When did you tear up when you saw Endgame?

When did you tear up when you saw Endgame?

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Feels good knowing I will probably never watch it

Sex. Have it.

The two main death scenes, the funeral, and the credits when they showed the OG6 credits

I actually did for some odd reason. I never got invested in any of these movies, but seeing 10 years of shit come together was oddly moving. The deaths weren't moving to me and the funeral was stupid, but seeing Tony be happy when Peter came back was pretty nice and I liked when Wanda showed up in full fury just railing on Thanos for taking away the love of her life was cool

Funural. Father daughter relationships are my weakness.

nope, everyone around me did though

This faggot is clearly chugging his daughter estrogen pills

Grow up. You really cried over a fucking kids movie?

you are a good person

When I began to think about how easy it would be to produce a competitive alternative to this crap and yet Warners have completely screwed the pooch

I dont watch movies where the target audience is in the process of learning their times tables and beta man children.

I dont because I like having sex, if I wasted my time and money on this garbage I would still be virgin. I think it's funny when they say "have sex" or "incel" as a insult while being virgin neckbeard white knight themselves.

We need a insult to threw back at them like idk

>grow up

>man up

>Get a life

Something like that.

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my test levels are fine, thanks for the concern

Why would anyone over the age of 10 do something like that?
Don't tell me Americans get all emotional over something like this?

You really think emotional experiences have an age limit? Fuck off dickhead.

If Disney gave you money for positive reviews you'd cry too if that's what they wanted.

Does he still p0wn his wife's taint/clit/brown

I’d probably watch this mindless horse shit if the movies weren’t 3 hours long. That’s a lot to invest for a premise I care so little about. If you’re a teenager I get it. If you have kids I get it. If you’re a man over the age of 25 you should kill your self

When Thor was talking to his mom.

This guy got a toupee, why he's he still wearing hats all the time?

Absolutely not, he just has some fucked up emotional regulators or something.

I don't think you have any right to say that since you're visiting this website.

"eat salad my son"
I understand what made you cry.

nah, he had a near death experience, and is still on that high from 'oh shit, i almost died but i didnt, everything is great and beautiful' stage


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I didn't. And I loved the movie.

He was like this long before his heart attack

I saw Endgame then Shazam right after and almost teared up in Shazam than Endgame.

Endgame was just a clusterfuck of a story. Sure it made sense in most parts. Still it just fucking dragged too much. Hell it wouldve probably dragged even more if they went back in time to bring back another Natasha with the Pym particles.

you have to understand, they're weened on a steady diet of capefaggotry and soiwars from birth, and by the time they reach adulthood have lost all sense of taste and reality.

Which is why Infinity War was just better

Di, late it

>someone doesn't want to watch movie for retards and children
>have sex
>one post by this i.d.

I did not. It's a capeshit flick. It had touching moments but whole thing is not serious enough to give a shit.