>he goes to the theaters ALONE
He goes to the theaters ALONE
more and more old people are starting to wear gay ass shit such as backpacks in my town now too. How do I stop this shit?
i didin't know backpacks were age restricted, i'v seen senior people using them.
The girl who took the pic is an ugly fat bitch with problem glasses and an Ukrainian last name.
At least he is trying
holy fuck this board
What should he carry his stuff in then?
Blow up the universe
Anyone can wear backpacks. Also I'm sure a better user than I will post the picture of the woman who took this pic (spoiler: she has no business trying to roast anyone)
>facebook mom posting on Yea Forums
Whats wrong with wearing a backpack?
The reason not to carry stuff in a backpack is because you are either prone to sweat marks or wearing a suit/dress shirt. These two apply to many adult men, hence the ban. If neither applies it's the optimal carrying method and the critic in OPs pic is just regurgitating a "rule" without understanding why it's there.
what do you expect him to carry his shit around in on a warm day if not a backpack?
I used to think like this. "I'm too old to use a backpack, I'm not a little kid!" Then I realized that's absolutely stupid. If you have a lot of stuff, just put it in a backpack.
Where else am I supposed to store my snack beans?
Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with backpacks now? Are they soi or reddit?
What kind of bag do I use if I'm riding a bike? A briefcase? Fanny pack?
the shorts are worse than the backpack imo
also this whore had nothing to say but she wanted to send a snap, so she just mocked some random dude
In the CBD of my city it is extremely common to see businessmen of all types and ages carrying backpacks, they're able to carry a lot of stuff and are especially useful if you're going to the gym after work
Not to mention he's clearly not in a formal setting, looks like a doctor's office of some kind so for all we know he's transporting a stool sample or something and is keeping it in his backpack so people don't have to look at the brown paper bag and know "there is 100% shit and/or piss in there"
social media was a mistake
> prone to sweat marks or wearing a suit/dress shirt
oh ffs, you little rebel you. Join the mormons, they wear suits with backpacks and just a tiny bit of awkwardness
pic is girl that posted the photo
person on the right watches capeshit.
why cant you wear a backpack after age....????.....?
Man the harpoons!
I'd say people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones but "glass house" doesn't really capture it
It's more like "people in houses made of nitroglycerin shouldn't throw blasting caps"
You ONLY use a backpack if you are a student or an expatriate.
how else do you carry stuff around?
Half of wall street carries them now. The briefcase is an 80s cliche
Its just a fat dumb bitch who wants to shit on others so shes looking for reasons even if there are none
What should he have used instead of a backpack?
Lawyers carry them a lot too
An adult has a car. Only carries essentials.
who is she? she's a fat pig getting 10,000s of retweets on every tweet
Not only can you store a hell of a lot more in a backpack, it's significantly easier to carry and much harder for a thief to grab it off you and run
not even the worst ive had
>Owning a car when everything is within walking distance
Why would I waste my money?
What's up with all these nonsensical restrictions like "don't wear cargo shorts", "don't wear backpacks" etc. Are you all fucking retarded?
Why is it always women
>Are you all fucking retarded?
Post outfit
i did this once and it was fucking great.
i bet you literally wear these
I knew it was a woman without even seeing that pic. Women are judgmental cunts who will randomly target men for doing perfectly normal things. The fact that she's a landwhale only makes it ironic.
Women think everything is a fashion parade
They don't understand why a tradesman would choose cargo shorts over skinny jeans, or why an adult would need the storage capacity offered by a backpack (because they've never had enough responsibility to need that much room)
It's also why they'll wear makeup and a 100 dollar tank top and 150 dollar yoga pants to the gym, instead of 10 dollar sweatpants or basketball shorts and a 5 dollar t shirt
I have a work laptop and they gave me a backpack to store it. I don't wanna buy a laptop bag with my own money for to store something work related!!!
it's all so tiresome
Lmao just don’t click on jt niggers
Boomer genocide.
Do you really wear cargo shorts casually?
jesus fucking christ, kill yourself
Women are evil
New thread
If you have a bunch of things to carry and you're a male, what the fuck are you supposed to do? What other options are there besides a backpack?
This cow has probably never had to carry any kind of weight besides her own hulking mass so she doesn’t understand that it’s easier to load weight on your back than carry it at your side
She probably has all her organic food and cat toys delivered on a big diesel truck so she doesn’t have to walk to the store, and congratulates herself for her small carbon footprint
Don't spill petrol in your lardhouse?
generally this. There is also the weather to consider.
>i-i'm such a snowflake that i need to hide threads i don't like
suck less cock.
I personally use a messenger bag, but a backpack is perfectly fine.
Nothing wrong with men wearing back packs. Its the Soi Boy types wearing those man purses that make me laugh.
t.incel watching capeshits
>They don't understand why a tradesman would choose cargo shorts over skinny jeans
yeah, but you aren't a tradesman, you're just a skinny fat autist with a nintendo in your pocket and other pointless shit
I just ignore the threads, no need to be triggered snowflake.
The shorts are a bigger issue imo. Unless you’re working out or going to the beach, you should really avoid shorts as a man. Very few men can pull off wearing shorts without looking like a child.
This place is 18+, go play outside.
>wears green Crocs
>born in Chicago
>Went to DePaul for Political Science
>Dropped out
>Got engaged as a joke with a gay guy
>Identifies as asexual
>Appeared in a Katy Perry music video
>Appeared in videos for Buzzfeed
Is it any surprise that monstrosity is a piece of shit?
>go outside
>do anything
>get posted online
Do children need a backpack is the better question.
School books are becoming practically irrelevent and only exist as a revenue resource.
It's better to just hide, filter, or ignore threads you don't like than to go in like a whiny bitch and cry about them. Doing the latter is not only faggot shit, but it's also retarded because it increases engagement. Even if you sage, you still wind up encouraging people to reply to you, and those people will wind up bumping the thread, which helps the thread out. In fact, if a thread is particularly off topic or shitty, and that bothers you, report it. Mods are active on Yea Forums usually, and will remove off topic posts if you bother to report them. Personally, I just ignore threads if they don't interest me, but if you can't ignore threads, there are options that are in every way superior to crying, so stop crying.
Hope this reply helps you out, user.
Shorts are comfortable, what the fuck am I supposed to do when it's the middle of summer and it's hot?
Didn't he KNOW that the age for wearing backpacks cut off at 18???
Just kidding, this is America, where you're free to do about anything you want, unless some incel on Yea Forums bitches about it.
I have naturally amazing calves that even my gym rat bro in law is jealous of so I can and do rock some comfy shorts
that reminds me that james gondolfini was told by actual monsters that the boss never wears shorts. even to a cookout
I haven't worn cargo shorts or cargo pants since I was 7 years old but okay
>shitbull owner
>throws stones in a glass house
This is the future of the west
I like shorts, they're comfy and easy to wear.
It's not even that hard to go alone, just follow this guide.
wait, is that the "take your hate speech out of campus" girl?
>School books are becoming practically irrelevent
are they now
How do you think guys who wear suits all year round do it? They sell different material that’s better suited for summer.