The Woke Avengers. Lets go over it

Thor is now a Black Woman. An Asgardian Nordic inspired black woman. Happened in the comics about 5 years ago.

Captain America is now a black man with no super powers. Happens in the comics about 5 years ago.

Hulk will probably regrow his arm since he's gamma radiation and be in the mix as a chad something?

Thor is part of the Guardians and will do quirky movies in space?

Black Widow is ded but there is a solo movie coming out? Prequel?

Captain is old but could come back in cameos.

Tony is completely dead and I doubt RDJ would come back as he's rich and wouldn't want to fuck things up.

Then we have Black Panther, Captain Marvel (Who may become black), Dr Strange is still in the mix I guess?, and Spiderman (who may be in development hell again with sony).

Since the Woke version of Marvel Comics failed hard... will audience come out for the Cinematic version? or will Marvel play it safe?

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why won't this crap just end

Because people love it. The movies are fucking amazing and popular worldwide. You have the problem, not marvel

Because it makes money retard.

>fucking amazing
Marvel movies are Big Macs of hamburgers - bland, full of artificial shit and targeted towards lazy low IQ fatasses who hate themselves and look for meaning in life through brand dick sucking.
Fuck off to IGN.

>Captain America is now a black man with no super powers.
I know this happens in the comics, but in the MCU he and Falcon look like complete strangers to me. He had a much deeper relationship with Bucky and he should have been the new cap (he actually was when cap was dead in the comics).

I'll tell you what, I've gone to the cinema for less and less of them throughout out the years, but Endgame was a satisfying closure, I'm done going to the theater for these. I wonder how many people feel the same.

Stop making capeshit thread, faggot.

I enjoyed Endgame a lot.

The amount of groan moments were very few and far between. I think Marvel is capable of making great movies but if they think they can do it by shitting on white men...

WH*TE """""MEN"""""

The MCU films won't go "woke". Keep in mind that Black Panther and Captain Marvel are original characters, there's nothing inherently "woke" or political about giving them their own films unless you make it an issue. Blackwashing existing characters is a whole other issue and there's no way they would risk the backlash. Blacktain America will just pop up in other people's films and in a streaming series, same with Tessa Thompson. That Asian hero they're working on will probably not get a theatrical release either because he's too niche and not hyped up at all. The problem with the MCU going forward isn't wokeness but rather the lack of flagship characters they can build films around. Merging Thor with the Guardians is stupid because GOTG is already one of their biggest properties, if Chris Hensworth is staying on at least make Thor 4 for another easy 1billion+ box office.

>Thor is now a Black Woman
No he's not. Thor is still Thor. She just rules over a handful of homeless people, something Thor never really wanted. It was a win win conclusion for him.

The Russos are some of the few decent directors they have.
I didn't like the final battle, it was the equivalents of a kid smashing together his toys, but all up until that was good.

It was worth it to see cap use mjolnir.

I thought it was well done. it didn't last too long and was well rendered. And it set up Tonys big moment which was satisfying.

I literally had no problem with it and enjoy the fuck out of the spectacle.

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well, noone's ever really gone

> evil RDJ laugh

avengers 13: revenge of stark

I don't count that as THE final battle. Cap struggling was kino.

When all the women in the battle stand their ground was very cringe.
Speaking of which I tend to believe the rumor of a damage control cut. Larson was basically non-existent in the movie.

Yeah that scene could literally be cut out but.. marketing and lip service I guess.

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All the better imo, the small screen time she got was annoying as fuck already.


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Gee that's harsh. I guess you are right. I guess I should just go and see Casablanca or Citizen Lane to enjoy a meaningful story about self growth, and to be able to sympathize with truly humane characters. Except that doing that would help nothing with the meaning in life. How should we proceed user? (You) shall guide us to a better understanding of Cinema appreciation.

I do believe the female avenger money shot was really stupid though, and a friend looked down to me when I said it. I mean, they made a shot in which several women are posting as heroes, and I'm supposed to believe that the patriarchy will crumble itself down afterwards. Makes absolutely no sense to put it. It's a good financial move but a void moment to the flow of that impressive fight.

>I mean, they made a shot in which several women are posting as heroes, and I'm supposed to believe that the patriarchy will crumble itself down afterwards.

It works the same as beating scales with hammers makes fat girls the standard of beauty