch of times and then you have to keep going for like an hour and then cum and then you have to keep playing it cool until you can leave and then you can post here again?

blond tranny is mirin though

>laments not being able to cum in the first minute without being made fun of

You are pathetic lmfao

sauce on this user?

Trump is a manlet and he's president.

Attached: 9861mobk62v21.jpg (1024x683, 120K)

>doesn't at LEAST kiss her and grab her ass on the first night

That's gotta be a yikes from me dawg

And then she puts on heels and you're fucked.

trump is literally a 6'2 Chad

Come on, you can't just drop this without a sauce.

>what is natural selection

Being taller, being more attractive, having good genetics, full head of hair, a good frame, a good voice etc etc. these are the stats EVERYONE looks for saying they don’t exist is the typical Virgin Cope

Nope no heels for her

If you can reach high enough to ask her out

>Only 3.9 percent of U.S. men are 6'2" or taller.
5'11" in heels she's taller than 96% of men. That's mean.

Not OP but looks like this is Haylee Atwell in Pillars of The Earth
Fuck OP for not providing sauce

He made it, we're all gonna make it.

God bless your soul.

He looks like the type of a guy that looks permanently 13 years old. She's a pedo, unironically.

my neighbours are like that
their child is a midget lol

Because it's such a low percentage of relationships that it's not with representing unless it's for comedic purposes.
And 99.99% of women don't want to date a manlet.

The local deli I go to is pretty much 100% staffed by middle-aged Mexican guys. It's crazy because they look like standard middle aged dudes but have Cotton Hill syndrome. I'm the same height as you and feel like Godzilla when I go there

>girls taller than me are Amazons
No, user

No they stop between 16 and 18 you moron. At 13 they're still going through puberty.

To an ant a stack of gold might as well be a mountain

Death by snu snu is the enlightened man's fetish

Attached: 1491197201301.jpg (436x450, 72K)

lmao he knows where he stands

Attached: bx33ji85rpt21.png (1927x2048, 418K)

He looks 14. She's probably just a pedo

damn that guy looks like hes about to put trump in his place

sorry lads. height does matter.

>"Where's your boyfriend?"
>"He's right here"
>They all look down and shake his hand

How the fuck does one not want to kill themselves after this exchange

hell ya dude

I'm 5'1 and my boyfriend is 6'5
It's nice

I foresee her having a kid and him thinking he has a kid

You look like the man by being fit and dicking her into submission at home,it doenst matter what other people think,only that she sees you as a man

this is reddit and how is it convincingly confirmed, that these two have ever even kissed?

>manlet: "Can I get a pic with you"
picture explained. Yet this deserves a thread here.

Can I fuck your sister(s)?

I dated a Dutch girl who was like 6'1 when I was younger. I'm 5'8" same. Literally never discussed height ever. Broke up with her after 2yrs because she was too shy and didn't like my friends.