End-game is just high budget fan service

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why so much hate toward capeshit?

>taking images from facebook

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Why so much love for capeshit?

They're just hollywood blockbusters, not intellectual DEEP movies about the meaning of life. aka popcorn entertainment

>wah wah superhero films arent good because i dont like them

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How can I tell you’re a friendless virgin?

the same people who watch and defend these movies say shit like "people nowadays are stupid" lmao

I don't really know what is sadder really.

The fact that so many people go bonkers over marvel movies.
The fact that somebody sat down to create that shitty image.
Or the fact that you took a screenshot on your phone instead of just saving the image.

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>using facebook
that's a yikes from me

They're destroying real movies

I can love whatever the fuck I want, you love sucking dicks but I'm not making 10000 threads about how homosexuality is evil

Marvel isn't stopping other studios to make "intellectual Deep movies about the meaning of life"

What is there to spoil? We knew the bad guy would lose, good guys would win, Tony would die, like, there aren't many other plot points left

>facebook screencaps
This board is dead

Marvel is, though. There's a limited amount of money to be spent making movies. Marvel is so successful that other movie studios are spending all of their movies trying to copy that success.

lol absolutely not

Do you realise how stupid your reasoning is ?

because it's nothing short of npc consumerism

That is some really bad OC and it's definitely implying anti-capeshit people are uncreative.

You are aware that shitty movies have been made for like a century, right?

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"NPCs drink water, if you do, you are an NPC" really smart user here

ok, now form an opinion without buzzwords

Why does this fucking movie trigger so many people on here?

Indie movies and unique, low- to mid budget studio movies are better and more popular now than they've ever been. Last year was a fantastic year for movies.

npc's drink shit

>Indie movies and unique, low- to mid budget studio movies are better and more popular now than they've ever been

Wow you guys are all pathetic

Bro you are not helping me by posting like a redditfag;

For the rest of you : Fuck you, I love capekinos and I hate your fucking contrarian spirit

get some standards you dumb cunt

lol, I'm sure I'm smarter, richer, taller and prettier than you.

Funny. The Irish Times review said the same thing, only in more words and with religious references.
They still awarded it 3 stars, probably because The Mouse wouldn't allow a lower rating than that.

More underage too i'm betting

I'm starting to hate anti capeshitters more than I hate capeshitters, they remind me of fedora atheists

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but they have never been so profitable, it gives them the incentive to never stop

It's been less than a year since the last Lars von Trier movie, the last Terry Gilliam movie, the last Gaspar Noe, the last Coen Brothers movie and even the last fucking Orson Welles movies have been released. What more do you want?


Landa got the wrong school

You know what's funny yet sad about nuchan? They cling to the dead memes and pretend like it has any power over anybody but themselves. Like when we just called each other fat neckbeards and weebs back then, nobody ever dwelled on that point. Only case that came close was fedora, but even then most people didn't dwell on it in some drawn out personality stereotype in such a "well I guess I win the argument now."

Like I can't imagine being in a state of frame where this meme is funny. It was funny for a few weeks, but we are so far into the "ONIONS IS THING I DON'T LIKE PHASE" because people run memes into the ground a month after they get popular now. But I think the sadder thing is how many people take it seriously. Nobody is upset that you called them a onions boy. People call you a faggot because you post the same shit every twenty minutes. I can't imagine the person who made this image. And they even went out of their way to put effort into covering their face by the seat. That probably took them a while, and you can just see their smug "wow I'm so clever" grin on their face, but you also know they probably couldn't name five great writers, or where all the great philosophers are, what the greatest films on the past 30 years are. Maybe I'm just getting too old for the new Internet. I don't feel old, but watching everyone try to squeeze out their contrarian opinion all week is wearing me down.

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this. just nuke it and let people talk about movies on /soc/ and Yea Forums

imagine having a brain so fucking small and a personality so disgusting and childish that this image has any emotional resonance with you at all but a dead child on a beach makes you laugh


Why didn't Yea Forums do a major spoiling event like we did for Harry Potter? You have no right to complain about capeshit if you're weaker than your predecessors.

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Everyone grows up sometimes, fren