Time to see if their opinions align with mine.
I loved this review. It was everything I hoped it would be
Nobody here cares about their actual videos. These threads are exclusively for lonely faggots that pretend to hate RLM despite watching every video they do and knowing off the top of their head everything RLM has ever said.
What a bunch of hacks; they literally make their videos 1 day after they see the movie and are fine with sitting on their asses the rest of the month.
Except they make multiple videos a month and videos require editing. Unless you're under the impression that they just talk about a movie for 30 minutes and no other work is required.
>IW > EG
Can't wait for every mark to come out pretending they had this opinion before them.
I preferred EG honestly
Finally I get to know my opinion on a film I have not seen
Whattup with jay's bloody nipple
The fact that these guys are still posted here amazes me. There's really no avoiding it, I've grown up, and Yea Forums simply remains infancy. Look, RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos. What do I mean by this?
Well, I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.
They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.
They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.
Please, Yea Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.
I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.
>inb4 some retard (incorrectly) goes hurrr reddit spacing, as though RLM threads weren't as reddit as they come.
It's actually a really funny story.
Damn. You are so mature and based and deep and well adjusted. I hope i grow up to be a massive faggot like you.
Just want to say
I made this opinion before this was released
They should have made Thanos's motivation that he wanted to conquer the surface world for drugs or some product he can't get underwater
>youtube personalities
just embarrassing
It's copypasta you faggot. Lurk more.
Rich is an epic gamer.
this really doesn't need to be posted here.
>discussion of a movie doesn't need to be posted on a movie board
I saw the link and I was going to he very disappointed if it didnt lead to this, fucking based user, based as hell
yes that's very cute you're SO funny but you know i'm talking about you're youtube bullshit not discussion of the film. you can discuss the film but fuck off with your advertising these nobodies.
>He thinks a movie board is meant for discussing movies
Hilarious. I bet you go to Yea Forums to talk about "video games" too.
>you're youtube bullshit not discussion of the film
It literally is a discussion of the film
>mandatory Star Trek digression
based you
>its bad when people do to RLM what RLM did to George Lucas
i JUST wanted to post that
Well reddit? Do we like it or not?
>what RLM did to George Lucas
I don't recall RLM ever repeatedly doxxing George Lucas and making up weird obsessive fanfic about his personal life
>was it good? yes
>was it great? no
But you didn't, now did you, you little shit?! I owned the comment you wanted to post just like I owned your mother last night, you nobody.
I do
>lets talk about star trek for ten minutes
based mike
based mike
Wait, is Jay gay??
>trash > IW > EG
Gotta stay ahead of the curve.
You want him to be? Gay boy?
Thanks for reminding me that the entire build up to Captain Marvel was completely pointless. Which is perfectly fine.
I wish the entire review was about Star Trek
He better review season 2, i bask in hatred
I just want a podcast of Mike and Rich every month talking about star trek
Yes, the new balding guy (not Beardfat) is his boyfriend
Fuck these sellouts
So true.
Maybe if you keep posting this fanfic in every RLM thread, it will magically become true.
No the other guy, not rich. Aidsmoby has children and a big dick
>It's a disinterested boomer gives a tepid review to capeshit episode
Oh wait, that's all of them.
>tfw Aidsmoby realized his life is a comedy, not a tragedy years ago and we ridiculed him for it. He's /ourguy/
>mfw haven't seen either of them
>reviewing capeshit
wow, theyre really desperate and lazy for those patreonbux, huh?
how the mighty have fallen
Why is Jay's shirt still dirty? Why doesn't Mike (the Kike) give him a new one?
Yeah I remember the good old days of Half in the Bag when they reviewed movies like the first Thor, X-Men First Class, and the first Avengers movie.
Can we have Mike talk about Star Trek for 30 minutes and then in last five say latest capeshit was okay and fuck off.
>clearly enjoyed the movie
>have to spend 2 minutes pretending they didn't enjoy it THAT much
>reassure viewers they had problems
so much wasted energy being contrarian, reminds me of the ben shapiro clips where he keeps correcting himself to mislabel a transwoman
Hopefully capeshit can end now
>did you mention star trek discovery
>being so desperate to complain about RLM that you have to twist their opinions to do so
>I need an opinion of old boring gen x nobodies
lmao. you millennials are pathetic.
>>have to spend 2 minutes pretending they didn't enjoy it THAT much
Or maybe they just didn't enjoy it as much as Infinity War for the reason they give in this video
He's still right though.
So basically you see yourself in them
Review was perfectly spot on desu.
>star trek discovery
sometimes I feel good about not seeing a single minute of star trek related media
>he hasn't seen Wrath of Kino
You're missing out on a fuckton of good sci fi, just ignore the shit parts
I don't get why they keep praising Marvel and shitting on Star Wars. The last few Star Wars movies have been a bit underwhelming, but they're sure as hell still better than anything that's ever come out of the MCU.
Sell it to me, what should I watch/skip?
... Is Jay fatter than Mike again?
He clearly isn't. He's wearing an oversized shirt.
....is mike ok?
Watch: TOS (+movies), TAS, TNG (+movies), DS9, VOY, ENT
Skip: STD
DCucks on suicide watch
Rank em!
Macaulay Culkin
Max Landis
New guy
Mike looks like he wants to start killing people.
>Rank em!
No, you faggot.
Try TOS, TNG or DS9 and afterwards expand from there onto the next
Il tell my tale of how it began, i was at a mate's flat he had a new place, it was filled with plates of rotten chicken all over and i fucked myself over since it was a holy day no late night busses were going so i had to stay there the entire night
i couldnt sleep due to the smell so i laid on the couch and watched TOS while my friend slept happily in his own muck, after couple episodes i watched some of TNG, i finally got home at 8am and i was actually interested in the show so i decided to give TNG a go and i was hooked ever since.
TNG is ultra comfy one and done episodes and its not flashy or overly dramatic, the overall tone and setting is really consistent which makes for a very good show to fall asleep to.
do it, pussies!
That's like 900+ hours of media
Why do redditors shill this channel so hard
...what the fuck
> Beardfat #4
Yeah, so what?
Hi, Mike!
just a list, not my rankings
my rankings
Macaulay Culkin
New guy
Max Landis
reddit spacing
Ain't got time.
bros can someone tell me if there are funny jokes in this - like laugh out loud moments? or is it mostly talking with a mildly amusing tone
All of fat thor is great
Humor is subjective. How the fuck should any of us know what you’re going to find funny, dipshit?
why can't they even be honest about how bad these movies are? just hate on it hard and get those sweet seething clickbaits. manchildren pretending not to be manchildren
Wow, you are a vivid incarnation of maturity and an amount of responsability that could only derived from adulthood. Only problem here is that you are posting in a capeshit thread about a childish cash-grabbing capeshit. So fuck you and your deluded maturity, turbofaggot.
not this shit again
humor is a science, there is objective humor, designed to be funny, humor cannot be subjective because everyone perceives everything the same way
is this a parody website themarysue.com
fair point but lets say i laugh out loud almost constantly in plinkett reviews - like i have to pause it every 5 seconds - and i laugh when mike goes off track with a kind of pre-prepared joke he thought of to inject into a half-in-the-bag, but the more recent hitbs they didn't really do this and there were no laughs. so someone like that
Because they don’t think they’re bad?
This is still the best pasta
Because every word of it is correct
Nobody gives a shit if you watch the latest Half in the Bag. Shut up.
Post your review
huh? i'm giving you a basis to answer whether you think i'd laugh out loud in this one, which is what you asked for
Eh, not convinced
Gonna wait for E;W to form my opinion
Threadly reminder that if you are a critic with fewer than 1 million subs, then your opinion is literally meaningless, you have no opinion at all
hi npc
Anyone have that photo of Mike and Jay blended together?
Or is it Mike losing weight?
So... when did Disney start paying thee guys?
From day 1
They paid Plinkett to ruin Lucas' reputation, so they can buy Star Wars for less
They did say it was great, just with a "but".
How much do you think Disney paid them to say The Last Jedi destroyed the Star Wars franchise, completely ignore Ant Man and the Wasp, and say the newest Avengers movie isn’t as good as the last one? Does Disney pay a lot for tepid reviews?
It's the funniest MCU movie in a while. Probably not going to have you rolling but I counted more jokes that made me laugh than those that did nothing for me. Yes, Boomer Thor is funnier than advertised and actually works as part of the story too. Not just a random thing for shits and giggles.
I agree with the review. Great film, but not as well made as Infinity War while still being a decent/satisfying conclusion to the MCU.
They literally say it isn’t great.
They halfheartedly nodded which means it was great but not AS great as Infinity War. They definitely didn't say it WASN'T great.
and yet after making that video they praised every mcu capeshit that came out from that point on
Nice reddit spacing faggot. Only a faggot that uses reddit would actually put this much time typing up this response making sure to hit enter after every sentence. I didnt even read your post just saw your reddit spacing
>no Rich
Thank fuck
You’re a special kind of retarded.
>They halfheartedly nodded
which means whether or not it was great is questionable
the level condescension this movie deserved.
>didn't even mention Nebula, the main character of the movie
I can’t think of a single Marvel movie after that video that they’ve “praised.” They definitely didn’t praise Captain Marvel.
that's adorable you're so funny but you know what i mean. keep your youtube shit off of here, if you want to talk about the movie then talk about the movie. every fucking knucklehead who throws his face up on youtube and tries to attach themselves to the discussion doesn't merit reference here. these people haven't had anything relevant or interesting to say about a single movie. they were even proven wrong about the prequels which are beloved today as film classics. they don't deserve to be posted here, george lucas does. hell even rian johnson merits discussion here, but these guys do not.
I'm not the one stating they said words that literally weren't said. Read a book dumbass.
A more reasonable take.
sorry im asking about the rlm vid
I've seen the start now and they say they like the movie so.. i don't see the point of the video.
they're not going to ridicule a movie they like i assume.
it would be fucked up to watch these loser nerd slobs just talk about movies they do like. isn't it i mean?
does mike pay jay enough to say "daddy thanos" on camera?
fuck off and die of aids
You have to be around 60 to be in the youngest chunk of boomers. That dude isn't even 50 yet. He's a goddamned Gen Xer, which is almost as bad, but you should kys for being this retarded.
oh wait youse were talking about the movie too. I clicked the RML vid looking forward to seeing fat thor joke but now i realise this is in the marvel movie.
Are you guys all fucking stupid or what. Obviously from the context of the thread being about an RLM video (they're supposed to be funny) it's them i want to know if they're funny not some fucking babies movie
wait for Mauler's 27-hour review in 3 years time.
you must be one of those nerds who thinks it's hilarious to endlessly post rlm quotes
how do people unironically sit down and listen to these faggots for 30 minutes and get enjoyment out of it? how normie can you get listening to other peoples opinions?
Just as i enjoy conversations with people irl i enjoy listening to other people's conversations online
no? why?
>rlm slams brie larson again
how do people unironically watch cgi superheroes fight a cgi monster for 3 hours and get enjoyment out of it
>how normie can you get listening to other peoples opinions?
Yeah, how do you do that? Wouldn't it be retarded if you lived in a country where shit like that replaced say, the news? That'd be a nightmare.
Let me guess, they pretend to hate it for a bit but then say it's an okay film but then release 20 more videos where they pretend to hate it ironically?
fuck off normie
because they're normie retards
it's a sign of low iq
this review was pretty lame, to be honest, they didn't mention a lot of what happened and instead focused on dumb shit like "earthquakes under the sea" which was completely wrong since that's not what the scene was at all
They say they liked it, but talk about all the parts they disliked for 25 minutes.
mike saying "IT'S TIIIIIIIIGHT" is unironically cringe
Jay never really liked Captain America? Shocking.
Well I look forward to the next 20 ironic videos when they pretend the film is beneath them because they are ironic intellectuals.
kys normie
>calling a man a he is "mislabeling"
you don't deserve a (You).
>it's actually a "funny" summary
Nah i have things to live for, a sense of purpose, feels great.
why is jay drinking starbucks instead of beer? fucking sellout hack
They basically summed up my feelings. Story had a lot more holes and problems and pacing problems compared to Infinity War.
>why is jay drinking starbucks instead of beer?
Because that's what fags do.
like being a sheep who listens to reddit letter media?
yeah i love them
what does it take to get mike to shut the fuck up about star trek
He should never stop
Imagine Mike playing through Might & Magic games, he'd have an orgasm
why does jay look so big?
>edited by jay bauman
well that explains a lot
see that starbucks cup he's drinking from? he's slacking off after losing weight
You do know that coffee has almost no calories right?
and yet he didn't mention the end credits with the Original 6 signatures, dumb hack left as soon as the movie ended
Mike starts to look like older alcoholics now where they lose alot of weight since they stop eating.
You do know that there's probably a ton of sugar in his drink right?
How many cynical boomers do we need to weigh in on capeshit?
wow user you so cool and unique
I didn't either tho
Mike seems like he absolutely can't stand crowds
captain marvel BTFO
Have sex
Why do zoomers and redditors hate RLM
They're right that Captain Marvel's role was a bit awkward in the movie. Unpopular opinion for this board but I think that would have been fixed if her role in this one was more prominent, not if she was cut out of the movie altogether. The part with Nick Fury having that thing to contact her at the end of the previous movie made it seem like she'd be important but was only in this one for like five minutes and pretty much all she really did was pick up Iron Man and Nebula then blow up a ship. Didn't really feel like she became part of the group with so little time, and they probably should get around to doing that if they want people to accept her being more important later on. Shouldn't have been hard to include her in one of the time travel teams
Other way around. Zoomers and redditors love their fake internet friends.
>lumping together the canadians
Colin is high tier, should be right after mike
It's weird. Every one of these videos they put out, I'm pretty much identical in their thought process and what their opinions are. It's good to be validated that way.
Why does Jay always talk about how hunky Thor is?
When has he ever talked about that before?
mike also says he's a big man
What was last marvel movie you watched? Age of Ultron for me and even then i only went to watch it because my friend dragged me to cinema.
Why the fuck does Mike go full cinema sins in this review?
Unbelievably accurate post
He doesn’t.
>Mike still doesn't understand Prometheus
Thor 1
>with friends
In total I've seen exactly half of them, which is actually more than I thought
Not him but this review has no rewatchability, it's just Mike asking dumb questions that get answered by watching the movie, Mike talking about Star Trek and that's it
I honestly expected a lot more
Why would a movie review have rewatchability? You watch it to hear an opinion and then you movie on.
>I honestly expected a lot more
What more did you expect than them discussing their initial thoughts after seeing the movie? Is this your first RLM or are you just autistic?
They don't in depth talking about the movie like they did with Infinity War
>Thanos is just a big strong purple guy
I rarely say this but Rich needs to be there for this one
lol they didn’t go “in depth” on Infinity War either. They don’t go in depth on any Half in the Bags. It’s just their immediate thoughts.
Why? So he can explain for the 50th fucking time that he hasn’t read a comic book in over ten years?
God I can't wait for the Discovery S2 review.
The Discovery videos in general are great since you can see Mike suffering through all of them.
what is there to understand other than it's a piece of shit
>pleb leddit memeia
These were my exact thoughts pretty much. They didn't fuck it up and that whats mad me enjoy the movie. I was also hammered.
Just dropping in to post my HitB Smash Bros stage I made the other day, enjoy Yea Forums
>They loved it
Fuck these mouse shills
nice try, but you still post on Yea Forums.
They have a sponsorship deal with them.
Pretty sure sponsors expect their products name and logo to be clearly featured.
I prefer endgame too. it was unironically deeply affecting in several different ways. Ultimately it could have been 45 minutes shorter and the plot wasn't as strong as IW but the payoffs were better.
this is true although i do think they have strong knowledge of the context of scifi/capeshit canon which is valuable
He probably realized that he has a problem and has given up drinking
The last Voyager episode is interesting considering Feige is a massive Star Trek fan.
Jay has nice feet
Ecomog Media Group / Struggle Nation does a better review than these boomers.
reddit letter media
Read more science fiction.
No, not The Expanse.
>4th place
t. Josh
>this Star Trek comparison
Thats why Mike operates on a higher level.
Oh no, they like the movie but had some problems with it, you totally wither have to be 100% in love with a film or hate it entirely. Those are the only options for enjoyment of a film or not!
Well yeah. Star Trek's been around for a long-ass time. You might actually want to start with TNG since it's the best series overall. The first season and a half is kind of spotty because it still is trying to be like the original series, but once it comes into its own, it's overall a fantastic ride to the end.
>New guy
They sound tired and suicidal
Not in a funny meme way. They feel like dying
They're 40 somethings now
>They sound tired and suicidal
And that's different than how they normally sound how?
All his "questions" are literally cinema sins tier
Mike sounds really off this episode.
I had this opinion even before I watched Endgame, I knew that nothing they do in this movie can outweight the ending of IW and that narrative will be fucked up because of the time travel bullshit. And I was right. Infinity War is still the canon ending of MCU for me. Better story, better villain you can actually understand, original ending. Better writing is more important than "happy ending".
They're not though
go i wish that where me
Because they probably did the video very shortly after watching the movie, in order to get it out quickly and get views.
The mainline Star Wars Half in The Bag videos have a similar vibe.
>Jay will never call you daddy
I'm glad it ended with a reference to Star Wars being dead.
Holy shit Mike is retarded
MCU will be soon dead too. I was sick of cape shit, they literally have like three good movies. The rest is so forgettable.
Boys clearly have new cameras on set. Nice.
Same. IW is good but Endgame has much better character development for the characters, like Captain America and Hulk, and was better paced and more entertaining.
Do brainlets not understand that fat thor is a dig at the cheesecake shots of male characters in all the other MCU films?
New guy
ben shapiro is actually funny though
Stoklasa is a hack fraud
Jay is a hair transplant recipient
James is a beta loser
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha
>ben shapiro is actually funny though
why do they do the cynical fuck movies tired of superheros act if every time they watch a superhero movie they like it?
They like them but don't even understand a fucking joke about a marine earthquake
It's from a nipple piercing.
Can someone just give the quick rundown and conclusion? How does it stack compared to other marvel movies?
The Chad Philadelphia media empire vs. the virgin Milwaukee mouse shills
>confirmed for gay
>he's gay Mike
Cope faghags
why is it okay to post these youtubers but disregard any other youtuber doing the same?
it's more of a homage to the previous films, it's very good
because Yea Forums has been making RLM threads for years
Because Yea Forums is r*ddit so they love r*dditlettermedia.
I think his attention span is unironically too short to understand big Hollywood movies.
pretty sure
I feel the same way about Avengers media.
I knew it reminded me a shitload of Star Trek. The end credits were a obvious reference to undiscovered country.
Because these people are tolerable and the vast majority of soi boi 16 year olds are not tolerable replacements.
>we will never know rich's opinion on endgame
>They sound tired and suicidal
As opposed to when they felt joyful and happy? which was never!
this too is how I feel when thinking about that show
He'll probably mention it on PreRe-
That looks extremely painful
Colin is a queer, Jim is better
Ever since the Aquaman video they're putting absolutely 0 effort on their videos.
I think RLM is reaching its end
His opinion is “eh it’s fine” like his opinion on every other movie.
it was a basically a dumb namor easter egg. mcu can't help themselves after aquman made billion dollars.
It's just become tradition since these threads have been around since 2009/2010
Yea Forums only cares about two youtubers
no he isn't
I'm glad they stopped inviting rich
Calling him a "comic book expert" is fucking hilarious since he doesn't know shit.
I think Mike is dead inside because of Star Wars
When have they ever called him a comic book expert?
Holding back the years
Holding back the tears
Chance for me to escape from all I know
Holding back the tears
'Cause nothing here has grown
I've wasted all my tears
Wasted all those years
Nothing had the chance to be good
Nothing ever could, yeah
I'll keep holding on
I'll keep holding on, so tight
Well I've wasted all my tears
Wasted all of those years
And nothing had the chance to be good
'Cause nothing ever could
That's all I have today, it's all I have to say. That's all I have toooooday, it's ALL I have to say
all the fucking time? same with video games.
You can’t provide even one example of 5em ever calling him a comic book expert then huh?
agreed. fanservice: the endgames movie. it was utter garbage
>tfw Mike still would be 7/10 if he only took care of himself
What happened
He has a braphog gf. He's set.
i prefer IW because it has fewer girls.
You mean the redhead that we literally haven’t seen or heard from in six years?
Namor is owned by Universal, same as the Hulk, except they have to do more negotiations for Namor and that seems unlikely to happen
The entire final act makes Endgame BETTER than Infinity War, sorry but Thor in Wakanda ain't got shit on "Avengers Assemble"
>Jay: one of the greatest film connoisseaurs of all time
>Mike: known as the father of filmmaking
>Rich: comic book genius
And yet virgins call them “hackfrauds”
What Best of the Worst episode is this?
I don't think they're still together.
The soi reaction guys are allowed as well.
Mike is literally on suicide watch, isn't he?
they own the rights to namor like they do with hulk, but they cannot just make a solo movie like that. that's why hulk never had a solo movie after incredible hulk, namor probably can show up as a side character but no solo movie unless they push for it.
>They want off on the marvel ride
How much do you wanna bet they will still watch Spiderman homecoming
they literally don't want to watch these movies but only do it because it gets big views for them.
IS mike unjusting himself? His gut seems smaller. His face is still fat but that's one of the last things to go.
That's right, Jay
Yeah, just like did with Antman and Wasp
>amazing spiderman 1 and 2
So Worf fires a purple space bazooka
Funny, I was going to post about the Bill and Ted Trashcan scene.
>Endgame was exactly like Star Trek Voyager: Endgame
Jesus Christ Stoklasa is actually right.
>watching half hour reddit reviews
kys everyone of you
>it's an user thinks he's too cool for school episode
Fuck yourself.
Yeah, I was also disappointed by how short it was, I expected at least an hour of quality friend simulation. These hackfrauds are getting lazy.
sorry it's not a hoodlum guzzling a 40 right after waking up
what do you watch
besides niggers fucking your woman
that voyager comparison was pretty apt though
same premise, even the same episode title.