Does Yea Forums hate him the same way Yea Forums hates fantano
Does Yea Forums hate him the same way Yea Forums hates fantano
He fucks dogs
Yea Forums gives him a ruff time, if you want someone we like you're barking up the wrong tree.
Razorfist destroyed his Blade Runner 2049 review. Adum has shit taste and is a pleb exposed.
He's just a worse Confused Matthew
Hey hey, it's the alsatian sensation
>alsatian sensation
More like the DALMATIAN SENSATION. he fucks dogs
Alsatian is a dog breed
This guy's still around?
That androgynous skelly lanklet bug eyed tranny glove wearing manchild is equally as pathetic.
he's selling signed blu-rays on ebay
His reviews are more eloquent and his tastes are better though. Godfuckingspeed
that's an actual trap
But Dalmatians are inbred, which makes him an INCESTUOUS dog fucker
he is cool, but its kinda annoying when he expects characters to act perfectly to his expectations in desperate situations
Am i supposed to believe daemons of Slaanesh don't exist after seeing this?
It warms my heart that The Witcher 3 still lives in Razorfists mind.
I mainly hate him now because he stopped doing real videos.
His two minutes shit videos are useless and otherwise he just uploads videos of him watching movies with his friends
i think adam is a pretty cool guy. eh fucks dogs and doesn't afraid of anything
this dude fucks dogs
Hes not as influential as Fantano
Mike Stoklassa, James Nintendo Nerd, Spoony, Cringe Reviews Kid and others all have more clout here
zoom zoom zoom ZOOM
His only good videos are the ones making fun of notoriously bad movies for the most part
t. razorfist
Literally who?
This. He’s a dog fucking hack that fucks dogs
In 2006, maybe. YMS utterly shits on all of them. fucker
Dude just get an onahole already
You guys will sure feel stupid once bestiality gets legalized 30 years from now and you will have to go to jail for zoo discrimination.
>and his tastes are better though.
What's his top 10? Surely a film reviewer has mentioned at some point his answer to this classic question, right?
Yea Forums hates him because he’s right
Fucking Lion King
What was his name again?
He's a pessimistic Youtube personality who expects children's movies to be realistic and cherry picks very specific things to make an unnecessarily big deal about them. Not sure if he's doing it to make his content longer or he actually tries to over analyze every movie he watches.
"I'm giving this one a six out of ten"
A Confused Matthew sounds like a gay sex position.
Dog fucker
How often does he lurk here?
>Yea Forums hates fantano
has sticky of his avatar
r*ddit pls go (and kill yourself)
who do you think makes the hate threads
>he thinks the guy is fantano
Yea Forums should have been purged long ago
we get it
he fucks dogs
sick quads woof woof
I bet you anons didnt know, adam fucks animals!
Hi Adam, like my fan art?
Have sex (with a dog)
Sup adam?
He gave Glass a 1/10, and all these shitty horror movies 3/10 and above for stupid redeeming factors, as if glass was completely inredeemably terrible, and that's fucking stupid. Fuck Adam, dumb motherfucker.
>as if glass was completely inredeemably terrible
ive had no reason to watch it twice. its like shyamalan took his only good movies and killed them.
luckily the kid from sixth sense wasnt in it
taking a break in-between fucking two dogs to come and say hi, Adam? How nice of you.
We probably hate him more.
Fantano at least has an appreciation for the art form and an extensive knowledge of it.
YMS hasnt seen any movies made before 1990 and only branches out to new films made by his own favourite pet directors. He doesn't ever delve in to; say, new wave asian cinema because it doesn't have many big names attached to it like haneke or jodorowsky.
What did you dislike of the film? That the characters you like died? Does a film stirring emotions in you bother you?
Glass really was shit though.
At least pick a real example of when he gave something decent a worse score than it should get just because he's contrarian against hype
>Avengers: Endgame: 5/10
is he, dare I say it, our guy?
Glass was not shit by anyeans and I will fight you the fuck over it. Literally the only ones who talk shit about it are people who either: didn't like the good guys give me bad fee fees when they died because that's not a happy ending, or they simply did not understand the film and its nuances, and what the director was trying to go for. To give it a 1/10 suggests there's nothing good that can be said about it, not the music, not the shot composition, not the set design, it accomplished absolutely nothing that it set out to do. Glass was just as good as split, at a bare fucking minimum.
Glass is shit deal with it pleb
I think yms makes some good videos, but there are so many nitpicks he has that me wanna say "shut up and watch the fucking movie". In his review of Frozen, he kept talking about how there was a light on the actors when it was nighttime, and that there shouldn't be any light on them. It's like, are you fucking retarded? There's a light on them so that the audience can see what's fucking happening. Are you saying you'd rather have 75% of the film just be complete blackness with only audio? Movies aren't supposed to be like real life, and yeah, some movies aim for realism, and they should try to be close to that, but you're going to capture 100% real life on film in an interesting way, so nitpicking every movie that isn't exactly like life is retarded.
I feel the same way about ralphthemoviemaker and IHE. They can be funny sometimes, but they're annoying as shit.
>even, as all things should be
Is he the only reviewer out there who shits on capeshit? Even though I find him gross that alone makes me want to take him more seriously.
He makes this complaint so much it's astonishing.
this. He doesn't understand the idea of magical realism, mise en scene or artificial lighting for dramatic effect or even just to simulate what happens subjectively how people's eyes adjust in darkness.
The fact that he was questioning why the lighting in a cgi childrens film was not factually coherent really makes me question his legitimacy or credentials as a critic. He focuses on factual problems in an artform.
Its like looking at this Dali painting and saying 'theres no way that elephant thing would be able to stand under it's own weight!'
Thats not the point of the painting.
He fucks dogs. To my understanding, Fantano hasn't fucked a dog, just an ape.
Have sex
just chiming in to say Fagtano is shit
Fantano praises garbage pop music aimed at teenage girls and pretends it's deep. At least adam johnston gives movies like that 5 and 6
>yms fucks dogs
>Fantano political opinion heel turn
What's worse
Tough one. I feel like I could complain about Fantano's political u-turn for longer though.
>in a cgi childrens film
Pretty sure that was in his Frozen review, the one where three people get stuck on a ski lift in the middle of the night and there are noticeable shadows throughout the film because it was filmed in bright lighting and then had a blue filter put over it.
There's alot of fantano drones on Yea Forums
I'd say Yea Forums hates Adum more.
He is Fantano's arch nemesis. Fantano is vegan while he literally can't go 3 days without fucking his dogs.
I consider Fantano a pretty informed critic. I think YMS is an unironic avgn
Ralph is both a better reviewer and funnier.
he's friends with david sheratt and jeff holiday
Hey doesn't this guy fuck dogs?
>Fantano at least has an appreciation for the art form and an extensive knowledge of it.
ITT: Austists bitching about a dog-fucking autist
stop fucking dogs user
Im here from /k/ so I really don't care about the dog thing. I've seen/done worse.
He fucks dogs and he's a bad critic.
Why does Yea Forums hate Fantano?
>inb4 Yea Forums despises everything popular
fantano has some actually knowledgeable and well articulated thoughts
this guy fucks dogs and nitpicks the ever loving fuck out of movies whilst pushing the whole 'angry intenet reviewer' shtick that every useless pseud on youtube is eager to adopt.
He's a disingenuous commie pseud who will bend over backwards for anything made by a black peson.
>>Fantano political opinion heel turn
What happened exactly? I remember seeing his skits from ThatIsThePlan. Was that his political u-turn or did he change his mind about... Whatever his opinion even was. All I seemed to understand was that he criticized Bernie supporters and hipsters?
Razorfist is just as insufferably pretentious, and gay, as dogfucker.
What the FUCK is happening to Yea Forums?
ThisIsThePlan appealed very much to the 2015-2016 alt-right ironic meme humour. He was openly a Bernie supporter, but had a good sense of humour. I think it was Salon who accused him of being an alt-rightist for those videos because of their sense of humour. He went full damage control and deleted the channel. He lied about his initial support of Sam Hyde (he had him on his podcast and can be heard laughing at Sam's Jokes, Fantano would later lie, saying that he didn't like having Hyde on the podcast).
After that he's tried to make it as clear as day that he's #WOKE, putting support for the likes of Chapo Trap House and others on his instagram and twitter. At best, he's a trend hopper.
Fantano is insufferable but at least he has some idea of what he is talking about.
No, Confused Matthew is the worst of the worst.
to be fair i liked sam hyde when he was doing the ted talk and his vertical phone videos.
with mde he kind of went off the deep end
Fantano has always been liberal but he used to be unafraid of palling around with right-wingers and mocking SJWs. Nowadays he's indistinguishable from every other #WOKE leftist. TheFader's hitpiece ruined him.
>I think it was Salon
It was TheFader.
>Nowadays he's indistinguishable from every other #WOKE leftist.
nah he's still pretty pally with the 'right-wingers'. like most sensible people though he probably doesn't class people are right-wing or left-wing like a /pol/ toddler
That's the one, thanks for the correction.
tfw too intelligant for right-left definitions of economic platforms
*hits bong*
>nah he's still pretty pally with the 'right-wingers'.
Name three.
under the impressions he still got along with idubbbz and he's been on a few podcasts/collabs like shrek retold
Idubbbz isn't right wing either.
idubbbz is an apolitical shitposter. Anyway, for the sake of argument, let's pretend idubbbz is right-wing; Fantano hasn't talked about idubbbz since TheFader's hitpiece came out. Also, Fantano used to frequently tweet at the "skeptics," but nowadays his twitter is 100% #WOKE.
What did he mean by this
hopefully there will come a time when you get tired of looking at everything through the lens of a political compass, maybe once your hormones have settled down after puberty, but until that day keep on keeping on
with dogs?
Take a closer look at the podcasts he has been on lately. They've either been totally apolitical (e.g., The Official Podcast) or uber left-wing (e.g., The Progressive Voice),
t. dadrocker
Is Saw and Deathrace reviews are unironically funny and kino. Don't give a shit about his more "serious" takes. Furfags gonna furfag.
He's friends with Maddox and that makes him irredeemable.
And he fucks dogs.
>He's friends with Maddox and that makes him irredeemable.
Speaking of, wasn't he supposed to go on the dick show at some point to talk about being a furry? What happened to that?
he fucks dogs
he fucks dogs
YMS is a literal fucking retard when it comes to cinema - he strawmans about Metropolis (after being bullied into watching it) not being necessary but the dude hasn't even seen fucking Taxi Driver. I wouldn't care if he didn't try to present himself as a high-level critic.
>Taxi Driver
Babby's first edgy film. He doesn't need to see it.
Yeah Taxi Driver is one of the most entry-level 70s films, but its not like hes skipping over it and watching more underground movies from that era instead, he just doesn't watch movies made before 2008 pretty much at all.