Why is Yea Forums so pleb? Honest question...

Why is Yea Forums so pleb? Honest question, it's like if all Yea Forums talked about was Hunger Games and Harry Potter or Yea Forums talked about Taylor Swift and Maroon 5.

I'm being sincere. I don't mean to call out any individual's taste but the number of Endgame/GOT threads is kind of confusing, given the general taste of the other media boards.

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Is Endgame Taylor Swift and GOT Maroon 5 or the other way around?

>le popular things are bad
kys yourself

It's going to go from this to full blown gore isn't it?

For some of you young people reading this: the use of the word 'nigger, faggot,...' and posting violence and gore is meant as a deterrent.


it used to be worse though: child pornography everywhere, viruses, sick sick shit.

The internet at large has grown soft and the entry level has grown steeper. If you want to go into the rabbit hole as a casual. And I don't mind that. Some things people shouldn't see, unless they want their souls to grouw callous.

What bothers me is you can get acces to pornography and violence as a child with relative ease. And the level is amped up times a hundred. That, in combination with them having to walk the tight rope with political correctness and in combination with economical circumstances and technological progress... It's a fucking powderkeg. We all know it. But were does it lead to? No one knows. Religion and totalitarianism again probably. We should nuke the internet and globalism: we weren't ready for it yet.

That's not what i'm necessarily saying

watching tv and films isn't a niche hobby at all
every casual thinks they belong here

there's also a subset of Yea Forumsposter who is derisive of anything with any mainstream appeal whatsoever, even if it has artistic merit as well, so if you're making an effort to get into better work, for example discussing PTA or Ozu or something, you're going to get shat on by someone who thinks obscurity is the highest value.

It's a very strange two opposite ends of the spectrum who feed off each other and are equally obnoxious.

Also most people on Yea Forums, even ones who care about film, straight up just do not think television is a worthy medium.
Because many 'cinephiles' don't care much about story, or character, they care about artistic value and symbolism.

While television is more a writers medium for storytelling, rather than art.

So even though you have Bergman, Jane Campion, David Lynch, Park Chan Wook, Todd Haynes, etc all choosing to make television, most people with good taste in film, don't respect it.

So the good modern television shows are barely even discussed and Yea Forums pretends there aren't any outside of a handful of mid 00s HBO shows.
You'll never see a My Brilliant Friend thread, or people talking about Olive Kitteridge, for example.

People lack the theoretic repertoire to discuss things in Depth anyway, its not like Yea Forums reads bela Balzs or something like that

Because L O S T ended and the flood of newfags hasn’t stopped since. This board doesn’t have a dedicated community anymore, only underage shitposters

Television is intrinsically associated with the news and world events.
Tv/film has the absolute lowest barrier of entry, and the least amount of intelligence required to judge/criticize the medium.
Yea Forums is the easiest board for outsiders to come to.
(Bad/lowbrow) Films and television shows have much more frequent and aggressive marketing than books and music.
Therefore nigger nigger capeshit twitter screencap ah bloo bloo

I don't think you need a formal education to talk about a film or a tv show beyond a superficial level

>bela Balzs
Does she do anal?

>dedicated group of marvel watchers
reddit is that way buddy

Yeah you dont, thats why Yea Forums is just people saying what movie they like most and doing charts, thats why I dont get the elitism around here, sure Fellini is good and a genius, but apart from saying they liked it and thinking they are better than capeshitters because they watch good movies, people cant go further than that. Because if you actually want to discuss cinema in depth its hard and you need theoretical basis or at least understanding of Film analysis and how to break it down and so on

t. Marvel fag

>Yeah you dont [need a formal education to talk about a film or a tv show beyond a superficial level]
>if you actually want to discuss cinema in depth its hard and you need theoretical basis or at least understanding of Film analysis

which one is it user?

But yeah, I agree with you, having an interesting discussion about films is different from having 'good taste'.
You can have an interesting discussion about anything really.

And people who think they have good taste in film, but have no idea about contemporary filmmaking and think only classics are good, are equally alienated from filmmaking and have poor taste themselves.

If you want to have a in depth discussion you need theoretical basis and knowledge to break down things, there are papers and doctorates about many movies and works, you cant properly discuss Einsenstein without academic knowledge. Above superficial level yeah sure, you can say you like this frame or that one, the editing or some story beat, but its just that, saying watch they like

I think you're wrong, and i suspect that your arrogant ivory tower position might be accompanied by a lack of knowledge of contemporary filmmaking and culture in general.
What are ten of your favorite films from this decade?

Im not arrogant, Im the exact opposite, people here claim the are great when everyone is really the same. Like this question of asking what are my favorite movies from the last decade are, this is just stupid question and just shows how you are exactly what i am talking about, some sort of movie buff gatekeeper who think they are superior. brothers coen are one of my favorite filmmakers btw, so I watch more contemporary than old classics really. As if makes a difference

because this board is full of redditors, i mean we have a /got general for fuck sake, and most of them are redditors. So i'm not surprised, they talk so much about capeshit, GOT, and shit like this.

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Christ, you guys are shit. I'd never thought I'd live to see the day, but watching movies and reading books is going to be a punishable offense pretty soon. Remember that scene from Se7en, where they got a hold of John Doe Because he rented a book? That should've been a red flag. I'm scarce with what I give out on the internet, but I'm not tech savy, so basically my whole life is up there for grabs. I'm not a criminal, so I'm not worried. But they way even 'thoughts' are being shut down has gotten me worried a bit. It is true that history is written by the victors. And then it makes you wonder, if this is in effect the first time that this is happening or has it happened before. It makes you question reality, because the state, you've been raised to believe is providing you with an objective truth suddenly turns out to be of questionable intent. What else is questionable? I might've watched too many movies, but I'm getting to a point where I'm literally finding myself in the midst of a Philip K. Dick novel. But it's presented itself in a different way. If I were to describe my reality to an outsider he would tell me to get the fuck out.

You think that people need specific academic skills and knowledge, presumably like you have, to have an indepth discussion about film. That's arrogant and you're wrong. You can discuss the ideas in a film simply by knowing about ideas. You can discuss stories on a deeper level just by being a human in a culture with stories. You can discuss performances, and any other facet of the craft just by having watched a lot of films and caring about it. And you can discuss the artistic merit, mood, tone, aesthetics of something without any formal training either.

And thinking that someone without a formal education cannot, is contradictory to saying that everyone is the same. You keep contradicting yourself.

I don't mean to flex on your taste, and i got you wrong on that front, so sorry, but I find that a lot of people here who think their tertiary education makes them superior 'cinephiles' or whatever, also don't care for or know about modern film.


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We're living in a tiny tiny snippet of history where the entirety of culture and media is easily available to almost anyone in society and we can consume any of it at our leisure.
We're exceptionally lucky and have more opportunity to view dissenting ideas than any other people who have ever lived. Information is exceptionally free, and for you to think you live in a repressive dystopic nightmare is absurd.

Society in general may be cajoled into a tiny window of things, but the opportunities for a free thinking person in the west are unrivaled in all of history.

Hell, we even have an actual totalitarian state in parallel to us to compare our lives to.
Do you have any idea how actually repressive the Chinese government is?

We are free. And relinquishing your freedom to paranoia is a kind of self imposed imprisonment.

Yeah right, go write something worthwhile about any movie without academic knowledge, you cant. Discussing films the way you talk about anyone can, thats the point, there is no difference between someone who loves the avengers and someone who watches and the Lars movies and the Greek weird wave, the knowledge in filmmaking in general is the same, so you guys should stop making stupid threads saying people are pleb because they like endgame or something, l watched endgame, its fun thats the point. Just saying you guys claiming you are the great film enthusiasts and analysis while having no true knowledge about it apart from watching a lot of movies, and theres a big difference in just watching a movie and watching it with a specific analytical mind set, are no better than any other people here. Thats the point, stop gatekeepig and saying shit about other people taste cus you really cant back your shit up

Education does make you superior, in the way that you have a foundation of trial and error of your predecessors to build upon.

This might seem unrelated, but it's the only example I know of. Freud and Jung overlapped at one point. But I remember reading about Jung saying
> I remember reading about Jung saying
See how slippery this is.
anyways, onwards we go. He said there was a point were further discussion with Freud was impossible, because he lacked the foundation the past had laid out there for him. One sought truth through being as broad as possible and taking in as many things as possible, the other sought it through being concentrated and going as small as possible. Neither arrived at a definitive conclusion, but they are both the hallmarks of a man.

I can shoot the shit about movies anytime you want, but it's far more interesting to talk about movies with someone who has a broader knowledge on the subject.

You did not address a single thing that I said in response to your point, you simply restated your point and then elaborated on it a bit.
Which is confusing, because you claim to have a formal education, yet are incapable of actually having an argument.
It seems like the tertiary system has failed you.

Do you understand the irony of thinking that you're capable of a higher level of discourse than others, and yet also accusing them of gatekeeping?

You read about K.e. Coffman. There's an active censorship going down. If I can believe this, Objectivity is not the highest good anymore and we will be of the last to experience the opportunities for a free thinking person to move freely. If we were ever.

So, you're saying that there is no real distinction between the level of discussion which -anyone- lacking a formal academic education can have?

>Education does make you superior, in the way that you have a foundation of trial and error of your predecessors to build upon.
Depends on the education. All these retards studying sociology and these pseudoscience/humanities subjects often come out more stupid. If you get a good traditional stem degree from a well known school i would agree generally. But there are other forms of education which school does nkt teach.

Also Freud was a fucking hack who couldnt take criticism and only kept people who agreed with him in his circle, hks work has been discredited.

Because you're a faggot

STEM only makes you smart in that specific subject, humanities are much more well rounded.

In terms of the capability to analyse and discuss films at an indepth level, a stem degree is totally irrelevant compared to a liberal arts degree. Even though i'm arguing that the lack of a formal education in general is not necessarily going to make you incapable of analyzing films.

What you're saying is also totally irrelevant to our discussion.

The world is vast. You can find examples to support anything you wish to believe or obsess yourself with. Considering yourself in a dystopic nightmare, whilst being lucky enough to live in the most free society ever, is both absurd, and self imposed.

Also, another way to look at this, is that if you do not have any filmmaking experience, or professional filmmaking experience, then you are unqualified to discuss film. That any academic credentials are totally theoretical and secondary.

Because you learn an enormous amount from being on a film set, which is simply not translated into a classroom.

It's not to say that a film student can't talk about film, but just that they are not the highest form of being.

>ou read about K.e. Coffman
just looked this up and it seems to be a debacle about neo-nazi sources around german war efforts

so you think you live in a dystopia because of censorship of literal nazis?

Who do you think would have more insight into film, you (with a formal education), or Tarantino, who went to films and not film school?

The biggest problem are mods. They should regulate the amount of GoT and capeshit threads. There can be few threads but a full catalog full of them, that's absurd. I just don't understand why mods don't delete the threads. Some fucking idiot just creates thread to talk about his opinion on Endgame, but there already are threads where he can post his opinion. I just don't understand the mindset of these idiots.

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lol triggered

>Self imposed
The truth is that it is. I can be free anytime I want to. But it comes at a cost. You need to stand to lose everything if you want to be free. I prefer my confinement, but I prefer it to be exactly the way I want to. Which is impossible. Why do you think I'm on here.
So we agree? There's people in the room so I can't give you my full attention.
If that's what you want to take from what I said we are at a standoff. Maybe I communicated poorly or you could be a virgin faggot. I'm guessing the latter.

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>that's what you want to take from what I said we are at a standoff
I hadn't heard of him and I don't know what the issue is, so i'm genuinely asking you. Explain what you meant and why it's an issue.



>I prefer my confinement
>[i prefer not to be free]

So why again, is the issue with a dystopic society, and not your own cowardice and delusions?

GoT already has it's own general. Anything related to that shit needs to be contained there at all cost. All capeshit should also be bundled up into one general so the rest of the board is free from most of this garbage.

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1) because, it's far easier for me to place blame and guilt outside of myself.
2) Because you can not simply do what you want. Sometimes you feel like killing people, sometimes you feel like loving people.

If I were to act as a free person, I would've died a long time ago. I prefer to live a long time, partly cowardice, partly because I enjoy being here.

Because the barrier of entry for discussing films is much lower than for music or books. To bash a song you actually need to think a bit of you want to say more than "it's bad lol" and books kinda require you to read a book. Movies just have you watch for two hours then you can discuss every quip to exhaustion.

lol ok i respect your self awareness
and the concept of 'freedom' is not a simple one when one person's freedom infringes on another's.

We unironically need a sneed for capeshit

Wtf is with all these typo's and capital sins against language? It's like a secret handshake or something or you all just retarded?

tv/movies is a low brow medium meant to reach the lowest common denominator, but since it takes even less effort than listening to music or reading you get the real dummies.