The protagonist, Sasha Yazzie (Sivan Alyra Rose) is a high-school student who lives with her uncle...

>The protagonist, Sasha Yazzie (Sivan Alyra Rose) is a high-school student who lives with her uncle, fish store owner Big Frank Yazzie (Marcus LaVoi). As the series opens, Sasha suffers a devastating, freak heart attack while trying to lose her virginity with her (very sweet) boyfriend, TJ (Griffin Powell-Arcand). She receives an emergency heart transplant from a rich white girl named Becky Lefevre (Lilliya Reid), who died in an accident the same night.

>Becky isn’t as dead as she should be, though. Sasha winds up remembering things the other girl did and having visions of things Becky saw. Eventually, she even finds herself growing blonde hair and watching her hand turn pale. Haunted by Becky’s ghost, Sasha starts to investigate the girl’s death, becoming more and involved with Becky’s life and more estranged from her own.

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Are white people the Borg?

kek minorities are such pussies

Am I reading this right? This is a "we wuz Beckys an' shieeetttt" series? It stinks of parody or someone with a sense of humor working at Netflix and that can't be right.



It's written by this woman and it's an allegory for how much discrimination and hardship she's faced being black in America, so I think it's possible she's just totally fucking insane

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>get heart transplant
>start changing skin and hair color
It feels like every new piece of White Ppl Bad media has tackier and tackier premise on purpose

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Have you considered that black people are just fucking retarded

I mean look at Axe Cop, the show written by a four year old, and then consider like 90% of blacks are his intellectual equivalent

Is this just a Rule 63 version of "Watermelon Man"?

Chick who wrote it isn't black, look at the post above mine

They arent even trying anymore.

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>mulatto girl starts to turn white
>this upsets her
Okay there is no chance of immersion in this.

I think it's more a call for blacks to not integrate into white society
you know, staying true to your roots and not giving in to the white colonizer devils
of course this only applies to minorities in majority white countries
whitey better not dare claim to have a culture of their own or there will be riots

>the terror of white people

Get Out was about the the subtle social and cultural anxiety of being an interracial couple. But sure, if "white people are secretly mad scientists" is what you got out of that movie, then go ahead.

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We all have our own interpretation, since my reading of it is "There's no more racially psychotic hatemonger than a rich white guy with Obama bumper stickers who won't shut up about how great Hamilton is"

You know, like how outspoken feminists turn out to be rapists or homophobes get caught sucking dick in bathrooms

Why are blacks so hateful?

>rich white guy
could of just said guy
of course he's rich and white if he's racist

Judging by her appearance it's more like a subconscious attempt that to deal with her own fucked-up identity issues considering she's a blue-eyed quadroon who wishes she was actually black, for woke points.


Wow very subtle

You do realize they make all this shit to get clicks and in turn make money right?

They dont care about any of the reasons behind it, its literally just attention whoring for advertizers, because nobody is watching tv anymore so they are all scrambling to make back all their lost investments by creating these shitshows that get alot of attention, either good or bad.

>assimilation drama
that's not a thing!

netflix has never made money

it's not about money. it's about the message

>spend millions making shitty tvshow
>earn tens of thousands in add revenue from clicks
>profit somehow

i wonder how much Jordan Peele hates that he's this token whites are scary black horror director.
he's actually just a great story teller with good director vision and a desire to elevate the garbage that blacks are fed in the media.

but the majority just goes oh the spooky black movie guy?

Imagine the inverse being mad and a white girl's hand turns black and she has to witness the 13/50 life


>recessive genes start taking over dominant

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>he's actually just a great story teller with good director vision
If he was he wouldn't need the racebait.

I love how hard (((they))) are pushing this race bait bullshit
one day a group of people are gonna snap on the 13% of the population

>but the majority just goes oh the spooky black movie guy?
because that's what he is

its assimilation when black people have to "act white" to be accepted. The worst part of this is, many black people have a crab mentality and see success as "white" and become antagonistic towards blacks that make it out of the bucket and dare to return, seeing them as racial sell outs.

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That’s actually a scary premise. Imagine you start suddenly getting blonde hair and notice ytoid traits on you. Horrible.

almost sounds like the plot to blood work. lol, do you think the dead white girl was also a white nationalist and she slowly becomes racist to her own people?

It’ll explore her creepy cousins and uncles that tried to rape her for sure. She’ll also probably have an impossible to resist urge to think about black cock all day.

Fuck, I want to marry Linda Cardellini.

How obsessed with race can you be that you make a series about some indian ritual about white people

best velma

Are you disparaging Axe Cop?

that chick is fucking white by burger standards holy shit the delusion

>white people bad

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What the fuck? There was a TV series?

in case you're wondering the answer is (((yes)))

ghost movie where turning white supposed to be spooky huh wut LOL.

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>how much discrimination and hardship she's faced being black in America

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More like noassimilation because whites got no ass

What if a middle class white girl from surburbia recieved a heart transplant from a poor black guy raised in the worst Chicago ghetto? Would she grow a dick? Would her skin turn black?

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>white people become successful at your expense in the past
>now success is available to you
>refuse success because you equate it with whiteness

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Being white is a horrible fate. No culture, no history, no pride. Just dumbness and being manipulated. It’s like being black minus the big penises and ancient history and good athletics.

haha yeah imagine if there was a pretty white girl but then her skin turned black (not her features) and she grew a giant dick that would be super gross and scary

We Borg now

speaking of (((Netflix))):

Here is a new movie from (((Seth Rogen)))


>big penises
the guy with the largest dick (Guiness book record) is a white dude

>ancient history
Africa was and always will be a shithole

>good athletics
whites dominate in a lot of sports

what does act white even mean. fucking americunts and your made up bullcrap

she'd be burned at the stale in congo for being an albino

Things white people do:
>learn to read
>get a job
>raise your children
>eat salad
>be polite to cops
Don't be like white people

Things black people do:
>hire other blacks to pretend to be racist whites

grrr we hate 'em don't we whitebros

>>get a job
>>raise your children
>>eat salad

So you're confirming Yea Forums's not white. Good to know.

>Sivan Alyra Rose
Sivan Alyra Rose, born Sivan Alyra Rose Rambler, is an Apache/Puerto Rican actress
>Created by Leah Rachel(Vogelsang)
>hurdur black people
It's all so tiresome

>hurdur black people
>its all so tiresome
you do realise that the quote comes from a chink commenting on the absolute state of retarded niggers?
go back to sucking nigger toes on leddit, you'll get no praise for that shit here

yes. And you realize that 90% of china is no better than congo making that comment all the more ironic

I agree, white women are scary

Watched this over the weekend, not really scary and way too slow.

The 'Becky' actress is a cute 18yo though and we surprisingly get a really good shot of her tits, so it's not all bad

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>terror of white people
Projecting this hard
Wishful thinking this hard
Trying this hard


>Four or five "horror movies" where the plot it literally "white people are MONSTERS" in the past year

I don't want to sound paranoid or anything, but I am starting to notice a pattern here.

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This sounds like a dogshit Lovecraft short story, but with the races reversed.

>waaah my poor nigger in school
Holy shit blacky is eternally butthurt at the thought of the superior white

god what are they doing to kids
imagine how many fuckhead kids are gonna be created, thinking they have to act like this.

>gets called out
You've got all the markings of an irresponsible subhuman.

took you 30 minutes and that's the best you could come up with?

of course they are, what did you think ALL OF THIS EVER WAS? it's just inferiority complex run amok. They are constantly seething because they know whites literally actually are superior and theirs nothing they can ever do to change that.

>terror of white people

this is some hilarious shit

incel tears are so good

nigger retard tears are so good. it's so fucking obvious to anyone with a brain that you niggers just have a massive inferiority complex and literally seethe nonstop about how much better white people are than niggers.

>that seething incel rage

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>act white
As in 'not chimp out', fren

so a remake of Heart Condition with the races reversed and without any good actors?

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>how much discrimination and hardship she's faced being black in America

Yeah...she didn't.

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>ITT white people discussing black culture with other white people
>Me, a black:

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Axe Cop is a work of genius compared to this psychotic trash

Success breeds jealousy. All these SJW types have never amounted to anything in their lives and they see all the successful white people, they lash out.

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their usual racebaiting crap