Chad makes eye contact with a girl

>Chad makes eye contact with a girl
>Girl: Oh... Is there something in my hair? When will he talk to me? Thank God I wore a tampon!

>You make eye contact
>Girl:*Gets whiplash by looking away so quickly* Oh my Gawd, what a creeep! Are those his... his... sex eyes?!!!! That's it, I'm not coming here alone again!

>Chad asks out a girl
>Girl: Why do I feel so tingly down there! Oh my Gawd, I need to buy a dress! I can wear those new heels with the straps, I can keep them on when we're in bed!

>You ask girl for her number and she gives it
>Girl: Eeek! He can't track me down, can he! Why did he even think he could talk to me?! Who the heck does that? That's so rude, putting me on the spot. Thank God for blocked texts!

>Girl uses Tinder and sees Chad
>Girl immediately answers his texts. Chad texts her cringe shit while dying of laughter with his friends and reluctantly fucks your crush once.

>Girl uses Tinder and sees you
>Immediately realised you have inferior genetics, rejects you, feels ZERO attraction, never thinks of you again. Or if she's browsing with her friends there's a quick, "Like, just like, like EW! Teeeeeheeeee!"

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Incel spotted

Girls unironically hate guys like this. Too pretty, too dumb. Guarantee they’re dating either some guy in a band or a rich asshole.

Are these twinks supposed to be chads?

Based black pill poster.
It's over.

Lmao this will earn me so much charma on r/IncelTears

____ __

>Girl: Why do I feel so tingly down there! Oh my Gawd, I need to buy a dress! I can wear those new heels with the straps, I can keep them on when we're in bed!
>Girl: Eeek! He can't track me down, can he! Why did he even think he could talk to me?! Who the heck does that? That's so rude, putting me on the spot. Thank God for blocked texts!
Sounds like you watch too much anime my lad

>deus volt namefag
>calls others incels


(________ ______)

>Thank God I wore a tampon!

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T. Roastie.

Everyone knows this, this isn't some sort of secret. Not like you incels would know anything about a true blackpill, like personality matters.

why lift when you have a face like the dude in the middle and the one on the right
left guy is cute tho

I realize that women cannot be asexual.
Women love sex and love to desire sex.

Men love sex but they do not love much nor dislike much the desire for sex. In fact the desire for sex is more like an hindrance and a thing to eject, precisely by wanking and ejaculation that is the pinnacle of fucking a slag.
men still despise not loving sex, since it removes the most effective mechanism of valuation that they have, which leads them to the usual mockery of being shagless didlos remaingin on the shelf, being baby dicks and being asexual.
Men despise asexuality in men since it shows them to be far less dominant than the story they plays in their heads

Women despise asexuality in men, since the few asexual men (very few are handsome) no longer acknowledge women for sex nor for companionship. Some asexual men claim to still want a gf just to cuddle, but that's already a baby-level sex and we are still in the situation of validation (and the gf still wants sex anyway sooner or later) and once they have sex with a girl they love they see sex is not so bad.

Women despise asexuality in women, precisely because women live on sex while their hate of their body for menstruating leads them to take pills which kills their desire for sex (but indeed kills their menstruation). They hate their life since through their own body, they acknowledge in their intimacy that they cannot win on both accounts: either have a comfy life or have an erotic life.

>"chad" puts in effort to become more desirable
>gets attractive women

Nothing wrong with this

>genetics are effort
lol tell us how chads are the true victims

>I wasn't born with right genetics!
>Women don't want me!
>My parents made me too much of a pussy!
>It all everyone else's fault! WAHHHHHH
How embarrassing

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>Thank God I wore a tampon!
nigga wat

Oh yes, I'm sure Chad was just born with that Ripped stomach and abs. I'm sure all that muscle mass just ballooned by itself once he hit puberty

>implying i make eye contact, talk to girls or use tinder

Jesus Christ shut up, you'll make them all kill themselves

OP, why does any of this surprise you?

>Girl sees me
>Uncontrollable vomiting
Life sucks.

Ah yes, the television and film board.

Yeah man he did it because he was an interesting and deep person

Girls claim to hate these guys but somehow they still get laid

>some fat chick discovers the cure for cancer
>she's still just a fat bitch, who cares
>stacy molests and murders children
>wow shes so hot, would wife
This goes both ways m8

I think that girl on the left is my friend Karen, I haven't seen her in a while but she looks a lot like her and last I heard she was having trouble finding a marketing job in Brisbane

Only because they are white desu.

>some skinny white guys takes picture of black hole
>wow this fat bitch is an amazing science super genius, can't believe she did that all by herself

Good bodies, fuck ugly faces

in case anyone wants to get the body of the boys instead of being defeatist faggots with incredible victimhood

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>hurr durr women love sex so much they fuck everyone except me, I know this because I love sex and I would fuck everyone except me durr hurr hurr

I feel bad sometimes cuz I stole a girl from some beta orbiter in the friendzone. They were friends since kindergarten and he had even admitted he loved her and needed her in his life but she said she wasn't attracted to him.. And they were even roommates because he wanted to help her get on her feet financially. So when we started fucking he had to listen to it.. I still feel bad. He hated my guts and I understand why

Do girls really like those guys? Their bodies look like insects also I bet they like capeshit while my taste is superior. I would charm a girl better than those faggots

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Yea but it's really his fault for putting up with that, dont feel bad. Any uncucked Male wouldn't have been in that situation

pretty much

You completely miss the point. It's not I have no abs, my life is miserable, but well, I am to lazy to go to the gym. It's, I am ugly (maybe short, bald, born in poor family, small dick, skin problems, etc. etc.) nobody would look at me, talk to me and so on even if I kill myself at the gym for abs (not to mention we're not all meant to become athletes, so our effort could lead to a poor result anyway). So why would even bother?

What a Fucking KEK. jesus Christ sometimes these """"men"""" make me ashamed to even be male

oneitising is like voluntarily sending yourself to Hell.

How heavy do the dumbbells have to be?

Yea Forums - Television & Film
Yea Forums - Television & Film
Yea Forums - Television & Film
Yea Forums - Television & Film

>How to be a guy model
>Weightlift 4x a week, carefully work in a balanced protein rich but low calorie diet, pray you have good muscle insertions

>How to be a girl model
>Don’t be fat

this is why I as a beta do not even try.

*Say they hate guys like this

Even the biggest liberal bitches at my university would dutifully show up to frat parties and bars every weekend hoping to get their fill of Chad dick, before returning back to their MacBook to post about how awful privileged and entitled white guys are

More like
>be born with top 1% body genetics and face
Being a female model is actually harder, men just gotta be over 6 ft, muscular and not super ugly

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girl on the right definitely works out

These people have equivalent faces and the girl bodies are not spectacularly buxom or gifted. VS models are supposed to be elite tier and their bodies are simply shapely, not ridiculously curvy or gifted.

Because some retard on the internet lied to you?

WOw, you guys really bite hard on this trolling bullshit, hmm?

Guys like that must get off on the humiliation.

Wee it is pretty nice to be a chad. I honestly get laid as much as I want. My fiancee is hot as fuck, passing out and browsing Yea Forums after sex now.

Funny thing that some of you are so miserable that you will not believe me, even tho my scenario is quite typical.

Life isn’t porn, the chads you fear aren’t fucking that much.

Actually the disgusting people that are fucking all the time aren’t even usually the best looking people they are typically moderatly attractive bros and sluts that sacieate whatever insecurity they have through short sad sexual escapades.

Fucking a lot of different chicks wares out it’s luster in like a year or two at most unless you are a total animal retard that can’t into higher pursuits.

T. Former chadlette with chad friends who had a period of easy hollow fucking till it got boring

Also, not movie or film related faggot

stop derailing the thread.

It’s a lesson he needed to learn user

I'd like to apologise for that post. It was rude of me to interrupt you guyses thread. I wont be posting here again as I have shamed myself and my Yea Forums persona, farewell to all of you.

I know I can't prove it you user but it did happen. The girl is my gf of 3 years now. Sometimes memes aren't just memes. They are reality

I don't think having sex is the problem. It's being desirable.

>implying being fit makes you fuckable

Go to /fit/, it's basically /r9k/

>Fucking a lot of different chicks wares out it’s luster in like a year or two at most
Isn't that proving his point
it's a rotation

whatever takes you to failure at the end of the reps I suppose

This. A capeshit thread died for this.

Yeah, okay

Press F to Pay Respects

who makes this stuff up

He's probably been orbiting her for a while and she just kept shutting him down more and more bluntly until it got to this

>tfw have "Chad potential" but drug addiction keeps holding me back

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>Eric butts has a gf

OH FUCK, I want to lick their cocks

Why are drug addicts always such whiny pussies?

Most of being desirable is fixable for being a man.

And you don’t need to be a ripped to be desirable, get a nice haircut and dress like an adult don’t be a fat fuck or a lanky skellington, be confident and assertive.

Congratulations you are now attractive

Why are incels such whiny pussies?
>waaaaahhhh I no get de powsi waaaaaahhhh life is unfair

this is why I only do drugs alone and with my buddy Josh

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God this is sad.

Not really, there’s is some basic truth to what the internet red pill and PUA and incels and all that shit says about women and their sexual nature

But it has become so exaggerated and over the top with online hyperbole that people have convinced themselves that every girl on earth is getting dicked down by hyper muscular giggachads on the daily and the mythical “chad” spends his day plowing 5 different girls a day

That just isn’t real life

>dude lol i'm so ubermensch just like the badass nazi's lol i'm just not a DUHGENERIT I can have sex whenever I want
Have sex or quit whining

Yeah its not fitness. It's wealth. Not even a meme its reality. If you dont have money you may struggle to get a girl

Shit routine and too much fucking volume for a 800 calorie deficit. 40 sets a day? fuck off. Check out Candito's LP with the hypertrophy template

It is not fixable. That's the point here. You can improve yourself, of course, but not to the point to be desirable. For that you have to be attractive in the first place. The problem is not finding someone to fuck or a girlfriend in this world (ugly people fuck and marry every single day), but many people don't understand this...

it's just a joke faggot

damn, drugs really do make people insufferable no humour buzzkill cowards

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Stop stabbing people for your fix lol

That is why you fail.

Bros I had a tinder date last week and since the. I got ghosted. Why is life so fucking unfair. What did I do to deserve this

>i-i was just joking
Please have sex, incel

Stop shooting women because they wont have sex with you

You made too many posts online about how you're superior to everyone else because you dont do drugs and dont watch capeshit. Stop taking yourself too seriously incel; women can smell it on you

Why are drug addicts so defensive and enjoy projecting?