Stupid cunt get fucked bitch

Stupid cunt get fucked bitch.

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based. leftypol btfo


She's on the right side of history, poltards.

dubs and her corpse gets gangraped by ms 13 on liveleak

How can she be her own judge?
I think she would be kinda biased?

Oh no, will she have to pay a 100 dollar fine?
Is that how much the rate for treason is?

The facts of this whole thing disgust me. The stenographer heard everything she said. She deliberately obstructed justice and there are people trying to defend her saying it's "targeted prosecution."

Did the immigration department come up with ICE first and work around it so they could have a cool sounding name?

Yea Forums - Television and Film

you faggots

Are you serious?

bitch should be hanged

Seething beaner

>Women can be good judges too, they said
>Proceed to undermine law and order at every turn from their post

Newfag. You've been on 4channel for a few months at best.

Honestly, just opening the borders of America entirely and hope that eventually better people will settles there is probably the best thing they could do.

2007 hang yourself slav

I think that was a joke

>illegal immigrant in for drunk driving
>been deported twice
Hope she goes to jail and cant be a judge ever again

Have sex.

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No, she isnt. Defending illegals is wrong, defending immigrants in general is right tho

This. Politics coming to Yea Forums has been a dam shame. You point this out and people give their simply epic, witty, automated responses
Etc. I miss the old days before all of the culture warriors crawled out from under reddit


Immigrants should receive harsher punishment and have less rights
You are a guest, if you can't behave, you'll hang from a tree

Politics have become more ubiquitous in Hollywood and entertainment media

It’s a natural product of the current cultural climate

we peaked in 2016 lads

There is no right side of history, faggot.

And that is also cancer, you want a medal for pointing that out?

She probably fucked the immigrant too

They're not illegals, they're human beings you coke guzzling, cheeseburger gobbling waste of space.

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I'll keep my politics out of your entertainment, when you keep your jews out of my politics.

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He’s not a coke guzzling, cheeseburger gobbling waste of space, he’s a human being.

Allies destroying nazis?

You want a medal for making a trite and useless whiny post that seemed to ignore the impossibility of avoiding political discussions in media these days?

She's gonna go to prison. She didn't just help some rando illegal evade ICE, she snuck an illegal facing indictment for other crimes out the back door of her courthouse. She essentially broke the guy outta jail. Good riddance.

Why would you elect the biggest Israel cocksucker in US history if you don't want jews in your politics?

Yeah i do. There's is a board dedicated for political discussion. Mad that.

lmao Judge Roastie BTFO

About 40 out of the 120 sex offenders in my county’s jail were illegals.

>they're human beings
no they arent, lmao.

Seems low to me. How many were niggers?

Lock her up.

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>when america turns into brazil 2.0 you'll realize the liberals were right

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Yea Forums - Sneed's Feed and Seed

>they're human beings you [dehumanising insult]!
the leftist intellect at work

The black population where I live is only about 1% so very few.

Uh, so they do what judges are SUPPOSED to do?
Not every law is just. A judge is supposed to weigh all evidence and the character of the accused. Ever see FUCKING LADY JUSTICE? What does she carry? FUCKING SCALES!! Idiot.

So what is the solution? Open borders? Everyone in the world can be an American citizen? I always see people like you complaining about illegal immigrants being deported yet you never offer any viable solution to it.

soon she'll be on the right side of the jail bars

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Good riddance to that whore, she probably fucks her spic pool cleaners

>She's gonna go to prison.

No she won't, she will walk free and you fags won't do shit about it

She looks like she likes funky town.

>make it to judge
>throw it all away to help a spic drug dealer escape
I hope she fries

>the current climate
What, the world being full of stupid millennials?
Fuck the climate, about time idealists and voters start getting their shit pushed in.


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Even if she doesn’t go to jail, her career is ultra fucked.

The feds have a conviction rate over 90%


she will walk and be given a job on cnn or msnbc

She is a woman
She either wanted to fuck him, or worse she thought he was her "baby" like how pitbull mommies defend worthless animals who kill children

But not for liberal political activists

>They're not illegals

But that's provably false.

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Winners defeating losers.

Have you no empathy? These are HUMAN BEINGS. A HUMAN BEING who came here for a better life (not that life is somehow worse just one step across an artificial border, in fact I'd argue Mexico is a better country than us). A HUMAN BEING who tried to protecte a fellow HUMAN BEING from archaic, draconian immigration laws that violate human dignity and a world citizen's right of movement. What is wrong with you people, taking such pleasure in such moral decay under 45's fascist regime? My wife's boyfriend is an undocumented citizen and it frustrates me to no end that you people would gladly see him marched away in chains to a concentration camp for the crime of being slightly browner than you.

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She's clearly on the left side and not the right side. As such she deserve the jail. I hope the guards piss in her cell every day they pass by it.

I would much rather have hispanics than a bunch of dumb white trash. I would pay another nation to take a bunch of the pol tards pff our hands in exchange for hard working people who wont shoot places up because they cant get laid

The law clearly states that undocumented and unprocessed entrance is illegal, therefore there's no probability to speak of.

> Muh white genocide
Fuck you