ITT: Villains who got what they deserved

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nothing more cringier than Jewish murder fantasies .

It's clearly sympathetic towards the victim.

>Kept his pride, values and honor until the very end. Never begged, never gave up his soldiers positions, never showed fear. Looked his killer in the eyes.

I'm honestly surprised they let a scene like this make it in the movie. I personally felt alot of respect for the Nazi. Idk how normies would see a scene like this though.

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>*subscribes to pewdiepie*


They forget about it the second the bat hits his head and the laugh track kicks in

I was a normie when I watched this movie and it went over my head. Just thought about how Adam Sandler would've been better for the part than torture-porn guy.

>muh pride for a guy who would betray him anyway
It just showed how stupidly fanatic Nazis were, to the point were being executed becomes a power fantasy for you. Tarantino knows his shit.

I'm not surprised a shitskin doesn't understand honor and valor

Imagine having pride in being a loser


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>honor and valor
>start the war by bombing a hospital

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The left really is shit at memeing. Do you faggots ever do anything original

>Frustrated by the Poles' refusal to surrender, Bethke requested a rail car full of gasoline. Danzig's fire department pumped it into the basement, and it was then ignited by a hand grenade.[4] After three Poles were burned alive (bringing the total Polish casualties to six killed in action), the rest decided to capitulate. The first two people to leave the building, director Dr. Jan Michoń, carrying a white flag, and commandant Józef Wąsik, were shot by the Germans. The rest of the Poles were allowed to surrender and leave the burning building.
Such honor!
>Sixteen wounded prisoners were sent to the Gestapo hospital, where six subsequently died (including the 10-year-old Erwina). The other 28 were first imprisoned in the police building and, after a few days, sent to Victoriaschule, where they were interrogated and tortured.[5]
>The prisoners were mostly executed by firing squad led by SS-Sturmbannführer Max Pauly (later commandant of the Neuengamme concentration camp) on 5 October and buried in a mass grave at the cemetery of Danzig-Saspe (Zaspa).[3] One, Leon Fuz, was later recognized and murdered in the Stutthof concentration camp in November.
Such valor!

>Break every rule of war you can remember until it starts dawning on you that you may lose
>Whine and moan incessantly TO THIS DAY about every single case of getting a taste of their own medicine
>but muh honor and valor


have sex

You guys know we're talking about a single, individual character right? We're not talking about the entirety of nazi Germany or its government. I wasn't even political when I watched this scene and still felt respect for the SINGLE INDIVIDUAL Nazi. I doubt I'd have the strength to do the same thing he did. Why do i feel like this is all jew shilling?

Had hitler not gone weeb he would have won


>Why do i feel like this is all jew shilling?

Because you're mentally ill and your sickness is being informed by a hateful site inhabited by sick in the head Nazi apologists.

don't you have a place of worship to shoot up terrorist?

I wish that were true my nigger friend.

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>thats so plebbit
Go virtue signal somewhere else shitskin, also nice projections turbo nigger.