Why is it so controversial for a superhero film to have a lead that isn't a straight white male? This doesn't happen in any other genre...
Why is it so controversial for a superhero film to have a lead that isn't a straight white male...
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because you touch yourself at night
It happens in Spaceshit too
But why?
>i can only enjoy the film if i can self insert!
mega yikes
Practical costumes in fucking she ra
The problem is that those movies are marketed not as comic adaptations but as a social justice moments
>i watch capeshit and nu-wars
hyper yikes
>that fucking 2005 Venom poster
What point is that picture trying to make?
White people are bad because they're not racist?
Fuck me
And Catwoman and Steel and Supergirl and Meteor Man and the list goes on
Let's not forget that the source material was about social justice in the first place
Black Panther was a good movie though. My problem with Captain Marvel was the wooden performance from Larson and the uninteresting plot.
only black people can like black panther
Captain Marvel's audience was overwhelmingly male, with most ticket sales to women coming from bulk-buys.
Is that
>dobson thread? Or anti dobson thread..
Nice try dobson, I despise all capeshit.
jackie chan movies seem cool, too bad i can literally never enjoy them cause im not asian. damn, what a shame.
>>dobson thread?
Dobson thread.
I too like Jackie Chan
The white American incel fears women and minorities. Any small "victory" on their part feels like a knife in their collective fat gut.
They aren't fit for the nu-agenda so they of course antagonise it.
When rights are suddenly more individual and groups all get a part of the cake, the white incel slowly realizes that they lose power leverage because without a whitey power level to cling to they are nothing. They cannot allow other groups to get the same value as whites because it's their only trait that they see as positive. Without that standard they realise they are just incels.
Imagine being so easily pleased and retarded that Andrew Dobson is able to successfully pander to you.
I find it funny that Andrew Dobson's strawman neckbeard looks and even acts like him, with the only differences being that Dobson is an angry liberal neckbeard, and the strawman is an angry conservative neckbeard, and also the strawman doesn't exist whereas Dobson sadly is a real human being.
I don't get why dobson keeps drawing caricatures of people who look like him.
He's a fat nerd too.
Reminder that all your YouTube anti sjw heroes are only in it for the money
But I don't care about any of them
>fuck me up
what did she mean by this?
Comics have always been about social justice.
The issue nerds have these days is that white men have been alienated by the forces that fight for equality.
Concepts like "the man" have become "the white man"
Its why you have so many young kids getting roped into reactionary racist garbage movements, because the alternative shuns them completely.
I guess it's trying to make a point about white privilege or some shit, but if they're sold out and whitey got the last one its cause he got there first, so it's the nigglet's fault for not getting one for being on colored people's time.
I can't self-insert in those movies because there are only asians!!!!!!!!!!
She-Ra's outfit isn't practical. Practical would be actual armor.
>isn't sexualize
Is it too much to proofread your fucking comic? I get that it's too much to actually draw the characters, hence copying and pasting copyright material, but goddamn, just read your shit once out loud before putting it online.
>Black Panther was a good movie
we don't have to pretend this anymore
I agree
>does it have anything to do with jalapenos
right but did they catch on with kids because of that or because they had powerful heroes doing badass shit
That's the manchild who got beat up by a cross-dressing faggot.
None of the nonwhite characters in endgame did anything important and natasha was only good for suicide.
Based and straight white malepilled.
>it was in a few cringey comics before, that means you must enjoy being lectured by degenerate comic book writers
No thanks
"the man" was coined by black people. it consisted of removing the word "white" from the phrase "the white man" once black culture started to become mainstreamed in the 50s.
The point is that white people partaking of black culture is appropriatio and thus racist.
But then white people specifically avoiding/boycotting that culture is also racist.
So I guess the point is that white people are racist.
t. schlomo
back then there was a storytelling
now it's just obnoxious shit without thinking
It really is brilliant marketing though.
They literally create their own rapid demographic, ripe for marketing.
>tell group X they are oppressed
>tell them the reason they aren't rich, successful, attractive etc is because they are oppressed rather than anything of their own doing
>make movie/tv show/other media cashing in on the group you have convinced are oppressed
>they rabidly consume your products
Because fat/skinnyfat white liberal men realise that the only person lower on the social totem pole is fat/skinnyfat white conservative men. That's why there's this endless obsession with "dunking on the chuds"
>I may be an overweight, balding, underemployed loser - but at least I'm not an overweight, balding, underemployed *racist* loser!
I love how the stereotypical raciss misogynerd archetype is actually the quintessential male-feminist plus a fedora.
John Stewart is most certainly a black man
I don't get it.
White kid bought it before black kid could stole it
What the fuck is an incel?
a red guy
>spiderman, iron man, superman, etc
was anybody anywhere near as excited about these as blacks were for panther or women were for marvel? the answer is no.
also Abar, Meteor Man, Blank Man, Spawn, Hancock.
Also Wonder Woman, Hit Girl, X-23, The Wasp, Jean Grey, Harley Quinn, Catwoman.
Not to fucking mention that every single one of those marvel movies led by a white guy had plenty of important characters who were black, women, etc.
in captain america and xmen, politics provides the setting. the characters written into that setting exist for plot reasons
in new-shit, identity politics creates the 'characters' and the setting revolves around whatever political message the writer is trying to sell - often abandoning coherency in the pursuit of propaganda
>people writing comic books never consumed any other kind of media
>people reading comic books never consumed any other kind of media
exactly how retarded is this guy?
>that note at the end that invalidates the entire thing
better have pretended it didn't exist man, you were so close
comics like that used to have the message
now it's just shitfest of corporate marketing decisions
>so please don't point that out
>Having a footnote on an already bloated comic.
wtf? I agree with Dobson?
>stats say 63% of comics bought by men
>stats say 69% of readership is white
>complains that 61.5% of comics have a white male protagonist
Hold up a second here
then don't buy them
that's all
if you want to see more of one kind of hero or another then write that shit yourself
it's not up to anybody else to conform to your preferences
show your sources please mister dobson
I think you're making these statistics up
justice is not a pendulum
you don't create equality by pulling down whoever you think is on top
that's why crabs can never escape a bucket
It looks like it wants to rape her.
don't worry, he didn't come up with that himself
>Kopernick squat is patriotism
*Rich Evans laugh
Because people like you make it a thing when no one would really give a shit. No one gave a shit when Blade came out, now because current year it matters.
"virgins freaking out" wouldn't be a thing if people like the comic artist didn't make it a thing.
>Patriots: fought nazis
fucking dishonest leftists pretending that ww2 vets 60 years ago wouldn't have beat the shit out of them if they were their kids
>she looks like a boy! i don't want to fuck that shit
How out of touch can one artist be?
>We're the only ones who suffer
great way to demonize there.
they still look fucking white
what a talentless hack
SJWs have broken brains. Jesus fuck, is this how they really think people act?
t. nostalgic jerk
>nazi: let's do something about these blacks
>black: let's do something about these nazis
>implying these aren't the same
>your side is obviously wrong
if it were true that one side is obviously wrong then there wouldn't be enough people on that side for this to be an issue worth arguing over
clearly that's not the case
how about instead of running around yelling out how right you are, you try to understand why people disagree with you so that maybe, just maybe, we can start having productive conversations about this shit
>fucking dishonest nazis pretending that ww2 vets 60 years ago wouldn't have hanged your treasonous asses if you were in their neighborhood
Man, leftism is literally Projection: the Ideology
white people are invading black spaces
They hanged niggers.
>hating Caucasians
>after unlerning draw only character with Caucasian characteristics
>whippo btfo
we appreciate things that are good regardless of when they were made
stop blaming us for your failure to produce something worthwhile
>one wants to genocide people
>one wants to defend people from genocide
top retard post. spoken like a brainlet from the pol school of false equivalence
How's that jew's retirement farm going?
Based and strawmanpilled.
>look at all these horrible things that were government endorsed, we should never trust authority
>by the way, only the authorities should be able to own weapons, they deserve all the power okay
>i-it's caucasian characterisitics
fucking lol god white people are so stupid
>The Doctor is the most powerful being in his universe.
Does he have to lie to make his points?
yes it totally isn't just that black panther is a shit character. they should just have remade spawn as its a great comic book movie with the one exception of shitty cgi.
That person is clearly one of (((them)))
>One CLAIMS the other wants to genocide people to justify their own lust for violence
Venom was good
There wouldn't be a need for any counter-genocides if nonwhites stayed in own countries.
Correction: One side attacked the white supremacists in their numbers and refused to go to the rally the white supremacists put together, while the other side openly embraces mass murder along class and political lines, instead of race
>invade and steal from everyone for centuries
>surprised people go to where all the stolen economy is
there wouldn't need to be a white genocide if whites weren't thieving invaders
The word is "evergreen".
There's two classes, white people that pay for everything, and subhuman parasites that leech their money.
>we wuz just peaceful innocent hateful genocidal neo nazis ;_;
fucking lmao this alt right retard defense has never worked
All you had to do was maintain the roads nigger. I'm sure the chinks will feel guilty and leave.
I don't understand
is he retarded?
Terrorists are terrorists because they are working for the terrorist organization
>these movies belong to black people women
no white person would ever think "these movies belong to us"
classic racists projecting their racsim on normies
>pure cringe and salty balls
>we left infrastructure that was only built so we can steal shit faster
>be thankful
>how did you not maintain the country of oppression after we continued raping it by proxy through puppet leaders and warlords
lying white snakes as usual
that's not the issue
it's when established characters are gender or race swapped and none of their personality traits carry over, thus ruining characters people cared about
sure you shouldn't give a shit about comic books but those that do get shafted while those that don't even like comic books get their half assed characters that no longer have a back story or personality and just now exist as a woman or black man
mainly for me it's just shitty writing most the time that makes me not enjoy them
it can't be too hard to come up with original ideas since they can take the white men and give him hundreds of characters.
all in all
fuck marvel, fuck dc, and fuck normies
and most of all
fuck (((them))) for destroying shit that people cared about all for the sake of profit for corporate entities and those who control them
Literally just Larson running her mouth about political bullshit. This movie wouldn't have been controversial if she'd just smiled and made light banter like everyone else in these movies does.
You're a nazi.
Huh, weird. When there wasn't a single african colony that produced a profit, except for the one that was literally built from the ground up.
I'm just pointing out, up until Charlottesville, Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys, etc, attacked white supremacist groups that attended their rallies. After Charlottesville they refused to associate with them at all. While Antifa et al. openly call for the forceful seizure of property at the barrel of a gun/point of a knife, and attack anyone who isn't deeply into the authoritarian leftist section of the compass
ironic post
>You are a bigot for questioning the hamfisted activism of modern comics studios.jpg
X-Men and many older comics were more subtle and less antagonistic towards it's readers. The writers understood the subtlety of recontextualising the events and themes to create something that would resonate with the reader, not beat them over the head with it.
>doesn't know real history
white benevolence is a myth. all those "age of discoveries" were military campaigns of wholescale genocide and theft. all the while white people claiming to be christians. what a shitshow. if people knew real white history they would hang every white person they see in their country.
>introduce NEW COKE
>people hate it and want CLASSIC COKE back
>The problem isnt with the product all the customers are simultaneously wrong
No one wants to eat niggers you dumb nigger you probably taste like cats.
which one is actually attacking people?
both sides have a right to assemble
both sides have a right to their opinions
which side is actually harming people?
>my black people
what about not his black people?
Doesn't matter. Nazis don't have rights. Fuck off from USA fritz.
weapons are not power
most civilians have no need for weapons
"stolen economy"
production is wealth
africa is a rich country
china is a rich country
there is no "stolen economy"
they could see how
they just didn't care
you can care
but literally nothing you do to appease these people will ever be enough
they don't want anything concrete
they each want their own selfish childishness catered to
New coke sucks, faggot.
Keep going, disco tranny. Literally going "all white people should die" doesn't do anything but turn more people off from you and your retarded cause.
People doing blackface back in the day wouldn't have seen it as offensive and weren't doing it to be offensive, and society as a whole didn't view it as offensive. I get that he's trying to disagree with the Simpsons, but what he wound up doing was inadvertently supporting their statement: even highly offensive things such as blackface were, at one point, applauded and inoffensive despite being politically incorrect, and there's not much you can do about things you did decades ago without a time machine (although they have pulled the character and such).
Wait so when I point out one side attacked Nazis, and the other side attacked the side that attacked nazis, your response is that the first side is the one in the wrong?
What were niggers doing with diamonds before white people showed up?
>Still draws in a western artstyle
walk in her bathroom without flipflops
There is a slight difference between Blackface and Apu, which is that Apu was praised for being a good represenation of an Indian immigrant to the US for the vast majority of the shows history, whereas no-one thought Blackface and Minstrel shows were praising black people.
>Maybe the problem isn't with the arsenic... but instead with YOU.
you should study some african history some time
>Black Panther
>Black space
You mean the movie made by a bunch of jews starring their pet niggers?
>The Germans radicalized giraffes
Pretty based
What's your point and why are you self-victimising yourself here with a completely warped narrative? This is just a common tactic you would see SJW doing it.
Alt-kike morons wounded and killed people on there by slamming a car into a group. Don't come back with inane bullshit like "that girl died of a heart attack" which is a repeated lie to justify violence against others.
>fat neckbeard stereotype spends $20k on past non-SJW franchises and $0 on current SJW franchises
>female fan spends $0 on past non-SJW franchise and MAYBE $20 on current SJW franchises
It's like SJWs hate making money.
>toxic customer mentality destroys another "business"
Literally whichever party is in power aggressively gerrymanders their district to try to maintain power.
Not to mention the core of the matter isn't the same either. Blackface was done to mock black features as well, which they try to equate to Apu, by saying it's vocal blackface when a white guy does an Indian accent. But the Simpsons' intent has never been to mock his accent, it's always just been presented as how he talks.
Hans... get the giraffes
This is bullshit because kids would think Black Panther is a pussy while thinking Killmonger was the coolest
I wish he went back in and rammed his dodge over more of those commie nigger trash.
do you have evidence for this?
so far as I'm aware, it's only the republicans who do that
Okay, I refuse to be held responsible for things that took place at a rally that was black-listed by the people you call nazis. At every march where antifa attacked people prior to that, the white supremacists where told, in no uncertain terms to Fuck Off, by the other parts of the march (Such as Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys, etc).
The day after Charlottesville, a rally was held by a centrist republican, intending to create unity, and condem the previous day. There were around 20 people there. Antifa turned up and spent the whole day throwing stones and fireworks at them, chanting "Liberals get the bullet too"
this guy is fucking weird what kind of sane man will thinks that bamboo is a sight to look for
Poos legitimately don’t think they talk like that. That’s why they’re confused
while democrats only want literal terrorists to vote
what's another 9/11 or two so long as we get back in power, right comrade?
You know, muslims also want to literally genocide people but defending against that is islamophobia
>fuck wypipo art
>draws technically flawed art
Also the guy who does these is Joshua Luna and he isn't that attractive. At least Dobson self inserts as a slightly less obese and bald version of himself instead of a more attractive one.
>weapons are not power
until one is pointing at you
>most civilians have no need for weapons
until they do
she's so cute in full gear with this haircut
Marylands 3rd congressional district is drawn to favour democrats, but you are correct, the Republican party tend to do it more. However, the Democrats instead prefer to pass laws allowing illegal immigrants to vote, and are fare more corrupt as a party.
based and dubs
>The French
This comic is so bad it looks like /pol/ parody.
>weapons are not power
You should be fucking glad white people decided to start boating everywhere. Before, you'd get your slaves from the arabs, and they were not very nice to slaves.
If white people didn't take up sailing, black people would be fucking extinct.
Why doesn't this fat fuck work for Image Comics or something if he's so smug?
He's everything wrong with modern millenials, he'll never make anything of artistic value so he looks down on people on the same scale as him to feel better about himself.
>be born as a hafling stuck in some african shit hole
thanks dad
Couldnt he have done that in france aswell?
didn't he call himself a hypocrite here but it is ok because some people hate justin bieber?
Ironically a fat beta with a fedora would be saying the opposite of that these days
There are heroes on both sides
So, the style he ended up having after his brave refusal of western norms is... just basic bitch western art style you see everywhere except not drawing white people?
True, but I'd argue while people wouldn't have said black face "praises" black people, they also never called it "offensive" until much later on. I mean, you even had black performers like performing in blackface. It was just viewed as jokes back then. Hindsight is 20/20. What if future people decided things that Dobson did in his comics were racist or offensive? Should he have had the foresight to predict that? And what can he do about it when the comic already exists?
Like, here's a solid example: his depiction of his Japanese roommate is racist. He makes fun of the guy's English, has him acting "weird" (because those Japanese sure are weird, amirite), and depicts the guy with stereotypical slits for eyes and so on and so forth. Even if the guy was really like his depiction (I really doubt it), he still chose to portray an Asian man in a highly stereotypical, highly racist, highly offensive way. And these comics weren't written 100 years ago, they were written in a time when this shit wasn't acceptable.
So what can Andrew Dobson do? Even if he were to agree with my honest assessment, he can't unmake these comics. They'll always have at one point existed, even if he tries to pull them (which, good luck getting things to disappear from the internet). A sorry doesn't take away the fact you offended people. Really, like Lisa says, what can you do? The answer is you try to be the best person going forth, although for complainers like Dobson, who are never happy and always want to be outraged, that'll still never ever be enough. Their perpetual umbrage can never be sated. So fuck 'em. If all you're ever going to feel is offended, fuck your feelings because your feelings are fucking stupid.
>concepts like the man and now tangibly the white man
>lol but dont react to this
???? Its pretty natural to feel hated when you yoursef even at admit whites are demonized.
i find it interesting that people bring up the new star wars when they want to point out misogyny(spelling?) when really its just a shitshow of a script in general and the female protag is rarely even the one getting shit except for her having literally no personality which is a legit argument. no what people are shitposting about is actually the concave convex forced romance and their subplots that add literally nothing of value to the story.
>o-oh, why is alt-right on the rise? can't be!
cringe and reddit pilled
the guy in the comic is more like one of those crying-with joy-because-new-star wars-trailer-types
People hated him because his songs were trash, bit the fact he was so popular means you couldn't turn on the radio without listening to his shit.
Like with all popular things that are bad.
Ehh, I was more commenting on the whole fiasco, and how it is wrong to compare a skilled voice actor doing a strong Indian accent at a fast pace with something that was outright designed to be making fun of people with black skin.
It's not, Disney are good at marketing & creating false controversy to hype their movies
Hitchcock made 600 million dollars 11 years ago & no one cared he was a Black Super Man, speaking of, i wonder why it never got a sequel
Wow I sure love being lectured too by jews about what values I should have for my countries people
It is inherently unamerican to love freedom, liberty, love for your fellow man, while also being accepting of outsiders who despise all of those things
what the fuck are those shitty backgrounds?
Story was over. Nicely wrapped up, the thing that made it unique was resovled, unless you choose to undo the development of the previous film.
>i wonder why it never got a sequel
cause the charm was about him being a drunk bum and an asshole hero.
>telling a nig straight to his face that his race is so stupid he cant possibly help them
average IQ in africa doubles
It's not controversial, just handled very poorly by studios and the media, and interpreted as a huge political statement by Twitter dwelling retards like yourself.
Are you labelling yourself as alt-right? That's retarded my boy. The people you are defending here are literally right-wing fascists and neo-nazis. You have black sun, swastikas and what not everywhere there at these rallies.
nah the childsupport would ruin him
>She looks like a boy, I don't want to fuck that
Literally not me
STD rates in France quadruple
What was evil about segregation?
weapons are not power
most civilians have no need for weapons
if they are people comitted to becoming american citizens (as you imply) then there should be no problem with granting them the right to vote
the outcome affects them too
because they fucked up the script by ramming two different movies together
damn what a beaut
>something that was outright designed to be making fun of people with black skin.
What's wrong with that, honestly?
You should make fun of people with different characteristics than you. It softens the tension between races.
Society's so high strung these days because some people are so feckless they can't take the most harmless of jokes and take every negative action towards them as being racially motivated.
Racism has not ended until there is a single white child breathing
I really hope this post is a bait but im not sure.
>racism is only a thing between whites and everyone else
wew lad
Nothing, according to today's liberals.
The only problem was the white people were getting the nice things instead of the POC's.
This is actually a red-pilled opinion
Comics were always supposed to brainwash little kids, to make them susceptible to progressivism, and to forget their history
fucking idiot, your fellow man is the same man who despises all those things. Your fellow man is someone who only likes two of those things. Only idiots think the shades of gray are black and white in life. Are you gonna be an idiot?
Andrew Dobson and Moviebob should have a fight over who's the biggest loser on the e-celeb spectrum.
I'm not Alt-right you retard. I'm defending the people on the march who at the time did describe themselves as Alt-Right, because then it simply meant non-GOP, econimcally conservative, populists. After Charlottesville was when it crystalised into White Supremacy.
At the battle of Berkley, you had Patriot Prayer, and Proud boys kicking out the 2 people who turned up with Swastikas. After Charlottesville, those two groups stopped calling themselves atl-right.
Wow. This is the dumbest statement I've ever seen. Where did I imply they wanted to become citizens? A desire to become citizens is shown when you legally cross the border, or don't violate your visa, or make a valid request for asylum. Not simply entering a country, or breaking it's immigration laws.
except when those laws and authorities are aimed against whites, then it's racist and fascist to even criticize them let alone actively oppose them
Are you liberal? if so, How do you expect to establish and maintain your views without fire power?
Nonwhites vote for slavery. There is no fellowship to be had with them. They are slave races.
Once the whites are dead we'll deal with the k*reans and the chicanos
this was from the green arrow / lantern teamup from 1983 where every issue was about getting speedy off of heroin and other "social commentary"
it failed spectacularly then just like it's faling spectacularly now
as on-the-nose as that panel is, the message behind has it's heart in the right spot
it's not about proving your victim stauts or blindly punching nazis because punching nazis is inherently the greatest good braindead leftists can come up with
it's weird they're ignoring john stewart who was introduced in the 70s but i still feel like it's about actual equality, not "diversity and equality".
>worse than hitler
Is this a phrase people say?
>own weapons
>still pay taxes and have to obey the law
B-but if the gubmint comes I can shoot them!
>a real human being
I usually use it in the context of "This burger is pretty good, but it's worse than Hitler"
I like how the Nazis are always drawn as actually quite stylish looking. That's what they really fear.
Did you unironically use Dobbo to try to make a point
>Dobson doesn't understand the strawman argument
I'm not surprised, this is the guy who can't comprehend basic algebra.
>owning weapons = shooting up the IRS
yeah ok
>Understands making political comics is a hack thing to do
>Can't stop himself from being a self absorbed egotistical tool
Or you could make comics that get whatever point you want to make across without doing the same stupid strawman shit every hack does.
Or, hell, instead of making comics where you just talk to yourself, you could try actually engaging in real dialogue with living human beings who don't agree with you. You could listen to them and get an understanding for how they really think and feel, and then express how you really think and feel, and maybe the two of you can grow your ideas and thoughts as a direct result of discussion. But nah, way better to just act like everyone you don't 100% agree with is a raving lunatic who wants to rape and murder the planet.
Liberals just kinda assume China & Russia don't exist
>Once the whites are dead we'll deal with the k*reans
>The smartest humans on the planet
I'm sure that will work out well
The alt-right was created as a nice looking banner and associate the right with normal ideas and your everyday Joe. It was always meant as an entry gateway to bring more people into it and drag them over to the far right.
On a surface level, you are correct, it sold itself as just as what you described it. Was there a bigger event of the alt-rights prior to Charlottesville? I'd say people should have dropped their alt-kike shit as soon as they saw the swastika flags and so on.
>pride in who you are (american)
Thats literally nationalism, just not ethno-nationalism.
I bet most of female sales are also just mothers juying their sons a comic book lol
>Send request
this is like söyboy manual
The problem isn't with punching actual 100% honest to god ethnonationalist fascists. The problem is with naming everyone to politically the right of you a nazi and then using it to justify punching them
>"You think uncontrolled immigration doesn't benefit us?! NAZI!"
>"You don't think removing this statue is a good idea?! NAZI!"
If only that retard who made this comic knew what those patriots who fought against nazis really thought
I can't tell if they're retarded or just baiting
And they did, once the Swastikas turned up in numbers larger than 2. Before that, you had Patriot prayer et al. calmly telling the people with swatika flags to fuck off.
However, you are wrong about the alt-right. It started as a reaction against the GOP establishment being anti-trump. Then, once the GOP went "Okay, we'll work with Trump", the alt-right label slowly began to shift into white nationalism/ethnostatism/fascism since it began to purity spiral, and became an ideological furnace, where only the most ideologically pure, or the best debaters win. And as the White Supremacists used it more, the good debaters who were anti-GOP, but still conservative left, so as to not have to deal with /pol/ levels of sperging.
>The problem isn't with punching actual 100% honest to god ethnonationalist fascists.
Except it is too. You don't violate the NAP, fuckface.
funny, you'd think the npcs woud find a way to focus on jason being the victim of friday 13th, what with hsi tragic backstory and disfigurement
oh i forgot... he's an incel
We need to stop worshipping WW2 veterans
If they were alive today, they'd be supporting the neo-nazis
This guy is correct. Making violence acceptable in the political discourse is precisely what both Antifa and the nazis want, since they are both willing to do it, while the moderates (which are shrinking rapidly) would only do so reluctantly.
>The problem isn't with punching actual 100% honest to god ethnonationalist fascists.
What's wrong with that tho?
>nationalism: pepe flag
Maybe at your specific event or wherever, that is supposed to happen which you describe.
From all sources, videos, photos, live cams and so on, nobody attacked fascists from the alt-right. You come across as an apologist for fascists here.
Where were these supposed glory non racist and non fascist early days you are describing here?
Imagine being such a nerd you make fake women agree with you and like everything you do
fuck me up
fuck my up inside
can't fuck up
fuck me up inside
fuck me
You're a lying cock sucking nigger.
Dobson thread?
Whats that three leaf clover swastika logo? Looks dumb
>school shooter has a MAGA cap
I don't remember a single case of a school shooter being a MAGAfag
>"All white people are evil because their ancestors did bad things!"
>"Stop saying you're proud of being white! The accomplishments of your ancestors aren't your accomplishments!"
Which one is it, you racist?
Isn't Dobson a well known fanboy?
ethnonationalism is fucking dumb
>"Dude, lets waste our resources on an ethnic cleansing instead of just using sensible immigration policy to make sure we only get the best immigrants and actually benefit from them"
I'm talking about the first big time Antifa clashed with the as it was Alt Right, The Patriot Prayer march that became the battle of Berkley.
>not understanding what people's problem with Other M's portrayal of Samus is
How? Because we don't like jews and trannies and want America to be white? Honey, do you think WWII soldiers wouldn't agree with all of that?
lol check the photos you mongo
>ethnonationalism is dumb
Weird how Japan and Eastern Europe are much nicer places to live in than the USA and their "sensible" immigration policy
People only hated Other M because they paired her up with a black guy
What do you thnik "sensible" immigration policy is?
have my guaranteed reply
1st pane
>patriotism: accepting the complete change of everything your nation is as long as it keeps the same name
2nd pane
>patriotism: I hate racists and colonizers and the people who founded this nation were racists and colonizers but... uhh... it's 2019
3rd pane
>patriotism: ooga booga never punish blacks
4th pane
>patriotism: call people who hold beliefs similar to the men who fought Nazis Nazis in order to subversively shift the views of the general population towards something new and different
meant to reply to
>Gay black woman assaults an sexualized white woman for having the wrong belief
>Gay woman immediately panders to the male gaze
What did he mean by this
thats actually true but reversed
>deep emotional storytelling
They hated it, because it made her a weak willed bitch. At least in the Prime games they pretended to care about the reason her suit didn't have its full capabilities. Since when did Samus ever care about what she had permission to do?
No Jews.
It is so funny when Americans get offended on behalf of us wogs.
It opened my eyes to just how arbitrary this virtue signalling is. No Greek in existence has ever cared about "cultural appropriation". What fucking italian cares if you do an italian stereotype? We are not fucking insecure niggers. We don't need any charity
Muh GDP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SENSIBLE
I would actually like to have a country for my people, thank you bye.
Don't have the time to check everything right now and have to read that later. But from the first couple of sentences, it wasn't only "the good guys" from the right side. " Violence has occurred predominantly between anti-Trump protesters, including activists such as socialists, anarchists, and antifa groups;[1][2] and pro-Trump groups such as Republican, alt-lite, alt-right, neo-Nazis, and white nationalists."
Only invite smart and rich foreigners
Who then get political power and make it easier for their countrymen to get into your country
Fascism is actually good. Get a clue.
>staring at someone is being a tool
What the fuck Dobson
Do you make a comic every time someone has to struggle to squeeze by you at the grocery store
Not him but the alt-right is literally a term Richard Spencer coined to describe his white nationalism. He even had an online newsletter called "The Alternative Right" back in 2010, years before MAGA was even a thing. It was only when Trump's campaign became a real thing that the Trumper's started using the term "alt-right" (which meant "white nationalist") to describe themselves, in part because Richard Spencer and the actual alt-right also supported Trump. It was only after the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville (which Richard Spencer organized) that Trump and his supporters began to disassociate themselves from the alt-right. Nowadays, you have guys like Sargon of Akkad swearing up and down they were never alt-right and they hate those racist alt-righters when, not too long ago, Sargon identified as alt-right and even sold Kekistan t-shirts and merchandise.
So, no, the idea that it started as "a reaction to the GOP establishment being anti-trump" is patently wrong since the alt-right predates Trump's 2016 presidential run.
Yeah, so what?
can't really leech off of whites
>Nazi salute with left hand
How fucking retarded can you be
>Who then get political power and make it easier for their countrymen to get into your country
Yes, and those countrymen of theirs they will invite won't be so smart and rich as they were. You recognized the wekanesses of your argument in your own comment.
have sex
Richard Spencer didn't organise it, he was invited to speak and defend the monuments. Say whatever you want but the alt-right are the only people interested in actually defending the United States's cultural legacy instead of some retarded bullshit about diversity.
immigration policy that benefits the country its implemented in or at least keeps immigration from harming the country's economy and pre-existing population (yes, this also includes the niggers that were born in the country and have citizenship).
>only take in refugees at minimal numbers and don't let them roam freely until we have checked their background and made sure they actually need help and can't live in their country
>don't give asylum to refugees who arrived through a safe country such as Germany/Sweden
>make sure work based immigration isn't used to trample the salaries of the pre-existing population
>make sure authoritarian politicians don't use the immigrants as a way to limit free speech or other individual rights
Civic nationalism is the way of the future, my friend.
Eastern europe has a sensible immigration policy you dumb nigger
Go back to your discord
>April 20, 1989 - April 30, 1945
Nazis hated the KKK unironically because they were Zionists and treated niggers too badly.
>and we punch nazis
Yeah they'll turn my country into a shithole like theirs. thanks for playing.
unironical postin of we wuz kangz on 4 channel
Wow. Nice Wikepedia post. But it's not my fault if you have the ideological nuance of a light switch.
White people don't see color and they can enjoy a black character just fine, they can relate to it. And that's racist
>It doesn't fit my narrative, it must be wrong!
>Civic nationalism is the way of the future, my friend.
Mate, you have to understand that the left legitimately couldn't give a fuck what infighting that MAGAtards and WigNats engage in, they look all the same to them. It's just like a debate between Marx and Bakunin would seem to me. What actually scares them is when we "Unite the Right". Unification requires Fascism.
It's okay, my grandson, I received 5% bigger numbers on my green paper my importing millions of workers
There's nothing wrong with niggers if you don't run your society in a retarded way. Am*ricans imported too many and then used them as farm equipment for a very long time. After that they didn't even try to let them assimilate and they've only had equal rights for less than a hundred years.
Can we stop with this?
All slave traders and plantation owners were either africans or ethnic jews
Can't assimilate them, they're niggers
>that finger
holy shit this dude can't draw for shit lmao
>All slave traders and plantation owners were either africans or ethnic jews
I hear it a lot
That and "nazi" as "thing I don't like"
There it says 99%, not all
>it's a dobson thread
Finally a Dobson comic where he self-inserts his real self again.
He's a broke ass nigga
>Richard Spencer didn't organise it
He was one of the organizers of the Unite the Right rally. He was also the top name on just about every poster for it. The other main organizer was Kessler, who Spencer wound up having a falling out with days after the rally. Spencer being an organizer of Unite the Right is recognized as legal fact due to the federal lawsuit that was brought against him and others and evidence submitted showing conversations where Spencer said they should "drop Kessler from the movement and the rally" because Kessler was possibly Jewish and wouldn't seig heil. Would be weird of him to say shit like that to fellow organizers about a rally if he weren't also organizing it. Sorry, but you stomping your feet and throwing a fit doesn't change facts. Spencer was one of the organizers for Unite the Right. Deal with it.
The funny thing is he's been professionally drawing for around 20 years at least and has actually managed to get worse since his college days.
This looks better than any of the stuff he has done. What happened?
This explains everything
Imagine if you told the founding fathers that a loose political organisation that primarily promotes the concept of peacefully returning America to nation for whites would host a legal protest that was then shut down under false pretenses forcing them to fight through thousands of violent counter protesters, a significant portion being morbidly obese women smd blacks screaming threats against whites and attacking whoever they could... and they were the bad guys.
Just imagine.
These guys literally waged war over tax rates and representation. They wouldn't have driven a car into a group of obese counter-protestors, they probably would have stormed the parliament house.
I want the boys I fuck to look like girls, not the other way around.
Another flagrantly off-topic thread goes to bump limit because janny is too busy spamming cunny threads.
Girls who look like boys are sexy
Women who look like men are gross
>"I'm a fat balding manlet who has no chance with women irl so I'll let my fursona be an sjw woman saver in my PC comics"
I don't know why nogs can't be happy in their own countries. There's literally hundreds of millions of other nogs living there! It should be paradise!!!
I'd love to see Dobby's reaction to a theater chain doing a male-only showing of Aquaman or something, the guy's a complete hypocrite on every issue.
I agree, we need to stop the democrats from gerrymandering in Illinois and Maryland.
>the guy is fat he must be wrong lmao
you think he's right?
I like how you had to photoshop that shit onto the bottom of his shirt to make him look racist
>40 out of 104
>Roughly 38%
>Roughly 138° angle
>That graph that barely goes over 90°
Nice misrepresentation, son of dob.
I think dismissing someones opinion because of their physical appearance is wrong, and that's clearly the intent of that pic.
What now incels? This guys believes it haha you wanna be on that guys team?
It's like me posting a pic of some bluehaired cunt wearing a shirt saying all cows need to be killed because their farts account for 90% of global warming.
>HAHA OMG climategaters everyone amrite.
Despite the fact that there imay be a serious discussion to be had about climate change / slave reparations / whatever topic
If a woman doesn't want to have sex with you, you are worthless as a man
Dobson has never had a single correct opinion on literally anything in his entire life. He's like a living Seinfeld B plot.
in clown world maybe
in reality a woman that doesnt want to have sex with me is worthless fullstop
but you see that would make her worthless to me as a woman. Heheee hooo haa haa haaa.