how do we save the west?
How do we save the west?
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we dont
It's too late, just let chinks roll over
Protec trans kids
ride the tiger
fap to bbc porn like all the other /pol/acks
We don't. We let it all crash and burn, and take the rest of the planet with it.
By putting trannies and gays into mental institutions where they belong. It's a disease not a lifestyle
Import big dick Brazilian shemales.
Start with fixing this defeatist mindset. Real men don't give in to this shit
By allowing either China or Islam to take over.
This. The dude with the balloon looks manlier than me wtf
good lord, was raimi directing this episode?
Start with fixing this defeatist mindset. Real men don't give in to this shit
Let's Go Beat The Queers
you just know the mother was behind this
Defeatist? No! It's quite the opposite! Do you think all the faggots and degenerates will survive Islam, the hispanic gangs, and Africa taking over? They'll be the first to hang and go away.
And with the collapse of the economy caused by the 3rd-world hordes pouring in, worldwide starvation and chaos set in, rapidly thinning downt he third world.
It's a case of "poison is the cure."
I am ready for the china take over (always have been)
Its been my deepest fantasy to marry an asian girl since i was a wee lad.
When the China take over happens, all the chink men can have our western wives,
but in return i demand one chink princess to be my wife
Am I the only one who wants to creampie that trap?
What is this expression trying to convey?
I thought this was lesbians or something lol
if you guys had to choose between islam or china who would you choose?
>my genes won't be passed on
>my life is meaningless
China in an instant.
china is like the worst asian country. at least be patrician in your asian waifu choice and pick a japanese
national socialism
china 100% its pretty bad but at least there are chances to get a nice waifu, family, a business etc with SOME freedoms as long as you dont want political change.
The slam easily
japs are pleb trap, true beauty are nonplastic koreans
Get rid of nazi's, the primary and largest trans community both historically and today
Both are pretty damn based if you ask me
>How am I going to explain this to my co-workers next Monday?
we unironically need to let the west fail
try diet and exercise
>It's only a phase, it will go away. It's only a phase, a painful one, but it will fade. It won't go away. Fuck.
Why would raimi have a black man on his show
Islam on thot patrol. Beta chinks buying 1000 iPhones for a marriage proposal only to have the cunt turn it down.
im learning japanese. But more and more gaijins are entering japan. Hell, abo has imported syrian refugees to japan.
Im just afraid that in 5 years (the most realistic time i could move to japan) happens, it will be just to westernized to find a cute japanese girl lusting after white blonde guy cock
my friends from japan reassure me that japanese girls still like gaijins. but time feels like its running out
i feel like my only chance to scoring with an asian girl is in china, thailand, or philipines.
>that faked smile
>clutched fist
he is so fucking angry and he is trying so hard to hide it.
You dare question the architect?! Shame on you.
>chinks, gooks and nips are different people!!!!!!!!!!!! my asian children's cartoon said so!!!!!!!!!!
fuck off retard
Realize that 'the West' is an incredibly broad concept that wasn't borne free of influence from the East or "degenerate" cultures and reconcile your autistic association or perceived membership so you can be a productive member of society instead of fighting an imaginary culture war by posting bait threads on a Taiwanese Television Show imageboard.
I hope you feel the irony in your post, you colossal pathetic weeb.
yeah but chinks got fucked over because they tried to limit their pop increase. when you have no females thats what happens
you got to pick one since both of them are at war with each other (xinjiang)
>nonplastic koreans
North Koreans?
t. seething white roastie
Stick with japan, if you're white you'll definitely be able to pull chicks better than Mohammed and Vareesh
Or south ones to the age of 14
Where can I get one of those?
Based. Fuck the West
t seething weeb
I would unironically pay upwards of £15 for that lads shirt
Anyone got any of the MS paint pictures
The West is doing fine, incelanon. It's your own fault you can't get laid, try working on your personality.
Yeah, it's pretty cool
Half the population must be eliminated....
Honk honkler.
>putting white women on a pedestal
>not going for the exotic looking girls
Cringe and virgin pilled, to be honest.
[citation needed]
The one child policy was insanely retarded. I don't want these morons running things. Just create a better standard of living and people will naturally have less children.
thanks for the encouragement.
its getting hard thinking that way, getting rejected by all the gook girls on campus though
based evola
Seethe harder roastie
Nice projection, but I have a half Arabic girl. From your response, I can tell that you either have no girlfriend currently or never had one.
Imagine if he just expressed his dislike over that instead of acting like nothing? He wouldn't be that mad
You tell us, big guy.
>your brain on /pol/