Foxx was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor

>Foxx was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor

Did anyone watch this and give a single fuck about Foxx's performance? I still have no clue how he was even nominated, this was all Cruise for me

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Didn’t Foxx win Best Actor the same year for Ray?

he was acting while being a nigger, that means you deserve a trophy, don't you know this already?

You only thought Cruise was good because he was playing a villain for once. There was nothing special about this movie besides “wow, Tom Cruise is the bad guy”

Jaime Foxx was pretty good in it

Tom Cruise really should have gotten Best Supporting for Magnolia I think. I don't care about awards anymore and haven't for many years, but I'm just saying.


He was a stuttering beta bitch who grew some balls as time went on. Apparently this is enough for a nomination if you're black.

Wait he was the bad guy?

Jamie Foxx is a based black man

This, if Tom was black he would have won an award just for playing a role he never does

See: Denzel in training day

He had to put himself in the headspace of a black man working towards the future and being able to hold down a job. He literally had to create a character out of thin air. It's up there with Brando's Don Corleone.

these awards are pats on the back and pity prizes. all the main awards like best picture and best actor are reserved for the oscarbait. if theres a film thats not super hot with the judges but was kind of good and got a positive audience reaction they might fork a "best supporting actor" or "best special effects" or "best editing" over to them.


the jamie foxx fad in hollywood was horrific to witness


He was a nigger with a job and that always deserves a pat on the back.

>there was nothing special about this movie
Absolute fucking brainlet
I bet you dont even know what the Shadow on the Sun scene means

I just couldn't take this guy serious as a badass super serious assassin

I'm quietly confident OP feels the same way and needs validation. Cruise is a fucking joke.


Cruise's voice ruins the character. He doesn't work as a villain like this.

>See: Denzel in training day

Back the truck up! Do you know anything about that movie?

Mann is a complete hack

I'm pretty sure Cruise stopped giving a shit about awards after he didn't win for Magnolia. IMO he'd have deserved it more for rain man, and it's not as if there weren't good contenders that year (jude law also didn't win for mr ripley), but he hasn't been in anything comparably serious since then