What are your favorite cinema snacks?
What are your favorite cinema snacks?
this one
Crab legs in a garlic and butter sauce
That's a nice snack
That would keep me full for about an hour maybe 30 minutea
Holy fuck, how fat are you that this is a snack?
I like to go to those Roudehouse cinema's and just eat lunch while watching the movie. Plus, the seats are nicer and you have more space.
These are my some of my favourite threads on Yea Forums
These babies
Wtf i’m hungry now
Wtf i’m no more hungry now
Lose weight you fat fuck.
Me too. IT always makes me feel like less of a loser to believe the things people say here.
I know that they're probably just fucking around...I even kind of hope they're fucking around. But it makes me feel a little bit better about myself to know that I'm not the kind of guy who would stuff two mcdoubles and an order of fries into a sub.
I like to take one of these into the kinoplex with me. I throw it at the screen when the movie's over as a sign of appreciation.
don't @ me
What the absolute fuck
What is this?
jesus christ...
why doesn't Cheetos just start their own fast food joint at this point
they can serve all these shitty meme cheetos food their and cut out the middle man
>Mexican cuisine
>Uh yeah Robert, one Doritos packet with The Lot. You know the deal, just mix it all in there like a bowl of soup. Yep, that's it!
Are Americans really incapable of going an hour and a half without stuffing their face with food?
People have been doing this with fritos, chili and cheese for decades. If you've ever been to the American SW, it's not that weird.
>mfw im hungry as fuck now
>If you've ever been to the American SW, it's not that weird.
In other words, if you're a normal person and not some inbred burger hick, it IS weird.
I may well be the worst cinema viewer.
I always go alone and buy just a 50¢ water bottle.
The standard ticket 7.50€ (6€ when I say I'm unemployed) are already too much for me so idgaf.
>eat this
>spend half the movie on the toilet ekeing out a meaty fibreless shit
Do Americans really do this?
>almost all the food in threads like these are like full meals for the cinema
I normally just get a small packet of Swedish Fish and a drink
you know what else isn't weird in the american southwest? being addicted to meth. don't judge the rest of the world by their standards
Nothing. Too lazy to take anything with me and not gonna buy stuff from cinema.
I'll normally take one of these bad boys in with me.
One hand on my Switch joystick, the other on my chicken cone. The way God intended.
You could eat the styrofoam cup and not give a fuck after that
But that's gyroi
That's heart-attack on a plate
you eat babies? wtf is wrong with you dude
They have NEET discounts where you live?
They sell food at every cinema everywhere, you stupid American.
The vast majority outside of America is simply popcorn/other chocolate snacks like M&Ms.
You can't got to a cinema and buy a damn pizza.
Yes, I'm not proud that I use them, it's free transportation with buses and in some cinemas 1.50€ cheaper tickets for the registered unemployed. But on my defense I'm looking for a job and I try not to use these discounts.
I'm glad I dont live in america because I would eat myself into an early grave.
This, the worst thing you can buy is nachos
They serve Freshchettas at every cinema in my area. It's pretty much bottom of the barrel, but it's still pizza.
Imagine the sodium.
>Thinks 'inbred' can be applied to any region, and not just Alabama and lower Appalachia
KYS, faggot. It's just nachos in a bag.
american are indeed retarded
Never seen that. That's just weird.
But you need a stronger stomach if that's going to evacuate your bowels an hour later.
We have cinemas that are designed to serve meals. So you don't miss your showing if you want to grab a bite. You get a menu, there's a fold-out tray, and you push a button when you're ready to order.
i crvenopiluliran
>Lives in a country where everyone fucks their cousins and has no new blood in their average town for a thousand years.
>Thinks Americans are inbred, when we've have immigration for centuries.
Not only a faggot, but a retard, too.
What sort of Cinema would sell a bag of "Revels" user, be realistic.
An American is literally that same thousand year small town inbred person who went to America a couple of hundred years ago and then started fucking mexicans and africans.
Out comes the mutt.
Fuck. Just make a friggin sandwich
>all those mutts chewing with their mouth holes open
reason I don't go to the cinema, even in europe
you live in the wrong country in Europe then
Man, the sandwich was finished before the bacon-rolled up whatever. What's the obsession with cramming the sandwich full?
Any food sounds but mine I find annoying, doesn't really matter the country
>get a giant cup (double gulp or larger)
>5 scoops of cherry vanilla ice cream
>healthy dash of artificial vanilla extract (tastes sweeter)
>a little bit of vanilla coffee creamer
>pour 1 can of vanilla coke, 1 can of cherry dr pepper, 1 can of cream soda
> top it off with a few maraschino cherries
Get on my level.
I never eat junk food, but god some of this shit looks good.
>eating babies is wrong
Libcucks, am I right?
Right is right user
hot cheetos are pure goyim chow. I’ve never in my life seen a high class person eating them, only spics, nigs, and white trash.
>(((high class person)))
My favorite snack is clogged heart arteries.
you know the last one's a rat, right?
I'm only 175cm so I eat what my manlet body can handle.
Why did you feel the need to reply to all those posts just to say this
based and per chance just a little too redpilled
Because he is a fellow BASED MASS REPLY poster
>1$ bag of popcorn
>chocolate milk
smuggled in my anal cavity
you have an anal cavity? fucking faggot!
There's a difference between a snack and having a full meal you retarded mutt
>not shown: knife and fork
like pottery
A full meal is a snack to Americans. This is the whole reason "Party Size" portions exist.
>eating in the cinema
In what kind of 3rd world country is this allowed?
"Yes, table for diahhrea, 20 minutes from now."
clean oxygen, a luxury item
Do Germans really do this?
Based. I wanted to post this but realized I didn't save it.