She's so perfect, it hurts so bad, help

She's so perfect, it hurts so bad, help.

Attached: why.png (1272x681, 1.1M)

Other urls found in this thread:


what does it even mean?


Attached: 1552943183782.png (428x424, 124K)

Some women have caretaker fetishes. This is how morbidly obese and disabled guys can land decent looking chicks from time to time.

Smug little slug man should be a hood ornament.


Attached: 1548343376689.png (645x773, 11K)

Hannah is not "decent". She's...


All these fat and ugly dudes getting mommy gfs meanwhile a handsome lad like me gets ignored ;__; IT'S NOT FAIR BREJS

This is the true eighth wonder of the world. Not even our world's top scientists and philosophers can decipher what her endgame is in all of this.

why is on youtube? is this some sort of acting job she has?

She looks somewhat sane when she's on screen by herself, but absolutely insane whenever she's around the guy. Still I'm jealous.

There is no word to describe how fucked up she is in bed. She does unspeakable things to this little man.

how many hours do you think she demands he licks her asshole every day

>you will never be her main interest

Attached: why2.png (1267x713, 1.43M)


there's no way this girl isn't having sex with loads of other dudes... right?

>implying this little man can even get it up since he needs help to move and do the most basic bodily functions

>a handsome lad like me
it seems you like look of men....smells like homoerotica

>she will never brush my teeth with love

y liv

Attached: nnnnnnnnooooooooooo.jpg (1227x714, 58K)


Attached: 1556291701821.jpg (600x350, 155K)

>fancy myself as an attractive fellow
>also like males erotically

Attached: cat11.png (480x360, 213K)

Her blowjob skills are being studied.

You have no idea what she's able to

so she's like the woman from Misery right?

they are guaranteed to have some arrangement where he is allowed to get cuckolded as long as she cleans his ass and keeps him company. probably some money involved too.


She's having sex with this little man, she mastered facesitting.

Ever notice how retards have massive dicks?

You have been told, FOR YEARS, that personal > looks and confidence > looks, and you NEVER believed it.

You're so autistic that you cannot imagine the point of view of others, especially women, so you apply to THEM what your autistic thinking makes you believe is reality.

It is YOU who only care about looks because you don't understand anyone other than yourself (if that).

It is YOU who is a negative asshole with low self-esteem and no values.

YOU are the degenerate, not them.

>when fucking autistic incels get a reality check and are astonished to realise they were wrong, but unable to accept it

You're all so tiresome.

Save this post and spread.

>turbo retard that cannot possibly satisfy you or give you children
>drop all other men for him

I really don't understand these women. Don't they want to pass on their genes?

Not everyone wants to have kids.

>I really don't understand these women.

>It is YOU who only care about looks because you don't understand anyone other than yourself (if that).

The DNA survival is a coping mechanism, same as Christians with Heaven. It makes you feel better about having a purpose and a way to "survive." Nobody survives. The universe dies too. Given enough time, nothing remains. You have been wrong your entire life. You are as deluded as Christians.

>autism, not even once

>Don't they want to pass on their genes?
Autists actually believe this is what matters in life, lol. Autists can't believe normal people enjoy taking care of each other. No big surprise there.

Half true imo. Someone can be really funny etc but still be fuck ugly so nobody dates them, but they like them as a friend. But also someone can be dead attractive and still be a horrible person and be not even remotely attractive.

I think it's all about balance. You cant just say personality is better than looks and confidence, because they all need to be there. It's just incel retards think looks aren't subjective, and this just replicates a line of thinking where because their self esteem is low, their general vibe seems miserable and not worth talking to. Making them unattractive.

>dude i'd rather travel
So many retards say this shit.

Attached: 1555328957528.png (434x524, 244K)

>just b urself lol

Calm down Ricky Gervais

do some of them like taking care of autistic guys?

>Someone can be really funny etc but still be fuck ugly so nobody dates them,
100% wrong. Go outside. You will find ugly men who are fun and funny date the sexiest women around. Plenty of women really don't care much about looks. If you look like someone she loved before, or her dad, you may score points without even knowing it, without even being handsome yourself. Life finds a way.

This is your brain on postmodernism

It's when they put together what they have and they achieve more than they individually could. E.g. synergy. But the irony is that the girl does everything and the cripple is just a parasite.

Nah, you go outside and stop thinking movies made by schlubs reflect reality at all in 2019

Can you say autistic one more time? Please oh please, say autistic one more time!

>deriding the "be yourself "advice
>thinking anyone will love you for acting like someone you're not
>implying autists here could pull it off in the first place

I piss myself just thinking about one of you autists trying to act like "Chad". Oh God, this is too good.

>So, what would "Chad" do?
>He would walk like he has a fat cock between his legs, yes! I'll do that.
>How does "Chad" speak to women? Like they're worthless pieces of shit, yes! I'll do that.
>"Hey b-bitch, y-you want s-some o'dis?"
>bitches be laffin'
>"D-don't laugh! Pls."

It usually requires needing some form of medical assistance. Not being able to talk to girls doesn't count.

right, but let's not pretend op isn't an anomalous case

Imagine sacrificing your whole life for another unrelated person. Women are so dumb.

I mean...

Attached: 1.png (674x98, 20K)

ok, so how do i get a personality?

>tfw no friends
>no social skills
>never say anything in conversations because autistic
>spend most of my time at home by myself
>don't have any cool or fun stories to tell
what do i do?

Autistic guys assume everyone else is autistic, they are ingrateful assholes who cannot think beyond the level of a 4-year-old normie.

Study children, you'll realise autists are permanently stuck before the mental age of 8, no matter what. Zero empathy, zero ability to think from someone else's point of view, that's why the basic autist will mock others not knowing any of the special shit he himself knows, because he has zero understanding of what's commonly known and what isn't.

>thinks spreading your DNA makes you immortal
Cope harder.

His disability check + his inability to catch her cheating

>reddit spacing

See Blanchett in any movie where she has a love interest, husband or otherwise, and compare with her actual husband.

Checkmate, fucker. I am right, you are wrong.

Attached: 498757155fd6d4ddb6409608fdb9bc34.jpg (634x835, 106K)

He's funny and he's fun to be around. Not like you.

You read books, you dummy.

People with autism often have problems with social, emotional and communication skills. They might repeat certain behaviors and might not want change in their daily activities.

>can you say autistic one more time

No surprise.

>pre-plastic surgery out of work actress sleeps with a director


He is an extreme case, but for 1 case like that, you have millions of milder ones.

Incels underestimate women's capacity for love and care.

t. "Chad"

He is rich

>imagine spending your whole life in a loving relationship and experiencing daily happiness the likes of which you have never known before

Sometimes I think it's a blessing that incels and autists here don't get a taste of what they'll never have.

I am fat sperg how when do I get my caretaker gf?

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Nunununu guys look look see this middle aged woman is dating a somewhat unattractive man who is also middle aged! I'm totally right!

Okay man whatever makes you happy, you can put away childish things another time perhaps.

Best advice. Best feeling.
Gonna go read something right now.

>what do i do?
You listen, you ask questions, you listen again. It's not hard, just be interested in others, which is where the problem probably lies: you don't give a shit about others and in your arrogance, you think they don't notice.

If in good faith, read about active listening.

I can understand wanting the joy of having kids but the larping game of thrones tier muh bloodline shit has to stop.
You share your grandkids and thier "bloodline" with 3 other people and it only gets more and more diluted as the generations grow.


Found the illiterate underage kid who came here from Reddit.

Meet paragraphs, young fool. Anyone with basic literacy has been using paragraphs since the dawn of Yea Forums. Stop showing your summer this much, cancer boi.

Autistic advice. Artificially trying to get interesting will only make you sound like a tryhard.

I feel bad for most of you who will never have a loving mommy gf. It's really the only reason to be alive.



Why is this pic of Ryan so perfect, bros?

>implying she did any surgery
>implying they didn't marry 20 years ago
>implying he's a director
>implying implying

They were married before she was famous. She's more famous than him, he's just an Australian playwright.

>the cripple is just a parasite
That nigga is a pimp!

Attached: patrice.jpg (300x300, 12K)

He isn't, she has way more money than him, and they married long before either was successful or wealthy.

Incels cannot accept reality. You autists are so obvious.

>coping this hard
>making shit up to cope harder

i do listen and remember the things people say. i just don't know how to ask good questions

>i ask a coworker how their weekend was
>they tell me something
>i can't think of a good question to ask

>i visited family
>i went to a friends birthday party/going away party/bachelor party/wedding
me: nice/cool

You have no argument. Cate Blanchett is one of the most beautiful women in the world and she married a man who's not handsome but has personality, over 20 years ago.

This SINGLE real life example shatters your entire worldview and renders your bullshit inane and impotent. You are upset because you realise you're full of shit.

And that's a good thing.

You do realize this woman is likely fucked in the head, and that "normal" women would not do this? You're acting as if most women want to be with a paraplegic. Calm down, spazoid. Your personality isn't as great as you think it is.

Let's be real, the only reason 50% of incels are incels is because they just don't talk to women. That's it.

I bet she makes him look at her while she is fucking some niggers.

To boot: with this angle, you're just a very old monkey's sperm vessel.

>uses reddit spacing
>n-no u rebbet!

Attached: 1553028024173.jpg (1134x1134, 180K)

When Hannah entered the chamber that morning she found yet another poo stain 'neath her pliable partner. She chuckled gaily - oh dear, what wonder did the fairy leave in the night - as she pressed the button on her iPhone XS.

The objective hovered above the rumpled meat her hand so deftly uncovered. The shape exuded a moan later to be edited with a tune from Hannah's Shoe Store Beat compilation. Click, click click. She chose one particularly poignant visual piece and pressed upload. As she was flossin' the notifications started popping up. Could she place a bottle of fizzy drinks next to the better side of her lover's face? Why yes - for an adequate compensation. More moans came from the now putrid linen canopy. Hannah smiled and called Belinda up.

Cate Blanchett is ugly as fuck

>I have no fucking source so i'm giving numbers coming from my ass

Go back to plebbit faggot. Cate being attractive has nothing to do with who she's attracted to, you pulled that one out of your arse. He's not handsome but he isn't fuck ugly either. When I said fuck ugly I meant FUCK...UGLY. I was kinda half agreeing with you until you went on a spergic rant. (and why that's a good thing). Broken record ass "SHATTUrd your world bview mang"

How did two people like this even meet?

>i just don't know how to ask good questions
Be curious!

That goes back to being interested in people; if you aren't, you won't care and no questions will naturally come to you.

I'll show ya, dear positive autist.

>How was your weekend?
>It was cool, I went to visit my parents.
>Do you get along with them?
>Yeah, but as often, there are ups and downs.
>[you share something personal of yours]
>Oh? How's that?
>[you tell more]
>Woah, that's impressive, user. On my end, [they share something personal].

If you just ask about any of the new elements, you can keep a convo going forever. Show interest, and people will love you if you truly care. It's not hard.

have sex

>puts women on a pedestal
>calls himself Chad

Attached: 1452186325694.png (500x338, 44K)

>You do realize this woman is likely fucked in the head, and that "normal" women would not do this?
Every single real life example, you'd say that. You could be shown 50'000 examples, you'd still be saying exactly this by the end. There's no winning with your mental illness.

>endless denial
>no u
>ad hominem
>confirmation bias/selection bias

You are 100% responsible for yourself now.

The trannies are out in full force this morning.

Incels are incels because they are mentally ill, zero exceptions. Whether it's autism or otherwise, they aren't mentally functional.

>>tfw no friends
>>no social skills
>>never say anything in conversations because autistic
>>spend most of my time at home by myself
>>don't have any cool or fun stories to tell
Develop a fucking personality. Join a local trekking group on facebook or a biking one. Just try to get invested in SOMETHING NEW, something that you may have had some level of interest but never got into, you will get exposed to NEW people that is used to deal with strangers, no one will expect you to be outgoing. Stay away from your own big interests (tv, videogames, anime and garbage like that, you won't develop anything if the only interactions you have are all about talking shit about stuff you already like and know). The most important part is to stop being retarded and to care about what people say to you.

Incels can't ever imagine a reality that doesn't match their fears, because otherwise their worldview isn't justified and they realise they're the assholes they fears others are.


Supposedly he has money and had quite a few "gfs" before her

>You could be shown 50'000 examples, you'd still be saying exactly this by the end.
Show me three (3) examples of a hot woman taking care of a paraplegic. And no fetish porn. Only real cases.

Nobody asked to see your face, Oscar.

Go be a nigger somewhere else m8

>Cate Blanchett is ugly as fuck
user is homosexual as fuck.

>Cate being attractive has nothing to do with who she's attracted to, you pulled that one out of your arse.
Jesus, you're actually retarded. I didn't know, user. I'm sorry. I take it all back and wish you a good day!

What's her end game?

>womens are selecting the best mens
>instead of accepting that, the white knight are calling others incels

>b-b-bloodlines don't matter
>n-no I didnt regretfully cut my penis off while I was going through a phase

It's by loving women that women love you too.

>the definition of insanity
>"ama hate women, I'll sound like Chad and I'll have sex!"

Figure it out, champ.

>anyone who disagrees with me is a "nigger" or a "tranny" or a "Redditor"
>unable to accept new information and revise old data
You are lost forever if you don't change your ways.

Personality > Looks

Deal with it incels.

Attached: manlet.png (1140x2048, 1.77M)

It's his sister

thanks for the advice
>>[you share something personal of yours]
i have no good personal stories to share

my life is mess, nothing good has ever happened to me. i spend most of my time at home in front of my computer too

while other people seem to always have good stories to tell
>i have a large family and relatives and we get together all the time for dinners, celebrations, etc.
vs me
>not close with any of my family, other than immediate family, but even then we rarely talk or do anything together

>women can't love a man without money

You losers make me sad. Women who have loved me had more money than me and always offered supporting me if I needed it. I am not kidding. These are women who were madly in love with me and would have done anything to help.

You won't believe it, but that's your choice: cognitive bias.

No, unlike you i haven't seen enough retard dicks to establish a pattern.

>fucking his sister

Have they spoken about how her physical needs are met?

It's a serious question that they should cover.

Nope, saw it on Reddit. It's his GF.

You've already changed the goalposts by making the man a paraplegic, faggot, but I'll bite.

>saw it on Reddit.

>doesn't about the retard dick

It's really important to separate normal beta virgins from incels. Incels ARE delusional, they are in fact mentally ill. Normal virgins hate themselves and resent the world, but they usually are aware of their shortcomings. Incels on the other hand have a sense of self-value that doesn't fit reality, they usually believe they are smart "but underachivers", they hate WOMEN and think society is to blame for not putting them in the social position they believe they deserve, it's a mix of narcissism and actual retardation, a good chunk of them are also closseted gays, that's why so many incels seem to hate women's bodies and masturbate to traps, incels and robots are not the same, in a way incels are militant about their virginity becuase they want to believe it's becuase they are too enlighted for society. The irony is that they lack male friends too, i guess those evil roasties made other males mean too.

being average really is the worst sin you can commit.

It's the only thing left when you are a manlet

He is rich.
His parents are multimillionaires and he has some books written.
Check it up of you don't believe me

>thinking anyone on here talks to women irl
where do you think we are?

he fucks his sister?

lol at people thinking this is real. She's obviously with him for the youtube, patreon and instagram revenue, attention whoring and other promotion stuff. You know how many offers these two probably get from sponsorships, media, etc because they promote the idea that love isn't dependent on looks?

Attached: K5vs.gif (245x165, 913K)

"Personality > Looks, except when it's someone famous like Cate Blanchett" Daft bastard

She is cheating on him on a daily basis

>Show me three (3) examples of a hot woman taking care of a paraplegic. And no fetish porn. Only real cases.


You'll undoubtedly find something to invalidate this. This was 15 seconds on Google.

The other ones are coming up.

Pic: quardraplegic man and his WIFE.

Attached: article-2469727-18DF519700000578-285_634x667.jpg (634x667, 65K)

Literally, everyone on Yea Forums goes to Reddit now days. Get with the times.

>Personality > Looks
Actually it's confidence>everything else

>changed the goalposts by making the man a paraplegic,
That's literally the op's subject, you mongoloid. Meanwhile, your whiteknighting has likely gotten you zero pussy.

>Only real cases.

Case N°2, 5 seconds on Google.

Man and his girlfriend.

Attached: 20170807_Jessica-Arevalo-Garrett-Greer.jpg (1200x800, 704K)

powerful specimens

We had one in our PE classes who loved flopping his cock about in the changing rooms. Right weird cunt.

>Only real cases.

Article about man who became based paraplegic, lost his girlfriend, and found another.

You asked for three (3) examples in real life. I gave them to you.

What do you say now?

Attached: unnamed-e1467755668144-300x227.jpg (474x359, 20K)

So she is either trying to marry him so she gets the money when he eventually passes, or she is a high class escort his parents hired to take care of him/keep him happy.

That guy is handsome and it looks like he can wipe his own ass. Your point has not been made.

Like 13% of women have extremely low sex drives, i don't have a hard time believing some slightly autistic, control freak with low sex-drive will happily get into a relationship with a man with emotional needs.

It's quite simple. The girl suffers from abandonment issues. Most likely stemming from a parental figure like her father walking out on her when she was very young. Her mother was never quite strong or aware of the too long glances or subtle touches of her stream of boyfriends directed towards her daughter. This pathological and physical abuse manifested to her subconscious the need for a physically weak mate that she could dominate in all forms. Furthermore, this handicapped specimen would never "walk out" on her, as her father did all those years ago.

Attached: hannibal.jpg (306x165, 4K)

>implying a deformed midget in a wheelchair is your idea of a best man

they set up a tinder date, that was their first meeting

this 5'4'' guy has posted over 20 times to /r/tinder in the past month of the girls he has had "good" conversations with. that's only the ones that were "good". i haven't talked to 20 girls in my entire life

he graduated college and makes $100k+/yr, so college age girls will match with him easy

Haha, another handsome Chad. Keep telling yourself personality matters, dork.

I said hot women.

Keep googling, loser.

>inb4 incels try to cope with this by saying it's not his girlfriend, that she cheats on him (with African Americans), or any other out-of-the-ass "reasons"

>chads who lost the ability to move their legs is the same as a deformed retard


Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-28-09-07-02-1.png (323x409, 109K)

Chad didn't put a baby in her, so she's in a turbocope mode.


Too late

>The girl suffers from abandonment issues.
This is a thing too, a partnet that NEEDS you and loves you above anything else? that's something really good in the mind of a woman like that

Attached: packing.webm (1280x720, 536K)

>>implying a rich deformed midget in a wheelchair is your idea of a best man

Fixed that for you

I'd say it's the first. No parent would allow an escort/care taker to become that close to him, allowing her to manipulate him and get some money out of it.

>women is fucked up in the head because she's together with someone that is not you

have sex

>i have no good personal stories to share
That's fine. You certainly have but don't realise what could interest others because of autism. That doesn't matter because the great problem in human communication is that most people prefer to share than to listen, make the best of this. Also realise that people who share less are typically more shy and don't always feel secure in the idea that their lives could be interesting to others, that's why QUESTIONS will make them feel at ease, because not answering is more rude than answering.

>i spend most of my time at home in front of my computer too
Change that, user. If you watch a lot of videos, make those be videos where people speak at length, so you can train at understanding humans, especially when two are talking, especially if they are friends.

Women are imaginative. They can look into each other's eyes while she masturbates both of them.

How will incels ever recover

Only oldfags don't go on Reddit, so they never mention Reddit because they don't know what it's like.

The anons who keep whining about Reddit are former Redditors who are ashamed.

t. oldfag

That's a good theory if you want to take the Freudian analysis angle. The pessimist in me thinks she's in it for the easy money. Wipe a retard's ass and you never have to get a real job. Or maybe she's "in love" and every thalidomide baby will get a 10/10 qt when they grow up.

I know, but for better or worse, I'm actually from outside and am a fully functional grown man. I'm trying to save you, guys.

They never kissed on the lips.

Learn to science, your infalsifiable hypothesis is pure bullshit from beginning to end. You could not present a case where a woman is just a good person with healthy values. You always have to project your fears and make it a whore, a slut, etc.

Incels never change.

she would just be another basic bitch with a youtube channel. But now she is "cool"

>That's literally the op's subject, you mongoloid.
Nope, I said personality and confidence were more important than looks. user disagreed, I produced Blanchett, then he asked for handicapped men.

>Meanwhile, your whiteknighting has likely gotten you zero pussy.
It should be obvious from my posts that I fuck.

I'm not the incel who is imagining that a woman will mommy me. I don't want a new mommy like all of you virgin discord faggots. I've gotten plenty of pussy in my 30 years on this planet. I was likely dipping my stick while you were still in diapers developing your mommy issues.

She has replaced him and his dependency with her motherly love of that of a child. She has intertwined both romantic and motherly love. She is wasting away her great genetics by not giving in to a smarter and more charming handsome man. A complete waste.

Attached: Nogs and pets.gif (180x135, 1.31M)

She's actually a cute. the kinda girl that I find physically attractive too

Beards like these are fucking disgusting.

>thinking I was thinking that

It's amazing what mental gymnastics the retards on this board are capable of. Also stop being a postmodernist shitheel.

You can tell the majority of people in this thread have no real interaction with women. I am shocked this is the first person to suggest that shes genuinely not in to him. Theres no way.

>That guy is handsome
So? Being paraplegic doesn't mean you become ugly. You never stated the man had to be ugly, faggot.

But hey, I expected nothing else from you. I knew you'd make up some BS for every instance of reality that hurts your ego.

You could find a hundred of these for yourself, to your exact preferences, but you won't, because you only want to hear what you already "believe". Mentally ill faggot.

>thinking you're "fully functional" and "all grown up" just because you've slept with a few women
You're more childish and in need of assistance than all the "incels" you're sperging at in this thread. The act of having sex is trivial for anyone who's not completely socially isolated, so it's pathetic that you're bragging about it online. Your advice is shit - you're telling people with no hobbies or interests besides posting on message boards to try and share experiences with normal people. This is bound to fail and make them feel even more miserable than before.

>autists don't understand that humans need to be in relationships

>- you're telling people with no hobbies or interests besides posting on message boards to try and share experiences with normal people.
How dare he!

>Haha, another handsome Chad. Keep telling yourself personality matters, dork.
In another argument, you'd say "She can find another equally handsome man who ISN'T paraplegic and has more money" and other retarded reasons. There's no point arguing with you.

Reality will always win. You're just a pouty child at this point.

>I said hot women.
Nigga u gay.

>makes $100k+/yr
>s-s-see incels, it's all about personality
You blew your own point

Normie here: that's something everyone has, both ways. Everyone has needs and everyone needs someone.

Not everything has to have a dark subplot, you fearful morons.

Weak argument, likely bullshit too, since nobody proved it: she could find a normal rich man just as easily, if that's what she was after. You are not so smart.

And how is that going to work? Your average virgin on Yea Forums isn't going to attract women by discussing Emma Robert's feet or Malick films. You're setting them up to fail.

Youre either a moron or trolling. There is no possible way this woman is just with this guy for altruistic reasons.

>inb4 incel

I have a beautiful GF.

>You never stated the man had to be ugly, faggot.

Because she is physically attractive

>>s-s-see incels, it's all about personality
you do realize tehre are more than one person replying in this thread right? are you retarded?

I'm not saying it's a dark subplot, i'm saying that emotional needs are something normal. And that mixed with some personal traits it will make some people more willing to be in unconventional relationships.

This woman 100 percent has some ulterior motive and youre a naive idiot if you think otherwise.

Wtf I wish I were disabled

>altruistic reasons.
Being in love isn't altruistic
Emotional needs are not altruistic
Control issues are not altruistic
That's the problem with greedy jews like you, you can't understand that the benefits of a relationship can't exist without money.

The dude is smooth af. His banter is on point.

>i know everything about a person after seeing a video

You don't need to recover when you pretend you aren't wounded.

>The pessimist in me thinks she's in it for the easy money.
You're just projecting your fear of women being greedy whores and nothing else. Do realise you're the asshole here, not women.

It's hard to believe you morons believe this shit.

>muh echo chamber online agrees with me!

Fucking hell, you're worse than women with astrology. At least they understand it's not 100% real.

No because she can make even more money with him

Love is just your brain rationalizing the survival instinct, desire to procreate, avoiding loneliness, etc. Not a real reason for a relationship


ITT: insecure men who whine about a hot woman loving someone for his personality when none of these insecure men can give a shit about a woman unless she's a 10/10.

Your lack of self-awareness is spectacular.

Stop whining about Redditors coming here to tease you when you make yourselves this fucking entertaining.

When he dies she gets like 7 mil

Then what do you think?

>inb4 dodging

>Also stop being a postmodernist shitheel.
I don't think you know what postmodernism is, user. No offense.

I'm not even the same guy you replied to.

>Love is just your brain rationalizing the survival instinct, desire to procreate, avoiding loneliness,
That means is not altruistic you stupid fuck

>You're more childish and in need of assistance than all the "incels" you're sperging at in this thread.
Normie trying to help is perceived as "sperging" by autistic socially-assisted faggots living at their parents'.

>The act of having sex is trivial for anyone who's not completely socially isolated
That's an autist's point of view. The act of sex, for normal people, is the height of vulnerability and intimacy. If sex is trivial, you are likely mentally deficient on some level, or, more likely, you're pretending to have regular sex that you aren't having. (Or you have a seriously shitty relationship.)

And yes, I fuck. It shows. The way incels write is absolutely telling; you don't even realise how obvious it is to normies.

>Your advice is shit - you're telling people with no hobbies or interests besides posting on message boards to try and share experiences with normal people.
This is why incels can't make it.

>This is bound to fail and make them feel even more miserable than before.
But shitting on every good thing in the world will make them feel better? Turning every good woman that exists into a stealth whore will help anybody? You're strengthening delusions together, giving yourselves the impression that you're right. You do the same shit /pol/ does and end up believing your delusions to be true.

The absolute state of you.

They are delusional. Any opinion or fact that doesn't fit into their worldview is an attack.

>Your average virgin on Yea Forums isn't going to attract women by discussing Emma Robert's feet or Malick films.
Uh, I did. I made a woman discover Terrence Malick by talking about it and she, on her own, watched The Thin Red Line and we discussed it together later on.

We started becoming closer and closer friends. We developped a correspondence. Tons of e-mails per week. Then we decided to ask each other questions, and when I asked her what clothes she thought would fit me best, she literally said no clothes at all. I lost my shit behind my screen, but she was serious. We made love not long after that.

The thing with women, like with anyone normal out there, is that they are interested in a PERSON. A person has interests, it doesn't matter if they don't share them or don't know them. She never cared about cinema much before me, but the fact that I knew about it made her interested.

t. had sex

>The act of sex, for normal people, is the height of vulnerability and intimacy
fucking lmao. go outside retard. uni slags throw their legs up every weekend and you think anyone gives a shit? you type like some 25 y/o numale who got his first gf a month ago and thinks hes a master of romance now.

nice strawman. if you want to help incels try to turn them into normal people. i.e. get more active hobbies, learn to socialize normally by joining clubs or groups and engaging in small talk, also not putting women on a pedestal. but I'm sure you'll ignore this advice because you saw some /r9k/ screenshot that calls women roasties

real autists are literally more empathetic than normalfags

if she ever broke up with him, this guy would be dead the next day from heartbreak. i wonder if that partly keeps her in the relationship, given how deep in she is

>Youre either a moron or trolling. There is no possible way this woman is just with this guy for altruistic reasons.
Like I said, you can't change or think otherwise, as it would require undoing years of building up an imaginary world that you use to cope.

Truth: it is you who has terrible opinions about women, not women who do terrible things.

>I have a beautiful GF.

and then everyone clapped.

>tfw no warm pussy to rest my head against

Attached: 134465856743.gif (447x415, 253K)

Uglyfag here. I'm 5'7, relatively ugly, and I'm not even strong, but I have accept what I am physically and moved on from it. I am pretty fun at parties and in person, and I have had many long term relationships, currently in one, and I can testify that personality matters more than anything else.

My girlfriend is taller than me. She makes more money also and loves me to no end, as I love her.

t. normie

Incels are so incapable of imagining someone else's point of view that they ALWAYS assume any dissenter is just ONE rare exception (per thread, it seems).

That is how deep their retardation goes.

>And that mixed with some personal traits it will make some people more willing to be in unconventional relationships.
If you ever go outside, you will find that this definition applies to 80% of people, and that most people aren't fully normal.

Normies are normies because autists can never get to know anyone enough to know about what makes everyone unique (in good and bad ways).

Paranoid. You're mentally ill, seek help.

>you can't understand that the benefits of a relationship can't exist without money.
Makes no sense. Money always exists in any relationship, but if money is a reason to be with someone, you're in a shite relationship, poor dear.

>things that never happened : the post

This case is so rare it made news all over the world and made them famous, it is an outlier and akin to winning the lottery, if it was common nobody would care.

Another classic incel delusion. They think they know because:

1. their understanding is shallow
2. they mostly want to confirm, via bias, what they have already chosen to believe

Yeah I agree with him was just pointing out that love isnt a real reason

>women are all whores who get with men for money
>she can make more money herself
Give up.

>Mfw i have been in love for the same girl for almost a decade and all i got are some smiles and small talk while this dude bangs a prettier chick while being basically a shitting furniture
It hurts so bad bros

Attached: 1552105791630.jpg (416x416, 55K)

>why dont women love me even though im a 300pound NEET that is also a shit person that copes all day on Yea Forums

incels are blind to what they are

>everything is a conspiracy

ITT: autistic men who can't love a woman for her personality and projects this on women who can.


>Any opinion or fact that doesn't fit into their worldview is an attack.
This. This is why they fail socially. They sperg out at the first perceived "attack". Insecurity is nasty shit.

>fucking lmao. go outside retard. uni slags throw their legs up every weekend and you think anyone gives a shit? you type like some 25 y/o numale who got his first gf a month ago and thinks hes a master of romance now.
Been married 8 years. Also been a student for 8 years. You're bitter and obviously have zero understand of people, as expected.

Enjoy your autism.

>nice strawman.
Learn what a strawman actually is. I thought autists were clever? Obviously they aren't. More like mentally retarded more than anything.

>real autists are literally more empathetic than normalfags
Scientifically proven wrong. Autists can't even imagine scenarios from the point of view of others, which is also why they fail at humor, which is also why they fail socially.

They are around 6 or 8 in their mind when it comes to that.

You know how young kids speak endlessly, about themselves, and can't do conversation? That's what autists are, but as adults.

moreso that love is an obvious social construct that is now used by corporations to manipulate emotions in the pursuit of higher profits

This is why you retards fail, you want the shy nerdy girl that is into anime. You absolute moron, relationships are not based around hobbies or interests, that's pure narcissim, your interests, workplace, college, hobbies and friend circles are just platforms to get to knew each other, that's it, you can't base a relationship around CIA memes or my hero academy, interacting with people makes you DEVELOP yourself beyond the limitations of your autism, discover new shit you may like (and new people) and to understand people in different ways, human interactions are not binary and that's why is so important to learn how to express yourself and what the others think and why they act they way they do. Musical talent, looks, money, a nice car, playing an instrument, your "interests" are only a way to brake the ice, are enough to get laid, butnot to get into relationships, the first thing to get a GF is to get friends, IRL your gf will be someone that is a friend to someone you know, not internet dating, not tinder, and not a comic con. Make Friends = Get Pussy, seeking for a shy girl version of yourself that loves everything you love is retarded, if you find a girlfrien she will get interested in stuff you care about and you will do the same, but she will never like tentacle porn as much as you do and you will never care that much about the white stripes

>denial of reality
>the post

It's not rare. What's rare is you seeing it. Are you retarded?

>love isnt a real reason
Love isn't a real reason to be in a relationship.


I'm from Reddit, they weren't lying: you guys are fucking retarded.

Why did it make news and made them famous and made him sell books if it's not rare? If this mangled retard didn't have a hot gf nobody would care other than other retards looking for self help shit

There's no better feeling than waking up after being sick the entire weekend in the chest of your gf, after 48 hours of she taking care of your feverish retardation, loving you and sleeping really in a really unconfortable position just becuase she wants to make sure you are getting better.

>muh social construct
A lot of things are social constructs, and? Social constructs go back a long time, biologically, and their reality is as good as anything else. Swans are monogamous for life, that's a social construct too, so fucking what? It's real.

You think everything is a conspiracy because you are mentally ill and paranoia is part of whatever your deal is. You won't believe me because you can't see it.

>Disney shills
Everyone is out to get you, right? But noooo, no paranoia here sir!

>relationships are not based around hobbies or interests
Oh yeah? Enlighten me then genius, what are relationships based on? If you have nothing in common with your SO then you will have nothing to talk about, nothing to do together, this is basic fucking common sense. Making friends is a good way to start meeting girls and dating but if you have nothing in common than the relationship WILL come to nothing.

>If you have nothing in common
Your interests are not PERSONAL TRAITS.

>Why did it make news and made them famous and made him sell books if it's not rare?
Do you realise that anything makes the news, right?

This type of news is what the news business does when they have nothing else to show. I think you don't understand how news works.

You need to stop thinking you're so damn smart, because you aren't, and that's why people don't like you.

>ITT: autistic men who can't love a woman for her personality and projects this on women who can.
To love a woman, she needs to have a good personality and the looks to compliment that personality. If she only has the personality, then she is not fit to be your girlfriend. If she only has the looks, then she is only a slut that you can bang once in a while before you get bored. You can't sleep with a woman you find unattractive and you can't have any meaningful relationship with a woman whose personality you can't stand.

Same. He has cock in his surname which made it that much worse.

>If you have nothing in common with your SO then you will have nothing to talk about,
Not the user you're talking to, but you should listen to him.

My woman is a ballet dancer, I lift weights for fun. Obviously this is both a common interest and the exact opposite, depending on how you see it, but no matter: because these activities are different, we can talk about them and it's fresh for the other person. What matters is how communication is done: if it's fun, loving, caring, and we both enjoy talking, then everything goes. We could discuss absolutely anything because what we both love is being together.

I think you are genuinely retarded.

Nice digits lad. Confirmation that cock size correlates with retardation.

What else are they if not that you mongoloid?

That's both being active; you guys have a common interest in staying fit and using your bodies.
>if it's fun, loving, caring, and we both enjoy talking, then everything goes
This happens over the course of any normal relationship. What has sustained yours is your common interests.

>If she only has the personality, then she is not fit to be your girlfriend
Normie here, you'll find that getting to know someone whose personality you love makes you fall in love and love her physically afterwards also. I imagine this level is far beyond what autists can get to because it requires understanding someone else and being interested in them.

I bet you won't even believe what I just told you.

>That's both being active; you guys have a common interest in staying fit and using your bodies.
You can do this with anything.

>I love vidya
>she likes knitting
>you both like having a good time with your personal hobbies and projects!

>This happens over the course of any normal relationship. What has sustained yours is your common interests.
Are you dense? What sustained any relationship active today is love of being together. The opposite would be to suggest some couples sit in darkness and do nothing, you fool.

You don't need common interests to stay together. Opposites attract, too. And it's good to have your own thing also.

>autism, the post

From Reddit also, I actually didn't think you guys were for real. I thought that was all trolling, but I don't think you're trolling here.

I'll definitely tell my Reddit friends about this place. It's the most fun I've had since the autistic kid in my class.

>That guy is handsome and it looks like he can wipe his own ass.

Attached: 46338096_742252969441355_2374673991134090532_n.jpg (640x640, 74K)

>Normie here, you'll find that getting to know someone whose personality you love makes you fall in love and love her physically afterwards also
Oh yeah. A great personality will definitely make these girls waifu materials.

Attached: LMB20649.jpg (482x342, 30K)

Glad I'm not the only visitor from Reddit. What a place, uh?


>Oh yeah. A great personality will definitely make these girls waifu materials.
You have never been in love, then. Like I said, I don't think that's a zone where autists can go, for technical reasons. Do you ever read the entirety of posts? You should.

I see nothing wrong with them

It's abysmal, or "autismal", as they say here. I'm frankly shocked at the amount of stupidity and mental health issues presented in these threads. They don't even discuss cinema, really. 90% of their interest is super hero movies for kids and Star Wars for kids, yet they act like they're superior to "normies" (everyone else). It's insane.

But I love it.

You are legit retarded. Liking vainilla ice cream isn't a personality trait.

Nobody asks you what your best 5 personality traits are on a first date, retard


Autists are actual retards, that's not an expression. They are very behind in many areas. Brainwise, they are stuck on levels that young kids have gone beyond.

Don't be fooled by their apparent abilities. They can string a sentence together, but they have no actual understanding of the things they mention. This should be obvious on this board especially.

>Nobody asks you what your best 5 personality traits are on a first date, retard
Because only a fucking autist would have to ask.

Normal people see personality instantly.

>thinking people ask "top 5" anything on dates

You're amazing. I bet kids made fun of you in school.

full story

Autists don't want this to be true. If faced with reality, they will have a breakdown, so they avoid it in every case where it shows them how wrong they are.

based hannibal


Reminder that autists on Yea Forums should seriously consider joining Reddit to learn how to be normal.

Attached: here's your help, bro.png (523x119, 30K)

based rationalising autists who can never come up with a falsifiable example of their great social insights

>People with autism often have problems with social, emotional and communication skills. They might repeat certain behaviors and might not want change in their daily activities.

I always chuckle when I realise autists here think "Redditor" is an insult. LMAO

don't do this to me

Attached: 1481368189318.jpg (250x250, 14K)

Me too. It's like going to a circus and seeing a freak show, isn't it? Very entertaining freaks.

Would love to get my ballsacks demolished by her

>be me
>get rejected last night by a girl comfortably under my league
>be this guy
>date absolute qt who wipes your ass
please just kill me, senpai

Attached: 1540337380601.jpg (400x388, 71K)

It's plebbit spacing when you overuse them, especially for single line sentences to emphasise a point.

Fuck off back to plebbit

>Some women have caretaker fetishes.
Although they need a break from time to time.

>anons either shit on her for being a supposed greedy whore
>or they want to be dominated by her
Just be normal.

>Things that never happened

Not that guy, but I am from Reddit, proudly so, and I can tell you you are wrong. Reddit spacing was used before, but wouldn't make sense now, the formatting changed since those days. You must be an old Redditor yourself.

It was used to make paragraphs by double-spacing the single space between paragraphs, but this is no longer needed and it isn't what the other user is doing. He just made short paragraphs, but that's hardly Reddit spacing.

When did you leave us, at Reddit, I mean, and why? Curious.

>anything good in life is either a conspiracy, a trap, a plot, or a fetish, or a deficiency
>nothing good can exist
>incels wonder why they feel like shit every day

He's right though

Thing is, everything I said is true. You are in denial.

Fuck off back to plebbit

>Truth: it is you who has terrible opinions about women, not women who do terrible things.

Just this woman, but keep putting words in my mouth, reddit fag.

>He thinks I give a fuck about fake posts

Kill yourself.

I am on Reddit right now. Do you somehow think Reddit is a physical place and I can't be both there and here? I have no reason not to be here and you can't make me leave.

This is comedy gold and I am staying for the long run! And I'm not the only one. If you didn't want to be visited by Redditors, you shouldn't have behaved so entertainingly.


>Just this woman, but keep putting words in my mouth, reddit fag.
Any woman who would fit your own description of a good person will instantly be suspected of ulterior motives and a whole host of other paranoid accusations.

I'm not from Reddit, never been, and I have no idea why you are obsessed with it. Actually, I think you're envious of normal people and that's why everything you hate you call "Reddit".

He thinks the point is that the post is fake. The post is real, it's absolutely real, and the point is that it upsets you. That's why you need the post to be fake. Too bad, it's real.

Spectacular show of autism!

Can I pay you to write a few passages in my incel manifesto?

didn't love you enough to stay with you tho

>Normal people see personality instantly.

Attached: 1554768021414.jpg (450x823, 51K)

Sure, but wouldn't we disagree?

This is the answer with this woman. 100%.

Nigga, they left because I cheated on them. They STILL love me, to drive the point further, but we have all agreed that they deserved better, so I'm just a very distant friend now.

>autincels so unable to think outside their lives that they can't even imagine a man doing something wrong and losing his woman because of it, despite that being what happens in most cases


t. redditor

please keep entertaining me, i bring my friends

Based reddit nigger unable to come up with a creative or humorous contribution.

Attached: hannibal2.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

Repeatedly saying it doesn't make it real, user.

>He can't read how little fucks I give about fake posts

>every post must be funny
Is this post of yours funny or creative?


It's already real. I don't need to make it anything. However, repeatedly denying reality doesn't make it go away.

>trying to convince others that you don't care because you wish you didn't care


>you don't have a gf because you're a shit human being
>lel, yeah i have women in love with me but i keep cheating on them
>t. chad who won genetic loterry
apparently personality isn't all that important after all
looks >> everything else
yes women are that shallow
yes all of them


>You have never been in love,
I already said. For me to love a girl that girl should have good looks and a nice personality. Very few have that. One of the two is just not enough no matter how much you pretend it is. You're probably a 5/10 fag that has to settle for one or the other because you simply can't get more than that.
Get your eyes checked.

I bet she face fucks him

>Someone can be really funny etc but still be fuck ugly so nobody dates them, but they like them as a friend. But also someone can be dead attractive and still be a horrible person and be not even remotely attractive.
you're missing the X factor here which is status and game (confidence, boldness, in general knowing how to push a girl's sex buttons).

A cool funny guy that everyone likes but who makes a lot of self-deprecating jokes and clearly gives off desperate virgin vibes won't be attractive (unless he's famous, in which case watch out for #metoo). Meanwhile, being a "horrible person" usually has next to nothing to do with whether a woman will fuck you. Women fuck plenty of horrible people, so long as the horrible person is horrible in the right kind of way and makes her wet.

Obviously, short, ugly guys have it harder. But user is mostly right.

You're missing the part that as soon as I told them I had cheated, the relationship broke. Cheating doesn't mean you're instantly an evil asshole. Why do you think in such binary ways? Is that why capeshit speaks to you?

I'm a caring and loving man. That's why I get so many opportunities, women sense that and they want it. Sometimes I want them back.

I am not very handsome. But hey, don't let rationality get in the way of your delusions.

>For me to love a girl that girl should have good looks and a nice personality. Very few have that.

autism, ladies and gentlemen

>Meanwhile, being a "horrible person" usually has next to nothing to do with whether a woman will fuck you. Women fuck plenty of horrible people, so long as the horrible person is horrible in the right kind of way and makes her wet.
Dysfunctional people are attracted to other dysfunctional people. You should know this by now. Look at this place.

Meanwhile, IRL, horrible people are socially shunned. They never stick around, because word goes around, and yes, it matters to women. Being associated with a horrible man downgrades your standing a lot. People will either think you're a dumbfuck or a weakling. Women are extremely competitive socially, more so than men. They have to secure and keep a man, that makes competition tense and permanent.

can u imagine when theres no cameras? she just tosses on the bed and face sits him just long enough before he passes out? and then does it again and again until shes satisfied.

>those thighs.

He's probably a really nice guy with a decent personality, interesting hobbies and ambitions in life and she probably cares about more than whether or not someone looks sexy.