Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #433
Previous Thread:

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nice understated OP for a sleepy evening

First for comfy alita
Please be healed

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Alita just started playing at my local budget kinoplex. I'm guessing everyone would recommend I go see it. I do enjoy scifi anime and the manga series always interested me.
Is this based on a certian arc from the series or is this a while new take on it altogether?

It's somewhat based on volume 1-2 + the OVA with some motorball elements that appear later.

it follows the anime movie faithfully
the effects are amazing, alita is wonderful as a character.
watch it

Shouldn't these start new when the images are maxed out? Just feel like the last one just started is all.

>very faithful to source material
>great casting
>a lot of action
>great cgi

post slepytime Alitas

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last one reaches bump limit so we start new.

i wanted to start a new thread fresh, got pretty bad

>last thread got shitposted because of va arguing.
>new thread washes it all away and heals us

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as is always the case, the new bread heals and we are reborn

Gotcha. Just a case of being curious. Sun is almost up too.

>Alita our messiah

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night anons go to bed soon, morning anons pick up the slack

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Just make sure they keep it drama free. Blood was spilled this past night.

is the top left Yojimbo? I am a brainlet

Blood was spilled? That sounds like a terrible waste, user

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creepy how so many guys came to crush it

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drama stuff. But clean thread is clean.

i dont know either lol

Yeah, would like to know too, don't speak nintendo

>Humans bleed so much!
>I hope I didn't get any on you
>I know you don't like it when I'm like this after a hunt
>I'll try to do better next time

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Is alita technically a zombie?

Nah her brain is still human.

No, she never died
>you're alive?

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did the brain come from a human body?

ahhh i just want to watch the film again

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We assume so, but who knows what level of training Ido actually has at neurobiology. His specialty seems to be with mechanical parts, so it may well be that Martian bodies/brains are different to regular human ones.

the cybernetic science available in Alitas world is breathtaking, even excluding Alitas URM tech the regular stuff like Zapan or Grews shit is unreal going full brain in a jar requires medical leaps and an understanding of neuroscience wayyy beyond anything even remotley available now. going full nanotech with antimatter reactors is franlky singularity level shit

does chiren become a cyborg in the comic? what happens to her?

While I agree to an extent, there are a lot of people even today who are trained in one specific field and only have the generalist knowledge necessary to get by in other parts of the field. I'm sure if Ido wanted to he could become an expert on neuroscience relatively quickly, but I don't think he's necessarily one as the film starts.

chiren is from the OVA, its been years but i think she perma dies.

She's not in the "comic", she's an OVA-only character. Man slow hours are suffering.

who saves hugo then?

It wasn't crushed, it came to an agreement. We argue, we can't have comfy all the time.
Chiren is OVA only, they might bring her back in the sequel in some way, but it's unlikely. She's probably just dead.

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eh people are learning slowly but surely. I like the quiet hours because we often get good discussion or funny sillyposts without drama

I was hoping to get some more OC stuff done, but I've got editing jobs that are more important right now. It's for the set that I put the Alita easter eggs in.

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I like that we can have disagreements without burning down the idea of /alita/ every time

good luck peaches and get some sleep you madman. we'll keep the thread cozy

one of the namefags who makes voice content. we have around 5-6 namefags who drop particular kinds of OC. it came up because some of them are at an /alita/ meet tonight.

I've started drawing on my paper draft because I'm slowly losing my mind thank you friends for keeping this thread comfy with me. I genuinely enjoy the company.

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who saves hugo in the comic?

If I remember right, it was just Alita and Ido.


>a perfectly healthy teenage brain
yeah, i think its safe to assume so

AGLC4 is the same as AGLC3

fuck YOU I wish it was it's actually way more different than I was expecting. Although I do like the new bracket system for use with the 'above/below n's it's much neater.

>Anons meeting in the park in the sun
>"Oh, nooooo! Looks like you found ussss! Hey, thanks for bringing a griilll. That will save us some tiiiime"

I like the way it went down in the film though, Chiren's little arc coming to a close and making amends with Alita and Ido, off-screen, was a nice character moment.

>it's under a mans name
I know the feel, user.

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>Unfit drunk guy wanders through the party
>Knocks all the food on the ground
>Smol user crouches down on the grass and smears some ketchup under her eyes
>”I do not stand by in the presence of evil!”

would probably shoot myself then and there honestly

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This is a great edit and i thank the user who made it

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Ah, don't know who did it. I've never seen it before. Classic OC template though.

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That's old school man

Gonna have an early one friends, got lots to do tomorrow, keep it comfy

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Sleep well fren!

Stupid frogs are the reason I can't show /ALITA/ to Rosa

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You can't really show /ALITA/ anywhere else. Amazed GenX on youtube did not realize the tweets I made were referencing these threads. They even say stay comfy anons.

Ahaha our influence spreads subconsciously

>normie fucktards steal our content
>don't acknowledge us
This causes mild pain

Well, thing is, there's no way he doesn't lurk here, since most the tweets he shows have a number filename meaning he saved them here, and I only posted them here. But he tries to act like he doesn't even understand what a waifu is.
Link to part of video youtu.be/AI_JgRc4XO4?t=365 6:05
Like that tweet, don't fight anons, that was after we had some drama, haha

Oh, it showed some other ones at 3:00
Directly shows /ALITA/ in the tweet. Well guys, pack it up, we've been exposed.

Now we have to scuttle away from the light like vampires

>wake up
>see naked Alita sex doll
>have morning sex
>stumble out of bed and take a swig of what's left of last night's whiskey bottle
>fire up the battle station
>start the Alita cam rip playing on a loop in vlc
>pull up Yea Forums and find /ALITA/ thread
>spend the rest of the morning posting in back to back /ALITA/ threads
God I love comfy Sunday mornings. How has your morning been so far Alitabros?

K cut the shit, who crossposts?

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Come on guys, use some reductive logic.
How many samurais are the image?


I don't use FB

I don't think you have one but please post pics to prove me wrong

I am not posting pics of my doll you creep. She does look alot like Alita. I got her this display outfit too. She has been wearing it for a few weeks now. finelovedolls.com/shop/accessories/sex-dolls-cosplay/jsc-127/


>Why would any one want that...

[spoilers] but yeah we're gonna need some pics man [/spoiler]

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Fuck sake, I make typos nearly every fucking post...

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>Owns a sex doll
>I'm the creep
Hey man you do you. The site you linked is enough

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>Did you know over 50% of crimes are committed by cyborgs despite them making up only 13% of the population.

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What's with the cheeta pattern?

Good morning, frens. Hope you're all doing well.
I'll probably have something new up by the end of the day unless I overwrite it like I always seem to do.

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That breakfast needs a healthy serving of chocolate pancakes and a side of oranges.

just show us a pic of the face please

Morning, I'll catch it when I wake up since it's night for me. I hope you caught Condensation in the previous threads!

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The cuteness singularity.

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I like that Rosa looks just as good as Alita with the same hairstyle


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Yeah she looks a tad different in that pic idk what it is, maybe it's the makeup.

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Did I ever.

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It’s painfully obvious that he’s roleplaying. Real dollfuckers tend to sound crazier in prose.

Fucking made me laugh with that pic goddamnit.

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We're gonna need to find more and more obscure characters to post soon

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Based obsessive Koyomi poster

What? No meet-up details yet?

Good morning /ALITA/. Let's try to have a nice day with /ourgirl/ and our Alitafrens.

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We will. I'll try to post more tonight, I just need to get in a nap since I've been up all night. Want to try out the new camrip I got.

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they were at dennis very very late at night

Legit I'd date her. She seems nice And cut and perky

Fuck yeah I would too.

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So many outfits

>all that drama overnight


Well, it happens. What's important is what you learn out of it. We still haven't heard any updates from the meet up yet. Guess we'll find out later.

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You reach this step. What do you do next?

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who were those guys? they were too hateful to be regulars

I told you, I'm still here. I've been here since /ABAG/ 20.

no, the other ones

You guys are super fucking strange you could be talking about the manga but no you're stuck inside this one movie.

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I mean, if we wanted to talk exclusively about the manga, we'd go over to /m/ or Yea Forums. We still talk about the manga in comparisons.

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Gonna have to be more specific than that. I was called Jerome, but it's better it just be dropped in the end.

Wonder how much they really spent overseas on marketing. Japan had a decent amount of tie-ins, but they only grossed like 7 million there, pretty pitiful. Those that saw it liked the movie it seems, but there was no buzz and it got overshadowed by domestic films.

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Dream place.

What happened to littleAlita there? Who took her eyes?

It got overshadowed by some extremely popular movie about a detective going undercover as an employee of a fancy Western-style hotel to try to solve a murder mystery

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Aw, that's fucking cute. Did you just make that?

Yeah. Just because I thought it would be cute

Well I like it.

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It's so cute though, reading the art book, because Jim says he found the OVA and manga when he had a daughter that was around Alita's age. So really, he identified with Ido immensly. I'm sure he would appreciate all the dadposting that goes on here.

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Thanks, user. I appreciate that

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Hey guys, what if instead of Rodriguez for the sequel, we get Michael Bay?

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So a sequel is announced, but there's a catch, one of the key crew members has to leave and be replaced. You have to choose between Cameron leaving writing screenplay, Rodriguez leaving directing, or Rosa leaving playing Alita. What's the lesser of the three evils?

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Then Hugo'd explode when he fell.

Keke that reminds me of Titanic Super 3D

Wait, so Jim has a 300 years old daughter?

Sure, he has a cyborg in his house he nurtures every day. The mad man has built the technology, he just won't tell anybody about it.

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That is cute. A lot of guys can identify with Ido in many ways, like even just wanting to have a daughter, or Ido’s interactions with Alita tripping paternal instincts.

What did he serve her? Looks like just potatoes and veggies.

Last Order Secret Agent .

Oh no user! Don't make me do this!
OK. RobRod is leaving.

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Do I have any options besides a kiss?


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As long as it's not rape Yes.

Well for sure Rosa's not going, and it would seem stupid to kick based boat man out, but I wouldn't know who to replace poor old Rob.

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Is this from the new rip?

Feels so wrong to suggest that, but yeah, I would boot Rod too. It's too bad, because really, without him, the first Alita wouldn't even exist at all. But Cameron is unfortunately essential to the script and Rosa is required for Alita. She's in or no movie. A director just as good as Rob could fill the shoes.

No, this one is pretty old. The one with worm colors

I want to gaze into those eyes.

But they're sad. Don't you want to gaze into some more pure, lustful eyes?

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I would say goodbye to RobRod too. I wouldn’t want to, but I think the least amount of damage would be done to the movies by him leaving compared to anyone else.

They’re still the same eyes, user!

Going to try to get more of the art book posted here, and some more .webms later today, but I love the way the book illustrates the shitty life cycle of being under Zalem. You work for Zalem, the factory sends up what you make up there, you know via tubes, and the people up their respond by dumping their garbage on to the city. It's a shit life. The city is literally a dump, as Hugo puts it. It may not be the most unbelievably cruel, but it sucks and there's still rampant crime.

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Rosa stays, that's non-negotiable. Rodriguez did an amazing job behind the camera, but what Cameron put into the script would be impossible to replace.

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So we agree Rodriguez would unfortunately go, but let's say Rod gets a say in who becomes his successor. Who could do the job?
pic related

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I like that one of few things keeping Ido safe is that he’s the very rare cyber-surgeon. People know not to mess with him because they’d be screwing everyone over. That and the rocket-hammer.

How long can alita-posting last with no new content forever?

>No new content
OC's, the blu-ray, and sequel news are coming next.
been busy, haven't been able to finish my mound of OC to-do's, which is like 10 elaborate things

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Cameron has already written the story, I assume, so if they let Laeta Kalogridis write it with a “story by” credit to Kishiro and Cameron, I would be fine with that.

Even Nova likes to keep him alive to watch him suffer.

Right, that's why he was able to get everyone to stop fighting because he threatened to not repair anyone for free. They know not to fuck with him. He's probably the only real good surgeon, if not the only, because he came from Zalem and was a motorball tuner. Most people in Iron City probably would not have such experience and expertise without training and practice.

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>alright cash up front, kid

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The scripts for the trilogy are already done, so if it's just about future work I'd kick Cameron in a heartbeat and I'm sure he would agree.

Is there any validity to this at all the scripts are already finished? I thought it was just they had notes.

Is Rosa as Alita on the same level of casting perfection as J. K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson?

Yes, her performance will be revered through the ages. It's just a matter of general audiences accepting her more and more with her going to streaming and rentals.

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Hey frens how's it going?
Still no news from the LA meetup?

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Thematically they share the same kind of stories, but is K the inverse of Alita?

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Going kind of slow right now, but no news yet. I think they hit Denny's or something, or In-N-Out.

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Going to make a bunch of new movie scene .webms later, I can do any scene this time thanks to no watermarks. Send any requests, I'll do them later.

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In-n-out closes a lot earlier, so I assume they did shooting, in-n-out, arcade, ???, Denny’s

Alita showing Hugo her arms and asking about Centurions.

>based alita poster

I hope we get this shit up to atleast #1000 threads.

The goal is 999. Just keep posting, really any OC's, try your hand at making something.

For any of you lurking though, you better start posting, I've been doing the majority of the replies right now, and I have to leave for work. Don't let the thread die.

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>As a director, Rodriguez brings a go-for-broke sense of world-building and wildly fantastical style that can be intoxicating, but the film is failed by the weak script co-written by Cameron, Rodriguez and Laeta Kalogridis. Character motivations are sloppy, storylines dropped, details muddy. With tonal inconsistencies and poorly written characters, any awe inspired by "Alita: Battle Angel" is replaced with a profound sense of confusion.
>Cyborgs and humans come together to cheer on the wild professional sport that is Motorball, a cross between speed-skating, Nascar and Quidditch.
>Alita isn't like the cinematic warrior princesses and action heroines we've seen before. She's emotionally a child, wide-eyed and filled with naive selflessness. But it's easy to get frustrated with Alita, especially as she pours her talents into her dopey, good-for-nothing boyfriend.

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it's happens anytime the meetups have happened and then it blows over because the shitheads don't know what they're talking about. I think we handled it fine last night.

The "fuck your mercy" sequence. Don't think we ever had a good, clean version.

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I just woke up fren, I'll be here all day.

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>Character motivations are sloppy
No they aren't.
>storylines dropped
Again, nope. Name one.
>tonal inconsistencies
Again, name an instance of tone changing too fast.
>poorly written characters
That's just straight up wrong.
Nigga what.
>she pours her talents into her dopey, good-for-nothing boyfriend.
More Hugo hating. Fails to understand how important Hugo is to the story as a whole. He embodies everything the film is about.

Been at work all day... Cut me some slack.

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Clueless, bitter, and cynical. Not a person whose thoughts are worth even a moment's contemplation.

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this reads like the Richard Brody New Yorker review lol. I wish Anthony Lane reviewed it because he's got better taste and isn't such a dour sack of shit and can enjoy a good, simple story if its got heart.

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It's fine to have disagreements, it can just get out of hand.

But on really bright news, Alita is in fact coming back to some screens for IMAX 3D in May. It was confirmed by one of the theater managers. Expect an official announcement very soon.

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You're fine, I just meant anons reading but not posting. I was by myself for awhile.

I can only post for a little while, I'm meeting the other Colorado user in a couple hours

I try not to engage with shitheads unless they're directly attacking one of our namefags unjustly. Either way, that storm is passed. Great to hear about ourgirl coming back in May. Hoping that there's something in NorCal.

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>I was by myself for a while
I've been there fren
The loneliest feeling in the world is an empty /ALITA/ thread

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Nope. It'll come close to touching Avatar, but won't pass it.

A theater an hour away from me has showings in May too so multiple anons have confirmed that it's coming back
This art is so great but I don't like her pose

I don't think it'll even do Force Awakens numbers
Maybe $1.5B but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't even reach Infinity War

Any UK anons, know how they're seeking in to the "senior" 60+ year old screening that VUE are doing?

I'll defend the movie and the namefags but I try to be reasonable with criticism because sometimes people make good points in the midst of all the trolling

If those anons don't wear a beard and old person makeup to sneak in I'll be so disappointed

It's the end to a story that's been going for 11 years over 20+ films, of course it's making fucklods of money and I won't be surprised if it beats IW. I'm more interested in seeing how well the upcoming Spidey movie does.

Oh, it'll do more than 1.5 billion, but it would need to now make another 1.6 billion on top of what it's just made opening weekend to just pass Avatar.

Yeah, I tried that, but I kept getting lumped in with the more mean anons. Needs to be a better separation between fair critiques and just namecalling. But, for now, that's behind us.

Last Jedi made $700M less than Force Awakens though so it could go either way
It's going to make a fuckload of money no matter what but Disney had better be careful with the next ones because this could be their last billion dollar movie for a while

Yeah some people are a little too defensive and some people are so harsh that there's no point in discussing anything with them

Never had the chance to see /ourgirl/ in IMAX, but I'm not getting my hopes up on this one. I don't need any more pain.

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I say it ends up with around 2.4 to 2.5 billion worldwide, 200 million below Avatar.

Hehe, I like the characters added in that picture. We need Keanu now in there.

lol I didn't even notice Robocop was in there. should throw in Todd being angry in the distance

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Alita in IMAX 3D was one of the best movie-going experiences of my life
Well worth the hour drive to the theater

And K of course

Then we just add some rain effect and music, and we got another depression/comfy core webm.

>Avengers Endgame in IMAX 3D was one of the best movie-going experiences of my life
Well worth the hour drive to the theater
Fixed that for you. Auto-correct is a bitch.

Ah, finally the actual Marvel spammers show up. I was expecting this.

somebody get on this because I'm retarded and don't have the means or know how to edit webms here's a full shot of K to get whoever works on it started.

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god damnit I didn't see Alita superimposed on this lol

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I mean, I make most of the .webm edits, including this one. I'll add it to the list. I'll do it once we finish adding characters.

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>not even filmed in 3D
I enjoyed Endgame but it shouldn't be seen in 3D.

Only one film released this whole year was actually shot with IMAX 3D cameras. It was Alita.


who else fits the sad and discovering themselves theme?

What does that even mean buddy?

I have seen some better picks of the movie rn.
Is a competent rip out rn?

If there was, you'd have seen a lot more "picks" rn.

I'll think about it user.

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You'll never make it to #999 sweetie. The mods and jannies were discussing banning these general cancer threads this morning on Tick Tock Alitatards. Your threads are numbered. Soon you will be forced to leave general delusion behind and rejoin society in the sunlight of the real world.

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not that user but we've discussed how BR2049 and Alita share almost identical themes but from opposing sides. Both are about self discovery but one is optimistic and the other is bleak with a pyrrhic win for the protagonist.

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Yeah yeah, fuck off, link to actual thread and post instead of making me dig through Hiro shit.

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excellent work, fren. I've never felt so comfy and sad. have a bIg CoIN

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>You'll never make it to #999 sweetie.
ok bud

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Looks great fren.
Gosh there's A LOT of free space on that pic. Looks like tons of characters are going to fit in it.

>You'll never make it to #999 sweetie.
How many blu-rays are you going to eat this time?

Thanks for the coin, fren. I'll keep it safe from yoinks.

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Have sex

>safe from yoinks.

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Ha, fucking nice.

Wait, which one is supposed to be optimistic again? and maybe I don't understand the term properly but K's character arc doesn't end in a pyrrhic victory, although it's a bittersweet end. He dies as a human, having overgrown his programming and doing what he feels is the right thing for the first time in his life. It's better than self-discovery, it's self-realization.

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Thanks tristen

>doesn't end in a pyrrhic victory, although it's a bittersweet end.
maybe pyrrhic is too extreme a word for it but he only only self-actualizes at the end, after realizing that he's not special and is about to die. He does the most human thing he can do and dies for it. I say Alita is optimistic because despite all of the continual obstacles she faces (and most of them blowing up in her face) she keeps trying.

>Walking down an alley way and these two stop you, and demand all your money.

Wat do?

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>I don't have any money, is there something else I could offer?

"you can have my money but it's at home I can show you where it's at"

People still walk around with physical cash?

>being this poor

>Avengers Endgame
Three hours ass from the screen.

May want to consider the existence of credit and debit cards, user. That was my point

I rarely carry around cash, and when I pop out most of the time I don't even take my wallet as I know I'm not going to spend £30+ as that's the limit for contactless on my phone. Unless I know I'm going to be shopping for something expensive or going clothes shopping.

>mfw still waiting for meet-up details

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you two are both stupid I walk around with a sack of coins and frustrate young kids who don't know about sacagawea coins

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>See course layout on the wall
>Imagine a Motorball match taking place there
This is my brain on Alita

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me too fren, me too.

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I want to kiss that derpy face.

we all do user

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Why not go for a squishu instead? No chance of the dreaded boop.

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It says Seven Samurai right there in the picture.

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Some day, /ALITA/!

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There's another picture like this with the movie version of Ido. It might even be by the same artist. Does anyone have it?

very cool user!

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>having leftover whiskey
>not having your battlestation on 24/7
>using VLC
nice roleplay

glad I can finally say this in an alita thread instead of having to post in the capeshit ones, the new avengers was a shitty plebfest. what a shitty movie.

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you'd have to pay me to watch 3 hours of that

does anybody know who did this originally? I think I've only ever seen it posted here.

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>"I do not stand by in the presence of evil!"

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Pure CGI movies also count as true 3D, but yes, all the other "3D" live action movies were shot in 2D with fake 3D added in post.

Rodriguez leaving. He's easily replaceable and was helicopter mom by Cameron on set

unironically going into Fallen Angel with Martian warpaint. No idgaf how dorky it'll be.

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>comics existed for over 50 years
>it took 20+ films for MCU to get to this point
>Avatar was a unknown property
>Alita was barley known in the USA
>this spooks Cameron

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Cameron has said he was heavily involved in pre-production and post-production, but wasn't on set at all during filming.

Jimbo is too busy to worry about such insignificant things.

even if one of those movies beats out Avatar he'll just crush them again out of spite.

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Smooth. Very nice.

I never really get hyped for movies to get to the point that I try and watch them as soon as physically possible, but you already know I'm going to be at the First IMAX 3D screening there is on launch day.

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>tfw no super loving motorball superstar gf

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jus kmn

I think the last movie I went a midnight release was maybe Prometheus? I went with my brother and even then we both left saying 'we're too old for this' and I was 21 at the time lol but I will make it out day 1 for Fallen Angel.

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Does anybody else think the incognito tab icon looks like Ido? Like he's watching me or something.

he knows what you're doing in the dark


yeah I'm just a bit butthurt that I never got to see Alita in IMAX 3D, as I only watched the Camrip in late march, and when I decided that I loved the movie but there were only 2D screening on very small screens around where I live... so didn't get to watch it that many times like everyone else :((

So I'm definitely not letting that happen again.

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it hurts

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I pay exclusively with small nuggets of gold.


>tfw don't deserve one

it's okay fren. You'll get your chance.

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>no sequel at all
>IMAX 3D double bill when sequel comes out
I hope I'm in the right timeline

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I'd say Alita is the ultimate comfymovie to watch on your own under the blankie. So no worries fren. Just wait till blu-ray.

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I don't see this May IMAX 3D limited re-release happening anywhere here...

A limited Imax 3D-re release may be happening May 23rd, though most of us get Genierolled.

I'd be up for that if there's an intermission between the two. I'd be happy to do that with Jumani and Wonder Woman too.

Five star discussion happening right here.

K's story gets more optimistic the more I watch it. Sure the first time made me depressed, but I couldn't piece together why because I thought it was a spectacular moving-going experience and really enjoyed it. I saw it 16 times in theaters.

>I say Alita is optimistic because despite all of the continual obstacles she faces (and most of them blowing up in her face) she keeps trying.
So does K. He bravely pursues the truth of his existence despite terrible obstacles. At every opportunity he has the option to say to himself "what does it matter, my life is shitty, I'm just a replicant, I don't deserve to have my own thoughts or be happy" but he never does. Every single one of his actions is motivated by developing his personal integrity, just like Alita. He even suffers a loss akin to Alita's but it doesn't stop him.

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Holy hell that sounds amazing, back to back. As the sequel release.

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Cant wait. :)

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Not from burger land unfortunately, but there are some new screening her in the UK popping up.

Hug and kiss one before she has to go home and tell the other one to wait at my place so I can fuck her when I get home.

Both K and Joi remind me more of Rei from Evangelion in that sense. Rei is a mindless clone that in the end gains her own individuality and opposes her creator to help another person.

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>Your threads are numbered.

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>At every opportunity he has the option to say to himself "what does it matter, my life is shitty, I'm just a replicant, I don't deserve to have my own thoughts or be happy" but he never does.
you're right user. I think it's easy to see 2049 as bleak and mildly hopeful at first because everything about the setting and story is compelling you to feel that way. I definitely felt this way but you've kind of changed my opinion on it now. What I quoted above sums it up really well. this is why K+Alita works so well.

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my only viewing was dolby amc
wish I saw it at least another time, though

I'm gonna built blanket fort once blu-ray comes out, so no Zapans can intrude. And I'll watch Alita on repeat.

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people also have more entertainment options than ever. It's not a thing anymore to rewatch a movie like Alita on a weekly basis in the theater. 50s cinema didn't have to compete with the internet and video games

Please please PLEASE be true

Can I join? I have hot chocolate

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No matter if you saw it only twice or 50 times Alita loves you for it.

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alitafrens are always welcome in the blanket fort

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what about just once but on opening weekend?

cool, I'll bring popcorn too

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Usually everyone goes back at least once but if you fell in love that first time I'm sure it counts.

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>the madman actually did it

Colorado anons have met up and we're getting along famously
Very windy though

>tfw couldn't get my 16 up to a clean 20
this will haunt me until Fallen Angel.

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post a meetup edit pic like the LA anons did, fren. Still waiting on those guys too now that I think about it.


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This is me but it's still two more theater viewings than any other movie in my life.

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Good on you for discovering you really liking it

thanks fren

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