I’m so fucked, should I end it all?

Graduating in 8 weeks with a mechanical engineering degree, 3.3 GPA, no relevant work experience or internships, autistic as fuck so no connections anywhere, barely learned anything.

Should I end my life? I have zero future prospects. Oh and I’m a KHHV.

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if dubs we fuck each others ass OP

No, you shouldn't end it all, you stupid fuck. Keep shit posting. You are loved (by me).

Worst case scenario get a normal job I guess. Single people have it easy, no responsibilities or overt pressure, not the same as when raising a family.

Send out a shitload of resumes and be willing to move for a job. You’ll find something.

You should stay here and get called a faggot by me, I agree with this user. Don't end it, just be like the rest of us.

False. Im in the same boat except not autistic and have work experience/internships and I cant find a decent job (have had offers but they were shit). Engineering is a meme degree. Should have went for CS

>tfw got accepted into university for transfer
>not sure if I wanna do CS as planned or business related shit

I dont know if I'm autistic enough for CS. I'm pretty charismatic and can get along and be friends with almost anyone though.

First off. Drop the acronyms ya nerd. Second, what do you like about the world? What is beautiful? Amplify it through the miracle of your existence.

Pretend life is a movie and try your absolute best to get laid before graduating. It becomes 100x harder once you're out of college.

just get a normal job and go to a local pub and just start talking to ppl.
literally nobody gives a shit of what u say, youll end climbing out your shell.
sure, there may be awkward moments, but thats life.

Jesus I seriously might blow my brains out. I see absolutely no way forward in life, my parents and people I used to know will resent and mock me, I’ve got no skills, no relationships, no future, and no prospect of changing any of it. I need to fucking die

if you do math and cs you'll get a 100k job out of college

Don’t be a pussy and take one of the “shit offers” as a start to build experience, use it to get a better job.

Just get a shit job and a shitty place until you can upgrade either. You clearly don't have aspirations, so what were you expecting?

Why would I go to a pub if I don't drink?

I finished college with a 2.9 because I got addicted to cocaine senior year and I’m fine now
I was also a history major

were you born only to get a job with that degree?
if not, then you haven't failed in your purpose, so why would you end your life?

Why are you assuming all this?

You don’t get addicted to cocaine lol fuckin beta

Your parents love you absolutely even if it's not what you need right now.

God, I'm so glad I switched majors. Job guarantee rate of basically 99% right out the door. Sorry, OP, you got dunked on by Pajeet.

I have aspirations but I’m an autistic avoidant weirdo and too afraid to do simple things like apply for internships or get haircuts or call people on the phone

Because it’s how my life has gone this far, I see no reason it will change

I graduated from a state school with a finance degree and a 3.1 gpa, no internships, no gay "networking", very little work experience, and I still found a decent job out of college?

Stop being a fuckin loser lmao, like another user said just spam job resumes and be prepared to move. You could view moving to a new town/city as a good thing.

Your only failure is being the OP of this thread, thus a faggot. Quit whining, you don't exist to work.

Well that's a shame, but I don't see how this is television or film related.

CS is a meme degree unless you're an aspie who started programming at age 12

I know you're going to deny everything I'm about to say, but this is exactly how my mind worked when I was depressed. Everything was hopeless and nothing would ever work. You need to make some lifestyle changes before it's too late, start going for walks every day, and if you feel you're up to it start lifting weights ASAP. It will change your life.

If situation is really dire, look into getting a teacher credential in your state. In most states you are looking at about two semesters more of school and they'll usually help you find a within the program.

I graduated with a music degree last year. I'm doing okay.

>3.3 gpa
>liberal arts major
i'm so fucked but at least alcohol exists lmao

I already lift weights 5 days a week, often times I feel worse after finishing because I see myself in the mirror next to everyone else and realize how much uglier and smaller I am than them

My entire life has been a failure which is why I’ve failed to integrate into society and failed to reach several key developmental milestones

Business colleges are set up such that networking and connections are a very integrated part of operations. Of course you'll find a decent job with a Finance degree. Other colleges don't stress networking nearly as much and the students just simply accept the assumption that their piece of paper alone upon completion is enough. It's not.

Handshakes and rapport are the currency of job acquisition.

In the past useless weaklings like you would have just died of some disease as an infant or been used as cannon fodder in some war.

Ending your life takes you to the next stage but you might not have leveled up your stats enough to do well. It’s like exploring too far in Souls games

yes kill yourself. nobody cares

You’ll be fine with that degree. You may have to start lower than you think, but you’ll get a job.

My younger siblings will I’m sure. Although they’d probably understand when they got to my age and they realized what an abject loser I was the whole time

You don’t know how bad things are here,dude.
I am a high school drop out in a shithole country where there are no job prospects and My sister is mentally ill.I have no friends and no hope for anything in my life.everyday when I sleep I wish that It will be my last night here and I hope to die to in my sleep.Consider yourself lucky,you have countless opportunities.You can still turn things around easily.

kek I'm in the same boat with uni. fuck that gay shit

Man I'm smaller and uglier than plenty of the people at my gym, but what matters is when I started I was THE smallest and THE ugliest and I'm not anymore. It's a journey not a competition, and nobody can fault you for not having progressed as far as other people as long as you're trying. You sound literally exactly like I used to, I'm just as much of a loser as I used to be but I've completely changed my perspective and things don't seem so hopeless anymore.

3.3 in ME is pretty good, dummy

First world problems are more like jokes compared to what goes on in the third world. Good luck user.

cringe and bluepilled

careers are all derived from nepotism or breaking the normie bubble.
it's all rigged from the start.

>dont be a pussy
Fuck off faggot. The job i was offered was literally 100 hr weeks. And when you arent on the clock you still live at location in a trailer that you share with at least one other guy. Furthermore you dont get any set days off. You get maybe 3-4 days off between jobs and then go back out. Meanwhile jobs can last anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months. The cherry on top if the shit pie is that the job didnt even actually require my degree, they just prefer it. And why not? They dont pay degreed guys more. Also news flash. Every job doesnt give you good experience. Most engineering jobs require "engineering" experience. So fuck off with this stupid boomer logic of "just go out keep your head down and work hard and you will be rewarded." The world doesnt work that way.

I wouldnt recommend killing yourself user. Id take a shitty job before doing that. At least you have a degree thats something. Worst case scenario get a masters. Maybe it will help.

Shut the fuck up you whiny faggot. You have a degree, you're young and you have your whole life ahead of you.
So fuck off. You're not getting sympathy from boomer fuckups like me. Fuuuuuuuuck you

Just join some program that builds structures in third world shitholes for a year or two. Experience plus they usually offer full room and board.

Bro,I live in France and graduated with a law degree with the shittiest grade of my class last year. But because I have good social skills I met a lawyer and I'm paid 3000 euros /month and I'll soon become a lawyer while the rest of my class is jobless, grades don't matter, just seize all the opportunities that are thrown at you

> Could stay in school for another two years and get his degree any other engineering major.

And couldn't pick up a part time job or internship in this economy? What a prize you are.

At least you have a really solid excuse for being pitiful.

God, posting in this thread feels so embarrassing.

have you thought about ... not being like that? I know you're literally going through depression, but try being just selfish and owning up to it?

>4.1 GPA in college
>majoring in CS
>cant find an internship


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Tru, but only partially. The real name of the game, what really gives you the edge outside of just nepotism is familiarity and reputation.

If you play the wallflower all throughout college and never establish rapport or reputation, you will be hard pressed finding a job. Who are you? Conversely, if you do make yourself known and establish for yourself a reputation with professors and recruiters and the like, your odds go up because now they remember you and they remember that time you made them laugh and pretty soon you have an in. It's no guarantee, but then again, never trying IS a guarantee that you'll never find that job you want.

Trust me,it doesn’t make things better it hurts like hell.When I was a kid I had so many dreams about what I will do when I grow up now all I have is misery.You still have so many don’t throw it.

I worked on the manufacturing floor at a large company during the summers doing grunt work. Was too scared to apply for internships, thought I was too dumb. I know I’m not a prize, that’s why I’m considering ending it. I can’t imagine anyone will want me.

I’ve already had so much life and the results are always the same, I’m genetic dogshit who can’t make friends or do basic task or hold a conversation.

Nah. Most CS majors i got found jobs pretty easily since there is a big demand for them in basically any industry. And thats the other deal. Their skills are more flexible. You can move between industries easier. Engineers often get shoehorned.

Again this is horse shit. Most of the time, unless the move isnt far, companies would rather hire someone more local. Why wouldnt they?

>waahhhh I don’t want to do hard work to start my career
>verified pussy

Why can’t you find an internship user?

> They want me to work 100 hours a week, 7 days a week!

Not if you're hourly they don't. There are labor laws.

And if you're exempt, stop bitching. That's what goes with jobs.

>close to 30
>no degree
>never had a job
>no friends
And still I would never kill myself. Just stop giving a fuck dude

>finally get a job
>hate it

c'est la vie

I don't know where to start looking. I'm also horrible socially and people have flat up told me that I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm just "unlikeable".

Do you even need an internship for CS?
Can't you just rev up Github and work on whatever the fuck you want?

bro at least you're graduating..... meanwhile (me)

Bruh, you're graduating college. To me that's a huge achievement. Your future prospects will skyrocket. Spend a little time meditating, and just try to imagine the kind of freedom you've been afforded.

T o what?

Here's you interview answer.

I worked down on the floor a saw so many ways to use the skills I learned in school to improve the product and process. For example...

And so on.


Not memeing, have you tried looksmaxing? Like styling your hair, having decent fashion, putting on muscle, getting a tan? Maybe you still won’t be good looking but it’ll make you more personable by default

atleast you're graduating on time :(

Dude, just hold out until Yang is president then get your Yangbux.

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Just kill yourself, janny.

>So what would you say your weaknesses are?

the fuck kind of question is that you cunt

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Apply outside of your specialty. I'm a mechanical engineer currently working in telecom. I hate it but it's a stepping stone for me and I need the resume. Same boat.

Sage though, back to r9k

OP got absolutely dabbed on by based misery pornstar.

At least you didn't get a meme degree like I did. What the fuck do you do with a political science degree.

I'm graduating next year and it scares the hell out of me. The fact I've done nothing with my time outside of class besides go to work and play video games is soul crushing and it makes me feel so far behind its not even funny.

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>If you play the wallflower all throughout college and never establish rapport or reputation, you will be hard pressed finding a job.

That’s bullshit, I never had an internship or any experience when I graduated with a degree in chemistry. I sent out tons of resumes and took a job at shitty chemical plant for a couple of years and used the experience to get a much better job. That’s how it works for most normal people.

Yep... you know right where this ones going

what can you really say? i always stumble on that one. if i say my real weakness then they're obviously not going to hire me.

I graduated with a Poli Sci degree in 2005. My advice is take the first job offer you get.

Damn, I was pulling for you, faggot.

I want an online job. I don't want to get out of my house ever again. I'm a bitch, and I accepted that.

Don’t say your real weaknesses then, just make up some shit.

unironically join the military



seek help, user

> if you are hourly they dont
Except thats where you are wrong nigger since its literally an hourly job.

>bro just work hard youll move up
>just live out in a field for up to 90% of your time giving up any semblence of a life you might have for 70k a year it doesnt matter that the job doesnt even require a degree or give you any sort of related experience to your field of study so 5 years down the line you will still be living out in that field
Yeah again fuck off with this. Im gonna go ahead and assume you probably work ar mcdonalds and this is the shit your father told you to make you feel better about scraping grease off a cooker.

brainlet junior majoring in business operations and business analytics am I fucked?

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I am, I made a thread on Yea Forums and /sci/ (which won’t be deleted like this one). I’m way to scared to ever see a therapist, let alone tell them the truth.

>implying he will even get the interview

How good at you at making frapachinos?

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might as well post in this shit thread for advice
anons, what do you suggest doing if I wont graduate on time(or maybe never considering the amount of backlogs)?
P.S Im from a third world shithole where even people with degrees have a hard time finding jobs.

What's up my brother? I'm graduating this semester too in Computer Science with an overall gpa of 3.5 (because I was lazy and had no work ethic when I went to college the first time around before dropping out of EE at a good school and transferring to my current local school) and a major/current school GPA of 4.0 but it's my local no name university in my hometown as I'm living with my parents. No work experience, no internships, no actual job prospects in my town aside from maybe working for city as an IT monkey, no car or licence and am anxious about driving in general, no friends, and a shit memory that I feel is forgetting everything I've learned these past years day by day.

I have literally no clue what the fuck I am going to do with myself but I am too much of a coward to kill myself and I also don't want to make my mom cry over my death. If you live in a decent area you might be able to learn some basic programming webdev over the course of a few months and find a job doing that desu. Programming is honestly easy once you get past the syntax and 'le coding is hard' memes it's just basic logic and math (probably how I'm getting literally all A's since I've switched to Computer Science) and I'd fully expect a mechanical engineer being able to grasp all the necessary concepts with relative ease. I hate webdev but that's probably what I'll have to end up doing to feed myself. Also a wizard in training only four years left until my powers manifest.

Polite sage for all this blogpost shitposting. Also is there any good depressive movies about wasting your life out there?

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And what exactly about telecom work experience will get you a job as a mech.E?

Is that the official title of your program? Under which branch of the college does it fall under?

>second semester of college
>planning on going into electrical engineering
>still have zero fucking clue what electrical engineering and what it entails other than a good salary if I find a job
>all I really want to do is make music
I genuinely miss being underage. At least then I wasn't worrying about what I was going to do with my life

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Which country?

you're fucked unless you get an internship this summer. absolutely fucked.
probably under business lmao

I'm 22 and have wasted a majority of my life doing poorly in school, staying up all night on the internet, and taking near lethal amounts of cough medicine. Now I'm coming to the realization that I'm gonna have to work my whole life just to support an existence I'm not strong enough to find anything in it I enjoy. But I can't kill myself because I'm too scared of what comes after. I'm so unhappy and I'm too childlike and autistic to do anything.

>third world shithole where even people with degrees have a hard time finding jobs

so same as the 1st world lmao

Its a south asian country with a population >1 bn

>more pussy talk
You just expect to be handed a high paying cushy job right out of school? You probably take your mom with you to the interview, right?


not Yea Forums related, r9k is down the hall to the left. Also 3,3 gpa is good

>he fell for the engineering meme

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i work at walmart and never done food

The business program at university of oregon has 5 concentrations: finance, operations/analytics, management, marketing, and sports. accounting is completely separate from the business school


>I'm gonna have to work my whole life just to support an existence I'm not strong enough to find anything in it I enjoy.
This is the issue, if I was at least looking forwards towards something I'd work like a beast, but I know jobs are just corporate nightmares for 99% of the population.

If you're worried about graduating "on time", don't worry about that. Trust me, it's a literal meme and lie that a lot of students graduate within 4 years. The actual average for most is 5-6 years. The people who graduate in 4 usually have no other lives, jobs or other occupations barring them from their studies.

But if you're worried about not graduating at all, well...I don't know what to tell you other than you need to do some soul searching. Find out what you really want.

Well no, I mean Colleges of Business usually have different departments, like Accounting, Finance, Economics, Marketing, etc. I want to know if it's under any of those departments or just a general "Business" Degree.

get a 3d printer. learn useful machines. easy to do while wallowing.

>Ph.D. in Math
>any job I want
>$300k starting

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>4.1 GPA
>weighted GPA
Your school actually uses weighted GPAs?

I see. I believe Operations & Analytics would basically just be another term for Logistics. Is that what you're studying? If so, you can for sure think about getting a job at firms that depend heavily upon Logistics, such as Amazon and UPS, even Walmart, which you said you're working at right now. Perhaps ask around.

Every single person I've ever seen talk about CS says it's a huge goddamned meme, it's not going to do you any good unless you are exceptional.

Why are people so scared of the idea of working for a living? It's really not that bad once you're in a routine.

Took me 6 years, double majored in chemistry and biology so it took me longer. Made zero difference in finding a job.

Because your life literally flies by when you’re in a routine

I'm doing more applicable stuff than I am at a grocery store. Here's a black pill - unless you're resume is killer you're not gonna walk into some cushy design job. Most engineers aren't doing real engineering. They're doing boring data entry and drawings. But if you know how to spin your experience, then you can get where you want so long as you keep your other skills fresh.

Personally, I'll need to go to grad school I think though. I'm more interested in electrical engineering but I didn't have time to specialize in that before I left. So meh.

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>says it's a huge goddamned meme
Did CS, this is true 100%

ah. there's still hope. start looking for something during the school year
10-20 hours a week should be easily doable, especially if you are only doing 12-15 credits a semester.
make it unpaid if you have to. you're looking for experience and three (3) strong references.