I Sentence Myself to Die Edition
I Sentence Myself to Die Edition
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i want someone to read my fucking trash shitpost pls, thx
>Bran wargs into dragon
>fucking eats Danny
>Burns Briene and Le Epic Swordmaster Girl alive
>fucks sansa
>a sword is thrown from the forest and lands smack dab in the chest of Bran
>he looks up, bleeding from the mouth
>Stanny the Dead Manny is standing there and chops his head off
>Stanny then proceeds to kill all the whitewalkers and takes his crown from the main WW
>one by one the castles fall to stanny and his undead loyalist army
>final scene
>he sits upon the iron throne with Tyrions severed head in his hand, onion knight was spared death and rubs his bony shoulders
>"This throne was always mine. No more cock jokes, eh?"
>he casually tosses it aside as the red woman is burned alive infront of him
>people complain about show being dark
>i don't get it
>make it for my mom
>go into her room
>i can barely see any characters even with the curtains closed
So I guess... don't watch this show during daytime.
What happened to Aegon?
What's with all the women in positions of power and talking down to men in this episode
she dies and becomes the night queen confirmed
>What are you doing up here?
>I'm waiting for the episode to leak
>every single person in this picture got fucked over
D&D are jews, and jewish males have a femdom fetish.
Source: Nazi femdom stories, it got so bad that they had to actually set laws against it to try and stop it. (Jews making these stories and printing these pictures and so on)
to late for the episode to get leaked at this point
Did everybody just forget this twat started a world war because slavery hurt her feelings and then bailed out on it cuz muh iron throne.
Sorry bro, but if it was gonna leak it woulda been out by now. All us faggots are gonna have to watch it at the regular time tonight sadly.
>only reedming quality the series had was court politics and sheming
>now it's from one battle to another
Even the obnoxious danny scenes in some of the early season are still better than anything in the later seasons. Doesn't help that all the good characters are dead, now you are watching children do politics. I bet if the show focused on the vassal houses it would still be more interesting than anything the maincharacters have to offer.
>we'll never get a scene like Tywin blowing the fuck out of the King in the council, sitting outside and fishing or his interaction between Arya and him
I dont think theyre even sending out screeners to (((journalists))) to watch now its so locked down
Didn't it get leaked last week just a few hours prior to the real release?
Season eight I am forgotten...
Actually, you are partially correct. It leaked early Sunday afternoon.
george confirmed for incel
Well I'm going to sleep now, have a blessed day everyone.
Nooouuhhh, noah eet enns.
>going to sleep
The episode will leak one minute after you turn off your computer and you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
Tormund should have died at the BotB, giving weight to Jon's decision to use the wildlings. If he fucks Brienne it will be the most schlocky shit imaginable.
Beric should have died saving Jon beyond the wall.
Jorah should die next episode and Lyanna should see it and live.
Hound should die because fuck Cleganebowl reddit bullshit.
I don't want Beric to die. He deserves happiness.
Sleep tight, pal.
>Jorah should die next episode and Lyanna should see it and live.
>not the other way around
Come on now. /ourguy/ Jorah needs to stab his way out of the friendzone.
oh fuk plothole
>you will never ruin the series for showfags again with wanton spoilers
post dead memes/images you can't post anymore
This cannot be real. It's too perfect.
really loved varys and littlefinger and their scheming. now it seems that the showrunners have killed all the intelligent characters. tywin gone, littlefinger gone, varys is a mute, tyrion has basically become a shadow of his former self and has lost everything that made him great. i can't remember the last time we had some intelligent dialogue.
this show stinks and i can't wait for it to end.
Melly not until episode 4?
There's interviews where she talks about filming new stuff for this season so she's showing up eventually
An user posted scenes from ep 4 with Melly and Hound.
I honestly wonder why they have kept Varys and not just killed him off yet. Probably only because he's a fan favorite or something. He did fuck all in Season 7 and in Season 87 he was only good for a dick joke.
its real
that is a remarkably shit prop sword
Slavic fairytales taught me you tie up a animal skin to the front of your shield when you have to fight a dragon, you lads think it would work?
Happy Easter, /got/!
ever watched Rome with a girl? They invariably get (even more) wet for Pullo when he smashes that lad's head against the wall
Right around S6 and 7 they stopped every plotline, or concluded it poorly and began killing off characters left and right and shuffling everyone who was left to Winterfell and KL. Good people to Winterfell, and bad people to KL. That's all the show has been for a long while. Jettisoning all storylines and development for your grand battle between generic good and evil.
Happy Easter, my Orthodox bros.
It's a blunted training sword.
I watched Rome with my girlfriend and she didn't find Mark Antony hot, which really offended me. As you say, she liked Pullo and even Vorenus to a certain extent. Mark and Brutus are the patrician choices.
Hristos Voskrese
Didn't watch Rome with gf, but I did watch Spartacus. I really liked Gannicus whom she really hated, she did like Crixus but I think it's because of the shitty romance plot
Pretty much. Show is so dumbed downed and stupid it’s not even funny. They even had the fucking nerve to pretend stannis burning shireen made any sense when WE SEE FUCKING ARMIES TRAVELING TO WINTERFELL IN SEASON 8. STANNIS SAID IN SEASON 5 THAT IF THEY CAMPED AT CASTLE BLACK IT WOULD BE FOR YEARS
They really are in a rush to kill off gme of thrones. Maybe the actors were starting to ask for too much money so they want to start another project from scratch.
I thought that he'd at least end up plotting against Dany or something, but nope he just ends up as a target for Tyrion's dick jokes.
he should have been killed a long time ago.
They are also a matriarchal society and their mothers constantly pick at them for nkt being good enough
>Ramsay meeting stannis and Jon in battle
Why is this allowed?
How disappointed will this place be when jaime doesn’t become azor ahai?
His character arc ended with an "im fo da pypo" speech to Dany.
fucking gayer than a dude with no dick
It will be the burning of shireen times two
Why aren't there any white walker women in the show? Are the show runners sexist?
>I bet if the show focused on the vassal houses it would still be more interesting than anything the maincharacters have to offer.
I dont give a shit about snow zombies or dragons. As soon as they ran out of source material you can tell they are just making it up and following the general main outline grrm gave em.
there's leaks?
contracts in hollywood last 7 years. The original actors still left got paid a shit load for Season 8 for sure and would have got a shit load more if it had gone for more seasons.
Azor Ahai is degenerate trash religion
Jaime Lannister rides for the Faith of the Seven
Is this the moment he gave up on asoiaf?
Doctor Who looks like that!?
so many of the white walkers are crasters children right? but they're all old so how did they grow up so quickly?
Based faith of seven bro poster
Voistinu voskrese!
I would
he doesn't even remember all seven gods
Total bullshit
I stopped being disappointed ages ago, I just want to see how generic the ending gets
>hundreds of thousands of years go back
>no development at all in technology during that time
How do grrm fans defend this?
Why's there a difference between NK and WW anyway? Why does one look like blue Darth Maul and the others like freeze-dried mummies? Aren't there just The Others in the books who all look like alien glass elves?
I think Arya is the big death.
Tormund does not die. Screenshot this. This is his legendary backstory.
they are winter elves, there is no NK in books
No wonder they are killing many off quick.
cant give a woman all seven
thats the future Ser Lady of House Lannister he knighted
Does it matter what animal it's from?
They didn't have PoC to inn3kvate and steal the inventions from, womyn were oppressed the whole time.
Wasn't NK a Wall Commander that fell in love with a woman white walker and declared himself king in the books?
>their son
>size of the mountain, skill of Jaime
would be an absolute chad
They don't have any idea how to write political drama. Since S5 all the small houses are either non-existent or are just
>Fook 'em, fook tradishun, I taek power from you
Well most technological development happened within the last two centuries IRL too
Civilisational development has gone up and down, but it's basically been people bashing each other with rocks for nearly 200,000 years and then people bashing each other with swords for about 10,000, and then people shooting each other
It might end up being the same character. In the books that's the Nights Kings. The 13th Lord Commander
That's the Night's King (No relation) although Preston thinks that myth might end up being plot relevant. I can see it
digits confirm
/got/, what are some of your favorite theories from the past? Both that haven't come true and those that could.
Jon is Neddo's son for real.
Roose is a skinchanger that's been around for centuries.
Maester plot to kill dragons and end all magic.
All his theories turned out to be literally nothing, ASoIaF will end a typical bog-standard fantasy ending, assuming the fat man even bothers to finish it.
>>then people bashing each other with swords for about 10,000
>in 8000 B.C.
Nigga, go back to school.
and wasn't that area about the same size as westeros? like, you just conquered a kingdom girl work with it
You don't know that there is no relation. All we know so far is that the show is way ahead of the books and the show tells us there's a Night King. The books talks about a Kinghts King who was the 13th Lord Commander, but we don't know any more than that yet, in the books at least. The two characters could wind up being the same person.
That Margaery would live and be my Queen.
The Merling theory/autism
post the azor jaime pasta with kingslayer, kingslayer, kingslayer at the end
>Sam is his self insertion in the story
>a literal cuckold fat nice guy who will take care of your son
Are we suppose to still be hyped for his new books?
>EURIO! It fit.
>All his theories turned out to be literally nothing
He only started making videos after the last book, so there's been no opportunity for him to be proven right or wrong yet...
It's not like his ideas are total ass pulls, he always builds on a theme or idea that George has shown an interest in in his writing career which goes back way before ASOIAF.
Yeah, he's probably wrong about half of what he says, but I'm certain that he's got a much better understanding than anyone who thinks the books will have a "bog-standard fantasy ending".
Wasn't it just 3 cities/kingdoms?
what is that covering his torso? it looks like a womans torso sewn over whatever he is wearing
Can we post spoilers here or what?
It wasn't even close to the same size of Westeros, maybe about the same size as the riverlands
a rubber truck floormat
>ladies want cruel masters dominating them
Ok, sure I guess I can't know for sure
I also can't know for sure that burnt Shireen will end up becoming the night king in the books either
or fucking patchface
The Turtle is his self insert in Wildcards and the character is pretty pathetic
>gives his immortality to the Hound and dies
Nothing personnel.
Di you really expect to find spoilers in this shithole? There isn't a single soul here that actually has spoilers...
Egypt stalled out on progress after a while.
Ancient Rome stalled out for long periods.
That added with the magic n shit making the seasons be weird.
Its not that much longer than some human empires.
Their dates of human civilization where written historical records start to be kept only goes back a few thousand years in Westeros.
Hi Preston watcher
>Patchface drowns
>found and brought back to life
>somehow can predict the future with riddles
>Mellisandrei sees his face in fires for some reason
Patchface is a weird ass character.
>Remove your helmet
>What's your name?
>Torco nudo
>Too complicated, from now on you're pablo
The maesters are hiding the Andals involvement in the Long Night
>Patchface is a weird ass character.
oh oh oh
The early forming of the Valyrian Freehold, The Long Night, and the Andal Invasion was all happening at the same time and its all connected.
The maesters are in on the conspiracy and saying that they all happened seperately in sequence centuries apart. But they were all happening together.
I thought Gurrm hadn't really decided what actually the Long Night was
The actor is doing a good job but goddamn the writers made a mess of Euron.
And why does the costuming department have a hardon for these kinds of clothes? It all just looks so comical compared to the first seasons which had mostly excellent outfits.
I wasn't looking...I was gonna post them
>they literally gave medieval king a biker outfit
>implying there's anything wrong with the gay leatherdaddy look
he looks like a faggot and acts like one too
Remember when they had the balls to make Bran wear a gay ass tunic? Now everyone wears edgy modern clothing. It's braindead retarded, because normies can't handle how stupid some medieval clothing looked.
Lead costume designer left after S4. Everything new after that looks like shit.
>season 5 episode 10
>stannis dies
>jon snow dies
>people believe that melisandre brought back jon snow and now stannis reborn
cringeworthy tbqfh
jon snow = stannis = aegon = azor ahai = the rightful king
Jesus Christ
remember when the costumes looked /fa/ as fuck
Season 4 Arya.
oh nononono
>that giant armor on jaime
>nothing on his legs
its honestly jarring rewatching the show. The first few seasons were so fucking good, and had such a good set and costume design. What in the fuck happened?
how does the mountain bend his torso
Once again, predict who will die.
See you this evening, /got/
In order to ascertain what it means, the faces need to be studied in more detail. The refraction of the light within the glasses allocates more of a particular realm and has more with time dilation that compared to the other. As to answer why, the reason remains unknown.
The corner describes another instance in which the shadow of the temple regarding the facial structure eats away at them simply. Therefore, it should be noted that despite all this, the realm of reality and fiction in which they exist cannot simply be explained with simple precautions but must be known.
Behind that, behind your vat of blood, there lies it. The God of it all demands the dragon of the golden crown to eat away at the vat of blood and feces. The God of the machinations dislikes the scripts and upon the screen of death, hates that with the passion of death. The abyss and the void of death clings onto the void of the screen. The abyss and files within the abyss cling to the vat and the refraction of the light continues to press forward onto the screen and mirror of disrepair. In order to properly contain it, the addendum of time must be added onto the dilation of the screen and exit out onto the God of machinations and the fiction must be coincided with them. The screaming and the void.
>Regarding the void
The simple equation is resulting of about a life to another. A mammal in which is equal to that of a fox equals about a human life. So, a cow with a head of a pig can thus equate to about two human lives. Therefore, you can say that the lives in the escape of the exit can see forward through the abyss and into the vat of blood and feces of about two human lives. Therefore, it should be stated that the life of a pig with the body of a cow can be seen with the lens of a pig with the body of a fox. With the abyss, it cannot be understated. Therefore, it should be with Lain instead. Inside the machinations of it, lies the fiction of the refraction of the light.
Idk its just my theory but it makes senses in my head.
Some magical event happens once every few thousand years.
The previous one....
-White Walkers awake cause the Long Night.
-Dragons spring out of the volcanos in the land that would become Valyria.
- Andals already in Westeros i think but maesters say no. In universe maesters keep changing the dates on the Andal invasion. Each source dates it more recent. First its 6,000 then 4,000, then the most recent says 2,000 years.
I think the maesters are hiding something to do with the Andals involvement.
popularity went to their heads, bigger budget meant they could afford overly detailed shitty designs, and no one could call them out over the din of diehard fans
God damn the Stark differences is astounding. I knew there was a quality drop after S4, and not just in the writing and casting department.
''beauty'' and the beast
Where is this from?
Cast her, /got/. Where is she from? What gods does she worship? Who does she support?
episode 3
>jorah the andal is the commander of the centre
>he fights in the first lines
>brienne of tarth is the commander of the left flank
>she fights in the first lines
this is so fucking bad
battles have been such a fucking disappointment in this show it's insance, especially compared to how much screen time and budget was invested in them
fucking retards shitheads cunts niggers malignant peices of shits gooks faggots trannies
Dude ypu havent seen the episode 3 leak?
Resident evil
resident evil
it's designed like this on purpose to illustrate how Cersei relies more on her monster for protection than Jaime, it's pure kino and it's like poetry
Cast yourself down a bridge, faggot.
and jews
>Jon broke his chastity vow
>Jon broke his vow to not get involved in politics
>Jon broke his vow to be king of the north
>Jaime hasn't broken a single vow since killing the mad king
it's like poetry, it rhymes
EP 3 Spoilers
Edd dies ;_;
Lord Royce dies, so that Sansa has absolute control over Vale as in the books.
Pod dies, Brienne cries.
Beric dies. Hound sad.
Wounded Gendry is killed by Arya, because Martin Wrote her as Azor Ahai. Faceless men knew this. As does Bran.
Humans defeat zombies
Jon dany burn bodies
Cersei troops arrive, shoot dragon, they were lurking and have joined the chat now
Jon dany retreat
Golden company fully surrounds winterfell, our heroes are fucked
It looks hopeless
Bran smiles
Night king rapes entire cersei army it was beautiful sansa
Bran tells them we need to leave
Everyone runs away
Dumb cunt Lyanna and House Mormont hold the gate
Gates fall
Jorah makes a last stand, HERE WE STAND, Lyanna cries and runs off like the bitch she is
NK Has taken Winterfell.
for me, it's the NK (Night King)
that's the aftemath of the effect of Shireen's sacrifice.
gay ass tunic?
Qt. I'd lick my cum off her belly
This post reveals some absolute brainlet-tier logic.
>please don't cast an older/less attractive man as the hound!
>but the hound is older and described as unattractive
>yeah but he's dangerous which makes him attractive!
If the fact that he's dangerous makes him attractive then it shouldn't matter if someone unattractive gets cast as him because the actor will still portray the character as dangerous and therefore he'll become attractive. OR are these readers such mongoloids that they retcon the character's description to fulfil their own fantasy?
Based Bobby poster
>Jaime hasn't broken a single vow since killing the mad king
He pushed an innocent boy out a window
>poor logic
he didnt promise not to.
John Snow hung a little boy.
Do you think the NK gets mad whenever one of the other white walkers accidentaly breaks the choreography of their appearance?
Based 'the humans are the real villains theory' Night King responders.
man he's doing it too fast, not menacing at all
Azor Bessie
I lost it at gurm telling her nice guy Sam is better, considering Sam is his literal self-insert
That could be literally anybody. Face is covered. Also, what does this have to do with Thrones, brah?
Who was a jew traitor
Yes he did, he's a Knight. One of his vows was to protect the innocent.
He was wearing a gay ass tunic when he fell out the window.
It's just an example of how they stay away from "cringe" clothing.
I think Hound is younger in the books, like early 30s
and not described as handsome or ugly (other than the burn I mean, like whether he has good features underneath it)
So the roasties just assume he is
Your grace I’m going to need more wine to find some of these whores attractive
>Wounded Gendry is killed by Arya, because Martin Wrote her as Azor Ahai. Faceless men knew this. As does Bran.
the fire rises.
>he didnt promise not to.
The knight's vows kinda include protecting the innocent
>he didnt promise not to.
He literally did. Anointed Knights take a vow to protect the innocent
azor blueface baby
>showfags watch youtube videos and don't actually retain any information, they just make shit up
night kang is a slav
why would the vale fall to shansha? there are other vale lords that rode north
human want boolshit me? boolshit human
Chu mean cuh Mark Antony is the Chad of The Roman Empire
You would think that Sam, being so fucking smart, would know not to put Little Sam in the fucking crypts, because the Night King might want his baby back. He literally rescued Little Sam from being taken/sacrificed by the Others. Surely 'they might want their sacrifice back' might have crossed his mind.
bran wasnt innocent, disobeying AND lying to your mother is an abomination in the eyes of the Seven.
i miss being back home
Looks like daniel craig niga
Margery Tyrell will sit the Iron Throne.
Isn't it Mance Rayder's baby that they swapped, or did they not do that in the show... I forget 2bh
I know they had Stannis at the wall and were still mostly staying on plot at that point
yes user this is a /preston/ board. We all watched the videos. Stop posting his opinions over and over.
This is my first time here. It’s quite the experience.
his next move is to post "Who is preston?" despite quoting him verbatim
yeah aight, im bout to get disrespectful in this muhfucka
She turns into a wight, and Jon is forced to kill her. The end.
I haven't seen the new Preston, I've seriously just been thinking that for a week.
They didn't do that book plot in the show.
How is Gendry ever going to live up to being a Baratheon?
I was going to call you retarded but google says you're right and swords weren't invented until 3300 BC. So what, were people just using bows and spears before then?
>fucked King's Landing whores
>fucked Riverlands whores probably
>fucked Ned's whore daughter
Six away from making the eight
-Stannis catfished by granny, killed by a woman
-Renly..enough said
-Robert killed by a pig
whats there to live up to?
hes literal Godmode if he can erase the damage those bums did amd stop it from excintion
> We had access to too much money, too much equipment, and little by little, we went insane.
Swords, i.e long blades, require a decent standard of metallurgy. You can't make a good blade out of copper or early copper alloys, it's too soft.
There were weapons made with microliths set in wood that had long edges but they weren't swords.
>because the Night King might want his baby back
I want my baby back, baby back, baby back
I want my baby back, baby back, baby back
I want my baby back, baby back, baby back
Chillyyyyyyy's Army of Dead....
Chilly's Army of Dead...
rrdpill me on prequill sceries
>We know they're evil because they're wearing black.
The absolute state of this show.
>mfw i now spoil it for bookfags
that was before the great calamity. Back when humans traveled the cosmos like we currently travel the planet. A time of great advancement. There were no wars, no fighting, no strife. Until wh*teoids showed up and ruined our planet driving everything and everyone into a darkness that perssisted for thousands of years until we could finally reclaim some of the lost technology.
based ribs poster
Azor Missandei
Danny and her entourage is in black, too. As are the Starks. If fact, almost everyone is past S7
Anyone else remember when wearing black was something that would immediately identify you as a member of the night's watch
Lads, can you pinpoint the exact moment when this show lost its magic?
based brown self segregating from whites
that tummy is based
Season 5 near the beginning
Season four, episode three
As soon as Joff's body went cold
Bows? Not so much, it takes a lot of knowledge to make a bow. Spears would be used quite a lot, as well as axes. Both are relatively sturdy and simple to make using simple stone tools. Even when we got to swords, in many cultures they were largely ceremonial objects. Apart from the Romans, most people excelled in the use of spears, but they preferred swords for their close formations. Even when you got functional swords, a lot of people still used them as glorified spears. Katanas, for example, are just that. The katana is a thrusting weapon that samurai used when mounted in the same way they would've used a spear centuries past.
The lesson you should learn is that spears are based in every way possible and the best weapon you could want unless you're fighting in a tight alleyway.
when /ourKing/ died
Post the webm of her in leather shorts.
No, because it was gradual. Eventually they just started shuffling everyone to Winterfell.
But Cersei is in black because she's mourning after Margaery and Tommen
And her court just supports her in these hard moments
unironically jon coming back to life
the mortality of main characters was kinda what made me like the show
plus when the writing had direction and wasn't 45 minutes of straight quips
where the fuck is lady stoneheart?
how could D&D have cucked us so hard out of the riverlands storyline
I'm so fucking mad my dudes
When they cut out Tysha and also added the Kraster's Keep arc.
>is it Gray Worm or Gay Worm?
>Remove your clothes and let's bump doll parts
What did Miss Andy mean by all that humiliation?
fuck a classic.
requesting the one where Dany is outside Qarth.
>what's updog?
oh thanks for clearing that up sweetie kisses.
someone please tell me who dies
Brienne's stupid made up oc quest was fine to you?
Naked Ramsy loosing the doggos was fine?
Tysha being completely left out of the Tywin death sequence?
Fooking legend?
How could they fuck us out of
>tattered prince
What am I missing?
>all those extras
I was referring to main characters and I never said all. I said almost everyone.
I was so hoping for LSH anytime in S4.
except coppola created a masterpiece, d&d created a shitfest that is going to be remembered for a while, but overtime, as other shows get more budget and use it better, it will be forgotten
we all die
b-books are coming right?
Everyone in the books is younger because the average life expectancy is like 40 in the quasi-medieval world. Age ratios are more important to the casting than exact ages. So if you're gonna have a 30 year old hound, you have to have to start the show with an 11 year old Sansa who would be like 14 by S05.
I think usually sheep skin is used for some reason, does wool have any fire preventing properties?
That moment has a name and its name is the waif.
If it isn't released or given a release date by the last episode, it isn't coming.
All Faith of the Seven warriors are safe and blessed by the Gods.
- All the surviving Lannisters
- Briennne
- Gendry
- Davos
- Podrick
- Edmure Tully
- Roslin Frey
Possibly Varys and Jorah Mormont
I don't think we're going to get A Dream of Spring or any more Dunk and Egg stories (maybe the she wolves of winterfell, depends how much of it George already wrote)
but I imagine Winds will be finished eventually
absolute yikes
>b-books are coming right?
the show was great up until Cersei blew up the church
Is this the episode they raid the three eyed raven den or from the new episode I cant tell
>1 000 000 people in kings landing alone
>largest armies number around 20 000
Why is population so inconsistent in the show
thats so fucking terrible it physically hurts
Humans have been using bows for tens of thousands of years. (except the abos)
three eyed raven ep
NK wasn't even in newest ep
10 year old meme btw
>Even when you got functional swords, a lot of people still used them as glorified spears. Katanas, for example, are just that. The katana is a thrusting weapon that samurai used when mounted in the same way they would've used a spear centuries past.
Not really, a lot of swords in the classical period were cutting weapons such as the falcata and the kopis. The thing is that until late antiquity metallurgy wasn't up to the required standard to make a longsword that would hold an edge and not bend, which meant that swords were largely short and heavy for stabbing (xiphos, gladius) or cutting like a falcata. 'Barbarian' cultures and cavalrymen used long swords, but this was more out of necessity and as a status symbol.
And a katana isn't like a spear at all, it's not very long and doesn't have a point.
This is wrong but mostly true
well, it is abolutely pants on head retarded so no wonder
>little girl with big mouth is funny
>hey let's turn her into the most prominent northern lord and have her fight zombies in her toddler sized armor
aka going full retard with the fanservice
King's Landing is half a million
I ment is it from ep3 leaked. But never mind you confirmed what I thought it was from.
This guys walks up to you in the club and tells you to kneel
what do
So is this the real leak or is it this one I'm going to post
>all those extras
Literally 6 main characters in that 1 image.
Go re-watch the meeting everyone on Cersei side is wearing plain black and on the other side there's way more colour.
It was specifically shot to make it look like le good vs evil caricature.
kneel and kiss his ring
She would be alright if only the writing wouldn't bend around her and older, more powerful lords wouldn't suddenly shut up and nod whenever she talks
Glover basically told Sansa and Jon fuck you, but then shut ups and takes it whenever she disses him
It's 1 million in show canon
Yes daddy
>isnt she a clever sausage
He wouldnt be in a club.
any business he had in a club he would send goons to handle
So which one is it? They are both pretty similar and almost the same just minor differences
It's also half a million in show
it only became a million because of refugees from the surrounding regions
when qyburn asks jamie how many lives he'd saved in S3, Jamie answers half a million, the population of kings landing
i miss based 'FUCK OFF' and [finger wagging] man.
>ends with a song from sigur ros
atleast that's good
that's what I mean. it was funny how she dissed the northern lords that one time, so of course D&D made her into a meme character. this is what I dislike most about their OC writing tbqh. letting the audience dictate character development is absolute shit tier writing.
half a million was during the reign of aerys decades ago
also this only proves population is inconsistent
that's not what depressant means for fuck sake what's wrong with normalfags
It's more like milestones with new layers of shit. For me things started to feel wrong already in S2E1. They made wierd choices and the writing felt off. S3E10 was the first time they made the first god-awful, show breaking choice. This got worse in S4, then worse again in S5 and when Stannis burned Shireen the show was dropped.
>Maester plot to kill dragons and end all magic.
I thought that was a cool part of the book desu, how they didn't like magic because it was unpredictable and wanted to stop it.
Population is inconsistent because there is a literal world war going on
Bad Pussy for me
Was it explained how the fuck they build the Wall?
if magic counts as explanation
jfc, she's a prominent series regular on all eight seasons of the most popular show of the entire decade. did Kate Mara have this reaction when she learned how character on HoC was getting axed at the start of the season? Emilia should be fucking grateful.
bob the builder, with the help of giants and magic and shit, bitchass nigga
Lol, do people actually believe this shit
They froze water you retard.
last season's boatsex leaks were real
They are at home taking care of the white crawlers.
Seeing that Stannis did ge burned aftzer his death do you guys think the knight king will resurrect him?
>none of the dudes are even facing her direction
Where else would Gilly go? It's not like she has infinite resources. There's more food at Winterfell. She can't assume that any other place would take her in during the winter, and with the wall fallen. Times are tough. people are desperate. How would she travel safely alone? What if she runs into criminals? Does Sam have to travel along with her? So now he needs resources. Can winterfell spare two horses at this point? Can gilly even ride? They'd probably need a wagon too. Wouldn't Bran inform them if the child was a target? Bran says the Night King specifically wants Bran.
>remember its SSAFE INT HE CRYPT
>remember the CRYPT is where its SAFE
>go to the place where we keep the dead people ITS THE SAFE PLACE
Fuck ,do you guys think the episode might leak early again this afternoon?
If not I won't be able to watch until Tuesday afternoon..
when they decided to just write stannis into the ground
Also, does the Night King know where the child is? The characters don't know. But if they assume that he does know where the child is, then he stand a better chance behind the walls of Winterfell. Otherwise, he would just swiftly fly to whatever nearby town Gilly is hiding in, and take the baby easily.
And if they assume that he doesn't know where the child is, then he's just as safe in the crypts as everyone else.
reminder daario=euron
yes that's literally what it means you fucking sperg
That's what you get for hiring women
lol i remember that shit
>make sure to mention it 20 times during the episode
Yea, they'll be fine
so did sansa die in season 1 episode 1?
If HBO has any sense, people got fired over the leak. Since it was their German affiliate that posted the episode early, they probably raised hell. I doubt it will happen again.
This is only speculation. But my guess is that they're handing out episodes on the same day as they air.(less time for leaks to get out) I bet the German affiliate got the episode, and just assumed that it should get posted immediately, rather than waiting. Or, some retard forgot to set the post date properly. Or, it was intentionally leaked as soon as they received the episode. But in any case, heads probably rolled for that. I wouldn't expect a leak this time.
>37 tabs
r/asoiaf isn't that bad from what i've seen
They aren’t, they have been posting on /got/ for years and are just book nerds who hate the show. It’s the freecucks that’s are absolutely fucking cringey Burlington Bar-tier faggots