'''''villains'''' who did nothing wrong


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King by birthright
protecting kingdom from Mutts
Is a good king
Legit leader

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He wasnt a villian he just a faggot

/pol/ shitters aside

Reminder that even though Jerry was still an asshole, both Tom and Jerry were continuously dicks to each other. Tom would sometimes be the one stirring shit up and provoking Jerry to beat the living shit out of him. Remember that short where Jerry couldn't get some damn sleep because Tom was making loud racket with his violin?

>woke up from extention
>be literal bastard
>put in tiny cage fed goats
>shocked with fences
>forced to perform
>moved into smaller cafe after being free for a few years
>be taunted by a fat ugly bitch in high heels, not once but twice !

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What movies this guy in?

Problem Child 2


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they were complex characters with various flaws and virtues. tom was a passionate lover at heart, and jerry cared for his granpa and nephew like nothing else.
even spike had a son he saw the whole world in; generally their spats came about because of expectations imposed on them by the human world

Karate Kid

The black mammy made Tom kick Jerrys ass after Jerry was harassing her

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>villains who did nothing wrong and don't deserve their suffering

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Get hired to track down criminals and law breakers
Gets killed
Implied he's the bad guy and not the law breakers

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Try to get water
Get treated like shit
keep themselves to themselves
hassled by goddamn law enforcers

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>/pol/ shitters aside

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Who the fuck would ever root for a filthy vermin over a noble cat? Like, the whole reason we domesticated cats is because they're good at murdering the little bastards keen on eating our grain supplies. Mice and rats caused famines and spread of disease while cats were our watchful protectors.
I never once rooted for Jerry and I can't imagine how it's even possible to do so.

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thanks for the (You) my good /pol/ shitter

>when they dont give you any (you)s on r/tv/

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Is that Black Hitler?

It's based Pike from The 100 who wanted to exterminate the grounder niggers and make Arkadia great again.

scary movie 2