Why did BvS fail so miserably?
Why did BvS fail so miserably?
It wasn't good
Too intelligent for capeshit fans. Too dumb for intelligent people.
It's shit and they miscasted Batman.
It was projected to make a billion. It still failed
Is this supposed to be impressive?
a movie with the 2 most iconic superheros didnt even make 1 billion. fucking captain marvel, a literal who, that no normies knew of made over a billion dollars, with having been in no previous movies.
dont post this like its helping your cause
The casting was weird in every newcomer except Wonder Woman
fpbp also dubs
Dubs have spoken. Marvelshills might as well kill themselves at this point.
>fucking captain marvel, a literal who, that no normies knew of made disney buy their own tickets, with having been in no previous movies.
That's abysmal for a Batman movie let alone a movie with Batman AND Superman. Choosing Snyder was a huge mistake for Warner.
really? post link with this news story. dont link your king incel thequartering please
Too smart for the infantile modern audience
Your Alex Jones conspiracy is wrong, and you should feel bad.
>it was to smart to be good
>source: my giant chad fucking brain
suck my nuts numale bitches
Stick with Endgame, kid, that's more on your level
Terrible story, terrible characters, terrible atmosphere, mostly awful direction (Extended cut doesn't and will never count), terrible casting, terrible pacing, terrible scenes, terrible fights.
I don't think I ever saw someone irl recommended it to anyone.
Ok now this is based.
Why is this movie so good, bros?
Not him but it's a better movie too.
Did Endgame miss projections? Why is the Mouse starting a Snyder bashing thread on the weekend of their greatest "triumph"?
Trying to re-live past glories, before you started turning your series into a money-laundering service?
because it was boring illogical shit
Also they egregiously miscasted Lex Luthor.
wow what a head scratcher
You mean, Endgame ripped it off?
none of the principal actors was appropriately cast
Did you read how the average Marvelfags cant even decipher Endgame's plot? You cant expect them to digest BvS with its layers of cinematic narratives. The last 3 days have been quite fun to see these fuckers low IQ get exposed.
wow the layers are just so amazing
Because normies are plebs
I'm a lifelong DCfag/Batfag and I didn't like BvS at all. Between the horrendous casting, plot-raping editing, jarring pacing and the awful, shoe-horning of WW it's not much of a mystery why this movie failed to draw in proper audiences and doesn't really get discussed beyond criticism. JL was much worse with many of the same issues.
Snyderfags are extremely autistic
Blaming the audience for not understanding end games plot which literally makes no sense. The Time travel aspect in the film was the most broken I have ever seen, nothing had consequences. They could literally go back in time and save anyone with no repercussions, since it was "Always meant to happen".
It was boring and people are tired of the same old heroes. There's a reason Marvel took off--if they had started out with Spider-man, it would not have.
Aquaman is the highest-grossing solo super-hero movie of the decade. Aqua fucking Man.
There's like three decent actors in the movie and they aren't in much of it.
BvS is a arthouse Film
No it isn't
>hehe this one line is stupid, guess I'm right
No brain
the movie felt weird, the pacing was wrong and the dialogue was terrible. Combined with the length of the movie it was a terrible experience
>muh money for big corporation
I also think Marvel/Disney get some weird thing where their movies review extremely well. DC have to perform miracles to get good reviews where disney just shit something out like Captain Marvel and get 10/10.
After Man of Steel they tried put out movies to make it feel like a universe and it just made everything rushed as hell.
That's because Aquaman is actually a good movie in stark contrast to this shitfest.
It has a worse more braindead plot than any Marvel movie yet takes itself way more seriously.
>>hehe this one line is stupid, guess I'm right
but i wasn't even talking about martha
or do you bleed
or anything lois says
or anything lex says
or anything alfred says
Tell that to the snyderfags pretending that it's nuanced, intellectual writing when it's really just Batman and Superman fighting for little to no good reason.
>I also think Marvel/Disney get some weird thing where their movies review extremely well.
competent directing, acting, and writing without being up their own asses with darkness-for-its-own-sake shooting like a korn video.
Fucking retard
The film is too intelligent for the marvel crowd
Notice how you don't need shit images like this to appreciate any other semi decent licensed movie
>I also think Marvel/Disney get some weird thing where their movies review extremely well.
Yeah, it's called "Don't give us a bad review or we'll stop sending you free opening night, Disney event and Disneyland tickets."
>that fucking RLM where they actually recorded themselves attending one of these events, and mugging in front of the Millennium Falcon
>Dude it's depressing to watch so it's serious and nuanced!
>competent directing, acting, and writing
He just said "Captain Marvel" you dumb shill homo.
>hehe look 3 bad lines, guess the movie is bad
The image is for brainlets. We got it on the first watch.
It's just amusing how plebs have the same reactions to BvS that they do arthouse movies. If Superman quipped to a 90s rock soundtrack you'd be screaming and clapping in the theater
Go back brainlet
I would fuck the shit out of Anita.
Name 5 arthouse films without googling.
Protip: you can't
>reminder that Endgame actually ripped off "Martha" when the two Captain Americas are fighting
>no u
>Man of Steel
>Last Tango in Paris
I'm not going to lie, this came to my head when he said Bucky is still alive.
Don't @ me you dumb namefag
People fear what they don't understand
this thread has already chronicled several of the myriad reasons the film is dogshit.
based Chad
>the emperor
lmao based
Impatience. Didn't take time to build single characters films and properly set the stage.
Snyder isn't a great architect. He's a great visual guy but couldn't juggle the demands of making popular big budget movies as this level.
Warner didn't have comic insiders who understood the nature if DC plotting stories. It was very much the old way of doing comic films like X-Men. They weren't living off the source material like marvel does.
Oh god... OH GAWD
Why should people with actual taste kill themselves?
All this proves is that movie goers are tired of DC screwing up.
it underperformed but it made money
around ~100 million after ancillary
>>My capeshit is more sophisticated than your capeshit.
>>DC movies are poorly made so it can focus on intellectual depth.
A movie needs to be competently made before anything else. Marvel understands story telling while DC does not.
All the best action/adventure movies, ever since movies started "talking", has to have a GREAT villain, so when the Hero defeats him, you know the Hero is great.
So, who was the "villain" in Bvs?
Without a villain, it was a soap opera melodrama
>So, who was the "villain" in Bvs?
yeah that's why everyone loved justice league right?
tl;dr, made about $126m in actual profit after costs.
>Marvel understands story telling
No. Marvel understands marketing. There's a difference. Their storytelling is worse than Saturday morning cartoons.
>Marvel understands story telling while DC does not.
Kek Endgame and IW are proofs that it's wrong.
Or Marvel fans are just too retarded, and if that's the case then it's safe to say that when a poster is calling BVS is terrible, he's actually saying 'I dont understand this film. Please spoonfeed me.'
Imagine having the opportunity to make films with two of the most widely popular and beloved superheroes of all time like Batman and Superman and for it to fail miserably just one film into the franchise, while some whatever black space niggers, a purple thumb and a merman get literal billions in the box office.
How the fuck does that even happen
>redditfer Lawrence
Tree of Life
Fellini Satyricon
Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom
Bicycle Thieves
The Apu Trilogy
Marvel doesn't understand anything except stupid jokes and pandering to dumb people
Captain Marvel did well because they marketed it as being essential viewing for Endgame. If they didn’t it would have made far less.
>How the fuck does that even happen?
Actual nepotism. His wife produces his films.
An hour late doesn't count you googling shitskin.
>Why did BvS fail so miserably?
WB doesn't have a Feige. Feige protects the writers and directors from corporate BS. At the same time he prevents those writers and directors from going off of the rails. If the DCEU had a Feige then he would have protected Snyder from WB interference and made sure Snyder made a coherent movie.
If DC/WB want a cinematic universe then they need one person that everyone can trust to lead the way.
>>My kids movie is smarter than your kids movie.
>>DC makes boring movies to focus on a more intellectual level.
Only DC fans are this retarded.
>movies are for storytelling
Such a brainlet pop corn eater opinion.
No you don't get it BvS it's not just cape shit it's BLEAK cape shit, you can't get more introspective and mature than this in cinema, maybe it even has something to say? we'll never know because it's that deep.
> Originally Snyder wanted Batmans' mother, Martha, to survive the shooting and enter witness protection. After being moved to Smallville she would marry Clark Kent and become Martha Kent. In Snyders original vision Martha would be akin to Mary, mother of Jesus
It make more money out of merch than any marvel movie before infinite war.
>fake quotes
This isn't Yea Forums m8. Also Martha being in witness protection was a retarded idea that comes from Batman/Superman 2004, i'm glad Snyder and Terrio just entretained the idea for a minute. You are a brainlet that doesn't know how retarded ideas can be and how executives can get fixed into that. See Death of Superman, since the 90's they wanted to kill him.
> Defending Snyder
I wish I could go into witness protection after witnessing your murder
>please take me into witness protection
>but not my son, who also saw everything
>i obviously need protection from some random street thug and my billions in personal assets are insufficient to protect me
ESL Pajeet pls go
lmao you know the priority with a fucking superhero movie is to make the plot slightly unorthodox and not just cram in fancy references tm
I hope mouseshills like you are tracked down and executed.
You’re full of shit and you know it. Fucking plebs like whining about not able to follow the narrative.
Not you Yea Forumscuck, i'm calling you on spreading bullshit becouse Snyder made your Superdaddy sad in one movie
Whimsical retorts by marvelplebs
But this was unorthodox.
You’re batfag that’s I needed to know from you.
They're not even autistic. THey're just trolls. Who fell for it. Kinda like redpill people who vote Republican.
Its idiots like you spouting pathetic garbage commentary like yours, trying to write it off in simpler terms because you’re too much of brain fart to truly decipher the films meaning.
Spider man 3 syndrome. Too many enemies. Lex Luther, doomsday, russian dudes, blacks, and Superman and batman fighting each other. Then after dancing around wonder woman the whole time they crammed her in for the last 30 minutes. Also batman decided not to kill superman because his adoptive mother has the same name? That said
>I liked it
See The original idea was for Superman and Batman to have the same mother
Feige would’ve constrained Snyder from actually making bvs as thematic as it was. It would've turned out different.
Gal Gadot was terribly miscast though
It required you to know some dc lore or understand visuals as a story telling aid. Also it was not child friendly nor fun.
not a bomb, much less one of the biggest
because they needed to give Supe Bat and WW a couple more movies alone to build up their characters with the new actors in the new DCU before just cramming them all together in some half-assed pre-Justice League bulllshit movie. they were trying to catch up to the Avengers movie too quickly instead of actually developing their new cinematic universe