Are there any movies with sexy elves?

Are there any movies with sexy elves?

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Not really. Like I guess Lord of the Rings had some hot ones. If you want real sexy elves, though, I think you have to go into anime or hentai.

>watch little niptoons
>faggoty cringey flat, boy-like elves

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and redpilled

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Tried but couldn't really think of any outside of already mentioned lotr. You have probably better luck with tv shows

Someone kindly post a picture of this girl's hairline

Is she blind

Is Batman blind?

Batman is a CIS WHITE MALE

Holy shit she looks just like a girl I used to know (fuck). Good times breh


Tfw no elf gf

Did the Warcraft movie have any elves in it?

Attached: blood elf 01.jpg (607x960, 82K)

>those ears
what the fuck bro, that's now how they're supposed to look

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Sod the ears look at her horrific hips.

They were ugly chinks.

Jesus Christ I didn't even notice

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Witcher 3 All Cutscenes Full Movie Campaign(Witcher 3 Movie)[converted by yoututetomp4].mkv

*pees in your sink*

Fucking NOPE

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Glad it flopped desu

Sexy elves are more a vidya game thing, unfortunately

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do you think if you moved that strip of cloth between her legs aside you could see her pusy?

She's a dark elf, so most certainly yes. given their relation with Slaanesh, that pussy might even be a penis

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dark elves have no relation with slaanesh, degenerate

T. Dark elf

Any images of dark elves where their loincloth doesn't entirely cover their pusy?


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>We have no relation with the prince of pleasure, says spokeself of the cult of pleasure

anyone remember the name of that german tv show or webseries where the human saves an elf girl and a troll boy in his videogame and they leave the game to flatshare with him?
saw episode 1 on YT but forgot to bookmark it.

this one?

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for me it's Arwen. Even though she's an early example of inclusion pandering and nothing more than fanfiction in the movies.

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thats it, thanks for the clue user

i also cant remember the name of it just remembered i had that webm

world of wolfram

why are dark eldar a different faction than S. chaos


Blood Elves are God's gift to men.

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The only relationship dark elves have with slaanesh is that of food and eater. They actually hate slaanesh with special passion because of his taste for them.

But I didn't want to fap today

The DnD movie had a sexy black elf

Brown elfs are the best.

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Don't make say the word.

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>t. 40k brainlet

You want me to take pics of my AoS army?

elves are superior to humans in every way and therefore can't be emulated IRL, hence why animation is the only Yea Forums-related way to see elves

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This. Go watch LotR again, all the elves are goblins


I disagree.

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Fantasy is completely dead, everybody is playing AoS now. It's unquestionably superior as a game, people only bitch about the lore.

This is the perfect place to ask those kinds of questions

cosplay ruined the nerdosphere


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sigmar is a fine game, but it's not a fantasy replacement, and plenty of people still enjoy fantasy

Maybe the shitposters on Yea Forums.

Based Pelinial

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She's so fucking ugly and fat. I don't know why or how I've jerked it near 10 times to her.


There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to fuck elves, even normies fantasize about it

Tolkien wanted to fuck elves and also fantasised about his wife being an elf.

AKSHULLY Luthien was half-Angel, half-Elf.

ahhhhhh why must you torment me

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Tyrande was literally made for mating press

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There's no higher goal in life than mating with a night elf

To be absolutely fair that was 99% elf men

I have no problem with Arwen. She';s actually a capable warrior who faces an existential crisis: go with her people and leave Middle-Earth forever, or stay with her true love and watch him grow old and die. Good stuff.

whore craft with august (k)night / avila

came here to post this

>pubic hair not green

You have one job

blood elves and night elves are cute but for me, its undead elves
>we will never have a good warcraft movie

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For me, it's Settra.

Elf men?

Based tomb kings
>ywn serve under Settra the Imperishable and pillage some chaos fuckboys in the north
>the man who was offered everything the four Chaos Gods had to offered and give them the middle finger instead
Why live?

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Sylvanas is a blood elf.

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I understood that reference and I'm happy.

Sorry sweetie?
That's a nigger not an elf.

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you mean vermin?

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wheres Lord Garithos when you need him to kill some elf fuckers.

In Sylvanas' bedroom, wearing a chastity cage and licking her stinky undead pussy.

Can't hear you from up here

where, your tree hut? you branch hopping jungle monkey hippy faggot

god i wish that were me

I assume it's what Illidan had to endure with Maiev for 10,000 years and the reason Maiev and her gang of female dungeoneers were so intent on recapturing him is that they were so used to him eating their pussy they forgot how to masturbate. Thus the crankiness.

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>those toes

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They're for poking the prisoner's dick with.

>tfw no tikka gf

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I enjoy tikka masala.

I like bitchy elves

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Is that Bright?


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how the fuck do nerds fap to this trash, holy shit

as a unofficial spokesman for fatshark (I walked past their office once) I can say that Kerillian is NOT for lewding or tying up

Too bad, nerd

Attached: kerillian3.jpg (1000x1000, 99K)

Socially adapted men fap only to muscular and hairy men.

>Any cunny hair at all

terrible fucking movie. It's like a poor attempt at making a Shadowrun film, except every part of it sucked ass.

At least it had sexy elves

Hell no, evangeline turns anything she's in into FAPKINO

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Sure does on the Skyrim conversion outfit.

Are there any OPs with sexy elves?

Would've been better if she got gangraped by orcs.

What about hylians?

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They are elves

Oh yeah

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cutest elf

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Is it worth rewatching the Hobbit just for Evangeline?

a woman who actually knows how to work out with proper form wtf

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thats her stunt double, she did captain fungus too, top tier bride material

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oh my lord those arms
imagine those hands working your shaft

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High elf. They weren't called Blood Elves until after the battle she got killed in.

how get a qt elf gf ?

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LARP or cosplay.


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Disgusting. Closet fags are the worst fags.

god I want to lick her pits and thighs and have her laugh as she wrestles me to the ground and snaps my neck with her legs as she smiles and looks directly into my eyes and watches the last of my life leave me so fucking bad jesus christ kate please, kate please if you are reading this please come snap my neck

What the actual fuck

Get a hot girlfriend and ask her and to wear the ears when you're together.

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>this entire thread

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Never trust gnomes

>no one posting star trek vulcan gfs
step it up, brahs

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Any feet pics of this slut?

I remember when I first played WoW I was a Dwarf Warrior with a Nelf hunter gf
I'm 99.99% sure it was a guy but who cares

>makes hot elf women models
>pairs them up with disgusting rapey incels and fat fucks every time

I know they have to connect to their audience but c'mon

Not elf but superior

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for me it's elf harems

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Why would a hot guy rape someone? He can get sex the normal way.

Imagine being caught by a drow and being kept as her pusy slave

Which one, Yea Forums?

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it doesn't have to be rape incel

>that Ivy Aura video of a fairy elf girl with her "magic crystal"

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You can't rape an elf. They are always horny.

it doesnt not have to be rape

theres only two options here

>evangeline lily

who the fucks wants to fap to a pic with some dweeb front and center?

>ugly neet jap

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haha woooah, that would be disgusting

if that happened to you i'd sacrifice myself and we'd switch places, but damn, I hope I never get kidnapped by a bunch of horny elf women.

IF that would have to happen to me, im available mo-fri after 5, weekends free.

lets just hope none of us will ever have to suffer the horrors of being a fuckslave for an elf harem.

but just in case, you know. id take your place

look, ill agree this womans face is perfect, but she has no tits or ass.

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Why not all of them?

>face is perfect, but she has no tits or ass
The definition of elf


based and cunnypilled

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elves are dangerous creatures

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>tfw no arrogant Dunmer gf

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Dangerous but tasty

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>dunmer society says if murder a person in an argument your argument was the better one

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>.t dork elf
In their neverending degeneracy they literally fucked Slaanesh into existance


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>dark elves
>same as dark eldar
You're worse than a speedreader

Unfortunately that's only the Telvanni (the most based and redpilled House)
>tfw no Tevlanni waifu

>*rain splashes on nazguls*
I get goosebumps every time

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So, when are her nudes ever gonna leak?

Oh shit. Now I have to close the tab and pretend the thread doesn't exist anymore

It's OK, I do that all the time.

based pusy poster


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does she still doubles down on those not being implants?

Nigri's tits are 100% implants


uh yeah it's a little hidden gem called lord of the rings

Haldir's nice too

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What a pathetic age where people pay for non-nudes whore...

>All this talk about elves

I just want a sexy cyclops waifu

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>sexy elves
Sorry but it's current year and we don't pander to the straight male gaze

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Fuckin' A. Kandomere was hot af.

I'm going to marry an elf

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Is Blizzard really trying some shilling on all of the most popular boards or is everybody going through a world of warcraft phase in the air this season

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>balloon tits
I don't know why I get so hard with this


Bimbos are attractive. She has smooth skin, large breasts, defined abs without too much muscle and an aesthetic face. Anyone who doesn't find her attractive is probably gay

Did it? I assumed every wow nerd out there would watch it. Wasn't that enough?

>azn elf

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It made money in china. The rest of the world was kinda meh. Duncan jones and the film studio fucked around and only made the orcs worthwhile. The rest is horseshit. Alos Stormwind not getting rekt was a big mistake.

People in this thread have the worst taste. All these pictures are just awful.

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The film's biggest flaw was that they didn't properly explain so much shit so if you didn't play the games, it wasn't clear what was going on

post non awful pictures

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What the fuck? When has Blizzard copyrighted elves?

The fuck

The story telling was shit, but it doesn't mean that you need to explain a lot to have a good movie.


If your story is an incoherent mess and your working script has 5 versions and daily rewrites, then "not explaining everything properly" is the least of your problems.
Warcraft also suffered from then age old video game to movie adaption: the director forgot in his spergy wow addiction what a motion picture is.

>put lines all over my body so they dont notice my absolutely non existant chest and hips

I mean that too. But I was trying to be nice.

You're too nice user.


Get a load of this N'wah.

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answer me

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you know iv alwas loved warcraft elfs but was never attracted to sylvie because imagine the smell. thought this since i was 12 an its never changed

God I fucking hate elves. Last game of Warhammer I played as the Tomb Kings and single handedly led a holocaust against those fuckers. It felt so good to enter their tree sanctum and slaughter every last one of them.

Goddamn I fucking hate elves

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literally just elves

>top tier bride material
Until her face gets degloved.

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>Yea Forums
we did it lads!
quality thread


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I love elves more than anything else

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Self hatred.
t. been there done that

I'm playing a campaign as Clan Skryre right now and the moment the Wood Elves declared war on me I built a bomb under Orion's settlement and blew it and the entire 20-stack garrisoned inside to pieces. Feels good man, I'm just sad I couldn't nuke the Oak of Ages at the same time.

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