Arnold's Guatemalan lovechild graduated from college. Do you feel old yet?
Arnold's Guatemalan lovechild graduated from college. Do you feel old yet?
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i guess
Can't wait for him to start building my fancy German cars!
>chad latino halfbreed
meanwhile the white man in the usa
If he's white he'll be lonely all night
If he's brown he's goin down
he's a goblino but his gf is hot
That's his dad, not his gf
>in 35 years arnie went from bricklayer immigrant to Governor of the 11th biggest economy in the world
How the fuck. Is it just boomer privilege and genetics or is he a literal ubermensch
He doesn't have doubt in his mind. Look at his life and read his autobiography, he just gets an idea into his head and goes and does it without even considering there might be failure and just works towards the goal until he gets it then he sets a new goal.
the boomer era was a GOAT time which is why boomers are not respected at all.
Meanwhile his Kennedy children are ugly fat mutts.
His brother/relative is a crossdresser who does drag shows.
The bastard needs a good nosejob and would looks WAY better.
Why does the US allow a literal immigrant to hold public office??
You can hold any office except that of the executive. You have to understand that, back in the day, immigrants were cut from a different cloth.
afaik only the president and vp have to be born in the us
You're forgetting that Arnie fucked California up bad, which is saying a lot as that state seems to want to fuck itself.
This is fucking bullshit and extremely dangerous for the public interest IMO. What if China sent an immigrant to the US, helped him through childhood and supported his election campaign to become a governor or senator and act in the interest of China??
God imagine a bastard being your best male offspring
>Arnie fucked California up bad
That state is already zoned and gerrymandered to its own interests. The unions and their pensions own the municipal decisions. Not to mention every gold digging wannabe that wants gibs to keep up with the Kardashians.
Ain't that a rich kid party school?
How was he able to have children with the shit-ton of steroids he used to take?
The costs of pulling off an act of espionage like that would far outweigh the benefits. It's cheaper to just overthrow the entire government.
Why does everyone in these threads jack off over his mutt son and completely forget he has a legitimate chad son who looks exactly like him and isnt a fat retard?
Literal genetics
Too strong to kill
yeah none of that means he didn't do a shit job as well fag
Also, my uncle knew this guy in undergrad:
because he's a scrawny faggot, at least the spic son works out which is literally Arnold legacy
He looks like he belongs in this website.
Nice argument. Glad we could have this talk
This guy smells like a CIA puppet
I'm a commiefornian, and while everything you said is true, that still doesn't negate the absolute disaster of a job he did and the shitfest he turned over. If Arnie wasn't such an incompetent retard I'd assume he was just corrupt, but he was worse - stupid and gullible.
"Joseph, you son of a bitch!"
Idk I think he's pretty into lifting just obviously not trying to be a bodybuilder
Cope harder lmao
>muh boomer privilege
Arnold transcends your generational shitflinging. He's an extremely strong-willed man, capable of whatever the fuck he wants through sheer ambition. Mr. Universe, renowned actor, state governor in a foreign country, all accomplished just because he worked for it. He embodies what we all should strive to be. If your mindset is that he had it "easy" or that you'll never be able to accomplish your dreams because of the era in which you were born, you are limiting yourself.
because Yea Forums is full of brown dudes trying to cope
>wow this rich pampered half-breed with godly genetics and a personal trainer is just like me
Good point
All of Arnold's books are literally ghostwritten. Anyone can become Mr Universe when you take he right amount of Tren/Test/Insulin/HGH and becoming a governor isn't that difficult when you literally have entire hollywood shilling for you.
Take arnolds cock out of your mouth and stop glorifying a drug abuser.
So did I. Cant find any decent jobs though. So theres that.
>hot kennedy mom
>hot arnold dad
>ugly maid mom
>hot arnold dad
it's basic science
>Anyone can become Mr Universe when you take he right amount of Tren/Test/Insulin/HGH
it's simple the two brothers don't care since there made the other is coping hard after years of trying to get his dad's attention
>tries to fight gerrymandering
>brings on democratic economic advisor because he is actually trying outside of partisan bullshit
>tries to reduce salaries of those in law enforcement and corrections especially those earning 6 figures for training that got discontinued
>tries to reopen libraries and parks from 3 days to actual full weeks
>fags didn't want to pay for it so had to release about 30k prisoners into general populace making him even more unpopular
>everyone who supported measures he tried for and that all got defeated all lost their seats in returning elections
He became governor after Davis in what was the collapse of dotcom boom and went out during GFC. People were looking for a strong man to save them and picked a movie star. He could have done better but he tried towards the end and wasn't the only one trying.
That state is literal communism. Fuck everyone there.
That's just Tilda Swinson
Why would they go through all that hassle? Just buy off a native born politician. no waiting time required.
>tfw you date your waifu and then break up
>anyone can become mr universe
>anyone can become a hollywood action star
>anyone can become governor of california
This is your mind on inceldom
desu in one generation of his bastard fucking white women the family will be back to spaniard levels of whiteness
>even his bastard son with a maid is a giga-chad, professional bodybuilder, AND high-scoring business graduate from Pepperdine University
It's not fucking fair bros. Arnold just oozes success from every pore. It's on his loins.
He was already a millionaire thanks to his investments before he ever became famous. Then he became a champion bodybuilder. Then he became the biggest action star in the world. Then he became the governor of an economy bigger than Russia. I think he's legitimately just that talented and driven.
Congress members have to be citizens for a certain number of years. But doesn’t the same paranoia extend to the President? What if chinese agents come to the us, have a baby here, and then work to make him president? Like a 21st century Manchurian candidate
what are lobbyist sweet child
The fat fuck looks like he could be the chadest of them all nevertheless he chose the Yea Forums lyfe
He is rumored to be a fag
i love how hes always happy around him but not his legit children
Mirin Hurley's calves
arnold married the kennedy for political reasons not that hard to see. it's like the clintons except arnold didn't give a shit since he'll never be president (the real dream that he wanted to achieve not ca gov)
Yeah, he looks like he truly loves that luz extinguida, probably because the dude even lifts
his son is so ugly
hes literally a miniature mutt version of him who didnt grow up rich and spoiled so he probably sees himself in him a lot more
i actually some both of them at the oktoberfest in munich last year and they had great chemistry
>He was already a millionaire thanks to his investments before he ever became famous. Then he became a champion bodybuilder.
Other way around.
>Take arnolds cock out of your mouth and stop glorifying a drug abuser.
Sorry that your career never went beyond The Incredible Hulk, Lou!!!FACT!!!
Looks like a twink fuckboi!!!FACT!!!
based and redpilled
>He doesn't have doubt in his mind.
This is 100% correct. Confidence transcends everything else. He said "I'm going to do that" and did whatever he put his mind and body to!!!FACT!!!
He got rich because he was fortunate to not be hit by the earthquake while his competitors did. So he swooped in and made a fat stack of cash. This allowed him to dedicate time to lifting, buying food and roids to reach his genetic potential and then use his aesthetics to make movies. But other people itt will suck him off for being “strong willed hard worker.” When he had the benefit of the boomer prosperity and sheer luck of being able to capitalize on a natural disaster
>lol his wh*toid kids are fucking ugly bro LA RRRRRAZA
Keep coping mutts
I want to ________ his daughters
true chad
the mutt son looks completely white though, that's what makes it so funny, he even has blue eyes lmao
his legimitate children are more attractive looking though, especially in the face
Based Chris Pratt
Bags of sand
Oh gross dude. I was hoping it would be Patrick
enter in a holy union with either of
salty coins and lactose free milk
He got into america because he was in mr. Olympys finals and became second place. You are retarded.
This and he had insane "pain resistance" and was able to work for crazy amounts of time on high pressure. Shit that would have made your average man give up fast. He also always put thought into making sure he worked smart, no matter what he did.
>Be the child of an A+-list celebrity, essentially the closest thing Americans have to royalty
>Be a non-white for affirmative action points
>Best you can do is fucking Pepperdine
doubt . he was some poor kid from Austria. And you don't make money (back then) from being a body builder unless you're the biggest name in the sport, or you get an acting gig
> Money was a problem in their household; Schwarzenegger recalled that one of the highlights of his youth was when the family bought a refrigerator.
i hope you're larping. if not you're a huge fag