I just watched I Am Not Ashamed...

I just watched I Am Not Ashamed, it tells the "true story" of Rachel Joy Scott the first victim of the Columbine high school massacre. The movie is complete fiction, its a evangelical Christian fantasy. She never read her diary out loud in class, Eric and Dylan never confronted her and mocked her Christianity, and Eric didn't kill her because of her faith. The killing was completely random, it was a failed bombing that turned into a spree shooting and Rachel was unfortunately their first victim. It's crazy how these myths are still pushed and promulgated to this day.

>parts with Eric and Dylan

>Whole shitty movie

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Other urls found in this thread:


>lets use this tragedy to push our persecution complex fantasy

>pray to god
>get shot
>random people make money off of it
Seems like kind of a bad deal.

Slow down on the antisemitism there buddy

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This movie was kino
I like how it completely understood the jock dudebro culture of the 90's without to many innacuracies
Some of those scenes were the best scenes i have ever seen in my life

I hate to point this out, but a huge percentage of "inspirational" films are full of borderline lies at best.

how big you think Christ's dick was?

>a Christian movie fabricates the truth to push their agenda
Color me shocked

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can you give us an example of dudebro culture's inner workings

I love how Christian movies always include scenes of the main characters disapprovingly watching other people do normal shit. Do they not realize how self-righteous they seem?

>Ugh look at those jocks acting like jocks
>I am like, so above that

The movie does it well
how they dress how they talk how they congregate together

Well yeah, you can't make an inspirational movie out of american history.
America is a nation of cowards and fatasses who's only purpose in the world is giving money they don't have to the rest of the world for free.

That and how comically evil they always make the villain

Anyone is above jocks.
This is why the Columbine Massacre was not a bad thing, most of those who died were normalscum.

You have to understand that you're literally not the audience for it. Some people actually and earnestly believe in that shit and this reaffirming garbage only solidifies such beliefs.

>Eric and Dylan are the bad guys
Shit movie.

>The killing was completely random
But it wasn't? Eric and Dylan had witnesses that they did mock Christianity. Like asking if they believe in God before shooting them

Shouldn't you be watching Avengers, millennials?

Nope, that was complete horseshit made up to sell books

Not my point though, Christian movies always have the protagonist acting like they don't piss or shit like the rest of us

This kind of exploitative lie should be illegal

I wonder if you'd be saying the same if the movie was pushing SJW crap.

Did you post in the wrong thread or did you have an aneurysm?

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You mean like every single Hollywood movie made since LOTR?
America should be simply not be allowed to create entertainment media.
America has become cultural poison to the west, the biggest traitor the west has had, and is trying to cause it's collapse from within.

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The autist in me is annoyed by lies and propaganda

Christians also make Christian Rock so that's extra points against them

>an american is annoyed by lies and propaganda
Impossible, you are a drone designed to eat it all up.
You have no other purpose.

Europe is the new middle east but somehow America is worse? Cope harder

>56% saying others are non-white

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I'm a little past tired of them glorifying Eric and Dylan again desu.

They were the good guys.
Shame they were awful bomb makers.

At least I don't have to worry about being put in jail for not using proper pronouns, imagine living in the EU and thinking you're superior to anyone else lmao

Not true, they asked one girl if she believed in god and she said "I don't know, maybe" and shot her. they called the one back kid in school a nigger and killed him. and they mostly just shot up the school, they shot computers set shit on fire, blew up pipe bombs, they where destroying the school because they hated it, they did't walk into school to kill Christans or Jocks, they waked into the Columbine to kill the school. read brooks brown's book he has the most accurate telling of what actually happened.


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No? That just the UK.
And what happens in your country, you just get doxxed and lose your job from your hordes of blue haired feminists that plague your nation.
The 2 years I spent in the US were more than enough to realize the US is beyond salvation because even whites are simply fair skinned niggers.

Why be so mean to jocks they people too.

Sometimes you need a good ol' school shooting to keep normalfag ego in check.

>a girl will never look at you like this after you blow your load in her
Kinos to take my mind of that feel?

Why are SJWs seething so much ITT?

The US is a big country, don't act like you're some fucking expert because you spent 2 years in one small part of it.

>Eric didn't use the DC-9 Dylan did.
>Eric said shouted "Go, Go" before shooting Rachel with his shotgun instantly killing her.

It is known.
It is known
>Christian movies
reading YA books, I can tell you that its not a christian elusive thing.

>giving money
is not it more like "give us money or we war" thats way the defense spending is so high.

They have to or you might end up siding with them. like kevin sorbo in G not D
They are bad guys but don't tell that to their cock trusty tumbler fans

I spent 6 months in Montana and the rest in Washington, it's a complete, utter shithole.
Lets hope you go full retard and you and the Chinese nuke each other.

Ooh wow, 2 states out of 50. You should teach on the subject

purge them with knowledge
They picked on random people and mocked whatever they could about them.

Europe can still be fixed. America has framework issues. just look at UK, UK is retarded in their framework so they always have some dumb shit going on.

Yeah, i've seen the two sides of the country, and both were garbage.

>You should teach on the subject
Everyone knows americans are retarded by default.
Your culture war confirmed the fact.

Why are you so obsessed with America? Is it jealousy?

Because they infect the rest of the west with their shit culture.
If you kept it to yourselves, I wouldn't mind it, but you are actively working to destroy the west.

There's a TON of money in these Christian movies coming out like "God's not dead" and this new one out with the hamplanet and the brown kid that fell in the frozen lake.

Basically the recipe involves a tiny budget + super christian script religious folk can jack off to and they're guaranteed a decent profit.

Those two edgelords really did a number on Ameriland. Almost every shooter have used them as inspiration.

You europoors actively and greedily suck down our media and can't get enough. Don't act like you aren't part of the problem, it's takes two, one to fuck and the other to let themselves get fucked.

Worry about your own shithole country before blaming mine

SJWs absolutely hate when a movie is not made for them.
That's why all the trannies ITT are seething so much.

she is CUTE!

The CIA was caught red handed pushing for how great diversity was in Estonia, and all americans actively support this.
You are the west's biggest threat and biggest enemy.
The nazi germany and soviet union of our era.

>the hamplanet and the brown kid that fell in the frozen lake.
I love how I know what you mean even tho I'm not American but I saw the ads for that flick during the live thread of My 600lb life

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>unable to appreciate vast, open spaces; beautiful nature, and personal liberty
Color me surprised.

>be Israel's lapdog

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Yea Forums has always been anti-Christian, retard. Also aren't you forgetting your Childlike Empress avatar?

amerishart christian movies are always about christians being persecuted for their religion. of course it's weird since it doesn't actually happen irl

What liberty?
The moment someone spouts something that isn't SJW non-sense you get the entire public on you.
And there's nothing beautiful about the endless concrete shithole that Washington is.

Are you talking about the state or the district? Because there's a huge difference

You forgot the Sri Lanka bombings?

Nah never not like the hundreds killed in bombings recently. Stupud fuck.

Not anymore, you don't belong here.
Get the fuck out, oldscum.

You know even the actual Nazis supported a homeland for the jews (though they wanted madagascar)

Which is why the nazis deserved their destruction.

Once you let Sand niggers in, you'll never get rid of them, they have a strong since for weakness. Also their is nothing to fix about Europe, it's exactly how the EU wants it.

>The moment someone spouts something that isn't SJW non-sense you get the entire public on you.

^^^^^^^^^^ fucking THIS m8

one time i whispered 'fuck niggers' to an acquaintance of mine and a bunch of dumbshit leftists jumped me with their pet monkeys. this was in commiefornia

nice "freedom", ameriturds

>What liberty?
>The moment someone spouts something that isn't SJW non-sense you get the entire public on you.
This is simply not true in most parts of the country; furthermore, liberty is not defined as protection against opinions you deem unpopular. Your argument is shit.
>And there's nothing beautiful about the endless concrete shithole that Washington is.
I´m willing to bet my left nut on Washington being more sparsely populated than whatever pisshole euroshit country you call home.

The city, legitimately ugly place.
It's all shitty modern architecture and samey streets over and over again.

That did not happen in the US. also he is correct. Christfag movies are always "why can't my right to religion supersede everyone elses rights" or there is some crook going "oh they want my taxes, clearly its because Im a Christfag"

Okay, well Washington State is beautiful. You should be more specific. Everyone knows that DC is a shithole and has one of the highest murder rates in the country

>brainlet /pol/tard who unironically says "fuck niggers" in a public setting among liberals
>unable to grasp that liberty does not entail people being forced to accept your opinions
Color me surprised.

>This is simply not true in most parts of the country; furthermore, liberty is not defined as protection against opinions you deem unpopular.
So, you are free, but you need a gun to protect yourself because there's people who will try to prevent that?

>I´m willing to bet my left nut on Washington being more sparsely populated
I'm not even talking about the population now, just about how ugly the entire city is.
Although yes, I agree that americans are a bunch of uneducated bastards.
The amount of blue hairs I spotted in Washington was just embarassing.
I understand why you get so many school shooters.

>you are actively working to destroy the west.
That's a good one.

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>So, you are free, but you need a gun to protect yourself because there's people who will try to prevent that?
What the fuck are you attempting to say? This sentence makes no sense.

PS. Everyone who wishes to guard themselves against physical threats (which exist everywhere in the world) requires firearms. In your pisshole country, only the political elite are allowed to protect themselves with arms (by using police as a proxy), while in America, it is the right of every law-abiding citizen. We all know which system is more civilized and just.

>Although yes, I agree that americans are a bunch of uneducated bastards.
Your claim is not reflected in the american economic and academic output.

Merkel is nothing but another puppet of Israel, much like the US.
No idea why Germany was allowed to keep existing after WWII instead of being disbanded.

can't wait for article 13 to push your europoors off this site

>What the fuck are you attempting to say?
That your "freedom" is almost non-existant because it's prayed upon by your rabid idealist scum.

>In your pisshole country, only the political elite are allowed to protect themselves with arms
Not really, you understimate how easy it is to smuggle weapons into Europe.
This also makes it easier to defend yourself because almost no attacker will actually have a gun.

acceptance and tolerance are not the same thing. people insulting you does not give you the right to assault them.

>Your claim is not reflected in the american economic and academic output.
America is a nation that does nothing but get itself into more and more debt and produce nothing but flat earthers.
Your educational system only exists to brainwash people into political ideologies.

Nobody will ever out do them, they came up with the idea, planed for years, to bad they sucked at making bombs, they could have set the record for the next 20 years. everyone after them are just depressed copycat virgins pissed off that Stacy sucks off Chad after the big homecoming game win and not them. Eric did it because he hated mankind, the kid wanted to blow up the world, talked about getting a F-15 and bombing Denver with it.

>physical threats (which exist everywhere in the world) requires firearm
no we just remove the threats from the streets instead of having to constantly watch our back.

>academic output
numbers are cooked for cash.
is not an indication of intelligence.

pretty sure another survivor did an ama on plebbit and according to him she was your average stacy.

>hurr durr but third world monkeys blow each other up over religion
what does that have to do with you though? religious persecution literally doesn't exist in western countries

>SJWs make a thread to complain about Christians
>be forced to act patriotic and defend their country when Europoors come and shit all over their 3rd world dystopic shithole

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>Never once left Seattle or Tacoma.

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>Anyone who doesn't believe in my magical sky fair is an ESS-JAY-DOUBLEYOU
Are you really this retarded?

I never went to Seattle or Tacoma.

Seung-Hui Cho

>Anyone who doesn't believe in my magical sky fair
You still believe in fairy tales that make no sense.
Instead of being called God, the one you praise is called Captain America.

I don't care about Captain America or Marvelshit, so I'm confused about what point you're trying to make.

>That your "freedom" is almost non-existant because it's prayed upon by your rabid idealist scum.
Re-read what I wrote.
>Not really, you understimate how easy it is to smuggle weapons into Europe.
I wrote ALLOWED, as in "are LEGALLY ALLOWED TO".
What are you implying? In America, It is certainly not legal to assault someone due to "insulting speech".
>America is a nation that does nothing but get itself into more and more debt
National debt doesn´t matter, you imbecile.
>Your educational system only exists to brainwash people into political ideologies.
The basic education in every country is littered with brainwashing, true, but higher education in America exists for the express purpose of acquiring knowledge.
You can´t remove every person with evil intent from the streets, retard - that´s why your politicians and other "very important persons" enjoy armed police protection.

That millennials who act all mighty about not being religious don't realize they act the same, but their god has a different name.
They replaced religion with either superhero movies, or with their obsession with politics.

also infested with niggers.

>implying I´m American
Not every non-American is an imbecile of your caliber.

> higher education in America exists for the express purpose of acquiring knowledge.
But it's in college precisely where most of the brain washing happens.

Only at shit-tier liberal arts colleges.

It's fucking everywhere, even the most renowned universities like Harvard are full of SJWs.
Then again, college is a massive waste of time that only works to put yourself in debt for life.

I thought the murder rate bit already covered that, but yes

>Then again, college is a massive waste of time that only works to put yourself in debt for life.
For brainlets who study liberal arts without a scholarship (the attainment of which requires non-imbecile SAT/ACT results), yes; for anyone else, no.

Nearly every successful person in business, technology or politics holds a university degree - your claim doesn´t hold up to the slightest amount of scrutiny.

>business, technology or politics
Why would any sane person work in any of these fields, specifically in politics?

Except atheism isn't cool or edgy anymore, even millennials know this. That's why religion has made a comeback on Yea Forums because being religious is edgy now, don't pretend it's for any other reason.

Used Eric and Dylan as inspiration, didn't have a grand master plan other then shooting a bunch of people.

You said Washington, we don't call Washington D.C. Washington unless less your some Jew York faggot.

atheist here, it's because we've all got bored of discussing the subject as it's obvious you can't argue people out of religion.


The Government has become their god, millennial's view the government as their savior. Who's going to solve all of their problems, very dangerous thinking in my opinion.

>That's why religion has made a comeback
It hasn't, religion has been replaced by praising the government, which is far more dangerous.

You can but they have to be questioning/on the fence already.

Only a fool trusts their government

I'm a millennial and the only good I worship is alcohol

>being religious is edgy now
Being a poltard christian larper is cringy not edgy

you must never go on /pol/ if you think this is true.

>Nearly every successful person in business, technology or politics holds a university degree

This is the old jew way of thinking, my bother dropped out of college, when to a 4 month codeing school and works for intel making $150k.

Being a millennial in general is cringe.