Who would you cast as She-Hulk for the upcoming Disney+ show?
Who would you cast as She-Hulk for the upcoming Disney+ show?
a varbie
She's a big girl.
What is that?
Nice synthol
a qt on magic muscle growth pills
>cute face
>beefcake body
I'm scared and aroused.
it's anavar
the role she was born to play
She was in Wonder Woman so she’s got capeshit cred. Unfortunately she’s fucked up her face with plastic surgery.
she cute
Whoever sucked my dick the best I suppose. That's Hollywood!
Chloe Moretz
Somebody extremely skinny, of course.
This or Idris. Could go either way just depends if the budget goes towards burrito catering for chloe or green tranny CGI.
just use a rubber foam muscle suit. they look pretty good
"that chick from tomb raider would be perfect!" - movie execs
Kate Mara looks like THAT?
Nice tits
those are some meaty legs
Alyssa Loughran