I'll start with Sally, from HBO's Barry. Currently the most annoying cunt on TV. Yes she's played by a Jew. It's obvious, right?

>Often with antihero shows, there’s this strange hostility directed at the female lead, like Carmela Soprano or Skyler White. Have you experienced this with “Barry?”

>Definitely, but I was sort of anticipating it a little bit and wanted to flip all that on its head. I kept begging the guys when we were getting original notes on her and there was some feedback that she was too dislikable. I was like, “Please don't dilute her.” If they'd written the typical rom-com, romantic lead, I wouldn't have wanted the part. In that pilot, she’s just this perfect combination of horrific narcissism, but then this small-town girl-next-door, wanting to help. She’s a messy character and she's not one thing. And I really appreciated that they’d done that.

>There’s a lot of pressure being one of the only female main characters on the show where we do have conversations constantly where we say, “What are we saying about women here?”


Post more female TV characters that you highly dislike.

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I like her character and think she’s one of the few females done right on TV right now.


damn she doesnt photograph well, or maybe i just never focused on her face before but in that pic she kinda looks like a witch lol

I hate Sally

sally is based ya fucking incels

>she kinda looks like a witch lol
That's every Jewish woman in a nutshell. Her face has always creeped me out.

That fat catwoman with a punchable face, i forgot her name tho

>maybe i just never focused on her face before
The Jewish face is evil incarnate.

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she's supposed to be unlikable. that's the joke.

yeah but people get mad that you dislike a woman anyway

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imagine the stink

her character is so damn accurate. i know so many actors like her out here.


All of them.

are you saying that you dislike her character as a person, or you think she's bad for the show?

I don't understand why you qouted those parts of the interview either. It seems like the actor is saying she wanted to be written as flawed, which is supposed to be ... bad?

>are you saying that you dislike her character as a person

Why do so many Jews have gums like that?

hm ok fair enough
you don't empathize with her at all though?
I like her more than skylar and less than carm

Not sure. But yes, they have tend to have:

1) A dental arch that is more like a V than a U
2) Exposed gums
3) Small bricky teeth or rotten-looking misshapen teeth.

One of the many ways to spot a Jew. It is most obvious when they smile. Their whole face becomes scary to look at.

Skyler and Carm are better than her.

to better bite off foreskins

She's hard to empathize with considering how narcissistic she is.

she is sometimes quite nice/ supportive of barry and if she was less self obsessed she might realise what he's done.
plus the whole struggling actor game must suck.

This irritating cunt.

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cringe and goyimpilled

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>Their whole face becomes scary to look at
h-haha yeah who would want that

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She's not Jewish. She's got Redman and African blood.

She's barely Jewish which is why she's not that scary when she smiles.

>redman blood

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don't have stories really. just work with a lot of "working" actors and aspiring actors. Barry nails their behavior.

Descended from sharks

Sharks laugh at those gross smiles

yeah man don't bring sharks into this they are okay animals

*ruins entire connected universe of TV shows*

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Stopped watching a few episodes in S2 because of her.

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>Carmela Soprano
Few people complain about her. It's Janice that people hate.

God I want to cum on her face.

Yeah they only hated her because she wanted to fuck that other Italian guy

I dislike her character because she feels written for me to dislike so it’s a weird feedback loop where I hate her because she acts like all the shitty LA women I’ve met but is written to be like that.

I don't get that quote, every time she's sweet and supportive in the show it's because she needs something from the person. She's shown to be completely dishonest and manipulative down to her core and if the current plot line plays out like it looks it will, with her way overplaying the abusive nature of her ex-boyfriend to the point that barry kills him, then she will have crossed yet another line of being irredeemable

Tulip on Preacher
Laura Moon on American Gods

Making women "badass" is always executed badly and isnt convincing at all