Well, Yea Forums?

Well, Yea Forums?

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Trannies are weaker than men and stronger than women. Women shouldn't be allowed in the military either.

The other military is full of men not woman
Men > tranny scum > woman
Make sense?

Nobody says they can't serve because they're "weak and useless." They can't serve because they're fucking crazy as fuck. They're psychopaths. Transgenderism is a mental illness. Also, this topic isn't even remotely about television & film, so go dilate.

This. The logic is astonishingly straightforward but you can't expect the mentally ill to be logical

Physically stronger than women (because they're men), mentally weaker then everyone else
we're done here

Didn’t the last tranny in the military give classified information to the Wikileaks guy

have sex

great argument

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If you're against letting trans people serve in the army you're a complete bigot and you should probably kill yourself desu

if the army wont pay for a diabetics medication, then the army shouldnt pay for a trannies fucking hrt treatment

>leftists and trannies will defend this

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that's not even the reason why transpeople aren't allowed in the military

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There is no paradox, transgender doesn't exist. You are Male or female

They are stronger than women and weaker than men.
There is no paradox here.

there are already trans people serving in the military.

I hate sports so I want as many trannies to go into the NFL and NHL and Olympics as possible so it ruins sports for the normies.

I guess this reasoning could apply to the military.

I never noticed, but why is father a manlet? Everyone else on this picture is significantly taller than him.

Wrong, women should be allowed in the military as nurses and support staff

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This would have been funny if it was a Michael Jackson joke.

I unironically have that Ikea display case

it's her brother, stupid

Isn't the issue that in a combat situation it's kind of counterproductive to have personnel that needs to inject estrogen and dilate every 3 hours?

Tr*ns "women" are just men using their innate biological advantage over women to cheat while using political correctness to silence anyone who calls them out

and this it's also worth mentioning that trannies are too mentally fragile for the armed forces. 40% of them are too cowardly to live, what would happen if they were captured and interrogated for information? They'd break down in a pathetic blubbering mess and spill everything at the first sign their captors won't give them their testosterone blockers.

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They can't serve because they might pull a fast one and ask for surgery. They also increase costs by requiring special medical treatment, meaning they can't serve in combat roles or any areas where engagements might occur.
They are basically welfare queens among welfare queens. A true burden.

But, in a civilian sports/athleticism context, a transfemale is stronger than a female, and a transmale is weaker than a male, meaning they shouldn't compete with their new "peers".

I don't hate trans people, I hate leftists.

lmao get dunked on mudlsimes

Trannies can't serve in the military because they're mentally ill and a danger to others. Nothing to do with physical strength.

Everyone should be sent into the battlefields at least once, men and women.
That would either make them see the world how it really is, or kill them, both are preferable to the generation of autistic manchildren we currently have.

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what's with those faces?

This paradox does not exist, as the reason Trans people can't serve in the military, especially in front line positions is purely about logistics and nothing to do with physical capability.

If you need regular medication, for trannies it's hormone treatments, it's disqualifying since if supply lines are cut, you can potentially become a liability in the field, thus a danger to yourself, your brothers in arms and the military as a whole.

People with chronic eczema that requires regular medication for instance can not serve.

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this can't be real

why he hav only one sok

I thought it's the bf

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Male to Female trans are stronger than women but weaker than men same for Female to Male trans.

Well, cultural marxist?

I love stonetoss

Transsexuality is an officially recognized mental disorder. You are not allowed to serve if you suffer mental health problems.

>weaker than men
Not necessarily.

>look this up
>Bowie had consensual sex with a 15yo when he was like 25; she doesn't regret the experience

waste of a comic

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The tranny mma fighter crushed some womans skull, literally.

I don't care about mentally ill 'people' :/

I'm saying that a tranny is not necessarily weaker than a man, because a tranny IS a man.

Friendly reminder that tr*ns "people" are literally sub-human and deserve nothing but mockery and ostracization

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Fine, why is brother a manlet? With that beard, hair amount and bags under eyes he's clearly not a child.
And what's the implication of Art of War on the bookshelf? I never heard of /his/-fags being overly trans.
No way, why would he tolerate this gay orgy in the making and use the wrong name like that? He's obviously a part of the family that has to deal with these unfortunate events.

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google it you nigger

Who the fuck are these people.

Well I'm done with my snack now. What am I looking at here

The fuck happened here?

you’re right weaker than men except Verne Troyer

Cut off skin from her arm to make an artificial penis.

Nobody argues that they are weak and useless. They are unstable and have a mental illness.

meat for fake penis

trans women should not be allowed to compete in women's sports
trans women should be allowed to serve in the military

but most importantly trans women should be allowed to be my gf

Phalloplasty, the surgeons take the flesh from the arm and graft it onto the crotch to make a "penis"

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What is this 'natural mechanism' that doesn't involve heterosexuality?

That's retarded.

who hurt you?

how the fuck are you gonna have your hormone treatments and dilation stations in the field


it refers to adoption.
yeah it's retarded don't even try to argue with schizos

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Oppressive cis white males don't have any integrity whatsoever or any objective metric. Whitoid male will always move goalposts around to flatter themselves like the sociopathic narcissts they are.

Fucking Christ. How do the doctors that perform this shit sleep at night? You can refuse to do these surgeries if you're a plastic surgeon right?

Welcome to 2019

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That's the German national team, you racist.


have sex

holy fuck lmao this is that dudes latest pic

>#mytransbody is almost where i want it to be...

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Why would they refuse? They're making money from it

don't know, don't care

if trans women want to throw their lives away on something as retarded as serving in the us military (or any military, really), they can go right ahead

>two men reproducing
When has that EVER happened?

Still retarded.