What is this expression trying to convey?

What is this expression trying to convey?

Attached: 14708422657957.webm (1920x816, 2.11M)

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his dick is too big and she finds it funny

She's sniggering at all the incels who won't understand this very simple scene

who cares, he still beat

She was wondering how she ever stayed a femcel for so long when getting dick is as easy as ordering pizza

she remembered she had AIDS

when a cute female protagonist has sex with a guy i drop the movie and can no longer watch it

dicklet syndrome is real

I'm sorry lad. Do you have a good support network atleast?

Doesn't play in my iPhone.

Women can get bored during sex. If they're not in the zone, they're not. My mate and his wife had a huge row over this. He was balls deep in her, plowing away and she started to talk about her day at work.

I don't understand this scene and I found Amelie unwatchable.

she gives a Jim Halpert look


>caring about the females pleasure

dik 2 smol

I just fucked you bitch, I win.

>tfw I confronted my now ex about why she cheated me despite me doing nothing wrong, treating her good, having a connection and being comfortable with each other she just flay out and coldly said 'because you have a small dick''.

You think 'all women are whores' was just a meme? Hopefully you'll uncuck yourself after this experience.

>treating a woman with kindness and respect
lmao when will they learn

she thinks he's weak because they don't have violent rape sex with choking and spanking

>trying to have a deep, meaningful connection with a gender that a craves to shove the largest shapes she can into her vagina
at least now you've learned. women are for pumping and dumping

What the fuck...
I wish my fiancees boobs were a bit bigger, but I still love her and enjoy sex and intimacy and would never leave or cheat on her.

who the fuck fucks like that - rocking their entire body and torso like that? I only hump my groin and shit is always cash

>having a cock under 9 inches length and 6 inches girth
>trying to please a modern women who's likely already had several ultralarge dicks re-arranging her insides

Well one of you is going to cheat so it might as well be you

then im gonna show em, sonny

Attached: box u.jpg (778x512, 53K)


How can my dick gets bigger?
im a tall guy but i have small pee pee

You can't unless you want to take the risk to fuck up your dick

Just be yourself

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Which is why foreplay is the most important part for women.

you're not a woman so you can't
if you were a female, you could wear make up, wear heels, dye your hair, wear wigs or hair extensions, draw new eyebrows, you could get a boob job, hip implants, butt implants, liposuction, vaginal rejuvination surgery

you're a dude? go to the gym bro, that is all you can do

Well that sucks man

It's big enough.
You probably just watch porn where they use fisheye lenses.
Also the vagina is flexible and stretchy to accommodate all cock shapes and sizes, big and small.
So you are good, just be yourself.

Not true. If you're a genuine dicklet you're fucked.

>it's big enough
Can be completely and objectively false. The average woman's vagina at full arousal tents up to around 7 inches. This means the "perfect size" is around 6-6.5 in. for most women.

My worst sex was with a girl who got off and got hers while I was still getting into it. She told me" it was time to cum." Some of you tools might get turned on by this, but for me it ruined the evening, it ruined the sex and it ruined a potential relationship. Basically she told me I was a boring lay. I did my business, like a goddamn pet. To add insult to injury, she broke up with me because she felt uncomfortable with me writing her poems. I'm not letting this dissuade me though. She was a dead fish in the sack and some girls can be genuinely fun and openminded. Don't let one girl ruin your thoughts on romanticism and playfulness. But when you allow yourself to be open, be prepared for the fact that you can get sledgehammered. Take it and move on.

>bong metrict system

Attached: deznut.jpg (192x192, 7K)

No just stick a pencil in there first, then vagina will contract around it and then your dick will feel massive in comparison remember to take the pencil out

>writting poems to a woman
Lmao where we are? in the renaissance era?

Something I have heard directly from the mouths of multiple women when it comes to men, "I already have a pussy, I don't need another one".

How tall are you and how big is your pee pee?


>tfw 5.5 inches

Attached: 1478831814546.jpg (231x218, 7K)

>i can't believe he stuck it in my unwashed snatch

it indicates that she's a size queen: if she dated more in the past, she would realize that she is one of 'those' girls who don't accept a guy who isn't at least 6'3" with wide shoulders and a nine inch penis

I'm 1,80 cm tall
and 15 cm dick (6 inches)

>tfw grower and not a shower

>>trying to have a deep, meaningful connection with a gender that a craves to shove the largest shapes she can into her vagina
>at least now you've learned. women are for pumping and dumping
Real people don’t talk like this. Juden detected

5.5 is fine and the literal average size. It only becomes an issue when you go under 5 inches.
You are above average, your height just changes the perspective.

>Real people don’t talk like this.
user... I...

I have a small penis should I just kms?

>15 cm dick (6 inches)
You are fine.

>6 inches
get the fuck out of here

>tfw 6"

Attached: apu2.jpg (1698x1140, 185K)

Excellent bait

I see a lot of those women on Tinder now. Some of them have children. I'm not doing that.

Dude you are neither tall nor do you have a short dick so make of that what you will

enjoy being divorced and losing your children because your wife met someone taller with a bigger dick user, i'm just trying to advise against ruining your life over a walking talking vagina

It's not just tender, fren. Women want to be lead by a strong man, it is just biology.
They get wet when men do "manly" stuff. Poetry ain't that. If you want to be more emotional use an instrument instead.

>tfw 4 inch penor
>pretty much regulated to only having sex with prostitutes
Feels bad man.

Attached: 1517851874498.jpg (1416x1062, 186K)

What's in it for a modern man to have a relationship? Nothing. Don't know why you guys get worked up about this shit.

>not tall
It's tall

I have a giant penis but what does it have to do with this?


I'd honestly not mind it if she cracked my nuts with that spoon.

1.you're not tall at all
2.your dick is slightly above average

Actually I'm 1,85 cm tall, I don't know why I have put it wrong

5'11 is literally the average height for a white male. It's not tall.

5'11 is not the average height for white men.

Okay it might be a matter of where you live.
I'm German and that is our average male hight.

>tfw short, balding dicklet

shotgun is on its way boys

cummies in vagener feels nice

Go for the high score first jk FBI

foreplay and the broader context of the relationship.

4 inch erect? if so, you have a small dick but atleast not a micropenis. a guy with a micropenis would kill to have what you have.

It literally is you fucking manlet.

It literally isn't you brainlet.

Congratulations, you memed yourself.

Says to me that she is in to some kinky shit. Which probably means shes been around and or was molested at an early age. Shes stays with him for convenience

Microdick is fascinating, like a lower subrace of men. Orcs. Can they even reproduce if given the chance?

>tfw 4.5

Move to Asia.

it isn't tall, and i say this as a 176 manlet
185 is where you starting being 'tall'

i'm 4.7, will a girl leave me if I ever managed to get one

so how do you guys cope with the fact that literally no one will ever love you? I'm running out of ideas myself

not everyone on this board is hopeless
i'm married, but that doesn't mean i don't share plenty of attitudes and points of view from here

If you aren't an ugly, unemployed, fat fuck then stop chasing love and then it will find you. By that I mean stop giving a fuck what women think and suddenly you will find women more interested in you.

i'm 181cm, does that make me a manlet?

I was born in the eighties. In the nineties when I had my first girlfriend cellphones were still not around. I wrote love letters. I put a lot of thought and effort in to how I would describe her beauty. Then I would take my bicycle, drive to her house and give it to her mother, brother or put it in the mailbox if no one was home. Then I rode my bicycle home, giddy and a stomach full of butterflies because I'd just delivered a letter to my love.

Sometimes late in the evening, during summer, I'd throw pebbles against her window and she'd open her window and we'd have a subdued conversation. Not unlike Romeo and Juliet.

So yeah, now I have to deal with Twitter and instagram thots. There's nothing wrong with loveletters and poems. I'm too old for that now. But if you're young, don't listen to these depraved souls. There's nothing wrong with declaring your love to a woman in writing.

>and then it will find you
ah the biggest meme of all, I'm guessing you were raised on disney movies

Well, while you were doing that pussy shit the football player was going ballsdeep.

you're not tall but you're definitely not a manlet unless you're my height or under
i'd say 178 is where you stop being a manlet, but that's just my impression

Only if he liked sloppy seconds.

She thought it was weird to be having sex, that is all.

1. Stop watching porn, your dick is ok

>180 cm
LMAO manlet

>I wish he'd go in my ass

For my country it is

This. It honestly makes me feel really down thinking about how little incentive there is for a man to be in a committed relationship with a woman at this point. But equally I think promiscuity, hookup culture and 'casual dating' are terrible for society.

Even religious girls, unless they're relatively hardline (which brings it's own separate issues), seem to be fine with multiple relationships before getting married.

Remember that less than a hundred years ago women wouldn't think to go outside unless they had a dress with a skirt down to their ankles, a wide brimmed hat and some white gloves on. Now you can go on instagram and see your average girl on the street wearing a thong and nipple pasties taking a picture where she's trying to show you the inside of her throat pipe.

Shit makes me angry and depressed.

Filipino ?

Well men aren't exactly helping either. Most men aren't cool with only fucking 1 girl in their life which is why even religious chicks have to date around a little bit. It's a two-way street.


there's a bunch of parts of the Bible where men complain about women too. making society more conservative won't change anything.

This too, you can read about men bitching about women the exact same way people on Yea Forums do back in ancient greece. It's just how it is, learn to play the game is all you can do.

True, it's fucked both ways, it just seems like women (as the inherently more desired of the two genders) are being groomed to embrace the male attention and fuck around a lot or just act whorish in general because it's "empowering".

It kind of will though since society didn't used to have these problems. The sexual revolution has been disastrous for sexual morality, courtship and pair bonding.

Hombre, eso no es grande. At least I'm in a neighboring country and I know that's not very tall around here.
I'm 180 cm and I consider myself a manlet whenever I'm in the capital.

Embarrassment during one's first time, and inability to enjoy the sex because too nervous.

You mentally ill faggots project so hard you can't see the movie for what it is. Say no to autism.

Amélie isn't mocking this guy, she feels out of it and coyly bothered but laughs nervously about it instead of being sad.

No wonder you fuckers fail IRL, you don't understand anything.

>People with autism often have problems with social, emotional and communication skills. They might repeat certain behaviors and might not want change in their daily activities.

Society back in the 50s had these problems it was just "behind closed doors". Adultery and all that shit was still happening. My father told me all his neighborhood stories about wives cheating on their husbands with other guys in the neighborhood while he was growing up.

Her very last expression shows incels are wrong. She's nervously embarrassed and smiling because of that. Her last expression shows the actual worry/nervousness, but autists are facially blind and can barely recognise the actress, so they won't notice the final expression in that bit.

>People with autism often have problems with social, emotional and communication skills. They might repeat certain behaviors and might not want change in their daily activities.

>he doesnt remind his wife every month or so when drunk that if she ever divorced him then hed kill the whole family and then himself.

>taking the shitposting this seriously

triggered, much? She's laughing at his tiny pecker, I've listened to the commentary track


>last gf left me because we stopped fucking
>haven’t fucked current gf in a month or so
>jerking off has always been a chore I do once a week to not get night secretion
What do Yea Forums? I work out I like women just sex isn’t really that interesting.

Mfw I know for a fact that I have a big dick

Attached: 546543.jpg (500x375, 39K)

He's either very good in bed and she's realising the luck she has, or hes bad in bed.

One of the stories was straight out of an NTR. Married couple let's a dude rent a room from them. Within the month he is banging the wife in the husband's home.

most guys shitposting ITT haven't watched the movie. out of context, it looks like she's laughing at him

She wanted to hurt you.


Women voting was a mistake. Turning away from religion was a mistake and technology was a mistake. It's going to go the way it goes and always has.

sounds to me like you tend to end up with women who suck at sex
it's cliche to say but try spicing things up, ask her what she's into or if she wants to try anything and then do what you're comfortable with that she asks for; by making her happy she'll want to try harder to make you happy and the sex should improve
works either way around, but if you're the one thinking this then you should probably just take the initiative

I personally look forward to cummies.

>taking a shitpost seriously
who's the one lacking the ability to read social cues?

>mfw only you and 4channel will ever know.


She's wondering why he's moving his whole body so much when it all comes out of the hip in missionary.

The women tend to initiate. They have been at least 7s. I often forget. I do have autism to a degree and didn’t lose my vCard till I was 20. I also don’t tend to approach women they come to me. Maybe I’m the bad lay?
I am a 2D lolicon though.

>does a big dick exist if no one is around to see it
beat me to it

Seriously, though Yea Forums

I'm going to be 30 in less tan 2 years. I'm a kissless virgin with a 4.5 inch dick, I have zero experience with the opposite sex. What hope is there? I genuinely don't see it. Hypothetically if I ever do manage to attract somebody, how could I possibly make it work? Grown women that have been in multiple relationships, had sex with at least 10 men before me, all probably had bigger dicks, all were more successful than me, probably more attractive too.

What's going to keep me from killing the relationship immediately when I realize how I'm utterly boring to her? Imagine how little sex is going to mean to a woman in her 30s that has gotten it all out of her system 10 years ago. Imagine being someone that never experienced any of it, wanting to experiment and do things for the first time, and being met with nothing but complete disinterest by the other party. It's just not going to work.

You're right guys, everyone on Yea Forums is a virgin right? Lmao cope

>being this defensive about it

Cope dickcel

True for me, my benis is 19cm and no woman has ever seen it and i‘m 29 KHHV.

There is no hope, even if it wasn‘t your dick that you see as a problem it would be something else.
People like us have mental problems and those are impossible to get rid off.

With all of the sexual deviancies that show up on here, I'm surprised we're this many replies in and never once has the reply A-sexual come up. Just call yourself an A-sexual instead of an incel and you'll fit right in with all the other snowflakes. For most of you it might be the only opportunity to get an A in your life.

guys my dick is 9 inches long and as soon as i whip it out all the bitches want me, they don't give a fuck that im 5'3 cause all they see is my dick

the power u hav in a relationship witha big dick is the best she will be your slave and u can always tell her u will find someone else

Pay to play 18 year olds keep getting made every year m8

I'm 8.53 and I completely understand fellow dickchad.

Cos you a man

Post pic with timestamp or fuck off


You have to accept that you need to work hard to get into a relationship. Harder than most people.
Basically, improve your appearance as much as possible. Also, you're probably more interesting than you think, but if you don't believe that, take up new interests, things you can talk about. I mean, if you're here, you probably like movies already, right? They're always a great topic of conversation, people find movie buffs interesting.
Also, lower your standards for women. You should focus more on personality than looks, anyway. If you want someone who looks good, just a hire a prostitute.
Most importantly, don't let your lack of sex define you. There's more to life than that. Good luck, user.

u mad dicklet? u want to see my dick gayboy?

Uh not really. It's mostly just about how confidently you do things. If you skip foreplays and go on to fuck her rough in an animalistic way she'll get her cunt wet in a matter of seconds

Yeah, faggot, show me your cock you homo piece of shit

Not all people cheat user. The reason for the higher number of cheaters and divorce rates is because it's the same cheaters and divorcees doing it over and over again.

If a man cheats it's because he is immoral and lacks impulse control or has a jaded philosophy on life. If a woman cheats it's because she thinks she can do better / is a whore and thus immoral / you have done something terribly wrong like been too much of a pussy in the relationship so she is looking for a stronger more dominant male.

Attached: Nogs - high trust society.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Wetness to avoid damage from rape does not equal overall pleasure. I feel sorry for any chick that has to deal with dumbasses like you.

>Also, lower your standards for women
I don't have high standards, don't know why so many people assume this of virgins. I would date anybody that showed an interest in me.
>don't let your lack of sex define you
kind of hard not to, when they're going to know, and when it is going to be a very painful thing going into a relationship. How do you feel loved and appreciated by somebody when you know they won't have the patience for your pathetic virgin self? Imagine how boring and normal sex is to a normal woman, and imagine how all the interesting and fun she's had with it was like 10 years ago. Obviously I don't blame her for that, but how is that not going to crush me inside?
>work hard
I'm so depressed, I can hardly do anything these days, and the loneliness has destroyed me. I can't even get male friends, so I don't know how I'd shape up in a way where I attract a woman. I just have no hope.

Thanks for your reply tho.

No you have confidence issues and they go away if you make them go away


Want the good news or the bad news?

>just work on your personality ;)
Cope answer. That guy is fucked. An almost 30 year old autistic virgin with a tiny dick? I hope for his sake he's rich because that's about the only avenue through which he's gonna get laid.

>Then I rode my bicycle home, giddy and a stomach full of butterflies because I'd just delivered a letter to my love.
Hahaha, holy shit, dude. You're a goddamn faggot.

Attached: 1555306684177.gif (360x270, 1.63M)

okay champ let us know how well this secret technique still works after you've been married for 10+ years

sex for many women ends up being unfulfilling as the dude just pumps and dumps them and many women find this out the hard way in their younger years. the older they get the more likely when they're banging they're looking for a relationship and will put up with it though if they're approaching 30 without a long term partner.

men don't have this issue, i'm 32 and still bang girls 10 years younger than me.


Women never change, feminism and women suffrage and gender equality was a mistake.

You're making up all those scenarios about how your first is gonna be. I've seen many people like you, who let their lack of self esteem create monsters inside their heads. In reality, it's most definitely not gonna be like that.
Your insecurity is stopping you from even trying, that's why you're depressed. You are so convinced you will fail no matter what, and it becomes a sort of self fulfilling prophecy. I know it's difficult to get over the fear, you just have to trust me when I say you're not as bad as you think. It's all in your head.
Also when I said "don't let your lack of sex define you", I meant in general. Your virginity shouldn't affect all other aspects of your life, especially not your mood, there's more to live for than just sex.

No it will never go away no matter what you do.
Its impossible to gain any kind of confidence when you are a touchless virgin as old as me.

there are some women who would prefer a smaller, more feminine penis. there are women who are afraid of large penises and the pain they bring.

The Virginity always sticks out, other people can almost smell it on you, I don‘t know how they do it but they know almost instantly that you are a virgin and this turns you instantly into the outsider that nobody wants anything to do with.
Woman won‘t bother with you and other Guys will joke about it and make fun of it.
As an adult virgin you are not part of Society.

>there's more to live for than just sex.
Yeah, and sex isn't going to save me or anything but it is something I need to experience to move on. It's one of those things you can't tell somebody isn't a big deal, it's something that NEEDS to be experienced, it's a part of life, you have to get it over with to move on. Same thing with kissing, and any kind of intimacy.

There's more to life than that, but you can't tell somebody that never experienced it, that went past their 20s never having done anything that "it's overrated" maybe it is, but not until you've done it.
>You're making up all those scenarios about how your first is gonna be
Honestly , I don't even mean just the first, I mean what sex is going to be like for the rest of my life. I missed out on everything regarding sex, hormone fueled teenage sex, wild sex, passionate sex, etc. None of that is something I've experienced, people get that over with long before they're 20 and I never did, so sex is forever tainted for me, because I'll never meet somebody that gives a shit about it the same way they once did. And that's going to crush me, because how do you feel wanted when your partner is totally over that aspect of a relationship? who has their best sex after 30? literally nobody.
>Your insecurity is stopping you from even trying, that's why you're depressed. You are so convinced you will fail no matter what, and it becomes a sort of self fulfilling prophecy
Yupp. Describes every faucet of my life, literally everything.
>you just have to trust me when I say you're not as bad as you think. It's all in your head
I truly don't believe this. This was true at one point in my life, but it no longer is, at this point it feels disingenuous to even approach anybody because I know I'm a bad alternative, there's better ones out there, so why do I try to lie to this person that I'm someone worth her time? I genuinely don't have anything of value to offer to an adult partner.

>there are some women who would prefer a smaller, more feminine penis.
yeah, in anime

Hey chief, how much money do you make? If it's a decent amount, it's time to start preying on girls under the age of 21.

>over sex by 30
Motherfucker, this is all in your head.

literally me

>get tricked into watching a movie about a girl who's supposedly cute and wholesome
>she ends up having premarital sex

>'because you have a small dick''.
You either have an actual microdick smaller than 7cm or she was just being hurtful for the sake of it.

You really don't need that much to bottom out a chick.


>I get delirious whenever you're near
lose all self control, baby just can't steer.
Wheels get locked in place, Scooby Doo
look on my face. I get Delirious
Love makes you act a fool and I'm glad I got to experience it before I got thrown into the 'real world'.

Women have absolutely no comprehension of what a big cock is. I've been with multiple women who've told me up and down that I have a big cock. I literally just have a 6 inch dick.

Based and truthpilled. It's already over for people like us. Don't let the normalfags tell you otherwise.

Yeah and my gf calls me fat when we have arguments because she know it hurts my feelings. Im only slightly overweight and she is fatter than me. Women have no sense of honor when they are angry.

6 inches is half an inch above average so it can qualify as big if you have a thickness to match.

That's because you can't do any better.

>writing her poems
i wouldnt say this is a bad thing. But you need to find someone who enjoy that stuff first, which in todays society is hard

post one of your poems please

You really created a monster inside your head. Honestly, if anything, having sex with an older virgin would probably be an interesting experience for a woman, not a bad thing.
It sucks, because you sound like someone with potential, but you need support (from a friend, family, etc) to help you overcome your fears, but there's no one there. It really sucks, but it is what it is.
You just have to take baby steps, try to achieve small victories to build up your confidence. You have to get out of your comfort zone, even if it's just for small moments at a time.
It's never too late to experience all those things. Trust me.

It is your moral obligation as a man to never commit and always cheat if you have an opportunity to do so.

You are just naive as fuck, that dude is completely right. Past a certain point you are hosed. No one is taking 'baby steps' past 30. And women finding a virgin interesting is just laughable.
The simple fact is that not everyone has a happy ending. There is a significant fraction of people who are doomed to misery the day they are born.

Another thing. If I were you, I'd leave Yea Forums for a while. It's not a good place for your mental health. This sort of defeatist mental attitude is cultivated here, and if you stay here too long, you really start to believe reality is just like they tell you.

>it is something I need to experience to move on
If you can still get it on, have some money on your side and you live alone so you can take a bath and not explain your parents where you go, hire a prostitute or an escort and just get it over with.
You will still be a virgin socially and emotionally but at least you will have sex and it may be enough to snap out and fix your life.
Good luck.

I have had sex with 15 girls overall, 8 of which were in relationships with other dudes at the time we fugged. I have cucked more men then the number of girls who honestly liked me.
One went on for 4 years seeing this girl every couple of months, fucking the shit out of her, sometimes cumming inside her, and then sending her back to her boyfriend satisfied.

Another was my boss at work, she didn't tell me she had a bf until the second of third time we fugged but we kept on banging for about a year and a half, even after she had gotten engaged.

I would ususally eventually ask why they are doing what they do, and it alwalys comes back to them being unsatisfied with how they are getting fucked at home.

Im 30 now and have stopped that shit but never trust a women

This, most adult virgins never make it.
They continue living a pointless existence for some time and then usually suicide.

holy rabbit

You sound very similar to the way I think and I'm a 40 year old virgin.
When everything went so wrong?

well, how big is it?

Feels utterly hopeless, unfortunately. I don't have any support, and it's too painful to ever tell family about this kind of stuff. I feel like it'd become an even bigger failure somehow if I made it known about my dating issues. I don't have the self confidence to even try, as you know.
Yeah I know this place is terrible for me. But I have no friends, not even online ones so this is where I get to talk to people. It's pretty much all there is.

I know it's bad to be defeatist, but I can't help but feel that it truly is over, and I truly missed out, and it is merely mental gymnastics to try and tell myself that I'm worth anything to anybody.

I never wanted to become bitter and hateful, and I'm still not a hateful person but it fucking hurts so much. I see happy people all around me, I see fucking teenage couple aged 13-14 outside holding hands and kissing and I just feel like my whole life is nothing.

Probably between age 7 and 17 is where things went wrong for us so during schooltime.

Cheating is the final Redpill

If you are not Cheating you are making a mistake because she would cheat on you with a guy that is 1cm taller and has 1cm bigger dick and people/society will tell you it is your fault and that you simply arent man enough for her.

You will get blamed either way, if you cheat or she cheats, in both scenarious you will recieve condemnation.

Go forth and always cheat.

Attached: nelff.jpg (2100x2800, 481K)

I just know I'll turn into you. 30 soon and literally no reason to believe that I'll meet anybody before that.

>I see fucking teenage couple aged 13-14 outside holding hands and kissing and I just feel like my whole life is nothing.

Attached: 55C1A4AE-54D1-48B8-8539-14AA4FDD5C64.png (635x473, 222K)

American or European?
Do you live alone?
Are you educated?
Do you have a job?
Were parents overprotective?
Son of single mother?
Were you a good student in school?
Do you smoke or drink?

If it's not too short already and you feel a bit thin, you can put silicone implants to make it fatter (which is what really counts in the end)

Day 1. If you end up being short you are fucked. If you end up being ugly you are fucked. If your parents are shitty you are fucked. And it can get even worse, people born with severe disabilities are the ones that really eat shit. Disney movie watching saps like try to ignore these things by cherry picking success stories but they won't acknowledge the fact that they are looking at the absolute extreme end of the bell curve.

She’s such a whore for chad cock her pussy has been stretched by hundreds of them to the point when she gets inserted by an above average cock she can’t even feel it

ok you know what? fuck you you stupid little shit
im 18 and my dick is 7 or 8 cm
i always wanted a gf who doesn't care about sex and i got one...
She is a rape victim and i can't touch her even for a kiss cause she would suffer high

It's called being soulless. She acts like she has got over with everything in life. But in fact, she's just a depressive, narcissistic cunt with no aims like having children, getting along with someone to be live happily ever after.

Another thing, telling undesirable people to go after other undesirable people is just a way for them to thing everything works out like in a disney movie. In reality, no one wants an ugly partner, not even other ugly people. Even if they know that they don't 'deserve' an attractive person that does not make them want an ugly one. So even if they do decide to go for someone unattractive they are just settling, coping. They aren't happy with the decision they just didn't see any other choice.

If you are not born significantly ahead of the bell curve your life is likely to be shitty. Life is quite literally designed around that fact, evolution and whatnot.

Threads like these make me think that maybe a prison system for slutty young women were they are forced to have sex with young permavirgins is a good thing.
It's a win win for everyone involved.

15cm isn‘t chad dick.
20cm+ is chad dick.

What you say hurts so much, only because it's true
World is not a bloody fairy tale

Its not just about sex, its also about intimacy and romantic feelings.
Normalfags can‘t really understand the suffering of a Virgin.

I don't know about your family situation, but you definitely need someone to talk to. It's scary to talk about those things IRL, but I guarantee you there are many like you.
Basically, you need to talk about it. Unfortunately, incel community onlines don't help you, they are extremely pessimistic and just bring each other down. It's not good for you. You need people telling you that you can do it, not people saying there's no hope.
I honestly suggest looking for a therapist. Open up, like I said, you'll see that there's a lot of people like you. Also consider taking antidepressants if you are prescribed them.

This is not true.
It's society's fault, school and the education.
The 30 year old virgins could be normal members of society in every other era.
It's society and feminism and school and indoctrination by movies and tv that turn us like that.
Statistics support my view.
A big event is needed, society is destroying itself and is not self sustaining anymore.

>>>prison system for slutty young women were they are forced to have sex with young permavirgins
>giving criminal women a limitless supply of easily manipulated and naive men

But the idea of hurting my partner by cheating on her pains me greatly user

All very true. That's rough man. If you have a best friend I reckon you demand him to take you to a nice club. The women are always nice, smell good and have good hygiene. If they know you're a virgin, they'll be extra nice and guide you through the process. They'll literally take you by the hand and tell you what you have to do. There's no mockery or judgement there. Go to a classy club. Everyone knows why you're there. Don't be afraid and have a good time. I wish I could take you there user, and force you to get it over with.

>20cm+ dick.
This is a health condition or porn lie.
No reason to have a 20+ dick and even if it was possible it would be uncomfortable to walk with this thing and it would consume so much blood it would drop your IQ.

unless these chicks would be fucking 50 guys a day each then this plan doesn't really work. There are way, way more permavirgins than there are young criminal women. Largely because young criminal women almost never get locked up in the first place, since their charm works just as well on cops and the justice system as it does on regular men.

>tfw also a friendless virgin and such clubs dont exist here and I also dont have the money for it and would be too scared to go anyway

You're not tall, you're barely taller than me at 176 cm manlet prince. But your dick isn't small either, 6 inches is same as me and a little above average.

what kinda country you live in bro

I'm a 30+ virgin
They would be tied and they would be unable to see who is fucking them.
A webcam would allow their fucker to watch their expression as they are penetrated.
STD tests and safety for good measure.
They would be treated like living fleshlights.
Like some kind of social service.

Of course a big dick is not comfortable.
>always touches the toilet bowl
>always visible through pants when you have a random erection throughout the day
>pants are not comfy for dick and balls most of the time

Well user, if you have no friends you've got no face to lose if you actually do manage to embarrass yourself.

Society can't do anything about the fact that there are way more ugly people than attractive people. And having societal standards of strict monogamy doesn't make being married to an ugly fuck any more enjoyable.

Your hope that society will collapse is also wrong I think, the era of every average joe having a wife and family like in the 50's is the historical anomaly, not the other way around. We are going back to what it used to be, when rich and powerful men had huge harems and the underclass were slaves.

That's what I'm thinking, 50+ men a day.
It has to be humiliating for them to reform.
Of course they would be supplied with contraceptive pills and STD tests would be performed on everyone involved.
Completely safe.

Cameras are everywhere nowadays to film your embarrassing situation for the whole world

>the era of every average joe having a wife and family like in the 50's is the historical anomaly
This era lasted at least 10000 years, probably more.
The anomaly is the last 50 years were feminism and women's suffrage was enforced.

It's simulated sex to show you they are having sex. They don't have to show a pee pee in the vee vee to get the point across.

No one really gives a shit though

It really didn't, like I said for most of history the lowest class were slaves, not even recognized as human, and the highest class of men all had multitudes of women.

Her last expression is worry that he might have seen her practically laughing while inside her.

I've come to accept that I will never know love or intimacy. Call it a cope if you want but I take heart in knowing that at least I am free to provide only for myself and do what I wish when I want to. Besides being generally just horny I feel like incels hate being a virgin because they feel like outcasts from society. But this society is a garbage heap, there's no reason to want to be accepted by the normalfags

you know what would pain you greatly

getting cheated on

preemptive cheating is like insurance
it's better to be safe than sorry.

A king in those ancient times wanted his slave males to breed with slave women to breed more slave children.
Our era is the only era in the history of man, specifically the western society's mostly white man, to take way sex and procreation from a big portion of men.

>tfw 5'6
>and my dick is bigger than that

Its still a sad and lonely existence to be a permavirgin. Nothing you can do against that, its just how our brains evolved.

historical slaves largely came from conquered lands friend. that was a big part of the reason why rome was always looking to knock over more shit.

you know that eunuchs were a very big thing for a very long time.

Bullshit. Even in the 50s, when marriage rates were the highest in the West that they'd been in decades, they still lagged far behind marriage rates in Muslim countries, India, or Africa. Christian societies have long had lower marriage rates than other religions.

pic related, all of these dudes have had their balls chopped off

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For a long time I thought I wanted a relationship but eventually realized I was just longing for the spice of teenage romance. Aside from that, I'm a narcissist who loves spending time with himself more than anyone else.
Now I'm just waiting for sexbots and VR.

Whatever, I don't have anything else to support my view and there's no point to repeat myself. But I feel you are wrong, it's a tech dystopia that doesn't allow young boys to turn to men and actually vilifies masculinity. Also .
I don't have the data to prove it to you so I stop.

It's true but millions of men died unloved across all of history in far worse and inhumane conditions at least we have the means to be comfy

>Making fun of a small dicked guy
>Nobody is making fun of her for just laying there

Why do women think they are entitled to do 0 effort ?

If you cheat on a woman it is your fault
If a woman cheats on you it is your fault

She so unbelievably giddy that she's actually having sex omg

That's an okay dick size, manlet

So permavirgins are the eunuchs and slaves of the 21st century?
I'm ok with this, I hope more virgins start to think this way and trigger the uprising.
Slaves have nothing to lose other than their shackles.
No sympathy for our oppressors: feminism, lgbtqi+ rights, women suffrage, politicians, liberals, media, etc.

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If you don't pursue women and give them your money you're hurting them

This society is so gynocentric that patriarchy is a joke

please don’t make it this obvious that you’ve never had sex

I met a psychologist for a while, I wasn't able to open up even though I wrote down things I wanted said during the meetings. It's as if my brain won't let me do it, even if I say the words, I don't actually feel anything, I'm just suppressing it. My psychologist looked more upset than I did during these meetings. I just am dead.
>American or European?
>Do you live alone?
Still with parents
>Are you educated?
>Do you have a job?
>Were parents overprotective?
>Son of single mother?
>Were you a good student in school?
>Do you smoke or drink?
I haven't had a friend since 2008.

Islam isn't looking so bad tbqh.
I hope Christianity or paganism pick a page or two from Islam and stop putting pussy on a pedestal like the cucked western society is doing.

Damn, I went to a psychologist too, had partly the same issue.
Many similarities.
>Were parents overprotective?
I think you are lying to yourself here or something but I'm not going to continue because I'm not an expert.

>Why do women think they are entitled to do 0 effort ?

Because their parents and society constantly tells me that they are princesses that only deserve the best of the best. Imagine being a young girl and be constantly told that you deserve everything even though you have nothing to show off or haven't accomplished anything. A young girl nowadays is constantly bombarded with compliments from society no matter what they do with her life, this boosts her confidence and makes her want the best of the best guys.

Meanwhile guys need to constantly compete in society. Young boys aren't constantly told that they are special or that they deserve everything they want. Even if a young guys follows every rule, gets good grades, gets a good job, gets a good house, gets awards, gets a good car etc. no one will tell him that he is special, and thus guys become insecure.

Cheating is redpilled

Also I should say that I avoid incel communities, I generally hate that type of shit. While I'm an incel myself, I don't hate women, and I don't wanna be around other defeatists, I'm defeatist enough alone for that. I prefer talking to people like you that try to help, even if I just end up feeling shit about it.
They genuinely weren't. I was a very free kid, left to do whatever he wanted, they were divorced and the parent I chose to live with didn't give two shits about me, so I had zero responsibilities to upheld at home, he didn't even care about how my school life went.

I was molested though (not by parents), and that made me weird and repressed sexually around my parents, I never wanted my mom to see me with another girl, no idea why but it made me wince.

>I haven't had a friend since 2008
WTF is this? I'm trying to be sympathetic here this isn't snowflake country you fucking shit.

On the contrary, young boys are constantly bombarded with (subliminal) messages on how they are violent, sexists, bullies, racists, rapists, etc.
Public school system in every western country is pure evil distilled and designed to destroy masculinity.
Because the elite knows that only men can overthrow them.

sorry. I wasn't sure how to respond to that message.

>I was a very free kid, left to do whatever he wanted, they were divorced and the parent I chose to live with didn't give two shits about me, so I had zero responsibilities to upheld at home, he didn't even care about how my school life went.
>I was molested though (not by parents), and that made me weird and repressed sexually around my parents, I never wanted my mom to see me with another girl, no idea why but it made me wince.

You should try again. If you can't open up orally, just give them what you wrote.
I can tell you're a sensitive person and you probably have thought a lot about your feelings and your circumnstances. You absolutely need to share your experiences in order to grow and move on. The whole world is not a cruel place, there are people who will support you, keep looking.

You have a job and no gf.
You can afford a psychologist.
Try it because you are not getting younger and clearly you are not satisfied with your life.
Try group therapy.
It's cheaper and more effective, especially if there are women in the group.
I believe your psychologist will suggest group therapy for your condition, it will help you open up, listen more and demystify other people and women and feel less lonely and weird.
Good luck.

I'll admit that's a winning combination for a fucked life.
Costs too much, and the small town I live in don't have the resources to throw a state funded psychologist at me, I've tried.
I've felt fucked up my whole life, sick and broken and just pure hatred towards myself and I don't think I'll ever be able to open up about it. I tried, like I told the first psychologist I was molested and it was such a painful and awkward experience, I didn't cry, I wasn't really even close to crying but it was so awkward to do it, and I couldn't get the words out and truly describe to him how my whole life I've just felt like an outsider with a sick and broken brain that can never be normal.

>demystify other people and women
definitely something I need. After so many years isolated, women are no longer tangible people to me, I can't empathize with them, and I don't mean that in the sense that I dislike them, it's just that they're completely alien to me.

Have you ever opened up about your trauma to your family? I feel like they should become more supportive if you do.

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I can smell the incel from here.

I told my dad, and in all but the words told me to repress it.

I was just 15 and things had been boiling over for me, I was truly losing it, OCD levels of paranoia and anxiety constantly. When I told him, he felt bad for me but in the end didn't get me the help I needed, the help I OBVIOUSLY needed, he didn't understand that his son didn't have the strength himself to go fucking book a meeting with a psychologist, and he was too lazy to actually do something for me so he just said "if you want to, you should do it.." how he didn't force me immediately to seek help I don't know, especially given the state I was in at the time. I spent 3 weeks straight thinking I was going to die because I felt a lump near my ribs, I was compulsively fucking tugging at my rib to see if it was still there, constantly asking my dad if it was weird and if I should go to a doctor. Just really weird shit. Hands and feet always tingling from the stress, eyelids fucking twitching constantly. What a truly terrible time that was, at least I am physically better off now, even if it's all just from repressing everything about everything that life is.

That's fucked up. I know this thread won't stay up much longer, but just know there are places and communities online where you can talk about those things and get advice and help from people who will understand what you've gone through. It's gonna magically solve your problems overnight, but it'll still help you tremendously. They're not trained psychologists, but still.
I wish I could do more for you, but I truly believe you can overcome your problems and that you can find friends online that'll listen to you and understand you.

>communities online
Don't do this.
Discord grooming is a thing and can fuck you up bad.
They dox, extort, blackmail and hurt people.
Go to a trained irl psychologist and never trust anyone online.

in conclusion: heterosexuality was a mistake
all aboard!

Attached: mantrainlogo.png (2142x1411, 39K)

Online communities for this shit turn into death cults.

>say no to autism

Actually is 1,85, and as I said before: Spain

I want the truth

>treating her good
well, treating her well

Why is this bitch smiling? I don’t understand.

Thanks, man. I don't feel that optimistic, specially not at this age, life has already passed by, I don't know what there even is to look forward to if I do work my ass off to get better.

Who ever said their 30s was the best time of their life? nobody has time for life when they're 30, it's all wageslaving and family.

I recommend the Fantasy X-Tensions 10" Silicone Hollow Extension

DEAR INCELS: Here's a tip, nature is not going to change, you personally need to change.

All people, men and women, who are in relationships face the possibility of being rejected, cheated on, or their partner choosing someone else. What this is SUPPOSED to teach you is that you need to adapt and evolve and become better than the competition, or you will be replaced by the men who are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.

So literally, your choices are "Do what it takes" or "Lose to the guys like me who do what it takes".

And for those who will say "hurr u virgin" no I fucking came inside a pretty White Jewish redhead's holes last night and will again in a few hours. Because I show up and don't whine and cry and feel bad for myself.

hello where are the proofs

Nah, I'm good

This only works for normalfags like you.
Incels permavirgins play the game by different rules.

better yet, never get into a relationships. You save yourself from all the jealously and couple related stuff

>a cripple would kill to have a leg
>a kid in Africa would kill to have drinking water like you do
>a blind guy would kill to have 1 eye

Attached: 1556155036770.jpg (550x543, 24K)

I see nothing wrong with that. Getting laid ocassionally/sporadically or having something temporarily with someone is enough/the best thing.

That she has an exceptionally wide and cavernous vagina and his average sized member is not enough.

Attached: nogs vs 1 girl-.webm (720x1280, 680K)

> she felt uncomfortable with me writing her poems.

"There once was a bitch from Nantucket
Whose cunt was as big as a bucket....."

she made the mistake of buying at 15 inch game of thrones dragon dildo and blew out her sugar walls.

>Women have no sense of honor when they are angry.
This, times a billion. Never let a woman know your weakness because they will exploit it when they are desperate to put you over the edge or to get you off track on an argument that you would otherwise win. Dane Cook had a funny bit about this back in the day and more recently Bill Burr lifted it and made it his own thing, but it's sort of a universal truth.


>15 cm dick
that't why you are vrigin, because of your mind

I have like 13 cm and I wish I had just one more cm, but It's ok
