I spoiled end game for a friend now he says i'm dead to him, how do I solve this?

I spoiled end game for a friend now he says i'm dead to him, how do I solve this?

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You'll make plenty of other friends when you hit high school

i'm 32

Get a better friend. If he would disown you over capeshit he was never a true friend to begin with. Really makes me question your judgement a little.

Not anymore you're not

Good luck with your presentation on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer tomorrow, little user.

Spoil GoT and then Star Wars when it comes out

On purpose or by accident?

you have to become a zombie so you're undead to him

You don't, you know what you did
Move on

If he's taking capeshit that seriously in the first place he should have already had some doubts.

Got kicked out of ex-highschool WhatsApp group for saying Han solo dies. Life is like that OP, you gotta lose some to win some

Why are millennials such garbage people?

DAB and offer him a taco.

Male friends your own age.

Was your friend also in their 30s? What's the deal with these fucking capeshit manbabies?

Mock him for caring that captain america dies

Blow him.

he's 16

suck him dry, it always works

If he got offended for that then you are better off getting a new one, a real friend won't do that bullshit.

You're an asshole and remedy it by finding better friends.

This. If OP was legit being a cunt and spoiled the ending to a 22 movie franchise on purpose for someone he considers a friend, I'd disown him too.

Sure it's capeshit, but ruining someone's fun just because you're a dipshit still makes you a garbage person. Ruining it for randos online is funny, but someone who's supposedly a friend IRL? yeah I'd drop him too.

Stop grooming kids with capeshit tickets, user

Don't hang out with him and you both win.

>op is 32 years old
>is friends with a 16 yold boy
>ruins the finale of something that started when the 16 yold boy was 6 years old
>literally ruins the finale of something this boy grew up to
>doesn't see what he did wrong

You are not 32 years old, op. You are a 6 years old kid in a grown up body

I don't see the problem. Your friend showed his true colors. He values capeshit more than anything else. Cut ties with these brainless consumers.

make a parallel to how tony and cap make up during the movie.

I completely agree with you. With 'friends' like that, who needs enemies? lmao

Had a leftist numale friend who was telling me how people were spoiling the film on r3ddit and how they should be arrested.

every time I see RDJ's lifts I imagine him awkwardly walking like Cotton Hill to this