update, he's now listed as critically injured, capeshitters have now evolved to murder
Update, he's now listed as critically injured, capeshitters have now evolved to murder
Other urls found in this thread:
this has more to do with chinks and not capeshitters
t. not even a capetard
Well at least the movie is doing well in China
the american nfl player receiving death threats for tweeting spoilers would disagree
i can't argue against that one. i retract my earlier assertion
I literally can't comprehend why anyone would care about these stupid children's flicks, they've been rehashing this crap for near 20 years. What is there to care about? No originality, no creativity, no soul. What is there?
>act like an ass
>get punched
They’re kino. You either get it or you don’t. Sorry cuck
Capeshit is bad though
Capeshitters should be labelled as domestic terrorists. They's unhinged.
The issue is he didn’t realize trolling outside the internet actually has consequences. It’s the classic incel foul.
You are this and would be beaten to death in a sane society.
I actually hate spoilers, but I don't get how there's anything to spoil in Endgame.
Everything that happens is so obvious to anyone with more than one braincell.
Are there actually mouthbreathing retards out there who get angry if you say shit like 'the good guys win'? Like that's a spoiler.
Because you are a old man who is boring. With a boring job and a boring life and when you see something that looks exciting you can't comprehend why anyone would want to feel that and not be boring like you.
I can see why Yea Forums sympathizes with him
Based capeshitters fighting for what they believe in, unlike neets who just throw le epic maymays behind their display.
This is the equivalent of getting pissed because some kid spoiled the ending of the story your parents were going to read you before bed.
Go film yourself getting socked in the mouth for running your mouth. I could use a laugh.
>beaten to death in a sane society
well done, thanks for the laugh.
Capeshitters should be under state mandated surveillance
>iron man dies
>captain america dies
>they beat thanos in the end
i haven't seen an mcu movie since iron man 2 and even i knew the plot of this one before they even announced it
>produce a specific series of sound waves
>get assaulted
just how thin skinned are capeshit manchildren?
Serious question, would this happen in the 80's if someone spoiled The Empire Strikes Back twist?
>purposely ruin multiple people's night
>suffer consequences
how shocking
Good. People who spoil shit should honestly be tortured to death. I hope he dies.
spoil-happy tards are annoying but if I was looking forward to something this momentous I would have avoided the fuck out of any high traffic internet outlets for a week in advance.
A movie event of this size is just begging to be spoiled by bitter people.
Lol get some taste pleb
>produced a specific series of physical actions on a fleshy surface.
Just how thin skinned are movie spoilers
And people who spoil shit are begging to be fucked up. If there were no consequences for me I'd happily murder him.
this is just a bunch of manchildren trying to pretend their cartoon is artistically significant. if they pretend they're upset enough it will trick people into thinking the stories in these movies are deep and complex and meaningful and not a literal children's power fantasy solely made to siphon money out of autistic cringelords
probably. the better question is, is there anything in endgame that's remotely as significant/surprising as the empire twist?
the answer is no
>criticizes capeshit
>defends boomer capeshit
Those are just threats, that's easy to do without putting yourself in real danger
He's right about chinks though, insectoids torture each other for fun
>He's now in critical
Source? Don't make stuff up
You're such a manchild, get your priorities in order. Someone saying the plot of a children's superhero movie isn't worth assault or murder
Yes he is.
>Capeshitters should be under state mandated surveillance
They are, it's called social media.
No. I'm old enough to remember. Someone (it wasn't Homer btw) spoiled TESB when I was in line to see it and the worst he got was someone (only ONE persone) calling him an asshole.
This was a time before road rage. A time before metal detectors in schools.
Why do you care about movies with good morals and good characters trying to do the right thing then?
Do you murder people for Jesus too?
Homer did spoil it too
I don't like bullies.
I've never understood the hatred of spoilers. I've had countless movies, books, and games spoiled and still enjoyed them a ton, just as much as media that wasn't spoiled. In fact I often look up spoilers to get me hyped. Why is it such a big deal? Are some people just unable to enjoy something unless they don't know what's coming? Or is it just morons overreacting and acting like mogoloids because they've heard all their lives that "spoilers are bad mkay?"
Yes, you would have gotten your ass kicked if you'd spoiled Empire outside a theater to random strangers.
If you act like a cunt then you better be ready to get treated like one.
Not him, but who's the bully in this case? If you go around fucking with innocent people, and can't take abuse as well as you dish it, I'd say you're a bully. So these guys going around spoiling the movie only to get punched are bullies by definition. And if some bully tries to fuck with you, yes, you should stand up for yourself and punch them in the face.
I think the body actor for vader spoilt it before it released
So can all you nerds claiming youd beat up others for spoiling it post some pics of yourself.
Cause i have an idea that youd get youre shit pushed in. Ive seen the types of people who get annoyed at this shit. They get angry at first then if its a chad who spoiled it you shut up cause you know youd get fucked up
>"""manchilds""" are strong enough to fuck over the people you identify with
lmao fucking incel. What are you scared it could happen to you next time, bitch? Don't spoil then.
Too bad Chad doesn't spoil, only bitches that get raped like in OP's pic do. Cope.
why isn't that jacked nfl player in the hospital yet?
The only people ive seen go around to movies and shout out spoilers have been groups of guys who would completley fuck up any nerd who tried anything.
Why is he crying to the authorities if he is so jacked?
Yeah like the OP guy r-
Nevermind, incel beaten to death, just like the rest LMAO
Until they meet angry nerds with guns. Only in America.
Im guessing hes telling the cops so when a nerd threatens him he knows how badly he can fuck him up legally
people who spoil films are assholes so they deserve it.
Don't care what they spoil but those who go out of their way to ruin things for others deserve this.
>caring about plot
>caring about things that can be spoilered
>in a sane society
Thank god Russia our society is fucked beyond repair
>scared of the cops when said nerds aren't
So he is a bitch after all KEK
>Replying to me calling you a manchild by calling me an incel
Fuck off, you're just repeating my insult dumbass. "I know you are but what am I?" average IQ of someone who cares about superhero movie "spoilers"
The good guys win!!!! :O
>d-d-doesn't c-c-count!
Kek call back when it's the """manchilds""" who got beat and not your kind, incel. Because as of now the bitches and incels all have been PROVED to be the ones who spoil. Cope.
Most of the people who post on this board are racist assholes too, I still don't think they deserve to be beaten near death, you stupid brainlet.
Chad's have no reason to go around beating up children, dickhead.
Chad's have no reason to go around spoiling either kek.
Tony Stark
>Chad's have no reason to go around spoiling either kek.
>Adult-aged children think that normal people have to respect them by not saying that the good guys win in a CGI children's movie
The dude is an asshole virgin but holy fuck capeshit fans, you already know how the movie ends. How is anything spoiled?
Maybe it's about the journey and not the end?
How about keeping your mouth shut?
>CHAD watches a CGI children's movie
So is he Chad or not? Make up your mind incel, you are all over the place here.
So why care about spoilers?
Sure, mostly because people I interact outside of Yea Forums grew out of shitty capeshit. I'm not seeing this albatross in theaters. Capeshit fans are stupid though.
>time travel fix
Experience the journey and not have it someone tell you. Would you want someone to spoil when and how you are going to die? Because that's it's going to end for you anyway.
Words are not the same as violence you fucking psycho.
That's why it's illegal to hit someone even if they call you names.
Do you also think it's okay to get out of your car to punch someone who cut you off?
I'd bet $10,000 you haven't had sex in the last 3 years. Legit.
>Would you want someone to spoil when and how you are going to die?
It's about the journey you said, not the end right?
If the journey is good, it'll be good whether I know the end or not. Spoilers dont ruin the enjoyment of actual good movies.
Based. The children in this thread have no life experience so they think all acts are equal. Wait until one of them takes a punch and they'll see that words and actions are vastly different.
The only thing more retarded than a guy actively trying to spoil a children's movie for manbabies is a manbaby who doesnt know whats already going to happen in a children's movie and gets mad about it.
I bet you think Citizen Kane is a good movie.
why exactly do young Asian men get so emotionally invested in capeshit?
Gimme those 10k now then LMAO. How do you plan on paying up?
>"heh i can say whatever i want!"
>"wait, it's not fair if you hit me it was only words!"
Go outside and talk shit. Go outside, go up to a black man, and call him every racial slur you know. Go around town pulling that shit. See how far it gets you. See how well "they were only words" protects your face from their fists.
Don't want to get hit? Don't run your mouth. Don't act like an asshole. Very simple.
Capeshitters are unironically evil people. Imagine getting so upset that you violate NAP because someone spoiled your kids movie.
Life in east asia sucks even if they are more developed than most of the world. We have it good in North America.
>Wait until one of them takes a punch and they'll see
That's exactly what happened and here you are crying, SEETHING and completely scared that you could be next for your stupidity.
>capeshitters equating baiting someone into violence with ruining a children's movie.
LMAOOOOOO time travel
You're a psycho. Spoiling a movie doesn't warrant violence. People like you will be shot dead when you sperg out after someone spoils that Iron Man dies and Captain America quits.
aight, but why capeshit exactly, they got loads of interesting history to occupy such emotional investment
>You're a psycho.
What's crazy is thinking you can walk up to strangers, talk shit, and not get hit every single time. But if you believe it's reality, please, by all means, prove me wrong. Go around calling black guys the n-word. Film it. Please. I beg you. I want to see it. It's just words, right?
>People like you will be shot dead
Kek why don't you go ahead and try then because all I see is words and not one action. All the action up to now is from CapeCHADs fucking up the faggots like tou who spoil, not the other way around.
Talk shit get hit. Freedom of speech doesnt mean freedom from consequences. If more assholes got their shit kicked in there would be fewer assholes. You cant just walk around fucking with people and expect to get away with it.
Of I was on a jury I would refuse to convict because the asshole outsode the theater had it coming
>This is capeshit on brains
LMAO time travel
Marvel fans, they are terrible
So much low test manbaby's on the internet this week.
Paltrow looks yummy as fuck here. What happened bros?
Way to go pointing out niggers can't control themselves and using them as an example, you racist.
Doing shit to piss people off can lead to them responding with violence, whether that's keying their car, fucking their mom, spoiling their movie, or calling them a bad word. You autists don't get this because you spend all day shitposting online, but if you try to shitpost irl, bad things happen to you. People die over a dollar. It's fucked but it's what happens, and you're a moron if you go "well I didn't expect an angry person to punch me for making them angry, this is my first day on Earth, what's an emotion?".
> Freedom of speech doesnt mean freedom from consequences
spoken like a proper fascist lmao
>compares black people to capeshit chink fans
sounds right
>a punch is the same as being beaten into critical condition
Ah, proving my point I see.
What in freedom do you not understand?
>low test manbabies are capable of almost killing the kind of people who spoil
Imagine being weaker than a "low test manbaby".
You're a manchild that thinks that it's ok to violate NAP because someone spoiled a kids movie. I don't advocate being an asshole but you're being the psycho sperg here.
Spoiling movies or saying racial slurs is not something I advocate, but it doesn't warrant violating NAP. And if you act like a sperg you will go to prison or be shot dead. I also have a gun on me and if you were to attack me for whatever sperg reason you would be shot dead. Grow up and realise that there are consequences for your actions.
>but if you try to shitpost irl, bad things happen to you.
I live in America, where the people who would commit violence over a capeshit movie are small as shit.
Again, if I'm crazy, prove me wrong and go around pissing people off in real life. Film it, because I'd love to see your ass get kicked. It'd just make my day, just like seeing these reports of these other assholes getting their shit pushed in for being absolute cunts put a big smile on my face. Please, it would make me happy.
Describe what "happened" and I'll venmo you if it sounds plausible
The problem is that the other guy is also a low test manbaby. Cause he went and saw capeshit.
Imagine caring this much about superhero movies. And no you won't. I have concealed carry and is always armed so if you speg out you'll be dead with your head in the pavement and you'll get off because it's self defence.
>all these assmad sheltered faggots saying theyd fight if someone spoiled it
No you wouldnt. Cause the people spoiling it will be males aged 16-25 and theyll be with their friends wanting a reaction. And they wont be normal sheltered faggots, theyll be your chavs, trailer trash, ghetto coons, whatever you wanna call them. They know how to fight and if at any point it looks like they may loose then they will fight dirty.
Yes youll get a few neckbeards spoiling it and getting hit by other nerds. But a majority of the people waiting around theaters shouting spoilers will be shitheads aged 16-25 who have nothing to do so theyll sit there with their group and annoy everyone else and nobody will do shit to them other than complain to security or some shit.
t. shithead who used to do it and be a general cunt to society.
I never said anything was okay you illiterate retard. I say "yeah that's what happens when you try to troll irl" and autists like you get your panties in a twist, probably because you're scared as shit of getting hit.
Thanks for admitting I'm right then. Not that I need you to, given there's at least two fucking examples of what I'm saying happens happening in this thread.
In the real world you will get shot to death. Disgusting manchild sperg.
capeshitters in this thread thinking people SHOULD be beat up over spoilers lmao
>t. shithead who used to do it and be a general cunt to society.
Prove it. Post video proof.
It's escapism for the mentally challenged.
The worker ants who have never had a concrete thought in years drown out reality with children's entertainment.
Imagine trying to get these people to accept reality.
No you did say it was ok. You're a manchild that sperg out because someone spoils your superhero movie. But I doubt you would sperg out IRL. If you did you would get shot to death.
We need well armed DC and Sony Militias to protect us from Marvel brownshirts
Never once did I. I just said "no shit dipshit you're going to get punched if you go around pissing people off" to which you threw a fit and are continuing to cry over it like a bitch.
>guys going around spoiling the movie only to get punched are bullies by definition. And if some bully tries to fuck with you, yes, you should stand up for yourself and punch them in the face.
That was you.
All words not one action. Come on keyboard knight, make the news, go spoil the movie ending and shoot up anyone who dares respond with violence. That's how you prove that you can do something, with actions, like the CapeCHADs did by nearly killing someone for being retarded.
10 years ago pal.
Nothing has changed though. Theres still shitheads hanging around the malls and theaters annoying everyone other than the only people who will do anything, other shitheads
You're the only one throwing a fit here sperg. You justify violence because someone spoiled your manchild movie, but in the real world you would be shot to death and the person killing you would get off.
That was another user. You need to go back.
Spoken like a true Anime dweeb
>Time Travel
>Parallel Universes
Holy shit capeshit fans, you have more problems then a few people spoiling this trash. This is a kids movie. China is literally the only place this shit could've happened. People who care this much about capeshit couldnt do jackshit to the people who are looking to spoil the movie put it well.
There is a reason capeshit fans have to equate it with calling people racial slurs outside.
>In the real world you will get shot to death.
I guess that's why up to now the only people being beaten are the ones you are trying to defend. Not one capeCHAD has been shot. That's the real world.
Well buddy prove it. Go out and film yourself spoiling Endgame. I'd love to see the video considering I'd laugh when they get mad at you spoiling it and I'd laugh again when you'd get punched.
>get called out
>waahhh reddit
Every time.
I'm not a sperg like you so I don't go around committing violence and shooting up places. I only use my guns to defend myself.
That was in China. Try that shit in America and you'll be shot dead.
>Look up article
>See comments
>This guy is supporting violence and people making threats against children
What the fuck is wrong with capeshitters?
By your dumb sperg "logic," saying "if you smoke you'll probably get lung cancer" is a pro-lung cancer statement and I'd get shot for saying it. Those are some big boy thinks you're sharing with the class, Einstein. Thanks for your insights on how someone who is "on the spectrum" views the world. Truly enlightening.
You advocated using violence and now you're backtracking. You're a spergy manchild.
You are not committing violence, you are just spoiling the movie, right? You will only resort to violence if someone gets violent with you. You are an armed man who isn't afraid to use his gun, so why are you so scared of spoiling a movie now?
>Well buddy prove it. Go out and film yourself spoiling Endgame.
Someone did in my line. Nobody did shit to him.
>called out
Do you even know what this phrase means? Because you didn't call me out. You claimed I made a statement some other user made because you don't know how 4channel works because you're a fucking tourist from reddit and need to go back.
>China is not the real world
Again, you're making up these fantastical stories and, to put it bluntly since you haven't gotten the point yet, I'm not falling for your bullshit.
But you did advocate violence in your previous posts, so no. You have to grow up. Stop watching kids movies and realize that your actions have consequences. If you resort to violence because someone spoiled your kids movie you'll get shot dead eventually.
How are Chinese people racist as fuck and care so much about a mediocre foreigner product at the same time?
>0 proof
Nobody did shit to him so there shouldn't be any issue with you doing it again, go ahead and film it.
>Someone being an asshole and shouting down a line.
All you need to be is taller than 5'6" and you arent getting beat up for a kids movie.
In "my" previous posts that another user wrote and made.
Given that you now have two anons that don't believe you (myself and ) yes, I'd say your stories are a bit fantastical because they're oddly convenient.
>so why are you so scared of spoiling a movie now?
This is not true and I've never said that. I wouldn't do it because I don't want to, but I would shoot you dead if you sperg out.
Nope,nothing fascist about the.idea actions have consequences. You seem to feel you can say whatever and people have to just be "Oh well I guess he has freedom of speech so we have to sit back and let him sperg out" when in reality no piece of paper is going to stop.spmeone from punching you if you choose to act like a dick
What is it about the idea actions have consequences do you not understand?
>0 proof.
This movie is a big draw at the box office, and I see this is the only article people are sharing about someone getting beat up over spoiling a movie. I doubt this is the only incidence of someone spoiling the movie. Where are all the other articles? This shit doesnt happen in America cause the average normie, the one that doesnt post on the internet, knows what this movie is.
I doubt it. Either way. Caring this much about kids movies is pathetic.
We havent gotten to the core of the problem though: Why are capeshitters so stupid?
If you would commit violence because a children's film was spoiled for you then you need to seriously re-evaluate your life.
You're a manchild. You don't realize that you're legally justified (even in most if not all European countries and certainly in the US) to kill someone in self defence. So if you sperg out because someone spoiled your manchild movie you'll get shot dead. What is it about the idea actions have consequences do you not understand?
It does mean freedom from consequences you commie fuck
The guy was just discussing the movie with his friend, he wasn't baiting people. He was so excited that he didn't think about spoilers and was too close to the crowd.
Capeshitters think it's the equivalent of calling black people racial slurs in the inner city. Watch out.
Hollywood movies are an mk ultra program designed to make people gay and retarded.
This. If you care about avengers spoiler you are a. Moron. And in general true cinema is unspoilable. A good book is unspoilable and so on
Those were just threats these people clearly had no intention on carrying out. Quite different from physically assaulting someone.
I'm really conflicted on this.
I hate capeshit, but I'm pro people getting beat in the street for being faggots.
Sounds lile you are just scared of doing it. So tough behind the keyboard yet not so tough in real life. Just like the guy in OP's pic, a bitch.
Jury Duty isn't some freedom to do what you want. if the verdict is retarded and doen't make sense legally, the Judge just voids it.
it appeals to the psychologically weak. asian men are very intelligent and diligent but not very smart.
>people who spoil my cartoons are faggots
ITT smarmy incels get angry when they have to face the consequences of their actions.
That chink who kicked that faggots ass deserves a medal not because he beat up someone who spoiled a movie but because he showed some arrogant dick whats up. You faggots are seething because the idea of someone beating your socially retarded ass fkr acting like a faggot terrified you
You doubt me because doing so allows you to make the point that I advocated violence, which I didn't. And I'm not forcing you to care and get heated and upset over this shit, that's on you, buddy. Ultimately, you're in control of your feelings and how you spend your free time.
Putting capeniggers in their place isn't being a faggot though
It's impossible to spoil a good piece of media. In 10 years. All this endgame shit will be in the back of people's minds as things that happened as disney keeps rehashing the same bullshit. But people will still be talking about good movies that have come out like Godfather, etc.
Actually intentionally disturbing the peace by knowingly interfering with someone elses day is also a violation of the NAP meaning the action takes to rectify the situation was warranted.
lol I spoiled the movie irl and nobody did shit. I dont live in China though.
I hope you're just trolling and that you're not this much of an autist. If you're have this mentality (thinking that these sorts of things justify violence) then you'll get shot dead eventually.
True, but I want more people in general getting beat up in the street.
I don't think they understood the message of the movies...
Good luck trying that with a capeshit movie.
You're being an arrogant dick right now though, do you want me to show you what's up?
Nobody would do anything.
Youd get a few people say "thanks asshole" and verbally abuse you. Then if someone came close to you, you get mad and abuse them, challenge them to a fight and get all aggressive. At this point theyll realise they might actually get hurt and drop it.
Its what happened when i was a cunt and its what happens now. And im guessing its the same everywhere. Unless you are a trained fighter youll drop it. Cause the shit heads spoiling it will be in a group and even trained fighters will get fucked in a 4 on 1.
Again yes other nerds spoiling it will get hurt. But im telling you right now nobody itt will go up to pic related (the shit head "movie spoilers") and fight them, yes i know my pics from a movie but you get the idea
>Time Travel
>Parallel Universes
Let's get to the core of the issue and laugh at both parties for caring about this garbage.
Of course not. You're an evil person if you believe that. And either way you'll go to prison or get the chair if you behave like that.
Honestly what is wrong with you people? Something has gone wrong mentally and you are both pretending you’re still fine
No it does not. It means you can say whatever you want but you can still benfired for it, or have your ass kicked. Now that person has committed assault which is a crime but the fjrst amendment is not going to magically fky down and physically stop that fist. Are you arguing against the idea actions have consequences?
>t-this about y-you not m-me
I see action from CapeCHADs, not from you. What I get from the news is that you will get beaten to death for spoiling a CapeCHAD movie. Not the other way around.
If it's a good journey, it's impossible to spoil it.
Can you post an article that backs up what you've said? Because in every article I've read about it (including OP's), it doesn't say that at all, just that he was loudly revealing spoilers by the entrance after having watched it, and this pissed people off who decided to teach him a lesson.
Yeah but what do you do when you go to the movie theatre and some fuck yells out spoilers? Wear earplugs?
>Nobody would do anything.
Well OP's story and that worldstar video prove otherwise. I'll take those stories over your word since your word means shit to me, user.
You have sex, incel.
All we are saying is that if you act like a dick you better be ready to back it up if someone takes offense and hits you. You soind like a pussy whi thinks he has the right to act like an asshole and escape the consequences for socially abhorrent behavior. If you weren't bullied in high school you should have been because it possibly would have fixed your rampant faggotry
>the """"chad"""" needs 3 friends to fight """"manbabies""""
>pretends """"manbabies"""" are all going alone to the theater
Kek incel hasn't left his basement in years confirmed.
How do you even spoil capeshit? The good guys win, the bad guys lose. If an actor's contract is up, their character dies. Is their an actual plot twist somewhere in this movie?
>"just avoid spoilers"
>some guy spoils the movie at the movie theater
So I guess, if you want to avoid spoilers, don't go see the movie haha
Look buddy I don't know where you're from, but here in Texas we shoot you dead if you sperg out attacking people.
Something mentally has gone wrong here...
What is there to spoil? Atleast in infinity war people didn't know thanos would win. With endgame everyone knows the snap would be reversed, Tony and cap would retire/die, and thanos wouldn't win.
>you have the right to vote, but if you do, my fist will have consequences in your face
In the real world you'll be shot dead when you sperg out after you sperg out when you overhear someone talking about the kids movie you want to see. Bleeding out on the pavement for a kids movie. Grow up son.
How does one “spoil” a movie like this?
With normal capeshit, I'd agree. With Avengers Endgame, though, there are actual things to spoil since some characters die and some characters retire, and there's also the matter of how the manage to win, and so on and so forth. Then again, I'll admit I'm a guy who actively reads spoilers first usually, and I don't give a shit about Endgame, but I get not everyone is like me.
someone should make this situation into a comic
What are you? A fucking nigger? Keep your fists in your pants, Laytravoyne.
He's the kind of person that shoots up schools.
I agree. You are mentally off if you think you can act like a flaming faggot in public and fuck with people purposefully and not expect consequences for that behavior. The guy who kicked his ass did commit a crime and should be punished by the man who got his shit pushed in brought it upon himself by acting that way . If he had just watched the movie and gone home he wouldnt be in a hospital but he chose to be a dick so here we are
If pic related spoiled the movie for you what would you do?
My guess is nothing cause theyd kick the shit out of you. And if there was a chance theyd loose theyd pull out knives or some shit.
Think about it. Even if its not spoilers, if these guys were abusing couples that walked by saying how they want to fuck the gf 9/10 times nobody will challenge them cause they know its not worth it
time travel, parallel universes. This movie is impossible to spoil for non retards.
From what I see in the real world, from a video,is that if you make the conscious decision to be an asshole you get crushed.
Yep, he is. And you're the kid who gets shot up in schools. Me? I'm the kid who got told he was cool and should stay home that day.
So why do people whine so much over spoilers? You would think if it mattered that much to them, they would take ONE (1) DAY away from social media and go see the movie ASAP. There is literally no excuse for being spoiled other than that you're too addicted to social media. I say it's all fake outrage and jealousy.
>was in hong kong, not even USA
>Yep, he is.
You're talking about yourself.
The body actor didn't know, only the voice actor knew.
lol. Fuck look how skinny and small they all are.
>a time before road rage
But the 70s and early 80s were peak random rage attacks, because of the lead poisoning.
You'll think that until you're bleeding out on the pavement because you sperged out and got shot dead.
>that picture
Fucking kek. I'm American, but the mutt meme gets me everytime
Wrong. Only other manbaby retards larping as some tough guy get crushed
Personally, I don't give a shit about spoilers. Like I said to another user in this thread, I read spoilers first. I also don't give a shit about Endgame. It's just capeshit to me.
But just because I'm a certain way doesn't mean everyone is. There are crazy fucks out there who'd go off, get in their car, and run over the lot of punks for spoiling their movie. Fat lot of good a knife will do against a fucking car. Some people, they aren't cool, and if you push their buttons enough, they'll snap. And when they snap, you better pray you're safe behind the computer. You better pray you weren't pissing off the wrong fucker in real life. That guy in the OP? He fucked up and fucked with the wrong people, and they fucked him right the fuck back. That shit happens. Stay safe, big boy. Watch yourself.
No, I'm not that other user. You really need to sit down and figure out how 4channel works, newfriend.
I guess why dont you go spoil endgame outside a theater and test that theory? Because 100% of the video evidence shows faggots like you going to the hospital to die
>and fucked with the wrong people
It says a lot about him if he got fucked up by those people in the OP. I could take on those twigs and old men. Then again, only in china.
>lead poisoning
>having enough strenght or mental coherence to attack people
Pick one.
You get mobbed by enough people and it really doesn't matter after a point, they'll just overwhelm you.
We need to put Disney+ customers into re-education camps.
Sure and if you sperg out you also have to accept that there will be consequences. If you attack someone it's legality justified to defend yourself, so if you sperg out because someone spoiled a kids movie then you might get shot dead and the guy shooting you dead would get off. You have to understand that.
I mean I get it. Imagine being a zoomer who wants to make it big on social media like all of them do. Twitch, Instagram, whatever.
Endgame is trending and HOT right now so they have to capitalize on that fast. Now some nerd spoiled some shit for them which means they can't tweet or post an instagram story featuring their over-the-top fake reaction which everyone can like because they already know about it. Who's going to like them now if they can't fake ridiculous amounts of enthusiasm when certain events happen in the movie?
That's true. Only in China though. Too low test there even for America in 2019.
Are you just memeing, or actually stupid enough to believe that there's only one level of lead poisoning?
Nah, I do brazillian jujitsu. I would just turtle up and choke the shit out of everyone.
Mostly memeing. Why so serious?
Because I'm not a sperg like you. I don't go around commiting violence and I don't want to spoil movies for people. I only use my guns to defend myself.
Yes, if you attack someone for spoiling a movie, you'll get arrested assuming the cops catch you.
Here's the kicker: them getting caught doesn't unbeat up that man. It doesn't magically cure him. Whether they're caught or not, he still got fucked up, and if OP is to be believed, he's in critical condition right now.
I've had to explain this fact when I was teaching my younger brother to drive: just because you have the right of way and the law on your side doesn't mean you shouldn't be cautious, because a car slamming into will kill you dead even if that car was legally in the wrong. You drive defensively because you don't know what could happen, and you don't go around pissing strangers off because you don't know what will happen.
That zoomer is going to learn that he'll be shot dead if he attacks people though. At least in Texas.
It's a kids movie
If that were the case thered be alot more innocent people snapping and fucking up assholes like that pic.
But wait that doesnt happen, some guy may loose his shit and go knock one shit head out but the rest will come close to killing the "hero" and one or 2 might go to jail.
The only people that would fight back against shit heads in that pic over some verval abuse are other shitheads like them and theyd only do it if they had the numbers. Pretty much everyone will avoid vioenc
i've seen lots of other malevolent douchebags use the "you CHOSE to do this! so you DESERVE me doing this in return!" route when justifying abuse or general shitty behavior. luckily your rationalizations only go so far in reality, and you will create your own hell with your mindset because you sound too retarded to even pretend like you're a normal person.
>just because you have the right of way and the law on your side doesn't mean you shouldn't be cautious
I don't disagree with that and you gave you brother good advice. There's no need to behave like an asshole. However that's also why you should always be armed and why I'm always armed. If someone attacks you have to use the gun. And if capenerd continue to act like spergs they will eventually get shot dead.
The point is that you don't assault people because you KNOW what will happen to you if you do. Yopu ask the security guard to take care of the spoiler faggot. They literally have people for that shit.
People snap like that every day over the smallest shit. People get killed over a single dollar. I don't know how you can say it doesn't happen when it happened in the OP other than you just want to keep arguing in hopes that you'll score a win. Pretty sad, really.
Since when did so many capeshit losers post on this board? I swear MCU used to be universally derided here and now people are unironically defending it.
I don't assault anyone. But other people do. Realizing this, I don't go around needlessly antagonizing strangers. There's also the fact that I try to treat people as I'd like to be treated, and I don't like when people act like cunts around me, so why would I act like a cunt?
I guarantee that there are tons of instances in which people have spoiled and have not gotten beat up because normies typically dont care enough about these movies and just go for turning the brain off. Otherwise we'd see a lot more articles.
Link related in Chuck's suck and fuck is typically what happens, as I observed it like this for infinity war.
That being said, low test losers look to spoil kids movies. But it takes an even lower test loser to get mad about it.
Yeah, I can agree to that. You should protect yourself.
>capeshit whiteknight incels
Not even once.
Seriously, what has gone wrong in the American psych? Everyone seems to be looking for an excuse to kill each other
>spoiling the plot of a movie aimed at children and teens
>"starting shit"
You're a real piece of shit aren't you user?
Spoiling a movie manchildren are excited for is starting shit, and given how unstable manchildren are, you should expect them to get really angry and hit you.
>Hong Kong
Nigga they leave their children to die in train stations and no one gives a shit. The Chinese are fucked in the head.
And Ive seen way more people like you who assume they have the right to be an asshole because they dont expect to face consequences for their actions get the fuck beat out of them. Its not right but it is predictable when you make the decision to fuck with people for no reason.
This was in China
>spoiling a movie is just like calling a black man a nigger
It really doesn't matter what the movie is, ruining things for other people makes you a cunt, period.
>antagonizing people is just like antagonizing people
Cap doesn't die dickhead
That's right when you ruin a movie you deserve to be beaten into a fucking coma
Oh my god this cunt told me that Hulk dabs in Endgame I want to gouge out his fucking eyes
first of all: i never defended spoiling movies or ruining people's fun for no reason, so stop pretending i did. Secondly:
>Its not right but it is predictable when you make the decision to fuck with people for no reason
>you make the decision
thanks for proving my point
He didn't say you deserve to get beat, but if you're thinking nobody will ever punch you if you run your mouth and act like a cunt, think again.
Are you listening?
Yes some nerd spoiling it, or some asshole making some shitty yt video will probably get hurt or abused.
But im guessing the majority of people hanging around theaters and shouting out spoilers are gonna be as ive said shit head groups of guys who are bored and wanna annoy people. This is gonna be the same anywhere in the western world. And im telling you right now nobody will do anything to these groups of guys out of fear of getting hurt.
Yea some limp wristed larping cunt might get layed out by joe jerk off whos had a shit week. But most people spoiling movies arnt limpwristed fags
>hurting people is just like hurting people
>giving you a push is just like stabbing you 52 times
If you sit out somewhere and antagonize people and you armed and end up killing them you will be arrested and charged. That is a fact because you knowingly created a situation that a reasonable person would deduce could bring about conflict.
It sounds like you want to fuck with people as an excuse to shoot them.
God you marvel children really live in your own little world, huh? Where slavery and oppression is comparable to 'spoilers' like "the good guys win" and "the overpaid actor gets killed off" are seen as antagonizing. Fucking pathetic.
Pushing someone is assault, user. Don't go around pushing people.
holy shit, he said cunt. That means he's serious
Tell me more about you and your fellow Crips who gain street cred spoiling movies
No no you're right you're a fucking cunt when you spoil a movie
Spoiling a movie is like calling a black man a nigger I fucking hate spoilers so much it ruins my capeshit experience
I want to shove a knife into his mouth and twist it real nice until he drowns in his blood
He deserves it for spoiling my capeshit
I like that you and others keep trying to downplay the fact that the spoilers tell which characters die and which ones live and which ones retire and which ones continue fighting, and nobody who made guesses before was 100% right about it, so yes, the spoilers actually do give you a lot more information about the film beyond "good guys win."
Sperg like you will get shot dead eventually if you don't grow up. You have to realize that in the real world actions have consequences. If you use violence against someone you have to except that might get shot dead.
No reasonable person would get involved in conflict just because a disney movie plot was spoiled.
Hey man, be careful. You keep acting like a cunt, one day you're going to be a cunt to the wro
If a movie means so much to you that you want to inflict violence on someone spoiling it, then you have serious mental issues.
Alright, which side is baiting whom, this is getting ridiculous.
>Generic hero character A with X number of "witty quips" died
>instead of generic hero character B with Y number of "witty quips"
Yes, some people have serious mental issues and it's best not to fuck with them. When they're strangers, you have no clue who has mental problems and who doesn't, but you better expect to encounter a couple crazies out in the real world. Which is why you don't go around being a cunt, because eventually, you'll run into a guy who is done putting up with shit.
Yes if capefags keep sperging out they'll get shot eventually.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Fuck Jannies 六四天安門事件 Tony dies 天安門大屠殺 Black Widow dies 反右派鬥爭 Thor Kills Thanos 大躍進政策 Bruce is Professor Hulk 文化大革命 Thor Joins The Guardians 人權 Paid Shills 民運 Captain Marvel Saves Everyone 自由 Thanos Comes Back From The Future 獨立 Tony's Nanite Armor Steals Stones 多黨制 Fuck Niggers 台灣 臺灣 Sneed 中華民國 Spider-Man Is Useless 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Cap Goes To Live In The Past 達賴喇嘛 法輪功 Thanos Plans To Reform Entire Universe 新疆維吾爾自治區 The 4channel Autonomous Domain 諾貝爾和平獎 Fuck Discord Tranny Jannies 劉暁波 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Wowie Zowie 劉曉波动态网自由门
Ive been beat up multiple times for running my mouth.
1. Cap smacks Thanos around with Mjolnir.
Trust us, everyone's favorite super-soldier swinging Thor’s magical hammer – as naturally as his signature shield, by the way – is just as fantastic as it sounds. Only “the worthy” can wield Mjolnir, and while Thor sweated a little when his fellow Avenger moved it just a smidge in “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” the Asgardian wears a big grin when Cap calls down the lightning and takes Thanos by surprise with a show of force.
very good
Saying spoilers isn't running your mouth though
reminder that Yea Forums niggers sent death threats to the asian chick from Star wars 8.
It's not them I'm worried about, it's dumb cunts like you who think the real world operates on 4channel rules.
2. A very alive Black Panther comes looking for a fight.
Perhaps we’ve all been missing Chadwick Boseman’s African warrior more since his best picture nomination, but the coolest heroic reappearance is T’Challa rolling up to take on Thanos’ minions with Okoye (Danai Gurira), Shuri (Letitia Wright) and the entire Wakandan army in tow – courtesy of a dimensional gateway created by Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch).
3. Spider-Man and Iron Man embrace.
One of the most heartbreaking scenes in “Infinity War” was Peter Parker (Tom Holland) telling a teary Tony that he didn’t want to go as his body turned to ash. So when the all the dead heroes from "Infinity War" return in “Endgame” – thanks to Hulk snapping the fingers of Infinity Gauntlet 2.0 with the six stones nabbed in the time heist – it’s equally heartwarming when Peter finds his mentor on the battlefield and gives him a big hug.
4. Captain Marvel stares down Thanos.
For better or for worse, the very powerful Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) mainly plays the role of cavalry at the beginning and end of “Endgame.” But her appearance in the all-out action finale is pretty great, first slicing through one of Thanos’ warships and then trying to take the Infinity Gauntlet off the villain. Carol's not even fazed when Thanos head-buts her and she gives an “I’m going to laser-punch you in the face” look before unloading on him.
I lol'd
5. Captain America says, ‘Hail Hydra’ (and fights himself)
Cap’s assignment in the Avengers' time heist is to make off with Loki’s scepter (hosting the Mind Stone) during the alien invasion from the original “Avengers” film. The best bit, though, is the callback to the elevator fight scene in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.” Instead of throwing down with a bunch of baddies, this time Cap knows the code: He says, “Hail Hydra” to one of them, so that he can get off the lift with the stone without a scuffle. Unfortunately, after he's out, he encounters his past self, kicking off some serious fisticuffs.
6. Stan Lee’s final cameo is retro, man!
The late comic-book legend’s last onscreen bit is a fun one: Cap and Tony go back to 1970 to grab the Tesseract (aka the Space Stone that Red Skull had in the first "Captain America" movie) at a S.H.I.E.L.D. lab at Camp Lehigh military base, and driving by is Lee, who shouts, “Hey, man! Make love, not war!” with a woman in his passenger seat. What makes his cameo even more fun? The car’s bumper sticker reads “Nuff said,” one of Lee’s catchphrases.
7. Ant-Man reunites with his daughter
At the end of “Ant-Man and the Wasp,” Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) got stuck in the Quantum Realm. He gets out thanks to a curious rat, but Scott arrives back in a San Francisco where five years have passed since the snap and everyone is still recovering from half the population going poof. Worrying about what happened to his daughter Cassie, Scott races to find her and then discovers she’s five years older. “You're so big!” Scott says, a sly reference to his own size-changing abilities.
So youre saying spoilers are more fight worthy than abusing people?
>They’re kino
No absolutely not.
Except for raging fanboys maybe
>So youre saying
No you don't you passive aggressive sperg. I'm from Texas buddy. And I always have a gun on me. Concealed carry buddy read up on it. I'll get spergs dead if they attack me. I wouldn't spoil things in the first place, but other Texas cunts might and they'll shoot spergs dead and get away with it.
>Thinking about Stan
Thats what I am saying you fucking idiot. The guy spoiling intentionally created a situation where he would get his ass kicked. If he had shot and killed the guy assaulting him then the guy who punched also deserved. But when the cops get there and find out what happened the spoiler/shooter will also be going to jail for creating a situation wherein deadly force was used. He originated it all. This isnt even my opinion its settled case law. Want proof?
A few years ago some /k/ommandos intentionay provoked people at a black lives matter rally and had to shoot and kill someone. But even thought they were acting in self defense since they by their actions provoked people they caught Murder 2 charges.
Yes, I am worried about you, moreso now that you've told me you live in a place where people have guns and can shoot you for being a cunt. I get that a cunt like you probably isn't used to people worrying about him, but stay safe, you stupid asshole. Stay safe.
Dumb ass won't do that again.
You're not really a cunt for spoiling a movie
It's just a movie, grow the fuck up
Watch out, hes from Texas! So, and I mean this statistically, you are a 5 '4" hispanic. Do you people even watch movies?
Spoiling a movie intentionally or not isn't legally a justification for violence. The sperg would be shot dead and the guy would go free. At least in Texas.
Why wound a non cunt choose to sit outside a move theater and spoil a movie for people walking in?
Star Wars was not boomer capeshit. It was 3 movies spaced out by 3 years each.
I thought Twitter agreed Westerns were boomer capeshit?
No you're not you passive aggressive faggot.
>"Cuff him and put him away boys, this piece of shit isn't seeing daylight for a looong time"
>"He spoiled a superhero movie for children"
americans not even once
Marvel fans are the worst.
I blame Disney for this mans deadth.
There's no use explaining it to him because he's an underaged little kid who thinks real life is exactly like the internet, where you can go around "le epic trolling" and not get slapped (because hitting people is illegal, and nobody ever breaks the law, especially when they're mad!). Dumb kids like him used to get this mentality beaten out of them by bigger kids in school, but I guess anti-bullying rules have sadly curbed that.
When was the last time Americans gave a shit about spoilers? Harry Potter?
*beat the shit out of you*
If it doesn't matter, why waste time doing it on purpose to others? Why go out of your way? Obviously it is a big deal to both the people getting spoiled as well as the people doing the spoiling.
>Star Wars was not boomer capeshit.
You're right. It was Gen X capeshit
In most countries, the 3-5 years you get for streetfighting is enough to convince people that it's just not worth it, too.
Look buddy I don't know what shithole your from, but in Texas we defend ourselves and enforce our own rights. God game us the rights that's in the constitution so if I shoot someone dead because they're a capefag sperg God is ok with it.
40 yo boomer Hulk dabs?
Fucking cringe.
Get ready to be murdered just because i ruined enjoyment of one movie? You capreshitters are murderous manchildren
They're just words. If you can't control yourself because of air coming from someone else's lungs, you might be mentally deficient.
Well, that's another thing you're wrong about because I'm going to be adding you to my prayers tonight, buster. Stay safe and God bless.
Yes but your theory doesnt mention that the bullies are now older and generally the ones "memeing irl" and nobody will fuck with them cause they are in "packs"
You're assuming an absolutely pissed off person is going to be thinking rationally, which is a completely retarded assumption and entirely wrong. You're wrong and retarded.
American Gen Z has kind of a weird obsession with spoilers. People went at extreme lengths to protect each other from Endgame spoilers.
And then they'll get shot dead.
Oh yes I forgot about the gangs of dirty memers that roam around bullying helpless people with their memes. Seriously, thanks for the laugh.
Not if they shoot you first. Have fun being a cunt and getting into gunfights and dying, user. I'll be over here not being a cunt and enjoying life.
Can we at least agree that people don't deserve to be killed for spoiling Endgame
Look buddy. Manchildren with your mentality is going to be shot dead in the real world. If you want to commit violence then you have to face guys with guns that are legality allow to kill you and they will kill you. Grow up.
Dont you remember the infamous east coast/west coast meme wars?
I remember making some kid cry when I told him that Ash dies in the first Pokemon movie. I think we were both 9 years old at the time. Was pretty funny.
I'm not a cunt, but I'm always armed because the world is full of cunts. People like you are always victims because you think that you'll avoid problems if you always non-confrontational. In reality that's not always the case and if you're not armed then you'll get killed or raped or have to see your family get killed or raped.
To be fair blacks were literally killing each other over Biggie/Tupac memes back in the 90's/early 2000's.
>I'm not a cunt
No, you're a cunt. Let's not lie. Again, good luck being a cunt and needlessly getting into gunfights and dying. I'll be over here, alive.
REEEEEEEEEE NOOOOO!!! Spoiling my capeshit flick is literally a violation of NAP.
>No, you're a cunt.
I'm not. I just stand up for myself and defend myself when I need to. You don't and that's why you and your family will always be victims of violence.
I think you mistook me for another user here
calm down, take a deep breath
remember that superhero comics are about good people acting like good people
they always try to talk the villain out of it first, they don,t go to violence first (unless it's anti-heroes, but that's not what Marvel Movies are about, that's more the deal of Netflix Marvel Series).
You love capeshit? Fine. But don't act like a villain while convincing yourself you're the hero of the piece.
What would Captain America do? Try to talk some sense into the spoiler guy or call the Avengers so they can gangbeat the shit out of him?
You know what im talking out. The guys who are 16-25 that come from a poor and broken home. Parents are possibly in jail, they fend for themselves, and they are well on their way to jail its just a matter of time. These people tend to hang around malls and theaters. And will sit around smoking and drinking. And theyll say shit to people walking by. Trying to get reactions, if saying xyz dies in avengers get a reaction theyll say that. Nobody will do anything to them. Stop pretemding people will just rise up and decide to fight these people. You might get one wanna be hero/ angry fan who might take one or maybe 2 out. But in the end he will get fucked up and those outstanding "youths" will go to jail with the rest of the family.
>I'm not.
You are. I'd make a joke like "hate to break it to you" but I know I'm not the first to tell you that you're a cunt.
I have no clue what you're talking about because I live in the real world, and not your imagination where meme gangs exist. But I will say this, the idea is funny and I think you should take your imagination and make a story out of it.
It's not funny, my dad was caught in the crossfire of a driveby memeing. A wild Pepe caught him in the head and he was dead on the spot. Why won't the government just pass common sense meme laws to prevent these kind of senseless tragedies?
Only in retard world would spoiling the avengers be creating a dangerous situation. This is what we are making fun of.
>It's a comma
>T. 5 year old
>there are people on this site who are so socially retarded that they think it is okay to physically assault someone for spoiling the newest PS3 cutscene