>be an actual pedophile >Get found out >Make an excuse that sounds like it came out of a simpson episode >Get rehired by Disney and forgiven by manchildren numales because your movies help them forget they're complete failures
>Likes little boys. >Makes great movies. Literally /ourguy/. You're a newfag, OP.
Brandon Russell
>>be an actual pedophile >>Get found out >>Make an excuse that sounds like it came out of a simpson episode >>Get rehired by Disney and forgiven by manchildren numales because your movies help them forget they're complete failures Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there. Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
Dominic Scott
Because he's a faggot pedo. >straight pedo = monster >faggot pedo = STUNNING AND BRAVE
Since when did a legit pedo board freak out about pedo jokes this bad?
Sebastian Reyes
I was just reading an article about James Gunn. The writer stated James Gunn was fired because "alt right trolls dug up old tweets". Like what? You mean like everybody on both sides of the political spectrum does? Also how the fuck is it "digging up" when HE POSTED IT ON THE INTERNET.
Aiden Gonzalez
As long as he is the one making GotG3 he can fuck whatever he wants.
Aaron Kelly
Because there's different standards for famous liberals, user, how is this still new to you.
i remember when the internet conservatives were the ones trying to argue that people should be able to make edgy jokes without having their careers and lives ruined, what happened to that?
Asher Perez
>help them forget they're complete failures You’re posting in Yea Forums dude, you’re right here with us.
Tyler Lee
It was a marketing scam
Nathaniel Gutierrez
>he didn't put a baby in this
Connor Sanders
>if you make an off colour joke you're an actual pedophile
Dominic Ross
"Rules for Radicals" user. >always hold your enemy to his own standards. Faggots have been ignored or accepted in Hollywood since before any of us were born. When they became preachy and a part of the "ME TOO" crowd, they became fair game.
No "wing" is pro freedom of anything. SJWs are just a shitty sequel of the 80s "Moral Majority". Same posturing. Same expressions of offense. Same fucking kids up the ass at a family reunion.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Coin sides err they're like coins have sides n shit
Dylan Sanders
Damn he sounds based af
Jeremiah Wright
Gunn is based because he triggers /pol/tards
Jackson Morales
Simple. He never got filmed touching children or even spending a significant amount of time being around them. All you ever got was cosplay, jokes, and stuffing his legal adult girlfriend in suitcases. And all of that shit is as legal as fast food.
Juan Garcia
No, but I can hope he's 100% /ourguy/.
Leo Myers
Yeah, it's all the same in the America. And it's going to be that way until the collapse which you think will never come.
Ethan Evans
There's a certain percentage of the population who are either environmentally or genetically predisposed to fanaticism. It doesn't matter if it's religious, moral, political, or even over a sports team. These people will always find a way to rationalise and act on their violent and destructive impulses. We will never be rid of these fucking crazies because there's one born every minute and they'll take any fucking excuse to act out and ruin shit for everybody else.
This realisation is actually depressing.
Nolan King
> Newfags and redditor hates pedo This board full of pedo, weebs, mass shooter, and Zoomer. GTFO you faggot.
Austin Nelson
Why would you need pictures to know if someone is a pedophile? You don't actually have to molest any kids to be a pedophile you know. I mean we're supposed to believe someone like Trump is a racist monster despite ZERO evidence proving he's a racist monster, yet Gunn can attend/host pedophile-themed parties, be best friends with someone he shared pedophile memes with who's a convicted pedophile, and make tons of pedophile jokes and comments.... but that's not evidence he's a pedophile?
Alexander Thomas
>yurop >right-wing LOL there's no right-wing in that shit hole. Just commies and center left-wingers.
Matthew Miller
You find a man standing over a dead body with a gun lying on the ground, and the man standing is wearing gloves. No one else is in the room. BUT OF COURSE THE GUY IS INNOCENT BEVAUSE THERE'S NO PROOF HE DID IT LOL. I LURVE MARVEL MOVIES HAHA (*SIPS ON MALE SEMEN*)
>the collapse which you think will never come Some of us have been waiting for it with open arms for a long time, eurofag. I just can't be arsed to help it along.
You clearly dont know anything about European politics at all. Why are you making posts about things you are clueless about? Its not even edgy at this point, just embarrassing.
Mason Davis
fucking hell, when did this board become fucking infested with plebbitors?
>Right Wingers complain endlessly about how leftists and liberals will dig up your twitter and ruin your life, how fucked up this is, how it's like modern day witch trials. >Hours and hours of youtube videos are produced on this subject by conservative and alt-right mouthpieces on this travesty >/pol/ decides to do the exact same thing they say is ruining society to James Gunn to get him fired because some of the Marvel movies have progressive influences in them and that makes manbabies mad. >Play dumb whenever they're confronted about this by maintaining that he actually is a pedophile all the while knowing the difference between dumb, edgy jokes and serious pedophillia
You all are complete pieces of shit I hope you know that. James Gunn is fucking based and you can't stop him from producing kino.
>Europe isn't filled with commie faggots preaching dieversity and welcoming their children's demise Oceania is at war with Eurasia. They have always been at war with Eurasia.
I almost applaud alt-right /pol/tards for calling oit Gunn and company for being massive hypocrties over the Roseanne thing. It's hard to take Gunn's side when he himself makes jokes for the sake of being offensive. I saw him at a Q&A and asked what he thought about losing people by being too offensive in humor. He affirmed that anyone offended by his films could get the fuck out of the thearter.
At the same time, these /pol/tards are being massive hypocrites by still calling him an actual pedo for his jokes. The whole point was to turn the offensive machine on itself, not actually become more of a Maude Flanders than the PC Police are. Making pedo jokes doesn't make you a pedo. Even with that asshole online friend of his getting caught with actual cp. Gunn only made jokes and took photos with adult women dressed in schoolgirl outfits.
Yea Forums of all paces should realize how wrong it is to witchunt people for offensive jokes. The whole point was to make fun of how easily offended everyone is these days. You weren't supposed to actually be offended.
Only the libertarian righr wingers, not the neocons and conservatives. Though I am more of an economic middle of the road libertarian, I'm still very libertarian. Something something political compass.
Bentley Thompson
Yeah so the fact that this whole thing started because he said Roseanne should be fired for her tweets just goes to show how much the narrative has been twisted, because anytime I come in these threads it's always, without fail, 100% "he's a literal pedophile".
And you can claim you're all joking ha-ha, but why hide behind it then? Why not hold your ground and maintain he got a taste of his own medicine? The he actually is a pedophile argument completely took the legs out of whatever point /pol/ was trying to make.
Andrew Martin
>the Roseanne thing She's a jew, and the jews still threw her under a bus for not conforming.