Endgame hate thread

Infinity War was far better. This movie was a huge mess. It reminds me of the final episode of Seinfeld, where they all replay their “greatest hits”. And the action was Ready Player One tier but somehow much worse.

Anyway fuck this pile of garbage. My favorite part was when the credits started to roll and I could leave.

Once the sheen falls off this movie you’ll all agree. It’s like The Last Jedi all over again except not quite as bad.

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Felt really wierd, i knew it was a continuation but several characters felt like different, and not in a good way. Didn’t enjoy it desu.

80% Reddit quips and exposition followed by 20% cheap garbage CGI fights and fanservice for onions rats, latinos, nugs and Indians to scream at like subhumans and forget that 80% of the movie was boring as fuck.
Every character gets snarky one liners so manbabies can guffaw and spray food particles all over the theater then clap and high five.
A succesful capeshit has to be:
>Some action with quipping
>Hero thinks that everything is lost
>Quipping showing that not everything is lost
>A final battle full of quippings, cgi and fanservice who will take 20% of the screentime and will be used to sell the movie

There was no heroes journey. Just random shit happening until it was over. No gravity or suspense, just quips, fanservice, and cheap action.

People literally clapped in my theater when everyone came back. I was fucking mad because it was drowning out some of the voices.

>world in chaos even after 5 years
>bringing back 3+ billion people in a snap wont cause food shortages, crime waves and war (literally what thanos predicted longterm)

i just dont see how this is a good ending. same with Captain Feminism forcing her way on the universe

It felt so cheap and cartoonish. I was like, seriously? That’s it? A phone rings ? And it’s Seargent whogivesashit brokey mcbrokeface and his tv tier acting


Captain feminism also got all the biggest moments too. Oh and don’t forget all the other female characters joined her for a yass Queen scene.

I agree, I thought infinity war was waaaay better. Endgame was a 6/10 won't watch again.

>Infinity War
Infinity War was a huge fucking mess too. The entire thing was a series of cameos, followed by a fight scene featuring said cameo characters, until Disney decided they stretched it out long enough with the cameos, and end it off with an overly long generic culminating fight scene. It's trash. It's hardly even a story. The entire existence of that movie was to be a montage of fanbait. Why would anyone pay money for that? Haven't seen Endgame yet, but Infinity War was fucking trash, mate. Don't kid yourself.

Do all the characters who die in the last one return? If so, how?

Why didn't thanos just kill everyone who was gonna cause trouble to begin with? Like why didn't he snap to pick and choose to kill off every avenger and the start killing off 50% of all the random? What stopped him from doing that?

I know its intended to be a badass moment, but that "I am unstoppable (or w/e the f Thanos said) being followed by "I am Ironman" felt like the ultimate dad-joke comeback in the industry of filmmaking.

I know I laughed my ass off.

What a letdown.

Wahhhh muh capeshit part 1 was better then part 2!!! I'm not like other normies.....
Rick and Morty is like hella cringe
but that first season bro......

It's a good thing Endgame isn't canon. IW was so much better than that trash

Infinity War was fucking gay. I’m Thanos and my life sucked so everyone else’s has to too. No wonder why you like it

I hate that, after two movies on the matter, we never got to see how the snap looked in "real-time". I wanted to see how the characters destroyed and rebuild reality with the power of the stones to bend it to their will, but insteadzthey just showed two more identical snaps and that was it. We didn't even got to see how Tony used it and how it affected him before fucking dying. Hell, they didn't even show the true terror infinity could bring, they just dumbed down the power to the Infinity Gauntlet to "snap your fingers to insta-win".

Fuck that shit.

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Loki is alive again because when they go back in time to get the mind stone they fuck up and Loki grabs it and fucks out of there. Gamora is alive again but she was taken from an earlier point in time so she doesn't remember being with the guardians.

This capeshit is embarrassingly out of control and cringey. You should be ashamed to give these people your hard earned money.

"cgi faceless gray cyborg alien army" has become the new "blue space laser" of capeshit climaxes. that was more or less the part where i kept checking the time because aside from a few scenes, i'm very tired of half hour long battles.

None of it makes sense in the long term anyway user, the result if his plan would've went to waste given enough time. He should've snapped to limit the ammount of life allowed in the universe.

The rosy restropection syndrome in Yea Forums is mindboggling. Those who say IW is better now most likely the same people who said it was shit last year

But all the ones whocwere vaporized in infinity war are gone for good?

No, they went back in time and got the infinity stones, built a new glove, then snapped again to bring everyone back

damn thats lame but i knew it would happen

>Infinity War was a huge fucking mess too

this. it's full of scenes where characters could do X to insta-win but don't, or show up somewhere only because the plot requires it, etc. they don't hide it, they just rush to the next scene.

but the ending guaranteed that Endgame would be underwhelming without some clever way of handling the issues it created, and Disney just didn't have one.

the way they should have done that scene is, Thanos snaps, he THINKS his snap worked, but then his whole army starts to disintegrate and he looks round and Iron Man is dead with the active gauntlet.

the reason the movie version is cheesy is because the whole universe is at stake, so Stark would just snap the moment he could. any one-liner is out of character.

I found repeat watching of IW to be a bore.
And I just rewatched Endgame and it really started dragging, particularly when they go back to get the stones.
Endgame has the edge on noteable moments, though.
Really can't say I'd want to sit and rewatch either.
But the crowd at the theater tonight went crazy during the end battle scenes.

Yeah, it seems to me that they only planned infinity war and then had no idea how to actually resolve that in a satisfying and logical way.

IW definitely was the better movie

>Professor Hulk outta nowhere, felt like that should've been its own movie and not a simple handwaive 'look how different Bruce is now'
>not to mention this erases all the setup of IW where Hulk is traumatized by his fight with Thanos
>THAT scene that's so pointless on so many levels
>made even worse by Spidey's webslinging scene just before that which did a way better job of showing the heroes all cooperating, regardless of gender or race
>endings that undo character growth from all of the movies they appeared in

Also I hadn't seen Captain Marvel yet but holy shit was Brie Larson painful to watch.

Also no-selling the headbutt from Thanos was so godawful even if it was only a few seconds. I would've been more impressed with her character if she'd managed to keep up the fight even if the headbutt had broken her nose or something.

The plot was a bit messy and the time-travel was not presented in a clear and concise way.
Also time-travel in general is a stupid cop-out since they thingamabob'd it out of their ass.

Ideally, if time-travel is already on the table, they would've confronted Thanos on his garden planet, somehow retrieved the time gem and used that to go back and prevent him from getting the stones in the first place. That way at least it makes some sense.

How did Captain America get to 1945 anyway? The only way to control the time period was by Hulk on his console.
I can understand Tony Stark modifies the bracelets to get to 1970 because its his devices which he knows too well. Captain America isnt going to know what to do with them

The problem with Captain Marvel is that her own movie is set in the 90s or something so she never really interacts with the rest of the team in any significant way, shows up out of nowhere and has near-Superman powers right off the bat.
She needed at least 2 movies cracking jokes with the team for anyone to give a shit about who she is.

The time travel charge is used for two trips.
One to the target time and one back.

Cap used one charge to return the gem and then the other charge to go further into the past.

>the other charge to go further into the past
doesn't explain anything.
how further into the past? Again he couldn't calibrate those bracelets to go to a different time period.

I guess he could.

sure, but end game also doesn't show her having any flaws or struggling.

the first time she meets Thanos she has him in a headlock in seconds and looks like she's about to give him a noogie if he doesn't talk

the only time she experiences something even close to a struggle is when Thanos ragdolls her in the big fight, which inflicts 0 damage. then in their last encounter he tries the aforementioned headbutt, which has even less effect.

she was completely unrelatable so seeing her felt more like a nuisance

the man is a dinosaur who just about figured out something was running on electricity. Nothing implies he knew how to use these bracelets other than to press the button

Yeah they didn't really know what to do with her.
I'm guessing she'll become more prominent in the next MCU phase.

The CM movie apparently made enough money for her to have legs as a character but even if she fails they can always tag her along into space adventures with the GotG crew.

I just hope they don't plan on using her as a get out of jail free card again.

but hey, maybe we'll get lucky and she'll end up dying of cancer like Mar-Vell

He didn't have to use the second charge right away.
He could've stayed at the first travel point for a year or longer to figure out it or ask someone there and then made the second jump.

Or he could've asked Hulk or Pym or whoever before even making the first jump and simply kept quiet about it.

>tag her along into space adventures with the GotG crew.
Not if that's where Chris Hemsworth is planning to be.

How did Cap returned the stone in Thor's planet?

they will just retcon her powerlevel in whatever way is necessary to make her viable. honestly if she'd had a proper character arc by now she would have been much more bearable.

You still bought a ticket

You'll still watch all the new Marvel flick

And now there id a part of your brain solely dedicated to the fact that women are more capable than men

Film would have been excellent if it ended before the big fight

The film would have been better and more logically consistent overall if that shit with past Thanos didn’t happen. They could have fleshed out the time travel infinity stone story and you could easily shave off over an hour. It felt like they needed to make an epic battle just because, when the whole thing felt stupid and forced as fuck. They literally have the infinity gauntlet, and multiple people who can use it, but just make it land at the feet of Hawkeye the useless cuck to create tension.

>It’s like The Last Jedi all over again
I think in terms of it ruining the future narrative of the universe it's actually much much worse. Even if they somehow returned the stones to where they were supposed to be which doesn't seem likely (Because, how the fuck do you return the soul stone, or put the mind and space stones back into their housing?) in the end the Thanos and his army they beat wasn't even from their time!
Essentially ever single character in future films has to be a person that got snapped and never experienced the 5 years between the first and last snap. Other then maybe Doctor Strange I can't imagine any of the movie addressing any of this so "Just don't think about it." has to become the modus operandi for the entire franchise from now on openly.
Things may not have made sense in the past but this is the end of things ever making any sense again.

>going to ruin Monday at the office for all the Marvelfags with that one

My previous plot wrecker was pointing out that Thanos only had to destroy the most useless of the stones in order to render the gauntlet useless to the Avengers, while still being able to protect himself from all but Captain Plotarmor.

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