I cannot believe this is a real movie.
Granted, it's just more Finding Nemo shit.
I cannot believe this is a real movie.
Granted, it's just more Finding Nemo shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
trump is a global joke
Why is trump so weird looking? Does he have condition?
>fantastic little place you've got here liz
kek I fucking love trump
yeah he is american
Yeah, he's a fat retard.
>that’ll show him
Lefties are so pathetic
Clown World applies to the kinoplex now also
were they worried 5 year old kids don't hate Drumpf enough?
Seriously ghough. He cant just fake tan/sunbed. He must have some sort of skin condition.
this is not ok
I love Trump so much.
What a beautiful man
Lmao cant even poke a little fun at the guy without /pol/tards seething.
Why is he so great bros
Lmao, your attempts at insults just make us like him more.
It’s hilarious that it can be 2015+ 4 and thenleft still doesnt get it
two scoops
Has Matt Lucas ever not been in one of these lol-so-charming 'british cgi' films
leftists, including those outside america, are so obsessed with trump that they'll actually spend their money and time to make a movie parodying him
>Trump not being tech inept
>even the parody version of trump is cool
For a 70 year old he’s pretty tech saves desu, at least with his phone
Based Trump working liberals into a shoot
they should be, since my 5 year old niece brought home a coloring assignment about trump and his family. i fully expected to see some shit like, "hes a bad person" or "hes a bit goofy" but it was just a normal booklet saying who his wife and kids were
>only showed one of his lines
His career peaked as George Dawes.
Every American president has been a global joke.
lel this
Reminder that he lives rent free in these "people's" minds. Dont believe me? Should watched some of the NFL draft.
>Should watched some of the NFL draft.
What happened?
>all the bad dogs have black features and accent
really makes you think
Some chimps got picked by some boomers and jews to play handegg for millions of dollars while old cucked boomers watch
unironically based
I love seeing Trump shit all over brits medieval fetishes
Is this the In a nutshell guy doing the read for the voice over?
Lives in yours aswell though. How is that any better?
get in line npc #34950843509
orange man bad
At least bush jr was funny
We should have had nice guy Jeb!
How can people not love this man?
It totally is.
>Still living in libcucks Head
Not a bad voice actor. The animation needs a little work. He walks with a little more purpose.
Trump is funnier than Dubya.
This. Imagine still having a literal queen in the 21st century. And Europeans call the rest of the world mongoloids. They are actual inbreds living in a medieval structured society that is dressed up with American, Russian and Japanese technology.
Wait is that real?
His son taught him how to be good at the cyber
Does he really make these tweets himself or does he pay someone else to do it for him?
There better be a hardcore sex scene between Donald, Melania, Lizzie and the Dog.
ESPN for one
>Spent excessive amount of time calling Joey Bosa a racist/sexist/whateverist because he thought Black Panther sucked and Colin Kaepernick is clown
>Gave leeway to Tyreek Hill the man who just broke his 3 yr old sons arm and ribs by punching him
>did the same for one of the d-line that was caught on camera beating the shit out of some lady, "We dont know everything" "Hes a good boy, he din do nuffin"
Like I said they did that to the women beater and the women beater who wants a rematch cagefight with a 3yr old boy, then talked about how horrible Bosa is and he should apologize.
It sickens me how Yea Forums is now indistinguishable from YouTube comments sections. This place is rammed full of 14 year olds, normies, females, and shitskins. Absolutely disgusting.
>splitting the Dem's base one shitpost at a time
God bless this man
yikes, the only problem with their royal family is they have no power and aren't Catholic
He eats too many carrots
>long in doubt
Clinton was a real G tho
bernie will get another million dollar lakehouse and go lick his wounds in a jewish hospice bed
Daily reminder that the q*een sacrifices children and drinks their blood the r*yal family is a gang od pedo rapist satanist freaks who hate the common people
Clinton was a retard who fucked fat ugly whores.
>t. leftist
It looks so low budget and tacky. The animation is all stiff looking and the backgrounds are simple as fuck with barely any complex geometry or background characters. It looks like an early 2000s CGI film.
This shit is proof that lionsgate are just churning out these fucking shitty 'animal' movies where they anthropromorphise furry animals, make them talk, force in some new pop song and cobble together a story afterwards to print money.
>Also that fucking song at 1:05
rage inducing
>they have no power
>you literally pay their lavish bills because muh royalty
Lol no. I voted for Trump
No retard. I'm a independent that gets to laugh at the retards on both sides like you.
Calm down Anakin. It's okay. I know you're 34 but maybe one day you'll grow up to be a big boy who doesn't get their fe fe's hurt so much so fast.
yeah, it's correct grammar, try learning english from somewhere outside fortnite chat zoomer garbage human
>Ladies and gentlemen, the 45th President of the United States...
is this the american equivalent of "hate pakis, hate black, hate the disabled, love pints. Simple as."
I thought it was funny, user. I don't have any laughing reaction images
>it's fucking real
>i didn't inhale
>i didn't have sexual relations with that woman
>that depends on what the definition of 'is' is
holy shit slick willie
He's been this good at tweeting for so long that I believe he writes most of them. These are from 2012.
*and got away with it
It's convention, not committee
but otherwise v. cool tweet mr president
Britbong animation is a pathetic joke
Voting is leftist. Conservative societies have monarchies.
It's a DreamWorks production you dumb nigger.
Trump scene did nothing but the moment I heard that fucking Jess Glynne song I began foaming at the mouth and had to restrain myself from brutally killing everyone within my household.
jimmy carter wasn't
even worse
/pol/ here sorry about our retarded Trump nut riders.
Can a tweet be considered kino?
Literally perfect
Dude I like Jimmy but people all around the world were making fun of him after he sold the Panama Canal and fucked up in Iran.
>Granted, it's just more Finding Nemo shit.
It's more like Flushed Away or the Aristocats from the trailer
>Iran hostages held for hundreds of days
>First day of Reagan's presidency the hostages are freed
>Obama still viewed as respectable, intelligent and stately the world over, despite his middle east foibles
>this fact sends magapedes into a fit of seething rage
>How do you do fellow 4channelers?
Get a life
Trump’s line was the only good joke in this trailer, I’ll wait for the YouTube compilation of his scenes
>Swats at a rabbit in a boat
>Brother takes millions from the Libyans
>Brother is a fat boomer with his own beer brand
>Dressed like Mr. Rogers
He was a joke
>retards who let muslim refugees take over after Obama bombed their shitholes think he's a respectable leader
Fucking yuropoors lmao
He's only respected by establishment folks on both sides and the media which is part of the establishment anyway.
This is not something you should brag about considering how harshy Obama cost the democratic party. Something I'm glad they will probably never recover from
To who? Eurocrat dictators who hate their own race and nation? Why should America care about their opinion when their ideal leader is Merkel?
>he said bad thing bought us nut riders NOOOOO
you in gif
are really bad cgi movies going to become the british anime and is going to fund the british economy post brexit?
and we were smokin barry o, and we were votin barry o
I want to go back
clown world was fun for a while but now it is just so tiring
>billionaire President of the United States
Yeah bro he's a real untermench.
No that'll be terrorist beheading videos
>spend 8 years posting about how the world was laughing at us
>plays it off when the world is actually laughing at us
>you stupid ass
Still gets me. I quote that shit to this day.
Almost like the side that controls 90% of the media wanted him to be viewed that way or something. He was even given a nobel prize just so people would think he actually accomplished something other than not chimping out like the rest of his kind
Obama is seeing as a bloodthirsty nigger outside of Western media.
>Obama still viewed as respectable, intelligent and stately the world over, despite his middle east foibles
Yeah, by people literally terrified of being seen criticizing a black globalist.
With every word spoken you prove more and more your not from /pol/ like I said.
While also proving your love for cum and even the musk of it probably turns you on, ya leftist fuckstain.
No, it's someone using social media to state facts.
Fear is better because you get things done instead of being a cuck who gives a shit if some nobody empty suit from the EU "respects" you
I actually am from pol you stupid reddit transplant jew. stop projecting your homo fantasies onto me.
>only one of these crooks still standing is Merkel
>she'll be out in the next year or two
Feels good man, kill yourself.
Bombin' kids out in the sand to our Nobel prize.
fuck you!
the world only got worse after they left
Wonder if that has anything to do with all the shitty policies and foreign wars they started?
stop being so tsundere you absolute cock mongler
Trying too hard bruh
your pets are in power now, why didn't they make everything better like they said they would? oh yeah because they are incompetent retards who got into office by being literal internet memes
yup reddit transplant
bruh moment amirite guys!?
isn't exactly working with the best genes
You seem to be recollecting events that only occurred in your head.
>It's a DreamWorks production
It's not
First I wanted you to stop posting. Now I want you to drink a nice Bleach margarita
Americans spend literally zero time thinking of other countries. How much time do your countries spend talking about America?
This is the post where you become just as cringey as the 12-year-old trying to fit-in with the /pol/ice.
>Dude we literally destroyed everything and did damage that will take decades to fix. Why hasn't our opposition magically fixed it instantly?
Holy shit. Fucking neck yourself you insipid piece of shit.
Reminder this user is allowed to vote
Not true. The wapanese think about Nihon alot.
t. Amelican
they are literally plebbit transplants who wont stop sucking Trump cock no matter how hard he jews out. they dont know politics or history usually just lame memes.
>when they are in power everything is great
>when they left everything magically turns bad
>"i-it is their fault!"
keep voting in politicians because they did a le ebic comeback on twitter, i'm sure it will turn out real good
That is the most Jewish photo I've ever seen
Rent free
There isnt a single day that goes by I'm not grateful I didnt go to school for computer animation
>when they are in power everything is great
You're literally lying to yourself and those around you and you clearly aren't in touch with reality.
Please abstain from the democratic process. Go find some LEGO's to play with or something.
>Conservative societies have monarchies.
Lol no. You're thinking of cucked societies.
I don't understand how they don't get tired of making fun of Blormpf. It's so fucking boring at this point. I guess it's to make themselves feel better? 2016 literally broke people.
>zoomers think this was a good time in global politics
Imagine being a leftist
Trump can be funny as fuck, even if he is a crazy old idiot. And using "plebbit" outs you as being as much of a "lame meme" spouter as any karma-whoring, mod-fellating, safety-seeking Redditfag. You stupid ass.
Notice how the world loves Presidents who fuck over America while giving them handouts
Yet Presidents who are good for our country are all "nazis" and also "clowns"?
Interesting, huh?
Euros always love our most faggoty presidents
Not a surprise
>when they are in power everything is great
Very, activates my almonds for sure
Formerly Dick's
people say plebbit because the spam filter gets hung up on reddit sometimes
Imagine if something like this had been made about Obama.
Leftist faggots literally rioted if Obama was even REFERENCED in a joking way and got people sent to literal "re-education" courses for it after ruining their career.
If a feature-length movie was made about Obama, especially directly mocking him, they'd launch a literal fucking race-war.
It's not hard when the Western media is all 95% left-wing. You wont hear them mention how he used to be a cokehead, reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, father Pfleger, IRS scandal ,etc.
>Why should America care about their opinion
lol every time someone in the world mentions trump the whole of pol has a meltdown. your orange snowflake spends all day on twitter throwing tantrums because people are mean to him.
>w..we don't c..care what you say about him h.hhonest
Very interesting. Its probably a (((coincidence)))
Purely coincidental, I am sure.
you know its bad when even a newspaper points out how much of a jew your president is
>Belgian animated feature
lmao stick to waffles you didn't even invent
couldn't even get the Donald to lend his voice, what a joke
True tho that may be, your post—as well as this one—shows that it's not necessary to use newfag buzzwords in place of Reddit
>If I just make up shit I win the argument
Really you can just go ahead and tell yourself whatever you need to in order to feel validated.
None of what you said is true and it reeks of brainlet cope.
Oy vey!
why are trumpanzees so easily triggered?
>he says this while belonging to the same group that riots and cries literally everytime Trump tweets about anything, even decorated war veterans
predisposition to skin cancer so he keeps out of the sun and uses fake tan to avoid looking like a ghoul.
Keep SEETHING libcucks!
Teddy will beat the ever living fuck out of you, foreign cunt.
>he said before going out to riot again for the third time this month because the local college is having a speaker that only believes there are two genders
Just a reminder, Trump fucks a cross-dressing Rudy.
what episode is this?
>calling anyone else "triggered"
Fucking lel. This canard is never going to work because it's never going to be taken seriously. Stop using it.
Salad Dressing?
More convincing than you Will ever be trannycuck!
Those who call for special spaces are screaming faggots.
>carter jokes are about him being over concerned with people's wealth
>trump jokes are about him being creepy racist pervert
>fag up a performance with your politics
>get called out on it
Can you hurry up and 41% yourself you hypocritical tranny?
And that's the way it fucking should be. Don't shove politics down a child's throat. Let them know the president has a family and teach them what a president is. I remember watching Nickelodeon as a kid and they just explained how voting works. They didn't get into how Bill Clinton won or any of the scandals.
There's nothing sadder than when a faggot uses 'we' when referring to other people.
This and based.
>as usual when BTFO they just start posting shity Yea Forums edits
Obama was bad... but in contrast... LITERAL TENDIES.
I can't wait until we see this in the history textbooks.
theres just no tact anymore
I worked on that thing.
The shitposter fears the janny.
He became a Jew
What an awkward time to release this movie.
he's a fucking clown
Do you think they'll explain who Bobo from Opie and Anthony was, and the fact that the President retweeted him?
The globe is an American joke
doesn't worry him, he has his internet people to help
Oops, forgot the pic. Reminder, Bobo is famous to have a deformed, drooling hardon.
are you the one who got the SLAMMED dog in there?
you would have too in 1990
>Americans spend literally zero time thinking
Carter was one of the worst presidents of the 20th Century. He gave sandnigger countries rights to our oil and subsequently funded virtually militant Islamic group down the line by-proxy. Not only did that decision immediately backfire with a 700%+ increase, it has never gone back down since. He was a gargantuan faggot with no spine.
See what?
She was never ugly, nor is she now. /pol/ always tried to shit on based Bill.
perfect, now we know you're a moron.
No, that'd be the "activists" you worship.
spoiler that shit
>the dog actually bites donnie in the crotch
After all, he is The Expert.
No... it's Trump. Reminder, he definitely paid North Korea $2m for killing Otto Warmbier.
all those drumpfkins angry because the whole world loves carter except for a few inbred rednecks
Being an amerim*tt
Even Britcucks' dogs hate living in the UK so much they'd rather die. Sad!
mmm, yes, there's that conservacuck fragility we all know and love.
The world loves our weak presidents who cave to the world's demands. The world hates our strong presidents who put America first. The world is selfish.
Be careful, they're gonna win the next civil war lol
>no, he's worse than psychos that literally cover themselves in clown-paint because of my baseless conspiracy-theories
Like paying North Korea millions to kill American citizens?
Nov. 7th, 1999
Ep. 231
Directed by Bob Anderson
Will Owen Wilson put on a fat suit in the upcoming biopic?
You mean a jew? Pretty based desu.
Well one is literally harmless. The other is locking up kids in cages.
Why he salute a general from an other country ?
>Act like a brainlet
>Get called a brainlet
>"Y-Y-You're fragile...."
Oh, look, you're resorting to coping strategies.
based slick willie got them big khazar milkers
Because he avoided military service his entire life, and openly mocks US Soldiers at every chance?
April 2019: reeeeeeeeee Mueller is a russian agent reeeeeeeeeeee
LMAO you are seething so hard right now.
>lose an argument
>resort to spamming that same thread with shitposts and bait
This is why Leftists are hated. Please take note.
Remember the time he watched the Super Bowl with a known Sex Trafficker?
At least we don't call it a hate crime like you guys did whenever Obama got mocked.
Remember the time when he ran against a murderer with unlimited budget, and won?
Thanks for proving me right. You are absolutely assblasted right now :^)
You literally do, though.
>hate someone enough to have an image dump at the ready at the mere mention of him
>name your trip after one of his good friends
Imagine being a white suburban retard who voted in trump to make his 80 IQ manufacturing job more secure, but instead lost all his rights
The only interest I have in sports is to improve my performance in trivia games.
It only took the Russian Intelligence agency's support.
Oh, and the Russians did enter into Florida's pollinng system.
You're absolutely seething
You know, you can hate leftists AND Trump
Trump has continued to be a fucking embarrassment for too long. Glad he's going to be gone next year. Where's that wall he was talking about?!
>speaking truth is a hate crime to the left
haha you're fucking dumb
Whatever omg these fags . I mean i dont like trump but when i see pussy crybabys so saltly, I can overlook his jewishness and find him tolerable
i'm sad donald trump isn't a bigger part of the movie
Who wouldn't like a guy who gives you free golftrips and let you creampie in his daughter? Except Brady ghosted Trump and to this day he whines that Ivanka married Jared instead of a real winner.
i salute you
Get off Yea Forums Hillary
>Marco Rubio said
Golly gee, must be an iron-clad fact then.
How come the Right hates Bill for cheating on Hillary but celebrates Trump for cheating on Melania?
Building will start on his 2nd term
>we only trust Trump tweets because everyone else is fake news
To piss you off specifically?
>but instead lost all his rights
lol, what rights did we lose, shit-wit? Democrats are the ones assaulting Freedom of Speech, Right to Bear Arms, etc.
I think shit like that is done for every president
>first lady (second hoe)
Sure, sounds great. I am sure like Healthcare, Infrastructure, and Locking Hillary up it's going to happen after the second term starts.
>still on the MUH RUSSIA conspiracy-theory bandwagon
It's over, Democrats. You lost. Move on.
remember when cameron smoked meth and fucked chase in the patients house
For the far right if he wins or loses they still win. If he wins people will get some form of wall and liberals will look even more pathethic for losing to him again and I he loses then the far right can say its because hes a jewish puppet and blame to lowing percentage of white voters
Why wouldn't Trump sit down with Mueller, then?
>posting strawman quotes nobody said
Seek treatment for schizophrenia.
Not bad
He is why the Middle East is in decay and why Russia is on the move.
I guess there's a demand for this kind of thing among British kid royalists.
You refuse to believe a Republican Senator's word that the Russians, who openly aimed to have Donald Trump elected, were in a position to change votes in Florida?
Because Mueller's an attack-dog for the anti-Trump agenda whose job was literally to waste two years and hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on a partisan witch-hunt. Literally nobody should have given him the time of day.
Holy shit that Trump impression is actually good
>Being both a boomer moron and a tripfag
Cancer on so many levels
>calls their opposition nazis
>commissions literal nazi artwork
Interesting, huh?
>I only trust all news but Trump tweets because only Trump is fake news
Why do you think?
Good to hear ;) Don't forget to vote
Why is he so obese?
It's Belgian
>Republican Senator's word
You say that like it's supposed to mean something. How much of a sheltered moron do you need to be that you trust the "word" of anyone from congress? It's not like it has a single digits approval rating right now and is universally mocked by Americans and foreigners alike.
Oh wait
Go back to /pol/, faggot
Don't you just love it when shitskins and europoors are so buttmad they make anti Trump threads on /t fucking v/?
>seethes so much at the british that he doesn't even check to see if it's british
Except all that evidence that the Trump campaign openly worked with Russian efforts to influence the election, and Trump's efforts to obstruct justice. A shame Mueller decided he couldn't actively accuse the President of a crime due to DOJ protocols.
Or we could just go with Trumps lie that he was 100% vindicated by the Report.
you dont know what that word means
AOC has great numbers and is beloved.
Didn't she say we're all going to die in 12 years because gas taxes aren't high enough?
His tweet is 100% accurate. You're just retarded.
you mean opinions
Isn't there a completely not photoshopped picture of her blowing guys in Boston? Not muh Representative, these colors don't run.
This. There's a reason 20% of berniebros voted for Trump
absolutely seething
Because they are incels threatened by Women in power?
4 more years, tripfag. I hope you enjoy the 2020 election. I definitely will.
No because the DNC was run by Clinton and Bernie was never supposed to get as popular as he was.
2020 election
Biden vs trump
So this is the low iq of libhurls.
The dude looks better at 72 than most people look at 60
If this is real, its super hot.
The fact that the left are seething over a New York jew lover really goes to show how far their party has fallen in just 2 years.
The kids in cages thing was bullshit then and it's bullshit now. Fucks sake, it's not that hard to come up with a real criticism rather than making shit up.
Let's not forget that the Kennedy's used to do a "Waitress Sandwich," every goddamn weekend.
>AOC has great numbers and is beloved.
She's hated now by her constituents for losing them all of those cushy Amazon jobs. And her New Green Deal was the laughing stock of the entire world.
JFK was based. Shame they killed him.
I think she's pretty shit, but what's worse is the boomers posting memes about her being a dunce. That and making fun of flat-earthers. It's like making fun of a crazy homeless guy and patting yourself on the back for it because you're so much smarter than he is.
>Green New Deal
>The other is locking up kids in cages.
Liberals locked those kids in "cages" for a photo op. The fake news reported it as a fact and you believed it because you don't have the ability to check facts or sources. Your news sources are lying to you daily and you believe them still.
But they found plenty. And they are seriously considering impeachment proceedings.
Are you retarded?
>mundane run of the mill kids movie everyone would probably forget
>throw in a trump cameo
>tv loses their fucking minds basically guaranteeing the film will do amazingly
Wasnt she from some place where you always got elected as a dem if you were on the ballot?
Reading more than just headlines would do you some good user
Yeah but she was elected running against another Dem who didn't campaign because he thought he would win automatically as the incumbent. She basically won because she was the only person who showed up. Now she's the liberal hero of the century who has done nothing and offered no good ideas. Establishment Dems laugh in her face and use her as a lightning rod to soak up Republican anger.
It was he let foreing nations, corporations, and NGOs fuck us in the ass. They liked him because he was easy to exploit, duh.
>they are seriously considering impeachment proceedings.
The top two Dems in the party have already said no to impeachment. Stop reading fake news and believing it.
Here you go user. Go ahead and read it some time.
Source? Bigly if truly.
>they found plenty
What, some no-name senator spending campaign funds on blow?
Cool deflection. If tgecreport had anything damning, them some obsessive leftist kike lawyer would have a case made already.
Literally the second paragraph in the Muller report. Clearly /pol/tards have trouble reading.
Why would it matter that I linked to NPR? Do you think they falsified the Muller Report?
Give some evidence if you think that's the case. You can find this report from various other sources, dumbass.
Zionists are the new anti-Semities, lol.
Clown World.
>nothing about collusion
Notice they don't say Russian government? We knew this happened two years ago. You literally REEEEEEEEE'd tens of millions of dollars away to learn what we already knew you fucking halfwits.
Where does it say Trump colluded with the Russians, and if this was going on, why didnt Obama do anything about it?
Sweaty, read some real news. No impeachment is happening.
>Dems not committing to impeachment after strategy session
>Dems seek to rein in calls for impeachment
>Dems can’t find their impeachment backbone
>Democratic leaders double down on muzzling impeachment talk
They posted 0.14% of Facebook traffic.
Pro-tip, that wasn’t enough to tip the election, it was Hillary telling the Midwest to fuck off.
And here's the rest of page one.
You can read this stuff yourself instead of blindly trusting people online you know.
You people must not be white if you're too stupid to read a few lines of text. Probably niggers or mutts.
How can you impeach Trump for something Russians did with no collusion? That would be like jailing Obama for the crimes of Hillary Clinton.
>from the creators of Gnomeo and Juliet
Okay this is based.
Leftists like Michael Tracy think Meullertatfs are stupid also. You keep ruining leftist credibility and shilling for neoliberal imperialism by proxy.
>still no collusion
Besides, the only thing the Dems are arguing is obstruction of justice
Where in the report does it say that Obama was spying on Trump from day 1?
>trump associates talked to russians
What a nothingburger
What did they hack, exactly? Far as I know they just made advertisements. Unless you're talking about them accessing Hillary's public and non-protected server...?
Hey, dummy. Everyone knows what the report says. No impeachment is happening. That's not how politics works. You think this is some storybook where the white knights sweep in and remove the evil black knight. In reality the Democrats aren't going to impeach. It would be long, expensive, and potentially harmful to the Democrat party in the long run. They would rather sweep it under the rug and try to beat him in an election in 2020. Impeachment hearings would still be going into 2020. There is no legal way to remove Trump from office before the 2020 election. So why bother? Pelosi and other top Dems are saying this, not me. Why don't you listen to your leaders when they tell you they aren't going to impeach?
Imagine being too stupid to read a few pages of text. LMAO
>public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government
Can somebody explain to me what this means exactly? Does it mean MSNBC reported that Russia was behind some leaked data and the FBI took that estimation at face value?
Now they are, the Muller report was just a diversion so they could run a "Obstruction of Justice" defamation campaign all the way up to the 2020 election.
>collusion isn't illegal and didn't happen
Conspiracy did happen, which is illegal. Whoops
>No collusion
>They talked though REEEEEEEEEE
Keep seething
It says in your own pic that it didn't happen. Did YOU read it? Last sentence right there says it didn't.
>Muller says "collusion" means nothing in law so their report doesn't focus on the term, but specifically mentions conspiracy
This. We live in a banana republic with two squabbling groups of kikes (Zionists and Trotskyists) fighting each other with proxy puppets.
>we applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of "collusion"
Well then.
>>Why don't you listen to your leaders
Because they aren't the leaders anymore. The left has been worked into such a frenzy that the people in charge can't reign in the insanity. They are swinging as far left as they can.
He says collusion is not illegal and didn't happen. And he says that coordination would be illegal but also didn't happen. Are you actually illiterate? Re-read the last sentence. Coordination didn't happen, collusion didn't happen, conspiracy didn't happen. The Mueller report is very clear on this.
>They talked and the Trump campaign turned them down
I wouldn't be surprised if the russians weren't on hillary's side after all.
It literally doesn't make a judgement. Post a paragraph that does.
Surely your neckbeard intellect can do what seasoned veteran FBI agents and legions of utthurt leftist lawyers couldn’t.
>We applied the term coordination in that sense when stating in the report that the investigation did not establish that the Trump Campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.
You're an alt-right pretending to be stupid, right? No one can be this retarded.
>stating in the report that the investigation did not establish that the Trump Campaign coordinated with the Russian government
>did not establish
Can the lefties read this word or is it invisible to their damaged brains?
>Like collusions, "coordination" does not have a settle definition in federal criminal law.
>He says collusion is not illegal
He says collusion is not a legal term, isn't legally defined, and has no meaning in the context of federal law.
>Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.
aka "We don't have the authority to do anything, we'll leave this to Congress".
>aka "We don't have the authority to do anything, we'll leave this to Congress".
So a nothing-burger. It's not an AKA. It's literally saying, "We found nothing."
The Philippines, Hungary, Italy, and Poland all like Trump.
The ones that don’t are literally salty that he’s making them pay tariffs, and that he doesn’t worship shitskins hard enough. Fuck ‘em.
>Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw
ultimate conclusions about the President?s conduct. The evidence we obtained about the
President?s actions and intent presents dif?cult issues that would need to be resolved if we were
making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had con?dence after a
thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice,
we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach
that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a
crime, it also does not exonerate him.
AKA “we don’t have proof but we want the Dems to concoct some bullshit for us.”
> At the same time, if we had con?dence after a
thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice,
we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach
that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a
crime, it also does not exonerate him.
AKA "he didn't do anything because we don't have laws in place yet to arrest people for bad hair."
Based Duerte
>If ONLY we could just prove this negative. Darn. Guess we have to investigate forever!
S E E T H. I N G.
see Specifically
>if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.
Wow you really are illiterate. The report clears him entirely of collusion/coordination/conspiracy. The last part you're quoting is from a completely different section about obstruction of justice which is an entirely different charge than what you were talking about earlier. And also one that Congress won't do anything about for the reasons specified earlier. They're focused on the 2020 elections and don't want any part of an actual impeachment. Yes of course their candidates running in 2020 are beating the impeachment drum for theatrics because it's what their base wants to hear. There is no danger in the candidates yelling impeachment because it will never happen. Pelosi and the top Dems are stamping it down because they don't want to do it. It's not going to happen unless Dems lose the 2020 elections. They'll save it as an ace in the hole for obstructing and distracting during Trump's second term. They can keep him busy and try to trap him in a lie the way Republicans did to Clinton in the 90s. Honestly you have a lot to learn about how politics actually works. You can't tell the kabuki theater from the real happenings.
>He has to prove his innocence or he's guilty!
This is why Hillary lost, btw. This mindset right here. No one wants you trouncing the law.
No proofs.
Tell me why you think Russia would support a hardcore Zionist.
>We don't know enough and can't press charges based on the evidence we have, but we will not exonerate him
He thinks you need to prove you didn't do it or that means you did it, so arguing further with him is a joke.
No proofs.
>lack of proof is proof to the contrary
You just proved the existence of God
>Innocent until proven guilty.
>Literally zero proof of guilt.
They found nothing.
They will continue to find nothing.
As they have for years now.
And you know why?
Because Trump is more of a liberal than the DNC is now. That's how nazi the liberals are now, and everyone knows it. So they're avoiding doing anything you want.
>he isnt guilty of the crime we are trying to pin on him
>he was trying to prove his innocence in the process but that obstructed our ability to charge him
>we cant say definitively if he is guilty or not
the left is fucking stupid
Innocent until proven guilty, kiddo. That's our Constitution here. We don't live in Communist China where you can just execute a man for a crime you wish he committed.
hey look its the polo shirt tiki torch nazis that got brought in on a charter bus then left once the photo-op was done.
If only there was a fully-ingrained legal concept for a lack of proof concerning guilt or innocence.
Yes, they made it very clear they don't have enough information to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. That isn't proof of innocence.
You are innocent until proven guilty, but that is presumed innocence, not proven innocence.
You don't prove things with lack of proof. That's basic logic.
Tell me why Russia would want to support a Zionist when Russia’s allies are Syria and Iran. Was it 4D chess to get Aleppo bombed?
A leftist and a brainlet, how shocking
sell your people out to the globalist while you fuck around with dogs. What a bitch.
>You don't prove things with lack of proof. That's basic logic.
Exactly what we're saying, numbnuts. Careful, you're about to make a logical conclusion.
Prove you're not a child molester right now
>Why would Russia want to support the only candidate who wasn't running on an anti-Russian platform
No, you're saying the lack of proof is proof Trump didn't conspire, even though Muller makes it clear that's not what the report should imply.
Lack of proof isn't proof.
you dont have to prove innocence here dipshit, fucking room temp IQ nigger