I don't get it, what's there to explain in this brainlet show?
I don't get it, what's there to explain in this brainlet show?
10% of the population is sub 80 IQ. Not their fault, but thats a lot of people who cant grasp basic concepts who watch TV.
Clicks. YouTube is 99.9% people with zero talent trying to get clicks.
not everyone can afford to pay for hbo, so they watch youtube videos sumarizing the plot.
This guy started from nothing and built a fanbase explaining how the show compared to the books, he was one of the first, he deserves to reap the benefits years later
He has been doing videos "explaining" episodes for years. Its not his fault that the show is dumb as fuck now and even an 7 year old with ADHD could follow it
I didn't remember that Jamie and Brienne both had the leftovers of ICE and they were protecting the Starks with Ned's old sword.
people actually pay to watch this shit?
>I don't get it, what's there to explain in this brainlet show?
Half of the population of Westeros and the Universe dies off
I donno I want to watch the rest of the show to switch off, but that's not why I got into the show in the first place. Season 5 and 6 were cancer.
also that part about the story behind the song Pod was singing was interesting.
people watch tv while talking to their friends and while looking at their phones so they miss half of what happens
There are scores of channels that have a _____ Movie/Episode explained. They almost always just boil down to basic recaps.
How's that different to the live threads on Yea Forums?
Something about the core audience
The show has a tendency to make nods to the books in the most awkward of places. Take Podrick's song in the last episode for example. Every bookfag knows who Jenny of Oldstones was but she's never actually mentioned in the show. The only reason they included that song was to pander to the ~5% of viewers who actually bothered to read the books.
The west deserves to fall
don't feel bad, neither did D&D
Nobody here is friends, just lovers
my biggest issue, besides him doing these brainless explanations, is that he never sources his work.
lol at the girl in the background
Leave him alone. Poor fella literally has about a month til he can stop living off this dumb hobby and needs to find a real job.
>doesn't know about the prequel set in the diverse democracy of Valyria
and he won't have anything to work off until others come up with speculation on r/asoiaf and westeros.org
In America more than 13 percent is sub 80 iq
I have no fucking idea
I watched one and realised he explains an episode in shorter time than it takes to watch. So I’m assuming it’s for streamer zoomers
this should be an executable offence
Did you try actually watching the video? He talks mostly about parallells between the episode and the books or earlier seasons and fan theories etc
What's to fucking explain? 2 eps of reunions, them all thinking they are going to die and a bunch of YAS KWEEN SLAY moments.
It's not just that guy, this is a recent trend. You Google a popular movie that came out in the last months or a tv show and no matter how straightforward it is there's an article explaining the end or a key scene. Collider is full of these brainlet pandering pieces.
Subtle and based
I don't know why I get all thoses shitty videos recommanded in my feed
I only watch Preston Jacobs. The rest is pure clickbait and content for brainlet teenagers
hes a fucking brainlet. preston is the only got youtuber. stop praising this unoriginal talentless tard
>girl in the back clearly envious because she is alone
>watching TV (media designed for brainlets) and requiring explanation videos that are half the length of what they're explaining.
I miss when this guy actually made theory videos about the books, but now all he ever does is coast off the show hype by making theory and explanation videos exclusively about the show for normies, as if the show at this point is actually worthy of "theories" or explanations when everything is so obvious and telegraphed now.
never forget
All these explanation videos really do baffle me. Some of them are explaining things which would literally be explained if you paid even the slightest bit of attention to the show/movie.
What was his explanation of how Arya survived a stab in the stomach and swimming in feces filled water?
oh get a life
Not everyone can catch everything and I don’t want to rewatch
Personally I barely remember what's going on and would probably benefit watching something like that, I'm just too lazy
Merely pretending.
Something about how that wasn't really Arya who got stabbed but Jaquen H'ghar disguised as Arya as a way to test both Arya and the Waif. It was one of the biggest honeypots the fanbase had concocted since the Talisa = Lannister spy honeypot back in season 2, because they thought that there's no way the writing could be that shitty. But, of course, they were wrong.
but anons at this point the show is literally just "every1 is in da norf n dey fight da zombies"
Explanation vids aren't ”brainlet” feed; its just perspective. Just cause people watch this shit doesn’t equate “i need to be told becuase I don’t understand”
haha, you can literally hear him losing hope that the NK has a plan at around the 13min mark, poor dude
>t. brainlet who needs videos to tell him what happened
Are you butthurt about not making any ad money?
I don't read the books so those explanations are nice.
stopped watching his videos desu
they were good when he had the books to go off of so explaining fan theories and how future events might play out
but now all he does is straight recap the episode for brainlets who weren't paying attention
if you're able to concentrate for more than a 5 minutes and are capable of remembering past events there's no reason to watch anymore
i liked watching these episodes to hear about stuff from the books, but now they are useless 2bh
It's happening
Preston sucks just as bad as the others. I only watch Rawrist for got to see them big pale tiddies
Explain to me why the fuck Euron Greyjoy is working for the Whore Queen.
nigga, he ALWAYS sources his works, episodes, chapters and artists.
I actually kinda get bothered by it sometimes
There's a channel for everyshow EXPLAINED now. Because zoomers are on their mobile while watching. A whole generation of ADHD adderall infused shits
Most people who watch Yea Forums are stupid as fuck. You can see this here by the large amount of insults&racism (read: infantile and low iq beta behavior).
Preston’s episode breakdowns are hilarious, and really gets the noggin jogging about the show. Rawrist is literally retarded, can’t bear to listen that dumb cunt.
>watching videos that explain shit to you instead of thinking about it for yourself and coming up with your own opinions
no wonder people are so fucking retarded now, none of them have to think through anything, just watch a fucking youtube e-celeb to figure things out for you
I honestly hate him. I used to like him a lot but he is definetly appealing to normalfags. its his way of speaking and how he edits and structures his videos. Yea Forums is a preston amd dragon demands board
people "watch" GoT but they don't pay attention and need people to "remind" them what happened
Niger retard